C25K ~ Is anyone else starting their 3rd week?



  • joleejo216
    Just finished week 3 this morning! Will start week 4 Monday. :) It is getting easier, and I never thought I'd say that!
  • joleejo216
    Hi guys! First day of Week 4 this morning! I made it, and am feeling pretty good. How is everyone else doing???
  • katieruns
    I am staring Week 4 tomorrow morning. I have a question... are you running time or have you considered transitioning to distance at this point? I am really thinking about changing to distance to make sure that I am completing 3.1 by the time I am done, but not sure how I feel about doing strictly track work at this point.

    How did you feel while you were doing week 4? And WTG btw :D:D:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • katieruns
    WTG Bethany!!!! So glad you got through it!!!! I have week 4 looming and I am skirred!!! LOL
  • katieruns
    I'm just finishing up the last week of B210k (after C25k) and you guys can all do it! Everyone has doubts but you can do it! Oh and most people repeat a week or a workout here and there, no big deal! Great that there are so many people getting out there!


    Thanks so much for the encouragment!!! I start Week 4 tomorrow. I was going to head out this morning but I ended up getting caught up in housework and pulling my lunch together for work. It'll have to be in the am tomorrow. How did week 4 go for you? Do you recall?
  • joleejo216
    I am staring Week 4 tomorrow morning. I have a question... are you running time or have you considered transitioning to distance at this point? I am really thinking about changing to distance to make sure that I am completing 3.1 by the time I am done, but not sure how I feel about doing strictly track work at this point.

    How did you feel while you were doing week 4? And WTG btw :D:D:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I am running time for now. Was at my mom's this morning for a funeral so I ran on the track up there. In the 16 mins of running I did, I ran about 1.3 miles. I am shooting for running a 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning, and am scheduled to be done with C25k with 2 weeks to spare. I am planning (for now!) to take that extra 2 weeks and make up the difference between running 30 mins and running a full 5k. I felt really good this morning! Good luck, you CAN do it! :)
  • katieruns
    Just finished W4D1 and I spanked that baby!!!! Took 2 full minutes off my pace!!! I know it's because we're running longer and walking shorter but that feels soooo good... I am starting to feel like a runner again!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVED it!!!

    WTG Jolee!!!!! I am doing the Surfn Santa which is the next weekend... and at this point I should have about the same to spare.... maybe an additional week??? Mine is December 3rd!! We're going to do great!! We all are!!! :)
  • shaynes14
    shaynes14 Posts: 106 Member
    I am a week behind you guys, but I know I will enjoy watching this thread. There's nothing like seeing someone who has "been there, done that" and survived. Tomorrow I hope to accomplish W3 D2. The second 3 minute run seemed hard so I am trying not to look at those longer runs in the weeks ahead. Thanks for your optimism and enthusiasm!
  • Ck228
    Ck228 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey Guys, I am thinking about starting the c25k, have been kinda playing on the track and on the treadmill. Which way are you doing it and do you have an app that is telling you when to start and stop?. Please tell me how you all got started. Do you do it first thing in the day or later in the afternoon. I want to but am so afraid of failing or hurting myself. You all seem to be doing great. Oh and I am about 60lbs over weigh. Should I wait till I have lost more or start now. Suggestions please:flowerforyou:
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Best of luck to you all, I graduate this week, my next run will be Week 9 Day 3! I was in the exact same boat as your guys Week 3 seemed like a serious step up for me from Week 2 when i did it. and really struggled however, now im running for 36 Minutes straight! (best 5K time) as well as loosing well over a 20 pounds. Never before had i ever thought id be able to run continuously for more than 3 miles.

    From here on im going to get faster a 5K and then more on to B210K. All because of this program, that i saw one day and thought "oh ill have a blast of that!" lol
  • katieruns
    Shaynes, when I did W3D2 way back when (last week LOL) I was dying!! But the temp was up and I wasn't feeling it at all... but I finished it and I felt so accomplished... today I was a nervous wreck... I thought if I have to run even 3 minutes again I'll be exhausted by when she said I was finished I was like WOW my body did that and then when the 5 minute run passed I was shocked and so excited...and then the same for the second set!! I was totally stoked!!! You'll do great, just watch!!!

    Ck228 I have over 100 to lose and I am so glad I started now... I know when I lose more weight my legs are going to be crazy strong from running around with over 250+ on my 5'4" frame... that just sounds awful when I see that number!! BLECH!!! Just go slow and take your time.... I am by no means an expert, but so far I've dragged this ton of fun around my neighborhood for almost a month now and it's getting easier... when I had to run that first one minute run I was bushed... today I did 5 minutes twice along with the 3 minutes twice... which to some people may not seem like a lot, but for me I felt so excited and started feeling like a runner as cross street after cross street passed and I was still running... it's a great feeling!!!

    Gravy thanks so much for your words of encouragement!! And WTG on the weight loss!!! I have only lost 6 but I do feel some things changing on my body as far as size and I know C25K is not a weight loss program but a get fitter program.... Congrats on your last run!!!! My big fear looming was today LOL and now of course it's W5D3. Any hints, tips, and advice for the newbies here???? My first 5K is December 3rd and I'll end this program November 14th so I'll have some time to really nail down that 5K and will be into the first week of my 1/2 training... so anything you could throw our way would be greatly appreciated and again GREAT JOB and CONGRATS!!!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Gravy thanks so much for your words of encouragement!! And WTG on the weight loss!!! I have only lost 6 but I do feel some things changing on my body as far as size and I know C25K is not a weight loss program but a get fitter program.... Congrats on your last run!!!! My big fear looming was today LOL and now of course it's W5D3. Any hints, tips, and advice for the newbies here???? My first 5K is December 3rd and I'll end this program November 14th so I'll have some time to really nail down that 5K and will be into the first week of my 1/2 training... so anything you could throw our way would be greatly appreciated and again GREAT JOB and CONGRATS!!!

    Thank you katieruns.

    This was my blog i wrote just a couple of hours after completing the 20 minute run on W5D3.


    It is very long winded i guess but most of my friends list really enjoyed reading it.

    In summary, it outlines that this program and running in general is not easy; you have to put the effort in, and you will always make little mistakes that sometimes knocks you off balance. But the fact is, if you keep putting in the effort, the rewards out-weigh anything that you have put yourself through to get there. You get this sense of absolute high and personal acheivement, that no one can take from you! And by God, it's addictive :)

    My tips are hydrate, learn from your mistakes and above all enjoy it! :)

    I hope you get to read my Blog; as i kind of wrote it for everyone on my friends list who is also doing C25K, and was just alittle behind me in terms of days, and also apprehenceive about W5D3 too.
  • joleejo216
    Just got back from my W4D2 run. Feeling good still. So encouraging to have a group who is in this with me! Hope you all have a great day!
  • katieruns
    Gravy that was a great blog post!!! I sure hope it's goes as well for me. How is your current program working out???

    Jolee great job!!! I'm glad you did so great!!!

    I skipped my run this morning as Michael is off today and I hate giving up snuggle time with him :smooched: :heart:, but I am definitely going out tomorrow morning. He gets up at 5am and I usually go while he's in the shower and stuff. I am super anxious about it. I am just praying it goes as well as the first one.
  • katieruns
    So I did W4D2 and felt like I was going to puke after my second 5 minute run, but I didn't quit and kept pushing until I was done!! When I got home and logged my distance I knocked a whole 1:14 mpm off my pace from two days ago. I thought I was dragging so I kept pushing to get through, I guess I pushed too fast and that's why I wanted to toss my cookies ( or rather my steak and salad from late dinner last night...maybe that's why I felt so sick) But either way I finished it at exactly 13 mpm pace. I am pretty stoked about it, but will have to tell myself to slow down next time.

    I got my new irish green tech training tee in the mail yesterday. It's a Run For God tee. :)http://www.runforgod.com/ Our church is doing a small group around this, which I couldn't join because I work until 8:30 pm, but I still joined and we're all running in our tees for the Surfn Santa 5K in December. I am excited!!!! It's a 2XL which is already kinda loose on me YAY!! I'm hoping by Dec 2nd it'll be way loose. I reckon I'll be wearing a long sleeve tee under it anyway.

    Hope everyone is having a great C25K week 4!!! Keep it up!!! We can do it!!!!
  • joleejo216
    Well, it wasn't pretty, but W4D3 is done. Note to self: Do NOT eat Chick Fil-a and Coldstone Creamery at 9 pm at night and then expect to have a good run. Good news is that I kept going and finished! On to Week 5 Monday.

    Katie, what are you using to tell you what your mpm and distance are? I am curious! I don't know what pace I am really doing, just that I am covering around 2 miles in the 30 mins.

    Have a great weekend!

  • joleejo216
    Okay. Ran this evening because I just didn't want to get out of bed this morning when my alarm went off. I like running in the morning better. But, I made it through...just was tired already when I started. Did W5D1. Keep on moving, that's what I am telling myself. :)

  • katieruns
    Hey Jolee...sorry for taking so long to reply... I didn't look at the message board this weekend. I use mapmyrun.com and it tells me the mileage and then I input the time it took me to complete and it calculates how many mpm. It gives you the average as I don't split my walks and runs into separate catgories, so it's my overall average. Which gets better the more we run and the less we walk. How was W5D1??? I do that tomorrow morning.... still so intimidated by W5D3. UGH!!

    Oh I finished W4D3 and it was ok. I was excited. My time was a bit higher than the last run, but I didn't feel anywhere near like I had to throw up LOL.... I was happy with it. We are doing so great!!!!! It's too bad we don't live closer, we could run together.
  • joleejo216
    Hey Jolee...sorry for taking so long to reply... I didn't look at the message board this weekend. I use mapmyrun.com and it tells me the mileage and then I input the time it took me to complete and it calculates how many mpm. It gives you the average as I don't split my walks and runs into separate catgories, so it's my overall average. Which gets better the more we run and the less we walk. How was W5D1??? I do that tomorrow morning.... still so intimidated by W5D3. UGH!!

    Oh I finished W4D3 and it was ok. I was excited. My time was a bit higher than the last run, but I didn't feel anywhere near like I had to throw up LOL.... I was happy with it. We are doing so great!!!!! It's too bad we don't live closer, we could run together.
    W5D1 was fine. I was just tired from the day already. I will do W5D2 in the morning. :) And I wish we lived closer too, I have a feeling we'd have alot in common! At least we have each other as online buddies! Hope your run goes well in the morning. I will have to check out mapmyrun. We ARE doing great! Go us!
  • katieruns
    OK So I almost didn't run this am... but I went to check my mail and my sport armband was sitting in the box so I HAD to try it out!!! It was so much nicer than tucking my phone into my bra strap LOL.

    I spent ALL DAY yesterday snacking on sunflower seeds and then dinner which had a higher than normal sodium level with the extra spices I used. I was like 4 minutes into the warm up walk and I was parched!!! I knew I was in for a miserable run. I considered stopping especially during the last 5 minute run, but I distracted myself by praying for all the people in the houses as I ran past and begging God to make the running part stop... LOL and it did about a minute later. But I am soooo excited because I am doing it and pushing my body and it's managing. It's such an amazing feeling. I would get winded just 5 weeks ago walking 5 minutes from the mall parking garage to my work and up the stairs and now I don't even break a sweat. It's such a great feeling.

    I am a little nervous about W5D2 and of course W5D3 and Jolee I have to say I am so glad you are doing it before me so I can hear your feedback. I am up 1.5 lbs today and I don't know if it's from the sodium or if TOM is around. (I had a partial hyster so I have no idea about anything anymore LOL) All I know is my boobs are killing me and I gained a lb and a half overnight.

    Hope everyone is doing great!!! Good luck tomorrow Jolee!! I think we definitely have a lot in common. It's so nice to have a running partner even if it's just cyber. :) Have a great rest of your day!!!