Should I give up BREAD? :\



  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member

    Bread is not bad for you. Stick with the basics. Balance your calories and you will lose weight. I find the sandwich thins which are low in cal but I enjoy a Subway sandwich or texas garlic toast every now and then.

    Just know that 1 carb = 4 calories. 1 protein is 4 calories, and 1 fat gram is 9 calories. Find the balance of the macronutrients (which you can use from MFP). Some people like the tip the scale for protein and less carbs, etc. However you want, just know what you are doing.
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    you need whole grains, obviously you know nothing about diet, how can you get whole grains from fruits and vegetables?? lol I laughed out loud when you said that too....[
    lol. I literally laughed out loud when I read that... :laugh: Perhaps the person who wrote it meant 'important' as opposed to essential in the sense that your body cannot create it and a deficiency will form if not consumed as part of your diet.

    It's not even "important". There's nothing you get from bread that you can't get from other natural sources like fruits and vegetables.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    you need whole grains

    For? Who has a grain deficiency?
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I think that grains, especially bread and things like tortillas and naan, etc. are, for many people, culturally important and even psychologically important. But nutritionally important? That's a bit suspect. Let's look at how 100g of sprouted wheat bread compares with 100g of beef liver:



    Why don't I hear people saying "You NEED liver"?
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    you need whole grains

  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    you need whole grains, obviously you know nothing about diet, how can you get whole grains from fruits and vegetables?? lol I laughed out loud when you said that too....

    Um, no you don't NEED whole grains.

    What we do need are essential fatty acids and complete proteins (a complete protein is one containing all nine essential amino acids). Whole grains do not provide any, none, nada, complete essental fatty acid or complete protein. Even whole grains, not just refined grain products, require fortification, in some cases by law because processing removes nutrients. Some sprouted grain bread products provide some amino acids but no grain product provides a complete protein.
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    Everyone is getting too technical for the poor girl.

    Just judge for yourself. If you love and eat a lot of bread type of items, then stay away from it. However, if you can budget yourself a small slice here and there (or look for the sandwich thins), then not only are they less calories but you can still enjoy bread now and then.

    Bread isn't bad for you and won't crash your diet if you have small amounts. Though I recommend staying away from White Bread just for the fact it loses some of its nutrients during the bleaching process.
  • Do I need to take a wheat/bread supplement? Will I develop a wheat/bread deficiency?

    Please don't give any ideas to the supplement industry! ; )

    On topic: Bread is simply a convenient delivery platform for grains (portable, pliable, multifunctional). Grains can be nutritionally important for most people, but some people can be fine wothout if they are getting enough fruits and vegetables. Cooked rice, quinoa, millet, etc have grains value are far less easily abused by the general population.
  • I too was wondering the same thing .this makes me happy I saw this topic and knew I had to read it I haven't ate bread in a week and I am craving it so bad... whole grain I am headed to the store.. this is so helpful...
  • No, you shouldn't give up bread. Also, as somebody said, try replacing white bread with whole bread. Also you should find out how many carbs per day to lose weight you need. Once you find that out, you'll know how much of bread you can eat daily.
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    My bariatric dr (i have pcos) had told me time and again there is NO reason that we need bread. (nutritionally) or grains. And I BINGE like the freakin' cookie monster when i get some white bread (which is like CRACK to me and causes an insulin spike/feelings of calm and wellness...) Same with any white sugar/flour... Coma inducing pleasure which keeps me a fluffy unhealthy person...

    So for ME - cutting bread is a MUST. Because whole grain is the gateway bread for me. But whole grains have nutritional value, and if you're eating bread as people say, choose healthier breads. And use it as the top (tiny part) of your food pyramid.

    If bread is messing with your insulin, you're building up more hormones etc that will keep fat in your abdomen, and the more there is, the more that's put out creating a vicous cycle - men don't seem to have the issue as much, because it can also be estrogen related (convincing your body to store and hold on to fat.)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Are you allergic? If yes, then give it up. If no, then don't.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    From your picture, it looks like you should be eating MORE bread. :wink:
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    One of my MFP peeps did an experiment with veggie only eating for a week and got rid of her belly fat. I don't think it's bread in whole as much as the type of bread some people eat anything and everything and don't gain a pound. I know a few.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    The question you should be asking is CAN you give up bread, not SHOULD you.

    I lost weight while eating 100% whole grain wheat bread pretty much every day. I was one of those people who say they can't live without bread, so I switched from white to whole grain, and it didn't hinder my weight loss. However, once I lost the weight and decided to start working on body composition and losing body fat, I did give up bread entirely. I haven't eaten a slice of bread in nearly 2 months, and I honestly don't miss it at all. I never have cravings for bread, and I have no problem passing up the bread basket at restaurants.

    What I would recommend to you, if and only if you think giving up bread will help you achieve your goals, is to try it for a while. See if you can truly live without it long-term. If you can't, there is no point in trying to lose weight by giving up bread because you will gain it back when you go back to your "normal" eating habits. If it's important to you to have bread in your diet, then you just have to learn how to eat it in moderation.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    The question you should be asking is CAN you give up bread, not SHOULD you.

    I lost weight while eating 100% whole grain wheat bread pretty much every day. I was one of those people who say they can't live without bread, so I switched from white to whole grain, and it didn't hinder my weight loss. However, once I lost the weight and decided to start working on body composition and losing body fat, I did give up bread entirely. I haven't eaten a slice of bread in nearly 2 months, and I honestly don't miss it at all. I never have cravings for bread, and I have no problem passing up the bread basket at restaurants.

    What I would recommend to you, if and only if you think giving up bread will help you achieve your goals, is to try it for a while. See if you can truly live without it long-term. If you can't, there is no point in trying to lose weight by giving up bread because you will gain it back when you go back to your "normal" eating habits. If it's important to you to have bread in your diet, then you just have to learn how to eat it in moderation.
    Now THAT'S HOW YOU GIVE ADVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love:
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Don't give up bread.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Everything can make you fat if you eat enough of it. Wheat bread > white bread.

    Bread is only bad if you're allergic or sensitive to gluten... but they make gluten-free bread as well.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Everything can make you fat if you eat enough of it. Wheat bread > white bread.

    Bread is only bad if you're allergic or sensitive to gluten... but they make gluten-free bread as well.
    REALLY, (copied from
    One last fact, did you know that a celery diet could be lethal, why? It takes more energy (calories), to eat a head of celery then the celery provides. However I realise that a celery only diet would be rather boring.

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