*********************THE SEVEN SUMMITS**************************

Mt. Koscuiszko 7,310 ft-Australia Nurture Summit Water!
We will be nurturing ourselves by staying hydrated. Each 8oz glass of water will equal 1 foot up the mountain. On Thirsty Thursdays, each glass will equal 2 feet up the mountain. Water, herbal and green tea and flavored zero calorie waters/gatorade/propel etc all count towards this goal. Soda, juice, coffee, black tea and milk do not.

Vinson Massif 16,060-Antarctica Endurance Summit Running/Walking/Swimming!
We will continue on with these great activities we have all been doing for the past challenges. We will be measuring running and walking in mailbox lengths, with each mailbox being equivalent to 165ft. There are 32 mailboxes in a mile. Each mailbox is equal to 1 foot up the mountain. You may run and/or walk outside, on a treadmill or on an elliptical. We will be measuring swimming in lengths of a 25yd pool. There are 64 lengths in a mile. Each length swum is equal to 1 foot up the mountain. If you are swimming in an olympic pool, each length is equal to 2 feet up the mountain. Doesn't matter what stroke you use, but you must swim from one side of the pool to the other for this to count. If you are doing something like water aerobics then please count that towards dancing and not swimming.

Mt. Elbrus 18,510-Europe Exploration Summit Exercises!
We will be exploring ways to add little bits of exercise to our daily routines with this summit. Push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, squats, pull-ups, jumping jacks and stairs can all be used. Any type of push-up, military, wall, girly, one-armed or one-legged all count. Same with sit-ups, lunges, squats and jumping jacks. This is only for exercises that use your own body weight and they should fit into one of the categories listed. Each push-up, sit-up etc you do is equal to 1 foot up the mountain. Stairs count 1 stair - 1 foot.

Kilimanjaro 19,334 ft -Africa Wisdom Summit Compliments!
We will be finding some wisdom from ourselves and others while we climb this mountain! Post a genuine, specific compliment about another participant and we will move up the mountain 10 feet. This is limited to one compliment per participant per week. Acknowledge that a compliment posted about you is true and you agree with it and we will move up the mountain 20 feet. This is unlimited. Post a compliment that was given to you spontaneously and unsolicited in real life and agree that it is true and we will move up the mountain 30 feet. This is limited to 2 per week. And post a compliment to yourself, an honest, specific compliment about something you like about yourself, and we will move up the mountain 40 feet. This is also limited to 2 per week. This is for us to help build each other and ourselves up so we can see ourselves for the strong, capable, athletic women (and man!) we are becoming. I would like to avoid this becoming cliquey, so please spread your compliments out amongst many people, not just the one or two you know the best. Try to find something in each participant to compliment at least once during the month. Losing this weight is just about the hardest thing any of us has ever done and most of us are a little emotional and sensitive as we come to grips with new body images, more opposite sex attention new routines, and the way our spouses and friends have supported or not supported us, so please keep this in mind when you are making your compliments, as this is not the place for jokes or sarcasm.

Denali 20,335ft -North America Discipline Summit Biking!
We will measure our biking in blocks with each block equalling 330ft. so that there are 16 in a mile. Each block you ride will equal 1 foot up the mountain. You may ride a bike on the street, a stationary bike or a recumbent bike for this challenge.

Aconcagua 22,841ft-South America Celebration Summit Dancing!
For every minute that you dance you will move us up the mountain 1 foot. If you dance with someone (anyone!) else you will move us up the mountain 2 feet. Dancing includes club dancing, dance classes, boogeying in the living room, water aerobics, zumba and regular aerobics (either in a class or on a video or wii at home).

Mt. Everest 29,029ft-Asia Power Summit Strength Training!
For every 10 reps that you do with a 1-9# weight you will move us 1ft up the mountain. For every 5 reps you do with a 10-19# weight you will move us 1ft up the mountain. For every 1 rep with a 20-49# weight you will move us 1ft up the mountain and for every 1 rep with a 50# or greater weight you will move us 1.5ft up the mountain. You may use a machine at the gym or at home, free weights, or kettlebells as well as milk jugs, cans of soup and small children you might have lying around the house. There must be some weight lifting involved in these exercises, you cannot use only your own body weight. What you use for that weight is up to you, you only need to be able to say how much the weight was and how many reps you did.

The fine print:

*This is a closed challenge for members of our Skinny Chics and a Rooster 100+ to lose family.

*We will start this challenge on October 1st at 12:01am your time and go until October 31st 11:59pm your time.

*Same deal as last time, please introduce yourself with at least your real first name so we can get to know each other. Yes, even if you did the last challenge, please do this as we have some new people.

*DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ADD YOURSELF TO THE SPREADSHEET OR CHANGE IT IN ANY WAY! If you think you should be on the spreadsheet and you are not, PM me and I will get back to you. Becky and Cynthia have worked really hard on the spreadsheet and we need to keep it low maintenance and accurate. Please only enter your workouts in the spreadsheet.

*I would like everyone to try each mountain at least once, even if it is not your "cup of tea" as the idea here was that we would be expanding our possibilities for burning calories. I understand that not everyone has access to a bike, or might have an injury that prevents them from walking, but most of the mountains are easy entry activities and you should be able to sample each of them. Under no circumstances should you only do one summit for the entire month, adding the water summit requires nothing but a faucet, adding the compliments summit needs nothing more than a little time and thought and the dancing summit requires only that you dance along as you sing in the shower.

*There are no teams this month. There are no public personal goals being committed to, although you are welcome to set one for yourself privately if you like. However we are all committing to accomplishing this, so if we as a group are really behind on one of the mountains it is my hope that you will choose to spend a little time on that activity, even though it might not be your personal favorite. Please check our progress each day and see where you can contribute to our goals in a way that works with your schedule and abilities. This will become more important as we get towards the end of the month. If we have already reached the walking/running summit but not the biking summit, and you have the ability to bike, then go for a bike ride instead of a walk. We do not want Becky to be staying late at the gym biking for all she is worth on the evening of the 31st of October to get us to the summit again! The overall goal for this challenge is to expand our fitness routines to include some new activities. Please don't cheat yourself of that opportunity by sticking with the same running routine you have been doing for the last 3 months.

*Please log your activities on a daily basis when at all possible, as that helps keep everyone focused on our groups progress towards our goals.

*There are no substitutions for activities this month. If its not listed for that summit, then it doesn't count. If you have a question, please ask.

*The Seven Summits discussions will take place in this thread, including the compliments and acknowledgements, but please continue to post in the other thread about your daily life, challenges and triumphs, including those related to the challenge!

If you have any questions at all, please ask! I will be posting the spreadsheet when we get closer to Saturday.

I cannot wait to be standing on the top of the highest mountain on each continent with you all, enjoying the view and celebrating our amazing success.


  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay, I'll go first. I think you all have seen me around. I am a 43 year old mom, grandma and wife. I started this change in ernest on November 1st of last year. I have lost 70 pounds and have 21 to go. You can call me Staci or Stac but I will answer to Teri, Sheryl, Dawn, Michelle, Diane, Julie or Carol as well as they are all my cousins and we grew up within 1 mile of eachother and only about 25 miles separate us now. We were always called the wrong name when growing up. I am excited by this challenge because I think it will push me a little and I think thats what I may need to get over my mental block about having less than 50 pounds to go.
  • Hi Staci!

    My name is JJ. I am 41 years old and the mother of four kids, my daughter age 17, and three boys ages, 14, 13, and 12. I have always been intrigued with mountain climbing and when I read about this challenge in mountaineering it really caught my imagination. While I will never be able to climb the actual mountains (even if I was fit enough, I could never afford it!) I am thrilled to be doing it this way and with such a great group of friends!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    YAY!! So happy to see this up... will do a proper introduction later on. BUT YAY!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Honey, I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so excited about this challenge, I have loved all the others but I think this one might be my favourite :bigsmile:

    So introducing...ME!
    My name is Stephanie and I am a Canadian living in London England. I've been teaching for 9 years now in the secondary school system (geography and environmental science). I've been married for almost 6mos to my lovely (despite previous comments made!) husband following our wedding in Africa in April. We are 'renewing' our vows in a Canadian wedding in August so that my friends and family can be a part of our big day. No babies in our lives but its not for lack of trying!!!!
    I've been on this journey for 22 months and am convinced that if it hadn't been for you wonderful people I would have given up a while ago.
    Let's get climbing!!!!!
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hi everyone! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My name is Zena, am 46 years young, married and have two-step sons age 25 & 30, one granddaughter age 11. I started MFP on May 15 2011 and have lost 25 lbs. If it was not for all of you and the great challenges, I do not think I would be where I am today. I still have a long way to go and I plan on staying with ALL of you for a long long time. My husband and I are in this together, well weight loss that is not MFP, we have been married for 8 years but we have known each other for 12 .
    I have been heavy most of my life and I am sticking with my MFP friends and not going to give up. :bigsmile:

    So, let’s get started!....... Ok, maybe we need to wait tell October. :laugh:

  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, I'm going to attempt this now that my head is not quite so heavy. Damn paint that made my room look so pretty!!!

    I'm Bobbie, I'm 36 (although I get told I look 24...which worries me for when I lose this weight...either I will look like a child or a grandma), and I'm a teacher currently working with other teachers instead of children. I have twin girls who are freshmen in College, of whom I am more proud than any of the other accomplishments I've had in my life. I speake de Spanglish quite fluently! I first joined MFP in June, right at the end of the last school year, but wasn't really serious...just checking things out. By July 11, my girls' birthday, I had gained another 5lbs to reach my heaviest ever, saw a pic of myself, and said "THIS is it!" Since then, I have lost almost 40lbs, and this train is still chugging along! Normally I would have quit after the first 20-30 feeling quite satisfied with my efforts (yeah because that 20-30 really put a dent in anything), but thanks to all of my friends on here, and the tools on the site itself, I have no desire to quit, and I know I have a long way to go!

    Oh yeah, and I LOVE exercise challenges. Even when I can't (or rather, WON'T) control my eating, I know that exercise is something I can control, and it makes me feel good!
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi I'm Bonnie I am 34 and a mom of 5. I have 3 boys 17,14,13 and 3 girls 9 and 5.I am a stay at home mom who is always busy running around after everyone in my family. I never spend enough time on me.I am currently stuggling with not only my weight issues but also my 5 year old have some learning problems and can't seem to get her thew help she needs.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I am loving the concept of this challenge!! Looking forward to it!

    My name is Lane. I am a 30yo single mom of the cutest 3yo boy ever (yes, I am a little biased lol.) I am a full-time 9-1-1 Telecommunicator. That means a lot of stress and very little activity for 12 hours at a time. I started my weight loss journey on May 10th of this year, joined MFP about 2 weeks later. Love the site, love all of my MFP peeps! This group is my favorite one of all, because we can relate to one another so much more than any other group comes close to!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Here! I'm ReNae (46 yrs young) and I live in Northern New England with DH and 2 fun daughters (14 & 11). We work hard & play hard up here. I lost site of how important my health is for about 10 years, but now I'm making the changes that were long overdue. It feels great to be half way to my goal and I love all of you for giving me the strength & encouragement to keep going. I'm really looking forward to this challenge. Thanks JJ for pulling it together!!
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    Hi! First, I'm so happy to be included. So THANKS JJ
    My name is Brisa. I live in south east Texas, right by the water. I'm 27 years old. I'm a full time college student and engaged to a great guy. Even though I want to kill him sometimes. I love biking, walking, playing sports, even swimming, (when there is no one else in the pool) but most of all I LOVE DANCING! So why am I so over weight? I also LOVE to cook. It’s a Mexican thing. And everyone knows Mexicans can cook. If I could stay out of the kitchen I would be ok. I was raised with the idea to clean out your plate, because there are starving children in the world that would love to eat my left overs. Yeah, that's what my mom use to say. I am trying to reprogram myself out of all this crazy ideas and horrible habits.

    I loved the idea this challenge. Am looking forward to it very much!

    If I do not post often on the threads it is not because I don't want to. It’s because when I have 5 exams coming up at the same time, I just do not have time. So I am giving you all a big apology for my inevitable absence. I will try my hardest to keep up in the thread, but don’t promise much. I’m very sorry.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Cynthia I'm a mom of uh *counts heads* about 22 of you ... because yes you are all my little projects now I've decided. And frankly you given me back more than I could ever repay. Besides I don't have to clean up after your messes. ;D I am actually 41 years old living in Phoenix Arizona (please dear god not for very much longer, Maui, Maui, Maui) with my husband Erik of 13 years although we've been together now for 17 (good lord). My only real child is Loki my cat. And now you know why he's the most spoiled cat in all of history.

    I've always been fat since I was about 9 years old. The breaking point was when I got to 496 lbs and I said **** that ****. I will NOT hit 500. I will not be that woman they have to cut out of the house because she can't get up out of bed and walk. So I started losing weight in 4009, dropped down to 418, had to go to mom's for surgery help gained it all back. (Thanks mom, love you how do you think I got this way?) (clean your plate club yes indeed). 4010 fell blew out my ankle & knee couldn't get to the fridge ;) Lost 30 lbs. Had to go to ohio to help mom again for surgery. (refused to eat this time). Came back, fixed up ankle/knee. Started on MFP on May 5 2011 at 467, and here I am today 365. :) Only 200 lbs to go. CHING!

    Thanks everyone for your help, we can do this ;) No problemo! :D

    PS: I've spent the last 17 years becoming a chef, much to my own chagrin Brisa ;) Yeah I know your pain too. -C
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    (clean your plate club yes indeed). 4010 fell blew out my ankle & knee couldn't get to the fridge ;) Lost 30 lbs. Had to go to ohio to help mom again for surgery. (refused to eat this time). Came back, fixed up ankle/knee. Started on MFP on May 5 2011 at 467, and here I am today 365. :) Only 200 lbs to go. CHING!

    Thanks everyone for your help, we can do this ;) No problemo! :D

    PS: I've spent the last 17 years becoming a chef, much to my own chagrin Brisa ;) Yeah I know your pain too. -C

    Oh Cynthia, how I love you even more! I knew I wasn't the only one with these problems!!! The clean your plate club sucks, but it’s so hard to resign membership!!! Thankfully my mom has learned to stop doing that to her kids.
    And curse this gift of kitchen magic! Although after 17 years of working at it, I’d love to sit in your kitchen for some time. I bet I can learn wonderful things from you. No wait, none of that. First, self-control, then sitting in your kitchen. Oh why does food that is bad for you have to taste so good!!! I don’t want to hear no crap about learning to love healthy food either. I’ma working on it. But cheesy enchiladas are so much more appealing then chef salad. Ack, my mind is jumping from thought to thought now. Hmm, getting back to homework instead. :-/
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hi I'm Julie.
    I have been apart of MFP since Jan. 2011. Been overweight most of my life, with a few yo-yo's in there. I am going to be a bridesmaid next June. With all the other bridesmaids being a size 2, I didn't want to be THAT girl.
    Been with my husband for 13 years, married for 8. We have one daughter, who is 16 month and is the light and love of our lives.
    I too think this is going to be one of my favorite challenges we had. Thanks JJ for putting all this work in to it.
  • hi all....i'm not sure if i'm officially in, but i want to follow and be inspired by all of you!
    i hurt my thigh last week and havent walked in a week, but have been swimming every day since monday...
    i'm 41, mother of 1 amazing girl, I'm an American living in Ireland. Married to an amazing person. Also mother to an insane collie x springer spaniel...

    thanks for the invite Knotty!

  • hi all....i'm not sure if i'm officially in, but i want to follow and be inspired by all of you!
    i hurt my thigh last week and havent walked in a week, but have been swimming every day since monday...
    i'm 41, mother of 1 amazing girl, I'm an American living in Ireland. Married to an amazing person. Also mother to an insane collie x springer spaniel...

    thanks for the invite Knotty!


    Welcome nfat! We just need your first name for this challenge and then you are "officially in"!

    I know you have been injured, so do what you can until you are better. Dancing can be done sitting and so can strength training (just do your arms). If you can do sit-ups, push-ups etc with your injury go for it. Water is easy, so are compliments.
  • I invited a few of the recent regular posters from the 100+ thread to join the challenge if they wanted. I know Cynthia invited a friend of hers, Becky had a friend from another challenge she was going to invite and I invited one of my friends that I thought would be committed to the challenge and is on a similar journey.

    If you have anyone you would like to nominate for this challenge, please let me know! I only ask that they be committed and consistent so that everyone that starts makes it to the top of the mountains! It would be great to have a few new people to shake things up a little don't you think? :wink:
  • Hey Knotty

    i am swimming every day for 45 -60 minutes, can my metres swimming count? i count them while i'm doing them, today was 828, yesterday was 1080 edited - reread mountains and saw Vinson Massif with swimming
    and as this is my first challenge, how does one log them? do i just post them here?


    as for nfat - when i joined, i had no idea there was even a community here, i know it is quite negative!

  • Just to show you how easy it can be to fit all of these activities into your daily routine....this morning I did the following as a warm up for the challenge:

    Went for a 3.5 mile walk (112 ft up Vinson Massif)
    Grabbed and chugged a 16oz bottle of water after I got home (2ft up Mt. Kosciuzko)
    Did 10 wall pushups while I waited for the water to get hot in the shower (10ft up Mt. Elbrus)
    Did 10 bicep curls per arm and 10 triceps(the ones behind the head? Dont know what they are called) with the Costco size bottle of conditioner (3ft up Everest/Sagamantha)
    Danced in the shower for a couple of minutes, being careful not to slip (2ft up Aconcagua)
    Will ride my bike to work and home again 6.2 miles (99.2ft up Denali)

    And wanted to say...Becky and Cynthia you have both done an amazing job on the spreadsheet! I really admire that, as I am totally incapable of understanding them myself. Furthermore, you have both been invaluable in helping me to hash out the details of this challenge, checking my rather spotty math and offering great suggestions for how to improve this concept! Thank you so much! (20ft up Kilimanjaro)

    See? Easy peasy! :wink:
  • Tina!

    You rock! But we don't start the challenge until the 1st of October. :bigsmile: When we get started there will be a link to a google docs spreadsheet where you will be able to enter your numbers for each mountain.

    I will have to do the math for meters, I know there are a few non-Americans in the challenge and want to make it easy for you to log them

    Hey Knotty

    i am swimming every day for 45 -60 minutes, can my metres swimming count? i count them while i'm doing them, today was 828, yesterday was 1080 edited - reread mountains and saw Vinson Massif with swimming
    and as this is my first challenge, how does one log them? do i just post them here?


    as for nfat - when i joined, i had no idea there was even a community here, i know it is quite negative!

  • i can change the metres to feet on my iphone :) i'm constantly changing Stones to LBS and KILOS to LBS! today i reached my 4 stone mini-goal! they like their stones here