

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    oh i forgot to log a real world complement too. Had lunch with two lovely work colleagues this week, and one of them said 'what have you been doing with yourself over the summer? You just look absolutely radiant, and so healthy'.


    I liked that.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Bobbie, you are so steadily supportive in a very funny way. You leave such funny but thoughtful little posts on my profile, you notice when I am not around, and you let me know that I am accountable. Love you!

    Like I said earlier, I have realized that I need humor to make this thing work, and I hope to spread that powerful tool to the rest of the world. You have become a big part of my pushing myself, and I definitely miss when you're not around.
    -- You are my favorite spitfire. You pretend to be quiet, and unassuming and all miss manners and quiet and reserved. But I know you. You're the one that's gonna put on the red leather mini skirt and sky high pumps and see through blouse and go find some millionaire when you've lost all your weight. You zing people all the time. I love your spark, your fire, your ability to poke the right ember and get to the heart of the matter. Sometimes with humor, sometimes just the truth. I don't worry about you quitting. I know you, you've got papi chulos to catch ;)

    Thank you...I'm so glad someone understands me...hehe I'm a firm believer in speaking the truth, sometimes humor helps sugarcoat it, but it's still the truth. I know there are times I don't want to hear it, but complacency is just not acceptable, so I embrace it. And, heck yeah, I'll be rocking those heels right there next to Brisa!

    Now for a compliment:

    Lane: I want to compliment you on your positivity. Yes, things go wrong, but you look forward instead of back. I always see your comments on threads and see that you look for the best in people, just like you have found the best in your, and I'm inspired by that.

    And one for me: This morning I weighed 299.6, the first time I've been under 300 since I quit working out the last time. Since then, almost 2.5 years ago, I had gained back nearly 50lbs, creating my newest heaviest weight. I hadn't paid any attention to food and thought it didn't matter. I now know better, and I'm so looking forward to seeing 28x because I haven't been there in over 9 yrs. I'm proud of myself for turning my sight from the haven't beens going to the haven't beens in forever going down. I damn near cried this morning and had to get on and off the scale 3 times to check it. When I hit 199 I'm going to sit in the bathroom and bawl because in all of my lifetime of memory, I've never been under 200lbs.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    -- You are welcome. There are days I want you to know that I read your posts to make sure that *I* still can. ;) Just so you know. You're as fearless as they come my darling so thank you for your kind words they mean so very much but know that you are just as magical and awesome in my eyes as well. :)

    -- You are my little engine that can go go go GO. I swear if I could just bottle YOUR energy level I'd be *another* 100lbs down already. My god. You are amazing. So much going on in your world, so many responsibilities, and you still do all that work for yourself. Very inspiring. You definitely keep me going many days. I log on to see you've crunked out another 1k and I'm like fuuuuuck. Okay I'm going. ;) I love you. I think I definitely have a girl crush. :D Tee hee.


    I am proud because in one of the crates I unpacked I found my old college t-shirts, sweatshirt from my Aviation Fraternity, and my concert t-shirts. They all fit. Clothes I haven't worn since 1989. Then I found a dress I made for Jobs Daughters in High school. It fits. Not only did it fit, over my t-shirt and jeans. I had fist fulls of the dress gathered at the waistline. CHING I had to throw the dress out, it was ripped and torn in the satin, unrepairable. An era gone. But that's life. But I did get a whole new wardrobe back with the tees & sweatshirts for free ;) BONUS!

    I was just catching up properly on yesterday's thread. As I posted on the other thread, I'm having a bad fitness day today, and it left me feeling pretty despairing. I can't tell you how much this post lifted me up - both your lovely words (to me and to everyone else) and your fantastic victory over the clothing demon.

    You are a lovely, lovely human being. x
  • KnottyNCrotchety

    -- Thank you momma bear for giving me a cuff to the back of the neck when I need it. Us unruly cubs need it now and then when we misbehave. We might think we know best *all* the time, but probably not. ;) You are very patient and giving and yet I know if I really needed something you'd be there in an instant all stations manned. (even when you're dying sick). :) Thank you for persevering no matter what gets thrown at you. Rawr. ;)

    Cyn-I do love to cuff an unruly cub on the back of the neck, with four kids, three of them boys with ADHD, this is something I can do without turning around or breaking stride. And if you ever called and said you needed me, you are absolutely right. I would be there in an instant ready to do whatever needed to be done. Maybe not as fast when I am dying sick, but I would be there. In my circle of friends and family, that is what I do. Need someone to show up for the play so all the seats in the audience are not empty. What time? Had a family tragedy and need a casserole delivered? Beef or chicken? Teacher appreciation lunch at school? What day? Problem is, once people know you do this, they tend to find "emergencies" you can help them with. Thanks for being so self-sufficient and not needing me ALL the time. ;-)

    Another marathon compliment thread while they are unlimited and double to get us up that dang happy mountain. (PLEASE someone besides just Cynthia step in and help a girl out here?)

    Linda, I am really enjoying getting to know you. Speak up more often and let us know more about yourself. You are so consistent with your exercise and are doing such a great job. Thanks for posting so regularly!

    Tina, you are really jumping in here and contributing so much. Thank you for that! I like that you are working so hard on this challenge and have tried a few different things as well.

    Eileen, with all else that you have going on, I appreciate that you take the time to contribute to our challenge. Your positivity is always appreciated. Thank you!

    Pam, you are also super busy, so thank you too for helping us out. You always have such wise words to say and contribute and I always read them. Thanks so much!

    Carla, you have such enthusiasm and joy in your posts, I just love to read them. Thank you for sharing your positive outlook with us all.

    Brisa, you work so hard at school and I know you have dropped out of participating in a lot of other MFP things, but decided to join us here. Thank you for that, we have enjoyed having you contributing!

    Zena honey, you just keep on keeping on. You have at least dabbled in every single mountain and for that I am very thankful as it was my goal for this challenge.

    Stephy, Stephy, Stephy. You are so awesome. I just admire you and your strength and perseverance so much, but I have told you that already. So I will say this time that I really enjoy reading your food diary. All the British food is very interesting and you make such good choices but always fit in a little something fun, that it always inspires me. Does that make me a stalker? :laugh:

    Staci. Whenever I think...I am too tired, too sick, too worn out, to go workout I think of you. WWSD? And the answer is always workout. So I go. Thank you for that!

    ReNae, I appreciate you showing me how to incorporate exercise and healthiness into my daily routine and that of my family. You do such an incredible job of this and hav really shown me the way.

    Lexie, you always have a positive, sweet word for everyone and I hope that during this time of need you receive that back in spades from everyone in your life. You spend your life taking care of others, teaching, being a mom and supporting your hubby through a really tough time and it takes a special kind of person to do that.

    Lane, you are turning into such a great role model for your son and as a single mom I appreciate that. My kids are older, but he is still young enough to only really remember his "skinny" mom, so I love seeing you turning into that for him.

    Julie, you do a great job at working hard one day and then taking the next off to rest and recover. I need to learn this, as I try to fit everything in on my days off and kill myself. Thanks for reminding me to spread it out over the week.

    Jane, I love your optimism, enthusiasm and can-do spirit. You are willing to try most anything. Love, love, love it.

    Greg, I love that you are just who you are. You have not tried to change who you are to fit in better with a pack of chics. You just tell us when we talked too much for you to keep up and then carry on. THAT is something I could definitely do better!

    Cyndi. You get up to the craziest stuff. One week you are gardening like a maniac. The next you are cleaning out your closet, which includes garbage bags and boxes of clothing you no longer need and will most likely be a weeks job. Who knows what you will get into next week. Its so fun to tune in and see what happened at Casa Cyndi today. (Love the prom-ish dress pic!)

    Bonnie, you are so cool. I love your quiet but courageous voice when it speaks up and love seeing you interact and get to know more people on here. You have a lot to share and I look forward to you sharing it!

    Bobbie, I love to compete against you. (I am ahead in water, walking/running, exercises, dancing, and compliments. You are ahead in strength and biking.) You always inspire me to go a little further, a little harder, a little more to get to the finish before you. I hope that some day we will find a race we can do together, as I know I would kill myself to finish before you. But only by a minute, so that I could stop and cheer while you crossed the finish line too. :wink:

    Becky, I love how you have mothered this group into being. You are our touchstone that keeps us all together and on track. You cheerlead for us, kick us in the butt and recognize when we have reached a goal. Thanks for that sista!

    Some real life compliments!

    I had a student today and ask me where I got my black cord jeans because they looked so good on me, she wanted to get some for herself. She was a size 4! I had to tell her Goodwill, where I get most of my clothes, and had a good laugh. But wow!

    I saw my Grandma for the first time in about 6 weeks and she noticed and complimented me on my weight loss. She even patted me on the butt and said I had lost half of it. Too funny!

    I took a picture for a newspaper article and I was trying to turn halfway to the side and keep my chin up, like they tell you so you look skinnier. And the photographer told me to stop it, that I looked fine without all that.

    And lastly, someone stopped in the shop and said I was looking really thin and congratulated me. And my daughter spoke up and told her how much I had lost and how great it was and how proud she was of me. She just went on and on. I had to go to the back room because I totally teared up.

    Finally, a couple for myself. I am very proud of myself for taking on this challenge. It was a lot of work, worry, thinking and time but I am so happy with how it has worked out and am still sure we can make it to the top of all Seven Summits with a little help from all my friends.

    I am also very proud of myself for sticking with this journey this month. I had a lot of wonderful things to look forward to in September and early October. Things that motivated me to lose weight. Once those things passed it was very tempting to just relax a little and not work quite so hard. I might have slacked a little and have definitely taken a break from logging all my food, but I have not given up and have stuck with it. I have never done that before, and really feel like it is a turning point for me.

    Last few hours of double dancing/double compliments! Lets get 'er done people! Compliment each other! Boogie down! Zumba! Water aerobics! Go, go, go!

    Edited to say....when I add that all up with the double points, it is 820 feet up the damn mountain people! We only have 12,500 to go to get to the summit! If everyone did a post like this tonight, we would be done already! Lets go Skinny Chics (and a Rooster)! Lets go!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay, I got almost everything ready for the gala next weekend. Just a few last minute things left but for now its done.

    Thank you JJ, at first I really had to plan my owrkouts but now I just do it ( I guess I am kind of like Nike)

    Thank you Cynthia, when I first started the stairs were intimisating but I picked the least used stairwell so nobody would see me huffing and puffing but now I just use the closest ones so I can do it more often.

    Thank you Bobbie, I kind of figured if more people know what I am doing then there are more people watching and I make better choices when I think people are watching.

    And I don't remember who said this because I have had to stop to answer the phone 3 times since I got on the 'puter, but to whoever (JJ I think) I get bored with my workouts very easily so the more things I find to do to burn caloires the better for me.

    Okay, it is snuggle time for me and my daughter. Gotta run.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Thank you JJ for the compliment. And I appreciate that you dug the promi-ish photo ;) I had to leave the jeans on. I thought about taking the sneakers off and putting on some black pumps I found too, but I figured I didn't need to push my luck all in one day ;)

    Something I didn't realize till later when I was looking at the dress on me. It doesn't fit anywhere, not just in the waist. I mean I made it for me. So it's not like it shouldn't fit, everywhere. But the neck/shoulders are way off the slide way too far down. The arms are too long, and the tops are too big. The chest area had more material than I could shake a stick at and didn't give any idea that I had a shape at all under the silly thing. Not to mention where the 'waist' was supposed to be, was about oh, 5 inches south of where it should have been. What the hell... I am a dwarf or what?

    What I don't get lately is, my weight is more than it was in high school when I was wearing this stuff before, like by 60lbs or more, probably more like 80lbs. And yet I'm SMALLER. That rather scares me I think as to what my actual muscle density at the moment is. If I could only get that god damn OMRON meter to tell me what my body fat percentage is I'd be alright. :P Feh.

    Hope you're all having good weekends.

    Btw I did the dancing last night. I was a little scared how many of those songs I have in my iTunes collection ;) I also was scared that I could do the boot scoot boogie flapping my foot up to my hand front, back, and then reverse leg. to the beat on footloose without missing a step. I am more than a little scared by the fact that I seem to be more flexible now than when I was 20 ;P I don't think this is normal LOL :D
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Knotty: thank you for the nice comments. I know I haven't been around much these days. I'm very busy with work and family these days. In fact, I'll be quite busy right through to the end of the year. I need a "hard finish" to the year in order to make my numbers. That means I'll be travelling a fair amount. I'm hoping that it WON'T mean weight gain. I went up almost 2LBS last week (first time in 4 months) and that's a bit discouraging. Not being able to exercise just compounds that problem.

    @Knotty: Those are some really great compliments your received. I especially like how your daughter jumped in and told people how much you'd lost and how proud she was of you. That HAD to feel good. I would have been walking around on a cloud for the rest of the day.

    @Bobbie: weigh-to-go breaking the 300# barrier! Phenomenal achievement! You are doing so well.

    It looks like everyone else is doing really well with this month's challenge. I see lots of people doing different activities in order to up the physical movement. I think that was the main point of the challenge, so I say "Congrats!"

    @Icy: maybe you are morphing into a tiny person?LOL Good for you with the shifting weight and loose dress.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Thanks Greg...I feel like I'm finally starting now! My most recent lowest weight was 292, so this feels like where I should've stopped myself last time when I saw the weight creeping back on. Now I'm ready to finish the job I started 3 years ago! (Not that I haven't attempted this thing 100x before that!)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member

    That said a compliment for Renae: You have worked so hard to change your life and you are now a very active individual who takes part in many activities and is a shining example for your kids. I'm proud of you and you should be too!

    Thank you Steph! I'm proud about having a more active lifestyle than I did just 8 months ago. It's so great to be able to do things with my beautiful girls. These years are flying by and they'll be out on their own too soon. I plan on getting even more fit so I won't miss a moment with them!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    -- My favorite manic moose hunter ;) I am still proud of your activity level with you and your family. It is amazing to me. I am envious actually that you have a family that will share in your journey with you and help you along. I hope that you have a fantastic weekend ya smelly woodchuck ;)

    Thanks Cyndi - Being active with my family and having their support keeps me going. It really is the driving force that says "put down the chocolate!" It feels great to have the control back!!
    ReNae, I appreciate you showing me how to incorporate exercise and healthiness into my daily routine and that of my family. You do such an incredible job of this and hav really shown me the way.

    Thanks Knotty - My life is so busy with work and running for the kids and that used to be my EXCUSE for NOT exercising and eating healthy. Today is the REASON I exercise and eat healthy! Funny what a change in attitude can do. I'm very proud of my lifestyle changes and I'm finally getting over being angry with myself for getting in the position I was in. The fact that we are doing something about it is what matters!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Shout out to Bobbie!! I'd like to compliment you for getting past that hump on the scale!! Under 300 and moving on down! So proud of you. Today is the first day of the rest of your life - keep living it girl!!! CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Stephy, Stephy, Stephy. You are so awesome. I just admire you and your strength and perseverance so much, but I have told you that already. So I will say this time that I really enjoy reading your food diary. All the British food is very interesting and you make such good choices but always fit in a little something fun, that it always inspires me. Does that make me a stalker?

    Thank you and it doesn't make you a stalker! I like knowing people are looking at my food diary - it help keeps me honest. I also believe in getting those fun little something in - it makes it easier to stay on track and it has helped me learn moderation.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I just had to come on and post my RL compliment. One of my doctors today said I looked really great and that he was proud of me. Now, I had been really bummed that my weight hadn't moved at all this week and it was all I could do to say "Thank you. I have been working really hard at it." I am really proud of that because I am finally owning all this work that I have been doing.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    -- What can I say. My little energizer bunny in leather boots. I am so happy that you are just zooming along right now. I am so happy that you are making your family dreams come true and things are going very well for you right now. You've been very quiet, which means things are going very well ;) Keep going my darling... Zing. Right to the bottom of that ticker ;)

    ^^Thank you Cynthia^^

    Thank you for the compliment. This is the life I have always dream of. From very young I wanted a family and to be able to do actives with them and not have my weight be an issue. That truly is a gift and I thank God every day for the blessings I have in my life. From having warm blankets to running clean water. And I don't have to leave earth early because of my weight. Life is to precious.

    Julie you are a great source of inspiration. You are so consistent with your weightloss and are reaping the benefits of all your hardwork. You maintain a positive attitude and that is infectious to the rest of us who watch your progress with awe.


    Thank you for the lovely compliment. I love being happy, I really do. When I can pass that on to other people, nothing is a better "high" for me. Funny short story. I was working with a lady and she asked me if I was on some antidepressants because she has never seen someone who was always happy and smiling. I just said no and shook my head. Life is to short to be crabby or grumpy.
  • thank you JJ for the kind words
    thank you Cyndi for the kind words as well
    means a lot girls

    Bobbie - way to go on your under 3 Bills (i'm very similar to you weight wise so i know how that feels) and congrats on hitting the big 50 I just saw your ticker!

    small girl stayed home from school today, so i had to do my elliptical again as i was hoping to go swimming post school drop off - but a great day to stay home as you need an Ark to go anywhere - the most rain i've seen in one day in 7 years! the big mall was flooded and closed early...roads blocked, trains out of service - you'd think of all places Ireland would have been prepared for RAIN!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    apologies if this has been asked and answered already - I did search. Can I log static rowing anywhere in the challenge?
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Zena honey, you just keep on keeping on. You have at least dabbled in every single mountain and for that I am very thankful as it was my goal for this challenge.

    Thanks JJ I tried the bike but it hurt to much so I didn't do much.

    Sounds like everyone else is doing great. Keep up the great workouts :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Is there a new challenge going on next month or did I miss it?
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Sorry I have been missing... will update the spreadsheet shortly. Did go to the gym and bike, not much, but biked. And lifted... on one I was doing 125 pounds for 3 sets of 12 reps, one was 90 pounds for 3 sets of 12 reps, then 50 pounds for 4 sets of 12 reps and finally 10 for 2 sets of 12 reps... I hope that is some feet up the mountain!

    I'm workin' on it... feel like I haven't contributed much over the course... welp, I have on compliments. Looks like we can get lots of feet this weekend for that (hope that was this coming weekend and not the weekend I missed, but maybe it was?!?). I also did some dancin'...

    Head's up -- we are climbing high!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I updated the spreadsheet with my numbers... sorry, thought that I would be adding more. However, I do plan on spending some significant time at the gym throughout the remaining month. Looks like I will be spending some serious time on the bike and strength training! I am really excited about the strength training... not so excited about the bike. BUT... I am gonna do it. I can't do it alone though...

    Here's what I am seeing...

    Biking -- we still have 511 miles left to go before the end of the month.

    Dancing -- we still have 277 hours of dancing to do... or 139 hours if we all partnered up!

    Strength -- over 10,000 reps left to do (averaging here for weight of each)

    Water -- we need to drink up 2,075 cups of water

    Compliments -- oh Lordy, we have soooo sooo far to go! Get complimenting generously!

    So... here goes... I am issuing some challenges and I want to know who's with me on each one! So... get your butts in gear because I don't want to keel over trying to make up for my slow beginning...

    CHALLENGE ONE: I am committing to riding at least 35 miles in the next 6 days. Who is going to do this with me? Who can offer more? Honest to Goodness... that means I will have to do at least 6 miles a day and that is going to kick my booty -- so I need at least 14 others to agree or else someone or sometwo/somethree to commit to doing this for 2 or 3 people!

    CHALLENGE TWO: I am committing to adding at least 4 hours of dancing, and I hope to make at least one of those hours with someone! Which means that I am committing to 300 minutes or 300 feet up the mountain! Unless we have extra credit again... I need everyone to take on this challenge times 10! Not sure we are gonna make this one and that's sad to me! Very sad! (based on my calculations... we would need at least 10 people doing 3 hours a day with someone to make it up to this summit. Let's at least work our way up higher!

    CHALLENGE THREE: I am committing to at least 200 feet up the mountain each day for the next 6 days. Which means that I will contribute at least 1200 feet. I would need to have at least 9 others commit to this in order for us to reach our summit. I hope to push myself on this one to do more... but if I am biking, I need to be careful about how much I do so I don't burn out my legs!

    CHALLENGE FOUR: I am committing to 14 cups of water a day for the next 6 days... which would be a total of 98 (d/t Thirsty Thursday). So, then I would need another 21 people to do that to help us reach that... though I am gonna advocate to JJ that Halloween day should be triple points for EVERYTHING just cause it's a holiday... and maybe even 5x the water that day to counteract the candy people will be eating, the salt/sodium, etc... BUT -- what can you all do to help us reach that summit???

    CHALLENGE FIVE: I will find/hear/acknowledge at least 5 RL compliments or compliment myself each day, I will acknowledge and own every compliment given to me and will give at least 5 compliments per day on here... Which means on average I will earn about 200 feet per day plus whatever compliments I can acknowledge from you all. I can't count on those because we aren't doing so hot in this arena... As near as I can see/figure it... 10 of us need to commit to a minimum of 204 feet per day and we could summit this mountain! Who's with me?!?

    Let's see what we can do... a few of them are seeming unsurmountable, but as I break things down they are proving that some could still be accomplished -- including our wisdom summit! So... let me know which challenge YOU are gonna take on? Or, are you gonna do them all??
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Has anyone claimed doing the November Challenge?

    I have a thought or two for a challenge... which won't be about numbers so much as just stretching ourselves. I am happy to put something together if no one else has claimed the month yet. If anyone else wants a chance to lead a challenge though... welp, I am all good with that also!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: