Sixers Love Yourself Challenge - Week 2



  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Happy Friday!!!!

    I am happy to report 217.5 today! I'm down 1.5 from Tuesday!! :heart: :love: My love comment for the day: I love how I can handle any task thrown my way. I do my best to smile my way through it all :heart:

    Amylou- don't worry about the gain. You will get it off soon. I believe in you. We started this group around the same time so.... I know you have staying power. I also know what its like to miss friends. Enjoy the time you have had w/ her lately

    Amy- you can do it!!! I know you have lots on your plate but baby steps are the best way to handle that. I don't know if you have time to watch tv but I tried squats during the commericals yesterday and I was beat. Every little thing adds up too. Your love comment was wonderful. Your kids will appreciate all your love you give them.

    Katy-keep up the good work

    Robin- I always wished my Mom could have volunteered. That's wondeful, your kids appreciate it so much.

    All others- I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the weekend. :flowerforyou:

    Take care!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Great to have the support of your family isn't it Shanell?? Glad your DH was able to help you curb that craving! It's hard to work through having the munchies.

    Tamm, YAY for a loss! May it remain removed!!

    Well, just checking in. Off to drink some water :wink:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I am at the exact same weight as I have been for over a week now -- 157.5 -- and I am absolutely THRILLED since I have been eating BADLY.

    My marriage of 7.5 years has been in shambles for years. I finally went through my mourning for it this past fall, and told my husband on 12/20 that I wanted a separation. We are no longer compatible and I want a happy, fulfilling life. He deserves one too. The issue came back up Christmas night, and since then he has ignored it, pretending everything is just fine (except no 'relations' or hugs or kisses or 'I love yous', which is something NO relationship should ever be without). I am treading water right now, stuck in a holding pattern. I need to tell my parents, but I feel like a failure. I'm trying to overcome this feeling. We have a daughter (3.5 y/o) which makes this more difficult, not to mention there's never a dime to spare, debt abounds, and I work for a bank recently bought by another bank so my job is in jeopardy for another year or more while we merge.

    So that, my dear Sixers, is why I've been blue. And absent. And lurking. And non responsive. And a night time emotional binge eater (again). This is why I am making myself learn to run, so I can sweat out the hurt, and feel the pain of a newbie running instead of the pain of hurting my husband (to save my soul from breaking any more than it has).

    Why I :heart: Myself:
    I am strong.
    I am compassionate.
    I am passionate.
    I am smart.
    I am worthwhile.
    I am a good person, always striving to be a better person.

    I hope you all have a beautiful weekend! I am going to visit with my best friend a couple hours away and do some shopping. I need new running shoes. :smile:


    PS- I can't believe I have written this. I panicked after it was posted, but decided to leave it up. It makes it more real to see it on the world wide web, available for viewing by anyone.
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    It is good that you can be open and honest like that. We are here to support you. I pray that pain goes away and you can focus on the things you need to be focused on. I am so sorry that you feel the way you do. I hope things get better for you.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Thanks for sharing Lauryn! Sometimes it's hard to keep that brave face on, and I'm sure blurting that made you feel vulnerable. But we're all friends here, and we care about you:flowerforyou: . I give you kudos for knowing yourself and that you deserve to love and to be loved in return.

    My husband tells me that he struggled with the idea of divorce for years before he finally decided to do it. His main reason for finally following through--He was concerned that his boys were learning the wrong things about love and relationships and what they should be. The decision is never easy, and the fact that you told your husband how you felt, and he's pretending nothing happened probably makes it umpteen times harder.

    Take care sweetie, and know that we are all here for you!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Ok ladies, guess what, I dropped 2 pounds since my last weigh in. WoooHOO!!! 177 today. I am so excited!

    pettmybunny- thanks for the advice, I have noticed that about my food diary as well and I am going to work on it, as soon as I can get to the grocery story without having to take my kiddos ;).

    B-2 nature valley oat n honey granola bars, I took a banana to work, but when I opened it, it was brown and mushy, YUCK!
    L-the second half of my sub and no chips this time. Did I mention my sub contained cucumbers, green peppers, shredded carrots, yummie veggies.
    D-not sure, I am going to a ladies night out with a friend to her church and I think it is supposed to be some kind of soup. We shall see.

    I have been drinking water like crazy, it is like I can't get enough. I refilled my 16.9 oz bottle three times at work today.

    I did 30 mins this morning on Wii Jilian MIchaels 2009 Fitness Ultimatum, 203 calories burned.

    Have a great weekend! BTW, my :heart: for today is this, I lost!!!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member

    I have been drinking water like crazy, it is like I can't get enough. I refilled my 16.9 oz bottle three times at work today.

    It's because of all the sodium in what you ate yesterday! And today too... Subway has a horrendous amount of sodium in it (even if it is one of the better fast food choices)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    lurking right now. can't type much. i think i broke my finger i smashed it helping DH make clam chowder tonight and it swellws up and bruised, right between the knucks. he said there wouldn't be much the er could do so no use going. i agree somewhat, thrying to keep it still. applied ice and took some advil. swelling came down some. see what it looks like in the morning.
    eating ok today not great, but, scale showed loss today.
    time to rest, just hit finger on keys.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    :sad: :explode: :mad: :sad: :explode: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :mad: :explode: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I'm feeling like such a DOPE!!! We ended up being at a restaurant for lunch today and I knew I wasn't making the best choice but it turned out to be a 1300 CALORIE bad choice!!!!!! How the he77 do they fir 1300 freakin calories into a chicken dish??!! :explode: :explode: And to make matters MUCH worse, we were invited to friend's for supper and it was PIZZA. May have been okay any other day but I felt like a write-off after the lunch fiasco and pizza is already a TOTAL weakness for me. I feel like I've had these days (although not THIS bad!!!) way too consistently. Not OFTEN but consistently. I need to nip this in the bud or I'm never going to stop my 169 to 171 stagnation. I'll be right back on to my good ways tomorrow but I don't want to flip flop like this. And it has really pointed out to me that my body image isn't actually about my body at all. It's about my relationship with food. When I feel like things are going well and I'm living a healthy relationship with food I feel really beautiful and good about myself. And when things are like today I feel the things that I didn't like about myself before. Not the size but the behaviours. I guess because things generally go really well for me as far as my choices and because I don't feel like I'm working at it since I love working out and I love the way I usually eat, I don't always give enough credit to what a challenge overcoming some of the behavioural and emotional elements are.

    Thanks for listening dudes. I'm making a promise to you (and to myself!) to keep well in line for the whole weekend. No missteps will be taken because I have a lot to balance out!! I blew my chance of weighing in under 170 again on Tuesday (likely) but I'm not going to make it worse!! Thank you for giving me something other than myself to be accountable to. Sometimes "just me" isn't enough yet!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'd better add some love du jour!... I love that I can make such a variety of such insanely healthy foods that I and my family enjoy so much. Certainly makes this process easier. Now to learn my leson about pizza & restaurants!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    So, I've changed my ticker. My goal weight was 140lbs which IS actually my goal weight when it comes down to it. But as for the weight left for me to lose, I'm talking extra FAT right? not just blind pounds. I would like to gain about 10lbs of muscle which will come once I've lost some more body fat. I know I'm toning muscles a lot right now but you can't actually gain much muscle unless you're consuming EXTRA calories, not restricting calories. So my ticker is now reflecting the fact that I suspect I have around 35 to 40lbs of body fat I want to remove. I'm technically in the normal BMI range for my height right now but my goals are in the realm of figure body building which I'm accounting for in my ticker change. When I look at my body I get an idea of what there is to remove. Just thought I'd share! :tongue:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    it's ok pedal....i feel your pain....but, it showed to be a light bulb momment and you learned something from it. keep up your healthy eating and you are lucky your family likes it.

    i had been doing lots of light bulbing of my own today.
    -i realized that i don't need to eat the whole package to get what i want. i may want a little more than a serving size at the time, which is fine, but, i didn't need the whole package.
    -i find myself waiting for tuesday weigh ins like waiting for a special day. i am living my life around that day. i need to learn to live in the momment of the day i am in. i am over processing this whole thing and not making a permnent change in my life. will work on this.
    -i am happy with the way i am looking and noticing the changes everyone else sees. i didn't see, now i am and i don't want to backslide. i like my whole new closet i have developed. (even though i am in need of new jeans again). this keeps me in check.
    -i have noticed that it's ok to binge sometimes and just move on and get over it. the weight doesn't come back right then and there. it will if it keeps up for a few days. (eating a whole bag of doritos in three days, at three and not one).
    just my light bulb momments for the week. maybe this is what we need to do for our next challenge. light bulb, duhh. momments.

    i :heart: today about me is i am a honest person to myself. (i record all i ate yesturday and it said that i would gain 5#s in 5 weeks if i contiuned like that) eye opener....

    well, hope everyone has a great weekend. off to eat breakfast.

  • TessaL221
    TessaL221 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm not on the list, but my v-day goal was 226, I was 238 to start, and this week I'm 235!
  • TessaL221
    TessaL221 Posts: 106 Member

    Absolutely! We check in on Tuesdays with weight and we also start a new thread for the week. The goal is to lose between 15% and 20% of your remaining weight (or whatever goal you want to set out for yourself!). This is a 6 week challenge and we've just begun week 2. Some people also choose to unofficially check in on Fridays. We try to plan out and post our meals for the day and since this challenge ends just after Valentine's Day we are also trying to post something we love about ourselves each day. Join in and tell us a little something about yourself!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm sorry ladies! I thought we checked in on Saturdays. I'll give you an update again on Tuesday.
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I missed thurs & fri and just read all the posts. A lot has been going on. My friday weight was down 0.4lb, not much but I didn't expect much. I don't know what is holding me back from getting to counting calories again. I really don't like to have to do it, but know that it is important for me to lose weight.

    Cathy, What bad luck for your DH. Hope everything works out good.:flowerforyou: Also, good job on light bulb moments.

    Lauryn, Hang in there girl. You will get through this and be happier in the long run.:flowerforyou:

    Pedal, :heart: Love your attitude. You always are fast to re-focus on your goals and start moving toward them right away when you have had some extra calories. That is so great. If I could be that disciplined I think I would be doing great right now.

    Tessa, That's ok just add yourself to the list on Tue.

    Have a great weekend all:happy:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    went and bought some finger splints, it works just hard to type. found great deals on my outing today. goodwill got a bunch of target markdowns in this week, got brand new bras for 4 for $4. couldn't beet that. lady said she was bring out more, but, DH didn't want to keep hanging around. she was taking forever. maybe this week i will head over there again. see how tese fit first i guess. changing sizes again.

    welcome tessa, yup just post oyour name on tues. it will be week 3. not many of us are on here on the weekends. i am i live on this thing....:wink:

    have a good day
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hey all! I'm too tired to do personals, sorry... Spent the day at the pool, running the timing computers for the meet. I did take good food for lunch, probably to make up for the leftover pizza I ate for breakfast :laugh: Ok dinner, but DH wanted cheesy garlic bread, and I had a chunk of that... I ended up going over today by a couple hundred, but am really too tired to care....

    Have a good night
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, thanks for mentioning about the lightbulb moments:

    I had a HUGE one today!! I realized a clue about the times I break down and make horrible choices with my nutrition. I love going to the gym. I always have. I ADORE the endorphins from working out and it's very important to me. I also know that endorphins are addictive to the body and I sure as heck don't mind being addicted to those I get from physical activity! But I know that I have also been addicted to the surge of chemicals ones brain releases with sugar (chocolate, cookies, bread products etc) for a long time in my life. I realized that my somewhat bad nutritional lapses happen when I have missed the gym beyond my control for a couple of days. But the bad lapses happen when I KNOW I'm going to miss gym time ahead of time. It's like my mind says "okay, not getting any endorphin highs for the next 4 days. Give me plan B!!! SUGAR!!!". I knew that I wasn't going to be able to go to the gym on Friday or Saturday or Sunday this week and Thursday is usually my rest day. It made SUCH perfect sense to me and I'm hoping that realizing this fact will help me address and preempt the cravings that come when I know I'm not going to be at the gym or when I've missed a work out or two. Until my body fully gets over the sugar addiction (if it ever does) I need to realize that lack of gym time makes for very vulnerable and volatile circumstances.

    Back later on :bigsmile:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    wow, pedal you make sense.....sometimes i feel like i want something and i am hearing myself say "go workout", but, thinking no that can't be what i am wanting. i am wanting something else. it IS what i want. will have to work on that feeling in the furture.

    yucky day here today, drizzling outside, cold, and a pile of laundry. seeing doctor tomorrow for the bad acid reflux attacts. last week i had 5 of them, and they hurt. different doctor so won't find out my test results yet.

    have a great day everyone, need to get dressed and another load started and wrap my finger back up.

    cruise by later........
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have been so bad lately, but I realized that when I'm bad I don't put that stuff in my food chart, so this morning I woke up and imputted everything I have eaten Friday and yesterday. Knew I did bad, but it kept me accountable. On a good note I went for a birthday party yesterday at a jump castle place and played on the jump castles with my kids and helped a friend of mine and took her 2 year old so that she could stay with her 5 month old. I did sweat and asked hubby what kind of exercise you would consider it, he said arobic, makes sense.

    Mom, I agree, nasty outside. I've got laundry and grocery shopping to do today. :laugh:

    Pedal, hope you get everything figured out. I wish I got an exercise high.:drinker:

    Deb, your not the only one having a hard time. We can do it. Just hang in there.:smile:

    Lauryn, your so brave. Once everything is done you will be a much happier person. I know it's hard with kids involved, but sometimes if your not happy neither will they. It's hard for even grown ups to go through divorce, but at least your daughter is young enough it should be easier than it was when my husband went though it at age 24. Hang in there girl, it will get better.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well, gotta go. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I will try to be better making food decisions today. Later all.

    Oh! I forgot!. :heart: for the day is I'm happy I am making some small changes in my life that will make a big difference in the long run.