

  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Heya Steph
    I'm In Flynn!! ;)

    So I have an idea for the Spreadsheet.
    Everyone just would pull it up. Sign up if they want to participate, Add a short 1 or two word oh hell maybe 3 word blurb about what goal it's just for them to know what they're tracking like "water" or "running time" or "Levels of depravity" You know something like that and then it'd have every day set up like we did this month. So you could just put a tick in the box if you completed the goal for that day for that goal.
    Every week you can change your words/memos to meet what you're going for that week as your reminder and zoom you're off! don't have to wait for us to do it for you! just note, tick tick tick. etc...

    Let me know what you think. I'll put one together pretty quick here next day (probably when I wake up, just about to head to sleep) :) then will post the link! :) Cheers!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I'm in for the 'levels of depravity' challenge.

    There's a challenge I know I can win!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I love it Steph! I am in!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Oh I've been a lazy cow. :) Moo.

    So first I'll apologize to JJ whom I told privately I've been a lazy cow, in public that I've been a lazy petulant cow because of other challenges and I took it out on this one. But I'm going to finish up with a bang. :);) So once again cuffed and waddling off on the trail cub go I. ;)

    My compliment to you is for becoming the strong and confident woman who has been lurking inside you all along but has found it easier to hide out inside the soft recesses of the fat chick where it's warm and safe. Sometimes it's hard being exposed when you're all out there standing in the cold wind with no padding, but that just makes our skin a little thicker, and I know you can do it, you have the strength and the brains, and the will to get through it, all of it. Just have faith. :)

    -- One last compliment for doing the totals and leaders/runners up. I thought I was ****e.. I mean complete ****e. Apparently not so much. Thank you for giving me renewed faith in the fact that I haven't completely ****ing slacked off this month like a horrible fat cow. You are awesome. As always for looking out for the rest of us.

    You don't have to apologize. You have contributed all month long and done a wonderful job considering you were shanghai'd into this in the first place. :-)

    Thanks for seeing me as a strong and confident woman. I am working very hard to get there but who knew it would be as much work as losing the weight?

    I am glad you enjoyed the leaders and runners up. I was hoping it would inspire some of the runners up to go for the gold....so to speak. I loved that so many different people were included in that, we don't have one all-star that is leading in everything, so there is a possibility for many to shine in different areas. LOVE that! And you have totally not slacked off all month. Sheeeeeesh.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Sooooo.....we summited Denali! Our Discipline Summit, Biking, is done! We have reached the top of that mountain climbers! So awesome! Special thanks to Staci for leading the summit push with her 112 miles on Friday.

    214 glasses of water to go to get to the summit of Kosciuzko, our Nurture Summit. That is 107 per day for the last two days. Lets get this one DUN!

    5149 feet to get to the top of Kilimanjaro. This 514 more compliments given, which sounds like a lot, but its only 207 if we give out more than 5 per day. And that doesn't include acknowledgements, real life compliments, or the ones we give to ourselves. This is well within reach and I am determined we will reach the top of this one. There is no excuses for this mountain not being summited. Get to work tell each other how awesome we all are, how inspiring and how much we need each other to do this.

    7 feet to go to the summit of Sagarmatha, our Power summit. The highest point in the world. 29,029 feet in the air. I am going to go find something heavy to lift right now and finish this baby off!

    And.....Aconcagauga, our Celebration Summit, Dancing. It is in need of a celebration people. We are so close on the others and not even halfway up this one. So dance. Dance in the shower, dance while you are making breakfast, dance on the way down the hall to put in the laundry, dance with your spouse, your kids, your next door neighbor. Dance to the music in the car (just not while driving). JUST DANCE!!!!! It is going to be so sad to make it up 6 out of 7 mountains. We have to do this!

    ETA: I used the laptop for bicep curls. Did 40 per arm and we are at the top of Everest! Woot!

    So all that is left are the EASY ONES!!!!



  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Hello all, Are any of you haveing problems posting. I posted about 10 compliments yesterday (in fact I did it twice) and they are not there. It kept saying the website was having problems and to reset, then everything disappeared. i will post them again later today.

    ON a bright note, I went to Zumba today. I have not done this before as I am really uncoordinated and have spent years trying not to shake my *kitten*, arms, etc. I got there and there were 2 instructors today because they were not feeling well. Then, no one else shows up so I got a private class. I shook every part of my body and had fun doing it. I will do it again even if there are other people there to see me. Guess i get to add 180 feet to the mountain.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Okay, here goes. These were the compliments from yesterday that did not show up.

    Steph - I love how creative you are getting in your strength training. Using a brick you found around the house, fantastic. Keep it up.

    Bobbie - It is wonderful how you can recognize when you did something that was not helpful in your journey and decide to make a change (eating out). It sure beats moaning and whining when we don't lose and saying we don't understand. Way to go.

    Jane - I love how you have taken time with your family and made it healthy. Dancing with your daughter is not only healthy, but fun and memorable. What a great role model you are.

    Tina - getting up and exercising even when you didn't really feel like it is awesome. Isn't it great when that bug hits us and we do it because we know we need to for us! Glad to see it has hit you too.

    Becky - it is hard to acknowledge compliments after years of hiding and not wanting to put ourselves out there. You are dong a fantastic job, losing 85 pounds, organizing challenges, putting up your new pictures (I love the progression in your photos) and dealing with everything else in your life. I am proud to know you, even if it only as an internet friend.

    Staci - 112 miles, SHUT UP!! You are amazing. My compliments to you for your stamina and sticktoitness. I am sweating like a pig after only 10 miles. I am so proud of you and someday, maybe that will be me.

    JJ - You are so gracious about everything. When you adknowledge a compliment, give a RL compliment or just share information, you do it in such a way that I feel like you are talking to me. Keep it up.

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    Jane - I love how you have taken time with your family and made it healthy. Dancing with your daughter is not only healthy, but fun and memorable. What a great role model you are.

    Thanks so much for this Carla. It's really important to me to break bad family patterns, and I love that my daughter enjoys doing physical stuff with me. I very much appreciate this compliment. :-)
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Okay, not for today's compliments.

    Zena - way to go with getting those measurements down. Losing the weight on the scale is wonderful, but losing inches, toning up the extra flesh is another wonderful thing in itself. Congratulations on the loss of inches this month.

    JJ - again I have to say what a great job you have been doing leading us this month. Using your laptop to do curls, what a great idea. Getting us all going to finish up this challenge has been a godsend. I tried so many new things this month. Thanks

    Cynthia - Fantastic news about all those non-scale victories. It is tough changing the mindset about what we can and can not do. Wearing heals, climbing up on a chair, getting down from a step, all things that others take for granted. Great job trying them and I know you will be wearing heals again soon. I want to see that picture.

    Brisa - getting all your exercise logged in and what you accomplished is fantastic. Being a student is tough (at least what I remember) so you are doing a great job. Handling the stress for being a student, losing weight, exercising wow. I couldn't have done it, so fantastic.

    Bonnie - Thanks for your dedication. We know you can't always be on line, but that does not stop you from putting forth your best effort and getting it done. Way to go.

    Gregg - great to see that even with the bum knee, you did what you could this month. I am happy you are feeling better and will be able to get back on your program soon.

    Compliment to myself. I actually did a 45 minute Zumba class today. I always had an excuse but knowing we needed minutes, I tried it and actually had fun. the instructors said for the first time, that I did a great job. I was a little worried about all the guys out in the gym seeing my *kitten* shaking, but that is too damn bad. Thanks for all the zumba talk on this thread for getting me to try this.

    On a final note, this is a compliment to all of you. A couple of days ago, my daughter asked me if I was online with my pretend friends. I told her that I was reading comments from "My Fitness Pal Friends" She said that you weren't real friends because I had not met you. Well I told her that she was WRONG!! You are some of the most important friends I have. Your motivation, encouragement, kind words, compliments etc. mean so much to me. I love you all and am so glad that I have you in my life. Give yourselves a hug from me. Carla
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    -- You are welcome for the nudge ;) And really it was Becky's fault because she kicked me screaming into it this month even with my boot on and I suppose it's a good thing I didn't give up either, so that makes us both peas in a pod tricked into living our lives and realizing that we can still get in exercise even when we're not in a gym. ;) So I also can't remember if I told you, but, I am WICKED proud of you for climbing all 99 of those steps up Diamond Head to see the glorious view. When we were there in 2005 I was discouraged by HUBBY as 'it's a lot of work' and said 'okay' and we didn't even try. *sighs* When I go back, it won't be that way again ;) I am glad you met the challenge and saw it through. ;)

    Thanks so much for the compliment. I did not think I would make it either and it wouldn't have taken much to discourage me. I am so glad that my husband will encourage me to try anything and will be a cheerleader when I need one. I do not take advantage of that enough, but he has been behind me in the last 2 month challenges.

    I guess I need to thank Becky then as it was a chain reaction to get me to participate this month.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Bobbie - It is wonderful how you can recognize when you did something that was not helpful in your journey and decide to make a change (eating out). It sure beats moaning and whining when we don't lose and saying we don't understand. Way to go.

    Thank you, Carla. I can't stand to hear (see) other people whining, so I try to make a conscious effort not to do it myself. In fact, I try to do everything consciously; even if I'm not making the best decisions, I make sure they're my decisions.

    Now I'd like to give you one for going to Zumba. It's very hard to step outside of our comfort zones, especially when there may be others watching. You took that step, so I congratulate you!

    Wolfie: You are the epitome of strength woman! You feel the fear and do it anyway, then kick your own *kitten* for having felt it in the first place. I love and admire that trait because I feel the same way. I will not, however, jump out of any damn plane...lol

    JJ: Way to help us finish off one of those summits in the most creative way...I would have never thought to use my laptop! Actually, I would have though that's pretty silly, but I could so see you doing it, and I just had to smile.

    Andi: I'd like to compliment you for continuing to keep track of what you've been doing and contributing to our challenge, even when you can't log in. Your dedication is awesome!

    Amy: Even though you haven't been active on the thread, you have been rocking out the water and exercises portion of our challenge. Thank you!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Here we go!

    Carla well done to sticking around in a class when there was no one else there! That shows a great commitment to your exercise routine and changing your life!

    Jane you are posting some most impressive burns lately. I am always so impressed that you are able to that with such a busy job. Well done!

    Brisa you are doing so well. You are doing a great job of raising awareness about the tata's and well done on completing your 5k! All that while studying. Hats off to you!

    Linda you have been so consistent in earning points for the walk/run/swim mountain. Well done! I am always impressed with people who can do that (it is something I find really hard!)

    Renae: thank you for being a little ray of sunshine. You pop into the boards with a cheerful tone regularly and sent little messages to cheer us on. What a great quality to have.

    Carla thank you. I really wanted to be able to continue to contribute to the challenge even though it was my off day.

    RL compliment: The girl at the gym checking me in today complimented me on the changes to my face (my photo is from when I first joined 2 years ago) and the dedication I have shown. I loved it. I think the most obvious changes are in my face and I am and will continue to be dedicated to the gym.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    JJ - You are so gracious about everything. When you adknowledge a compliment, give a RL compliment or just share information, you do it in such a way that I feel like you are talking to me. Keep it up.

    Gracious sakes! I am going to have to share this compliment with my daughter as she thinks I am the opposite of gracious....but obnoxious and embarassing. Love it! I do try to "talk" to everyone and will keep it up too! Thank you Carla!
    JJ - again I have to say what a great job you have been doing leading us this month. Using your laptop to do curls, what a great idea. Getting us all going to finish up this challenge has been a godsend. I tried so many new things this month. Thanks

    I am just thrilled you tried new things this month, that was the whole idea and I hope you and everyone else is able to keep up the ones they enjoyed. I have had a great time and loved every minute of it.

    JJ: Way to help us finish off one of those summits in the most creative way...I would have never thought to use my laptop! Actually, I would have though that's pretty silly, but I could so see you doing it, and I just had to smile.

    Thank you Bobbie! I was laughing at myself while I was doing the laptop curls, but I have to tell you, by the third set of 10 on each arm I was starting to really feel it! Its heavy!

    Now some from me so I can double!

    Carla, it brings tears to my eyes that our need for feet up the dancing mountain was the motivation it took for you to waltz your sassy self into the Zumba class for the first time. THAT is what this was ALL about. Thank you.

    Zena, those measurements are AWESOME! I love that kind of progress...it means shopping! Well done!

    Jane, you are a rockstar. You have contributed so much to so many different activities. Really amazing.

    Steph, I LOVE that you jogged on over to the main street so you didn't have to wait for the bus. The thought process in that is a true change in your life and outlook. I know you used to be like me and would sigh and huff that the bus was going to take so long and then look for a place to sit while you waited, or maybe duck into a coffee shop of a caramel hazelnut "coffee" and a croissant to kill the time. And now look at you! I am going to sign up this week for my first 5k on Thanksgiving morning (gotta burn off some major calories so I can indulge!). So lets plan to do a 10k at the same time! We will just look for two races that are on the same day, one in London, one in PDX. Deal?

    Cyn, you rock. That is all. (Well, it can't really be all and get credit, but what more is there to say? You really do rock. How about....I love your sense of "right" and your willingness to share that with us.)

    A real life compliment...I was going to ride my bike to work today and it is really rainy and wet out. I decided I wasn't going to do it, we had already made it to the top of that mountain, so why ride in the rain? Then I HEARD myself. OMG! What a STUPID excuse. So I put on my Helly Hansen and rode the stupid 3.2 miles to work. I am getting a ride home, but I made it.

    I also, managed to get everyone in the shop this afternoon to dance for a few minutes. I put on some funny Christine Lavin music and we danced while we were shopping for yarn. I even got swung around by a couple of husbands that had escorted their wives shopping. It was great fun, everyone was laughing and I am sure they think I am crazy but will remember this is "that yarn store that had the dancing that one time!".
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Carla: Thanks very much. I get really depressed when I'm not feeling well or injured, and that is a recipe for disaster when it comes to my diet. Fortunately, this time around I seem to be eating OK.

    Great job doing the Zumba class! 45 minute is very impressive.
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Zena, that is an incredible loss in your lower half this month. You have been putting in the work and making it happen!!

    Thanks Bobbie, yes it’s nice to see it on the scale but also on my body.
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    -- my compliment is for you hanging with us all month. And look what happened ;) inches lost chest, waist, hips, thighs, arms!!! See there, before you blink you're going to be a very very tiny Ziggy ;)
    Thanks Icewolf, I know I wasn’t here much in typing but I kept up my log-in my exercises and water. I feel good after measuring my body this month and having lost inches because I don’t see it in the mirror yet.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good evening my lovelies! Last night was awesome! I didn't log my dinner but didn't eat it all or worry about it either. I didn't take a single picture because the only problem of the night was that I lost my camera. LOL I put it somewhere when I first got there so I wouldn't lose it. I searched for it for an hour then found it this morning when I went to let the tent and lighting eople in to break down their stuff. Anyway, I need to log my dancing and water. Both of which I get to add plenty of. I had several compliments on how I looked last night but the best one was that I looked terrific and that it really showed in my confidence. I was so proud of that one. Also, a really cool one was that a guy I once had a few dates with (okay it was about 15 years ago) said I looked better than I did back then. Yayyyy! We raised tons of money at the auction and our total raised was just under $500,000. Hah, take that board members that didn't want me to change things!!!! That brings me to the best compliment although it was kind of backhanded. The president of the board last night got up on stage with the total raised and said that he was one of those that was "skeptical" about he changes that I wanted but that with my hardwork and tenacity I showed him that sometimes change is good. I am taking it as a compliment and counting it. And Cynthia, it wasn't quite on the chair Jewish wedding style but they made enough of a ruckus that I was more than slightly embarrassed. The place was rocking and the flash mob thing was really cool. People were wondering what the heck was going on. Today, after doing the final clean up I went and delivered the jack=0=lanterns to the kids rooms in the hospital. They were so excited to have them. The last thing I have to do for the gala is the trick or treating for the patients tomorrow afternoon.

    meerkat, Carla, Becky, and Bobbie-See, I love, love, LOVE the bike. The last two Fridays I have been testing on how fast I can go at what resistence so that I could get the most milege. The key for me was the music. I set up my ipod with a 2-1/2 hour playlist of a great mix of music based on the beat of the music. Literally, I could ring my shirt out when I was done. And yes Cynthia you told me not to do it but I don;t often listen when people tell me not to do something (Hence the many trips to the emergency room in my lifetime)

    Okay off to log my dancing and water.
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Evening All

    My progress for today I did two Richard Simmons videos
    #1- 65min
    #2- 48min
    Drank 32 glasses of water I will try to acknowledge all my compliments tommorrow.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    JJ -Linda, its been a rough month and I love that you stayed with us through it. I hope you are finding your mojo again and hope to see you posting more. The more I participate in our conversations the more committed I am to this. So start chatting!
    Jane - bigmama - well done for keeping moving forward, when things have been tough. Feeling stuck is a horrible thing, and I think it's wonderful that, despite that, you've kept your nose down, and kept on keeping on. Well done!
    Cyndi - Linda
    -- I'm glad you joined us, if even for a month. I hope you'll join us again. No matter what you stuck with it, that's a good thing. :)
    Stephanie - Linda you have been so consistent in earning points for the walk/run/swim mountain. Well done! I am always impressed with people who can do that (it is something I find really hard!)
    Carla -On a final note, this is a compliment to all of you. A couple of days ago, my daughter asked me if I was online with my pretend friends. I told her that I was reading comments from "My Fitness Pal Friends" She said that you weren't real friends because I had not met you. Well I told her that she was WRONG!! You are some of the most important friends I have. Your motivation, encouragement, kind words, compliments etc. mean so much to me. I love you all and am so glad that I have you in my life. Give yourselves a hug from me.

    Compliments are I believe the hardest mountain for most of us to climb. I know for me it is sooo difficult to give myself a compliment or really acknowledge one and truthfully accept it. I will attempt to get some points for us.

    I will acknowledge the five I received above. (Sorry if I missed some others)

    JJ :flowerforyou: thank you for your kind words and support. I will agree I have stuck with this challenge even though my month has been a rough and challenging time. I am honoured to be part of this group challenge. I didn’t give up. Ya!!!!
    Jane:flowerforyou: – thank you for your support and kind words. Yes I have kept moving all through this challenge, even on the days I felt like giving up. It was very motivational, reading all of you guys moving your butts to get up those mountains.
    Cyndi:flowerforyou: – thank you for supporting me and welcoming me into this group. I will acknowledge that I did stick with this challenge and didn’t give up.
    Stephanie :flowerforyou: - thank you for your words of support. I am consistent and I do not give up a challenge once I set my mind to getting errr done. I love making it to the end.
    Carla:flowerforyou: – Thanks you and I agree with you 100%. MFP friends are not pretend friends they are real supportive wonderful friends who know what we are going through. They give us support both ways – when we are down and when we succeed – they give us the strength and wisdom to carry on and make better choices on our path.

    This weekend I did receive a few compliments in RL – LOL it took me awhile to think of them. I think I never really hear people when they say something nice to me. But with this compliment mountain challenge I made myself think about what words were said to me this weekend. So here they are and I will ack them as I type them out.

    :flowerforyou: Friday my cousin was visiting (hasn’t seen me in a year) and she said that my face really shows how much weight I have been losing. Much thinner than what it use to be. She also told me that I really need to go buy new smaller clothes because I had lost so much weight. I do see when I look in the mirror how my face has thinned out and my cheek bones are more pronounced.
    :flowerforyou: My aunt told me that my new blonde hair really suits me and looks wonderful. I love my new haircut and blonde highlights. This haircut really suits me.
    :flowerforyou: My other aunt told me wow you have lost a lot of weight and it really shows. Yes I have lost 30lbs and that is 3 – 10lbs bag of potatoes. I do see the difference in my clothes that I wear. Everything is baggy on me now.
    :flowerforyou: My hubby told me today that I was beautiful and I didn’t need makeup. I do look pretty with or without makeup. Blushes.
    :flowerforyou: My son told me yesterday that I was the best mom ever. I am a great mom!!!

    Not sure if I will post the points(feet) correctly but I will give it a try.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    I'm in for the 'levels of depravity' challenge.

    There's a challenge I know I can win!

    I dunno Jane... we used to use the 'purity test' as a checklist in college ;) LMAO