

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Everyone is doing so great on this challenge. I'm hoping to contribute more next week now that I'm feeling better - I'll have no excuses. I also have a good reason to do something different next week. One of my cousins saw a pix of me on facebook and asked my mom if I was losing weight. She was so happy for me that she sent down some workout DVDs, rubber bands and weights so I need to figure out how to use them now. I also have an exercise ball coming this weekend that my sisters daughters no longer use. I'm thinking about setting up a real gym in my house. That should be fun!!

    Keep it going gang!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Just read JJ's report and realized that I have not been adding my Zumba dance time as double. I always drag someone to it with me, but since it's a group thing, I wasn't counting the person I take with. Sometimes my mom, madrina, BFF, sisters, classmates. I totally overlooked that they counted as dancing with me. But tomorrow's Zumbathon I will make sure to add it up right :-D

    Muchas gracias señorita JJ

    Merci Beaucoup, Mademoiselle Brisa. ;-)
  • congrats Zena! i know that feeling!

    and everyone else on their hard work...

    i have held firm at same weight for days....i'm being good, and EVEN DRINKING MORE WATER (i'm usually bad in that department)....but i'm actually at peace with my mini plateaus as of late,i think of it as, better to plateau than to gain right?

    did my best swim today - 76 lengths in 60 minutes....in 3 weeks i've gone up 16 lengths!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Evening All,
    I'm feeling a little bit dodgy so going to keep it short and sweet. Was out enjoying a couple of white wine spritzers when overcome with stomach cramps. They subsided enough on the way home that I got in a little dancing. Yep, I had Cee Lo Green's Cry Baby blasting away on my ipod. Its got a great 50's beat and I actually did a bit of dancing coming up the sidewalk and then totally did the Dirty Dancing stairs walk/dance on my way up to my flat. Managed two more songs before cramps returned. Spent the evening nursing a cup of tea but wanted to share that I squished in a bit of dancing.

    Nfat - that is a great accomplishment, well done.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Hey All, sorry I haven't been around much the last few days. Busy with work and stuff.

    Well, my knee is still bothering me and I think it's probably time to go see the Doctor....yech. I bought a knee brace from the drug store (as recommended by the running store) and I can't get the damn thing on my giant leg! My legs aren't actually fat just extremely large from popeye'esque muscles. Not sure what to do now. I will return the brace and see if they have a different brand to try.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • Hey All, sorry I haven't been around much the last few days. Busy with work and stuff.

    Well, my knee is still bothering me and I think it's probably time to go see the Doctor....yech. I bought a knee brace from the drug store (as recommended by the running store) and I can't get the damn thing on my giant leg! My legs aren't actually fat just extremely large from popeye'esque muscles. Not sure what to do now. I will return the brace and see if they have a different brand to try.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    greg - i had to buy a larger knee brace from an online physio type website, it was so long ago i dont have the link, but it was close to $50...

    i think if you have the option, you should look into swimming - you're weightless - it's life altering for your joints, especially the bad knee - dont stop doing cardio, you're doing so well! i joined a gym 3 weeks ago to start swimming because of thigh pain - (which is 85percent gone) see if you can find a pool that wont lock you into a year contract so you can keep up your cardio

    i was inspired by a woman who said, she just gets from one end to the other doing the doggy paddle - i thought, if she can do it, then so can i

    good luck!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    **************This weekend we are going to concentrate on Denail and BIKING!!!!!************

    Our extra credit challenge for the weekend (from now until midnight on Sunday) is this:

    Bike on a stationary or recumbent bike and you can count it for double!

    Bike on the street and you can count it for triple!

    Bike with someone else, anyone else, and you can count it for quadruple!

    So hitch up the kiddie seat, challenge your kid to a race down the block, or invite your teenager or spouse to join you for a leisurely (or not so leisurely!) lap around the neighborhood and lets move UP THAT MOUNTAIN!!!!

    On your marks, get set, GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Dang, JJ, the one weekend I probably won't get to the gym because the girls are home and want my time, and you double the miles on the easy one. Oh well, I will try, maybe Sunday.

    Ok, so I am going to compliment myself, well, congratulate myself. I have been thinking about walking the trail that goes around the lake by my house, but I have not done it because I was afraid of getting somewhere, needing to stop, and being stuck. I honestly didn't know how many nor where the exits were. So today I bite the bullet and decided to give it a go, thinking that if I make it halfway there should be somewhere I can call someone to come get me from if I have to. Well, I walked through the painful first mile (and by pain, I mean the leg pain where my calf and shin feel like they're splitting) and keep walking. 1.5 miles in, and the hills start, and there's still no exit. 2.5 miles in and there are more hills...meanwhile I'm wondering why so many people are coming from the opposite direction...apparently I chose to go the direction of the UP hill climbs. At mile 3, I finally hit the park that is one of the only exits someone could've come to get me, and I just keep walking. I walked the entire thing 5 miles without stopping, even when my chest was burning. My whole body hurts now, from the feet to the shoulders, but it felt so good to do it. Not only that, but I'm even more proud of myself for planning how I'm gonna go back next week and try the other direction to see if there really is a difference. Then I'm going to work my way up to walking to the gym because after the park is a branch-off for a trail that takes you straight to my gym...isn't that convenient.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Evening All,
    I'm feeling a little bit dodgy so going to keep it short and sweet. Was out enjoying a couple of white wine spritzers when overcome with stomach cramps. They subsided enough on the way home that I got in a little dancing. Yep, I had Cee Lo Green's Cry Baby blasting away on my ipod. Its got a great 50's beat and I actually did a bit of dancing coming up the sidewalk and then totally did the Dirty Dancing stairs walk/dance on my way up to my flat. Managed two more songs before cramps returned. Spent the evening nursing a cup of tea but wanted to share that I squished in a bit of dancing.

    Nfat - that is a great accomplishment, well done.

    Love the dancing Steph! That is EXACTLY what I was going for with this challenge! And I love the image of you dancing up the steps like Baby! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Dang, JJ, the one weekend I probably won't get to the gym because the girls are home and want my time, and you double the miles on the easy one. Oh well, I will try, maybe Sunday.

    Ok, so I am going to compliment myself, well, congratulate myself. I have been thinking about walking the trail that goes around the lake by my house, but I have not done it because I was afraid of getting somewhere, needing to stop, and being stuck. I honestly didn't know how many nor where the exits were. So today I bite the bullet and decided to give it a go, thinking that if I make it halfway there should be somewhere I can call someone to come get me from if I have to. Well, I walked through the painful first mile (and by pain, I mean the leg pain where my calf and shin feel like they're splitting) and keep walking. 1.5 miles in, and the hills start, and there's still no exit. 2.5 miles in and there are more hills...meanwhile I'm wondering why so many people are coming from the opposite direction...apparently I chose to go the direction of the UP hill climbs. At mile 3, I finally hit the park that is one of the only exits someone could've come to get me, and I just keep walking. I walked the entire thing 5 miles without stopping, even when my chest was burning. My whole body hurts now, from the feet to the shoulders, but it felt so good to do it. Not only that, but I'm even more proud of myself for planning how I'm gonna go back next week and try the other direction to see if there really is a difference. Then I'm going to work my way up to walking to the gym because after the park is a branch-off for a trail that takes you straight to my gym...isn't that convenient.

    So go biking with the girls Bobbie!

    Woohoo on the walking the trail! I remember you talking about it and being nervous, and I love that you just went for it! My 3.5 mile route took me forever when I first started out, I thought I was going to die and its the same, a loop that you have to complete. Now, its just routine to do it. Yours will be too!

    About the first mile, I have discovered that my body HATES to start walking and running. It takes about 10 minutes for my body to "get over it" and the motion to get easy. No matter how much I stretch or warm up before hand, its always the same. Its like my body is saying..."Hey Numbskull! We DONT RUN!" It hurts, aches, feels awkward. Now that I know that about my body, I just grit my teeth and power through.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Biking with the girls would be fine except we don't have regular bikes...In fact, I haven't been on a regular (non-stationary) bike in over 20 years. Not ready to go there yet.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Everyone is doing so well.....I am so proud of each of you.

    I did a few days of just aerobics but not sure how to log them....any ideas?

    If I may share something....I bought my first pair of Rider jeans yesterday....no buying jeans at Catherine's any longer. There is no elastic waist in them and they fit my tush. That is one goal that I had....a pair of non-elastic waist jeans.

    To share another....at work the other day, I was talking and examining a young boy. His mother kept staring at me. Finally, she asked how long I worked there since she didn't remember ever seeing me....although she did remember a nurse practitiioner that sounded like me but was really "heavy set". I smiled and told her that I was there 10 years and the NP she was referring to was me. She wanted to know what I had done since she wanted to lose weight...as she sat there with a bag of chips and a bottle of Pepsi in her hands. So I told her about MFP

    Tomorrow is a work day so I better get myself to sleep. Night everyone!!!!!!

  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    **************This weekend we are going to concentrate on Denail and BIKING!!!!!************

    Our extra credit challenge for the weekend (from now until midnight on Sunday) is this:

    Bike on a stationary or recumbent bike and you can count it for double!

    Bike on the street and you can count it for triple!

    Bike with someone else, anyone else, and you can count it for quadruple!

    So hitch up the kiddie seat, challenge your kid to a race down the block, or invite your teenager or spouse to join you for a leisurely (or not so leisurely!) lap around the neighborhood and lets move UP THAT MOUNTAIN!!!!

    On your marks, get set, GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

    Clarification needed, please? If I am biking with someone else at the gym - do I still count it as double? My friend and I race on the courses that are automatically done for you... Espresso bikes, and they simulate the curves, hills, etc. WAY, WAY, WAAAAY harder then the regular upright and/or recumbant! Crazy how much more of a workout it is! So, can you just let me know? I am back at home and planned to do some biking -- but at the gym, as I don't have a "real" bike.

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well I arrived early at the gym this morning before Zumba and in honour of double biking points weekend. I got in 15 minutes on that damn stationary contraption. i don't find it uncomfortable, just a bit boring and I am never happy with the burn. That said I completed 118 mailboxes this morning. I was planning on doing a 25km cycle at the gym tomorrow as well which when doubled will be quite nice. :happy:

    Hoping for some random dancing feet later to add to the zumba time.
    Happy Saturday all!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I would like to compliment Greg, my fellow Canuck. Greg you always make me smile. You are so encouraging and always maintain a positive attitude. It has been wonderful to watch you increase the amount you are walking and to tackle the challenges that food and lifestyle provide and win! You are doing a great job of changing your life. Thanks for being our rooster!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Everyone is doing so well.....I am so proud of each of you.

    I did a few days of just aerobics but not sure how to log them....any ideas?

    If I may share something....I bought my first pair of Rider jeans yesterday....no buying jeans at Catherine's any longer. There is no elastic waist in them and they fit my tush. That is one goal that I had....a pair of non-elastic waist jeans.

    To share another....at work the other day, I was talking and examining a young boy. His mother kept staring at me. Finally, she asked how long I worked there since she didn't remember ever seeing me....although she did remember a nurse practitiioner that sounded like me but was really "heavy set". I smiled and told her that I was there 10 years and the NP she was referring to was me. She wanted to know what I had done since she wanted to lose weight...as she sat there with a bag of chips and a bottle of Pepsi in her hands. So I told her about MFP

    Tomorrow is a work day so I better get myself to sleep. Night everyone!!!!!!


    Pam, aerobics count towards dancing. 1 minute=1 foot up the mountain. BUT if you are in an aerobics class, or are doing your aerobics with someone, anyone, else, then it counts double....so 1 minute = 2 feet up the mountain.

    Hope that answers the question....let me know if it did not!

  • KnottyNCrotchety
    **************This weekend we are going to concentrate on Denail and BIKING!!!!!************

    Our extra credit challenge for the weekend (from now until midnight on Sunday) is this:

    Bike on a stationary or recumbent bike and you can count it for double!

    Bike on the street and you can count it for triple!

    Bike with someone else, anyone else, and you can count it for quadruple!

    So hitch up the kiddie seat, challenge your kid to a race down the block, or invite your teenager or spouse to join you for a leisurely (or not so leisurely!) lap around the neighborhood and lets move UP THAT MOUNTAIN!!!!

    On your marks, get set, GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

    Clarification needed, please? If I am biking with someone else at the gym - do I still count it as double? My friend and I race on the courses that are automatically done for you... Espresso bikes, and they simulate the curves, hills, etc. WAY, WAY, WAAAAY harder then the regular upright and/or recumbant! Crazy how much more of a workout it is! So, can you just let me know? I am back at home and planned to do some biking -- but at the gym, as I don't have a "real" bike.


    Yep! If you are biking with ANYONE else, it counts for quadruple this weekend. That includes racing at the gym!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    So, JJ, you know I love you right. As much as my body was hurting from yesterday's hiking fiasco, I still got up this morning and took my butt to the gym to get 12 miles in on the bike. Then the girls and I went out for some retail therapy...of course, it was more therapeutic for them since it was my money being spent. I got myself one cute blouse and a couple of new bras (I was in desperate need). I'm still not ready to deal with buying anything else, until I'm truly in another complete size.

    I did get a compliment from my daughter this morning when I put on one pair of my jeans, and she said "Mom, you know those are getting way too big on you." So, I put on the only pair of skinny jeans I own, and to tell you the truth, if my calves would shrink even the tiniest bit, these wouldn't even be considered skinny jeans anymore because they keep sliding down. Oh well, before the holidays, I will have NO CHOICE but to buy all new clothes, or I will be bringing in the new year as I came at birth, with nothing on as it all falls off...lol
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    I would like to compliment Greg, my fellow Canuck. Greg you always make me smile. You are so encouraging and always maintain a positive attitude. It has been wonderful to watch you increase the amount you are walking and to tackle the challenges that food and lifestyle provide and win! You are doing a great job of changing your life. Thanks for being our rooster!

    Gee Whiz, thanks Steph! I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. I've been feeling pretty down for the last few days b/c my knee is really hurting and I can't walk, so this post really "hit the spot." It's really bugging me that I can't walk.

    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Hello all, I am back on line. The cruise was great and I did get some exercise in while sight seeing. i will add my data to the spreadsheet tomorrow. I hope all has been well with the rest of you. Unfortunately, I think I put on some pounds, but considering I have been on vacation since September 22nd, I guess I didmnt do to badly. Tomorrow we are hiking up Diamond Head in Waikiki. I hope I can make it. Carla