Spouse brings home candy, cookies, ice cream etc.



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm more concerned for the kids, really...
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    my husband is a thin man who doesn't "have" to watch what he eats. I have to buy him seperate snacks and he has a cabinet just for him. Mason and I buy healthier snacks and I leave them where everyone can see them so he and I know that those are our options. As soon as I get home from the grocery store I cut the fruit and veggies and arrange some of the healther snacks in a bowl on the counter so there is no excuses for unhealthy snacking. I make sure my husband knows where is snacks are and they need to stay out of sight so Mason and I aren't tempted!
  • rozserrano
    I understand completely! I think it's my husband's way of showing me that he's thinking of me to bring home "goodies". A lot of time he brings home healthier versions of junk food and when I complain about the cabinets being full of snacks he says, "at least it's healthy". What I can't get through to him is that even if it is "healthy" it's still extra calories that I don't need!!! and he doesn't have a weight problem so he just doesn't get it! Maybe we could tell them if they want snacks to keep them in a locked cabinet in the basement or in the trunk of their car---or at work....anywhere but where they are going to tempt us!!
  • rozserrano
    I agree 100% about the respect aspect MikeSEA! I feel like if he REALLY loves me he will not want me to hate myself for the way I look and will help me in any way he can!
  • Kel3369
    Kel3369 Posts: 83 Member
    That can be a big problem. I would say out of sight out of mind. Throw it away or store it away where it isn't a temptation. If you can get your kids off of that crap they will be better off down the line so maybe it would be good to limit them on sweets. I think if you educate kids on nutrition and get them involved in the process they tend to make fairly good choices as long as healthy foods are made available to them. I guess you need to decide if anything is behind him bringing these sweets home. You don't think he is trying to sabotage your weight loss in any way do you? Only you can answer that but maybe he just wants to eat the sweets! lol No matter what the reasons I wish you all the best in solving this problem. I think the fact that you realize there is a problem in the first place means you will take the steps needed to solve it. Good Luck! :)
  • virgiithinkican
    I've tried talking, getting mad at him, guilt tripping him. Here's the thing, I know it's my problem. Not his. Yes, if he cared he wouldn't do it but he doesn't. Because he doesn't think he has a problem and isn't on the same page as me on the whole healthier habits thing. Right now, he sees this as MY thing and he probably resents it a little. Everytime I decide I'm going to show him that I can stand up to his sabotaging by resisting the things I love, I fail. I really like the separate box or cabinet idea but for now I'm going to have to be more drastic and throw it away. He might get mad, but the kids and I will be healthier and he can join us when he's ready. It's all going in the garbage until I get better at having it less and less. And we can all go out for a treat every now and then. I want my family to know that it's okay to have that stuff sparingly and that a healthier lifestyle doesn't mean total restriction. BTW, my kids aren't overweight and they enjoy eating fruits and veggies. I'm usually the one that ends up eating the junk food while they're in school!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Throw it all in the trash
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Throw it all in the trash
    Wrong! Spray windex on it...
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Throw it all in the trash
    Wrong! Spray windex on it...

    You are right. Spray it first.
  • doinit4tayzie
    My husband works at a bakery. So i feel your pain, and i love sweets. Luckly we are kinda over everything they make there. Anyway maybe you can make a deal with him. He only brings a special treat home on Friday nights or something. Mean while maybe you can find some alternitive "snacks" that he and the kids will like and not even miss the other stuff? I know eaiser said then done. Ummm maybe bring home frozen yogurt instead of ice cream and strawberries instead of chocolate and you can make sundaes? I dunno just some ideas best of luck.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    My husband would by my favorite candy or snack for me when he stoped at the store, It is his way of saying he was thinking about me. :smooched: I ask him to get me the cheese I like or fresh fruit and that works. I buy him treats that I know he likes that I'm not all that crazy about : and I can stay away from, this way he dose not feel that he is being deprived because I want to lose waight. :flowerforyou: :happy: lso we eat healthy and over time he started eating better also! Good Luck ,::bigsmile:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tell him the kids don't need the junk food either!
  • virgiithinkican
    I told him I posted this yesterday and all about the replies I got. He apologized! Lol! I told him if he brings it home it's going in the trash and he said "then i'm not bringing it home!" So let's see if he keeps his word and I keep mine! Thanks for all the tips everyone. I look forward to trying them.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    tell him u want your kids eating and living a healthier life too :) their wellbeing is just as important as yours and his
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    My honey has a lot of junk food - I buy it for him, he can eat the stuff since I swear he has a negative BMI lol. BUT - I buy separate snacks for me, and for the kids. Kids get sugar free regular pudding cups. I get Sugar free jello temptations. He gets nutty buddy's...it works for us. I find if I keep something yummy in the house so I can have a "treat" when I want to, I don't feel tempted to eat the crap I buy for him. You can do it! Be strong, and have a backup plan :)

    so because your partner is thin you let him eat unhealthy, unnutritional foods. im sorry but thats discusting.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    The "no one makes you eat it" line isn't really helpful. Of course it's true, but the point is that the OP would exercise her own willpower by keeping it out of the house entirely. The BF sabotaging her efforts and laughing it off is kind of rude and disrespectful.

    This. He should respect your choices more. X
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    My honey has a lot of junk food - I buy it for him, he can eat the stuff since I swear he has a negative BMI lol. BUT - I buy separate snacks for me, and for the kids. Kids get sugar free regular pudding cups. I get Sugar free jello temptations. He gets nutty buddy's...it works for us. I find if I keep something yummy in the house so I can have a "treat" when I want to, I don't feel tempted to eat the crap I buy for him. You can do it! Be strong, and have a backup plan :)

    so because your partner is thin you let him eat unhealthy, unnutritional foods. im sorry but thats discusting.
    Are you suggesting she try and force feed her husband health food? I'm sorry but that'd be more disgusting.
  • repertoire
    repertoire Posts: 53 Member
    I totally get you. My hubby has a HUGE sweet tooth and brings junk around too much. Last Monday (my weigh in day) I was so happy to tell him I lost 3.8lbs! What does he do? Surprises me with chocolate danishes and a bag a chips to celebrate. WTF? Grrr.

    It's hard. I know I dont' have to eat it...but really...I've only been on this journey for less than 3 weeks. I need some time to break habits and get strong. I don't need temptation place right in front of me right now.

    I told him the day after that I found it very stressful and that is almost seemed like sabotage. He seemed shocked and didn't really think about it...he does not have a weight problem. I didn't get mad at him, but he could clearly see the emotion in my eyes when I discussed it with him.

    He has promised to be more considerate.

    Perhaps just a heart felt talk will do the job for you too?