Bye-Bye Diet Coke, Bye-Bye Energy?



  • I really do not understand people that say they do not really like water??? Really... Water doesn't taste like anything and it is the best thing that you can hydrate your body with. I drink so much water that I am swimming...

    As for the energy perhaps you want to try a B6 supplement which can help... Or you could ask the doc for a B12 shot in the butt. The energy levels will come back as you break your bad habits and replace them with good ones. Exercising can help to burst your energy as well.
  • Try taking a multi vitamin instead. Since you are active now, try GNC Woman's ultra mega active or One A Day Active. Both give have energy.
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    I to was so addicted to Diet Cokes , I haven't had one in almost three yrs. now. I will tel you that I drink 2 cups of hot tea in the morning with stevia to get my caffinee fix. You will have a bad headache too for a few days and this will pass. I use Aquafina flavored waters when I get tired of plain water, the grape is the best. you have already made some great changes in your life, high 5 on quitting smoking. if you slip and have one just try again. you will feel so much better after you get all those bad chemicals out of your body and will have more energy. The first two weeks will be the hardest and after that is smooth sailing. good luck.
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I drink Sierra Mist Lite. It's 0 cal. But I havent touched regular soda in a long time. If it works for you to avoid it, I support your cause. I enjoy a Blue Monster energy drink once in a while for my craving. I'm not sure, but I've been able to keep to my calories even with a Monster energy drink and Sierra Mist Lite. Learning when you are full is the most important thing to know.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    I had the same thing happen when I gave up Diet Dr. Pepper... I think it's because of the caffeine loss.

    Stick with it though, it's very very worth it, I lost about 10 pounds in 6 weeks without making any other changes at that point in my weight loss journey. And I feel great!

    The energy came back, but better!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Probably will take you about 3 days to detox. Over those three days, you may need more sleep. And a pain killer if you get headaches. After that, you'll be just fine. Then slowly you'll gain more even energy. In the interium, apples and carrots are great and other sweet veggies and fruits that have a lot of fiber. If you are in a horid pinch, you could grab some hard candy (like mints) or gum.

    Good luck. Sounds like you are making lots of self improvements. Hats off to you!
  • I never liked diet coke or diet pepsi or diet anything and so when I did drink a soft drink, it was the real sugare filled stuff. The artifical sweetners were just too much so I felt that regular sugar had to be better..yeah right. So I cut off all soft drinks (except a few of the sparkling flavored waters) as a rule over that last year or so. Can't say I miss them much. I do use crystal light once a day in my water but the rest of the day it is plain ice water for me. I allow a spluge at the movies only. There I allow myself 1 medium soft drink and either a small popcorn or a pretzel. Not in the least bit healthy but since I only go about once a month it is simply a treat. Recently I found myself still getting a small popcorn or pretzel but buying a bottle of water. Soft drinks just hold no apeal, I'l splurge on the carbs and keep the drink to water.
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    I drink green teas. There are some really great ones out there. My favorite are from "Yogi Tea".
    I recently found one from them called Vanilla Spice Perfect Energy. It tastes like a sinful treat with Zero calories!! Plus has 80mg caffiene in one cup.
  • I gave up diet Coke about a month ago and went through the same thing. I used them as my pick-me-up in the afternoons. Even if they made me bloated and feel disgusting! After going through the withdrawls and cleaing up my diet big time, I have more energy now than I've had in a long time. I don't need anything to get me through the day other than water. While water is not the most exciting of drinks, it keeps you full and it's one of the healthiest things you can put in you.

    Just stick with it. I get a craving for a soda every now and again (generally when eating out) but the carbonation hurts my throat now and I feel like my stomach pops out just thinking about it.
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    First of all AWESOME JOB on your success!! Eating well, working and stopping smoking (!!) is the best combo of healthy choices you could ever make. Great job, keep it up! I was also a huge diet soda drinker and cut it out (for the most part) about 6 months ago. I started drinking tons of water (sometimes w/ a squeeze of lemon in it) but I, like you, needed the caffeine boost (and a beverage w/ some flavor!) I started drinking a cup of coffee in the morning with a splash of skim milk and a few splenda. It's a more natural pick-me-up loaded w/ antioxidants. I wasn't much of a coffee drinker before stopping diet soda but have added a cup of coffee most days and I feel great.

    Good luck!! ;)