Starting Adkins soon



  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    To be honest I don't know enough about it to intelligently comment other than I use some of their products to supplement my diet. When you are looking for high fiber/low carb/high protein items to fill your diet they have some excellent choices. Watch the fat content. High fat is not good for you either.

    I have heard (but not researched yet - it's on my agenda) that this diet "kills" people...and this has been reported to be "scientific fact" amoung the people I work with. They may be incorrect, so I'll get back to you on that.

    Check with your doctor to make sure this type of diet is good for you. I would also recommend educating yourself on what are good carbs, good proteins, and how to mix them in your diet for the best results. It will take a little reading, but the more you personally take responsibility for your nutrition education, and the less you leave it in the hands of others, the better long term results I believe you will see. That way when you stop the program you can still eat right and perhaps just use the products for supplementation when you need them or want them.

    Just as an aside....if you have pre-existing kidney issues (which many people don't know they have until it's too late) protein is very toxic to parts of the filtering process. If you have normal kidneys you're probably okay it's always good to go in and tell your doctor or nutritionist what you are about to do..and ask is it safe for you. Without your health, your diet isn't worth much.
  • annissa19
    annissa19 Posts: 16 Member
    I did Atkins in the past but I guess I wasn't really committed and all the weight came back. I think the hurdle with any "diet" is committing to the lifestyle change. Good luck!
  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    I'm borderline diabetic with a kidney disorder, so I need a lower carb approach that won't end up straining my kidneys with tons of excess protein and sodium. My doctor recommended South Beach, which is focused more on healthy carbohydrate balance but is definitely a low carb plan.

    I've lost 20.2 pounds since Jan. 28, so it works pretty well and I don't have the side effects people talk about with Atkins and, also, it's a sustainable lifestyle.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I've tried Atkins, South Beach, Maffatone Method, etc., etc. They all work. The key is this: You need to find what works for you, making sure it is something you can do for the rest of your life. Losing the weight isn't the biggest challenge...keeping it off is.

    Good luck, I'll be cheering you on in your weight loss journey!