Should I give up BREAD? :\

Read an article today..

Does bread really cause belly fat? I eat Ezekiel 4:9 Whole Sprouted Grain bread.. I have at least 2 slices everyday. However.. some people on MFP have said they cut out bread completely and it has helped with belly fat or losing weight.. one responded to my last post about bread saying "bread is a weight loss killer."

Anyone on here that eats bread everyday but still has success as far as weight loss or maintaing their weight and not gaining?? Just need some advice on this. Thanks


  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    Do not give up bread!!! 100% whole wheat, or 100% whole grain bread is an essential part of our diets!! complex carbs do not cause you to get fat, they cause you to lose weight, I eat about 6 slices of bread a day, but 100% whole wheat bread.... white bread is bad, but not the good kind!
    Read an article today..

    Does bread really cause belly fat? I eat Ezekiel 4:9 Whole Sprouted Grain bread.. I have at least 2 slices everyday. However.. some people on MFP have said they cut out bread completely and it has helped with belly fat or losing weight.. one responded to my last post about bread saying "bread is a weight loss killer."

    Anyone on here that eats bread everyday but still has success as far as weight loss or maintaing their weight and not gaining?? Just need some advice on this. Thanks
  • I do eat breat, but only about two slices, only whole grain and organic and only for breakfast or late a.m.-snack. After that it makes me feel stuffed and uncomfortable. Same with pasta, even if it's whole grain. Let your body decide about how good it is for you. If you're watching yourself closely, you'll find out!

    Good luck!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Ezekiel bread is excellent for you and it recommended in the Eat Clean Diet Book. I just started using it myself. As the previous poster said, complex carbs are essential to a healthy diet. Don't give it up!
  • I eat bread maybe three times a week and don't have a problem with the weight lose. As of right now, I can only eat white bread due to medical issues and haven't gained any weight. Wheat is better for you. I say keep eating it
  • I absolutely LOVE bread: toast, sandwiches or just a slice or bread and butter if I fancy!! Unfortunately I have IBS which kicks off if I eat too much bread (among other things) and I don't believe I digest it properly as it makes me feel bloated.

    However - I'm a big believer in nothing being totally off limits. As long as you get your proportions right and a good balance of diet, exercise and enjoyment - don't cut anything out totally if you enjoy it - No point being super-skinny and frickin miserable ;-)

    And as Glenr79 points out, complex carbs are essential in any diet.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    As long as it's whole grain bread you don't need to cut it out. Remember, this is about overall lifestyle changes that you will live with for the rest of your life, not just about doing whatever you can/want/need to do in order to lose weight. If you want to never eat bread for the rest of your life, go ahead. But if you're going to eat it after you reach your goal weight there's nothing wrong with eating while you're losing weight.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Whole grain especially ones with seeds and that on them are sooo good for you, and yummy toasted! When they process the wheat and flour for white bread they strip half of the goodness out so you get 'empty' calories.

    I have white in pizza crusts which is bad for me but pizza is my monthly treat.

    Egg pasta and none wholewheat pastas really dont agree with me and bloat me right out which I have only found out through watching what I eat.

    Dont give up bread though, limit white and keep the wholewheat/grain!!!
  • I love bread. i dont think i could ever give it up
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    The only people "bread" is really bad for are people who are gluten intolerant/have Celiac...and we just eat GF bread instead.
  • The priority is to avoid white flour bread/pasta/cereal. Experiment with avoiding wheat based breads if you feel bread might be an issue for you. Ezekiel is an excellent option for most people. There are a lot of breads on the market currently made from other grains as well. just watch the calories, obviously. That is where most people get into trouble using breads as a staple.
  • I've been thinking about trying out daves killer bread.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Anyone on here that eats bread everyday but still has success as far as weight loss or maintaing their weight and not gaining?? Just need some advice on this. Thanks

  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Anyone on here that eats bread everyday but still has success as far as weight loss or maintaing their weight and not gaining?? Just need some advice on this. Thanks


    Yes. Make sufficient protein your #1 priority. Then healthy fats. Everything else just doesn't matter all that much... Eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your calorie alottment.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Read an article today..

    Does bread really cause belly fat? I eat Ezekiel 4:9 Whole Sprouted Grain bread.. I have at least 2 slices everyday. However.. some people on MFP have said they cut out bread completely and it has helped with belly fat or losing weight.. one responded to my last post about bread saying "bread is a weight loss killer."

    Anyone on here that eats bread everyday but still has success as far as weight loss or maintaing their weight and not gaining?? Just need some advice on this. Thanks

    I eat bread products everyday and have maintained my weight for 3 ish years (5 lb range) It is calories not carbs or bread that make you lose/gain or maintain. Plus if you Ezekiel bread that is full of great nutritional stuff, including protein. No reason to give it up.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Do not give up bread!!! 100% whole wheat, or 100% whole grain bread is an essential part of our diets!!

    Calling any of this "essential" seems like a bit of a stretch. What if I just don't like wheat or bread so I choose not to eat it? Do I need to take a wheat/bread supplement? Will I develop a wheat/bread deficiency?
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    i eat bagels, bread, pasta, potatos, dumplings, and biscuits whenever i want. Bread isnt bad, especially ezeikiel bread. Its the added sugar, oil, and sodium in most brands that gets you. if you are within your carbs and sugar while munching on toast its okay. Now, if i eat a bagelthin at breakfast i wont eat a baked potato or sandwich at lunch. And i always strive to get at least 30g more protein than carbs daily.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Do not give up bread!!! 100% whole wheat, or 100% whole grain bread is an essential part of our diets!!

    Calling any of this "essential" seems like a bit of a stretch. What if I just don't like wheat or bread so I choose not to eat it? Do I need to take a wheat/bread supplement? Will I develop a wheat/bread deficiency?

    lol. I literally laughed out loud when I read that... :laugh: Perhaps the person who wrote it meant 'important' as opposed to essential in the sense that your body cannot create it and a deficiency will form if not consumed as part of your diet.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Do not give up bread!!! 100% whole wheat, or 100% whole grain bread is an essential part of our diets!!

    Calling any of this "essential" seems like a bit of a stretch. What if I just don't like wheat or bread so I choose not to eat it? Do I need to take a wheat/bread supplement? Will I develop a wheat/bread deficiency?

    Hahaha! Yes, you will need to supplement with beer :laugh: *kidding!*
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I eat all sorts of bread and don't have any belly fat and don't randomly gain weight from it.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    lol. I literally laughed out loud when I read that... :laugh: Perhaps the person who wrote it meant 'important' as opposed to essential in the sense that your body cannot create it and a deficiency will form if not consumed as part of your diet.

    It's not even "important". There's nothing you get from bread that you can't get from other natural sources like fruits and vegetables.