
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I would like to compliment me!! :blushing:
    Today I realised my life has changed and I am proud of myself. Again today I was handed an excuse to go home and not go to the gym. (spin was cancelled). I went to the gym and worked my backside off with my spin buddy, sweating more than I do in the normal class. I am fit and healthy. I am filled with the confidence that no matter what happens, I will exercise the rest of my life. I know that I can tackle any challenge that is thrown to me in the gym. Its official, I'm a gym bunny and proud!!! :blushing:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    OK - if I do nothing else tonight I'm going to dance for a few minutes with my girls. You are all so motivating.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Jane I would like to compliment you! :bigsmile: You are a strong and amazing woman. You tackle this life style change head on, grab it by the horns and beat it up! I am in awe of the burns you achieve and the things you are accomplishing such as running. You are making changes for the rest of your life and are a shining example of how far someone can come! I am so glad to have gotten to know you through the challenge and thread and to call you my friend.

    thank you. You have no idea how much this meant to me. Made me have a little cry. Being strong is very important to me. Xxx

    well done on your achievements today too stephanie. That sounds like one incredible gym session.
  • jackie010307
    jackie010307 Posts: 46 Member
    Didn't get a lot done this weekend that I can put on the chart, unless playing with 6 kids at a playground fits somewhere! We went to visit family and had a great time though. I did try to get in a few stairs, but totally missed anything else, including water. Bad, I know, but tomorrow is a new day and I know what I need to get back to doing to make the scale move down!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    I would like to compliment me!! :blushing:
    Today I realised my life has changed and I am proud of myself. Again today I was handed an excuse to go home and not go to the gym. (spin was cancelled). I went to the gym and worked my backside off with my spin buddy, sweating more than I do in the normal class. I am fit and healthy. I am filled with the confidence that no matter what happens, I will exercise the rest of my life. I know that I can tackle any challenge that is thrown to me in the gym. Its official, I'm a gym bunny and proud!!! :blushing:

    If MFP had a "Like" button, I'd be pushing it over and over again! I feel very happy for you Steph and you deserve to feel proud of all that you have accomplished.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    OH gosh, oh gosh...you all are amazing, but I have to give some serious shout outs.

    Our rooster, I am constantly inspired by your tenacity. You have been building your walks from next to nothing to amazing lengths and then coming on here and sharing your accomplishments with us. You also put up with all of these cackling hens without once demonstrating irritation or (I'm losing the words in English, hold on) real unease at our openness. I truly appreciate your presence!

    Jane, my sister, everyday that I log onto MFP, I feel like I can do and accomplish anything because you have already done and accomplished so much before I even wake up. You have no idea how hard your strength and endurance pushes me to be strong and to increase the intensity of what I'm doing. You are putting in the work to make the woman on the outside match the woman on the inside without any pretense of fads, fillers, or fallacy. Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday AGAIN!

    Gosh, everyone is so amazing, and I'm in such a great mood! It's awesome how a good couple of hours at the gym can make you feel, especially when you haven't been there for a few days.

    Oh yeah, and I have to share a IRL compliment that I got from one of my supervisors today. She sees me about once a week, but sometimes we don't really get to sit and talk, so today, after my observation, she says, "And you look like you've lost some more weight, have you?" My initial reaction was to downplay it, but then I simply sucked it up and said, "yes, thank you." You can't imagine how freeing that was because what I honestly thought about saying next, although it was neither the time nor the place because others were around was, "remember when we talked last month about me wanting to lose another 20 lbs by the beginning of October and you told me it was impossible, well, I'm only 4lbs away." I didn't say that because others were in the room and it would have sounded crass to the outsider, but I might just tell her once I finally hit 299 ;-)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member

  • Reading through this thread and everyone's accomplishments and compliments, just makes me smile. So happy.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    I have to agree with Bobbie.

    I think it's time we say a big HOOORAH for our Rooster ;)

    I love that you listen to all our cackling and clucking Greg and then you input your sage wisdom and point us in the right direction for the tender bits of noms like a proper Rooster daddy would. It feels somehow safer and more secure knowing you're around to keep an eye out for us and I don't think we get all cackle-y and nit picky with each other because you are here. (It's a group dynamic thing that's been proven time and time again. Gotta have one Rooster) So thank you for being our Rooster. And for being around to take care of us. :)

    Stephanie I am so proud of you for knowing that even though the world was out to get you today you fought back and persevered onward and took the matter into your own hands to complete your spin class on your own. Congrats. And Kudos to you for enjoying it while you were doing it. That's a big thing. You've come a long way baby ;)

    Miss Jane.. remember when you wouldn't enter the meathead pit? Well Congratulations here is your meathead badge. Wear it with pride. I am so proud of you for overcoming your fears and doing something good for yourself with going to the gym and working out with the boys. My compliments to you for getting it done as it were ;)

    Miss Becky. There's nothing in the south that isn't made with Pig lard, grease, bacon, grits, potatoes, or corn. One of those 6 things is in every single food stuff I swear to god. Now mind you, it's all so damn tasty it'll make you cry. So my compliment to you is, congratulations for avoiding the heartattack special Plate meal of the day and going for the lighter options while your there. *HUGS* You can do it. I know you can.

    Lexie baby. I love that you are working out on your whole body now as well. Just maybe not so hard. :) Let this be a lesson, not so hard, not so fast. *HUGS* Try lesser weights on the legs, and a few more reps that might lesson the 'jelly walk'. Also No more than 3 x a week on the weights, and try to give yourself 2 days between weight workouts on a particular muscle group if it's really overworked like that. 1 if it's just a regular workout. And I have to compliment you for holding together and not hitting the sugar sack this weekend when you and I both know that it might have momentarily eased the burden but it wouldn't in the long run. So way to keep up the good work with your strong woman willpower :) I am sorry you had such a ****ty weekend however. *HUGS* I hope it goes better soon!

    No big workouts for me again today, still gardening. Another day, maybe two of it and then I can/will get back to 'the mountain' as it were. Keep it skinny chicks and Rooster ;)
  • Bobbie - that is great that you got that compliment at work...

    i'm only JUST getting the "i think i can see you lost some weight in your face" type compliments - i lost 60 lbs people, it came off elsewhere too!!!!!!!! i'm down to a size 22 FFS! and i can't put the airplane seatbelt in January on my FACE! ANYWAY
    i'm not doing it for the compliments, i'm doing it for my health, my daughter, my husband and of course my self

    but an occasional Attagirl is nice every once in a while

    i love seeing all of your tickers moving! we're going down, but our numbers are getting higher

    well done to everyone

    i'm going to eat a giant salad now
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Thanks Bobbie and Icewolf. I have never really considered myself as inspiring - not in the exercise world anyway! I love that you see me that way. :-)

    I find you both pretty amazing too. I love the firmness with which you both set your noses against the flab, and move forward. You are both fantastic.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    All this “Pep” in the middle of the week?! Where the hell is it coming from? Hahahaha It’s awesome! I know I’ve been MIA, but in all fairness, I did say I would be. Lack of time is the only reason I don’t join the SUPER DUPER UBER AWESOME ‘mother-thread’.

    I would like to give a compliment:
    First, I did accept the one compliment Miss Becky gave me, but it never got logged. The reason I was thinking about it is because I am doing another 5k, this time for The American Cancer Society in benefit of Breast Cancer research on Oct 29th. I like the local Julie Rogers charity better because they offer free breast cancer exams and care to those who cannot afford it, but I guess research is just as important for the purpose of finding a cure. With that,

    Moving on, here is my compliment to Cynthia, You inspire me almost every day. You are so genuine. Even though you are super smart, you never come off “better-then-thou”. (I have chemists, doctors, and lawyers in my family who are not nice like you) From you, I have seen that even “big” girls can have fun. You do not hide. You go get a Mohawk hair cut instead of blending in. You do not let being overweight stop you from enjoying things like gardening, seducing your hubby, or rocking shorts to the gym. ! Hmm, I do believe I have a girl-crush on you. I’ve seen people who have 300 lbs. to “release” but give up because it’s just too much. You have, to date, released a little over 100 lbs. That is remarkable. You make me think, if someone that loves food and cooks as much as I do, does normal things like I do, and manages to release 100 lbs. then so can I!
    Oh, its Wednesday, today is my concert! Spending all night with 3 pappy chulos, Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull and Prince Royce. I will log the whole time I am there as dancing because DUH. And the club for the after party? Yes please.
    Bobbie, wish you were at least in Texas so you could join. I will be spending all night next to 3 crazy 20 and 21 year olds. I know I’m only 27, but hanging out with 20 year olds makes me feel old. LOL. I will have a blast though. Just looking at Enrique Iglesias is fun. And dancing to Pitbull? Hell Yeah!! TODO EL MUNDO CON LA LENGUA AFUERA
    Again, SAVE THE TATAS!!!!!
    Totally forgot, I did get a complement in real life. Well, it has been several, but all in the same place, separate occasions, so I guess it counts as one. I get bored working out alone. Not that I can’t, I do enjoy my own company very much. (I think I’m pretty dam interesting and do enjoy the conversations I have with myself. Jijijijijijjiji.) Most of my work outs are in a class lead by instructors. Most of the women that attend are the same that has been doing it for years. We all pretty much know each other. Not intimately but acquainted at least. These last few weeks I have been told that I’m looking way better by the participants. My weight release is starting to get noticed and getting complimented on. I had a conversation with an elderly sweet lady; found out that she is 86! The woman does advance cardio with us and then rocks Zumba too. Those two classes are back to back, so it’s not for the faint at heart to do both. She looks like she is in her late 60s but not in her 80s. She sweetly pulled me aside and told me that my fiancé is a lucky man and that if I keep up my determination I could live up to 100 years. She asked me about my wedding and advised me not to get my dress yet, because it will fall off by the time my wedding gets here. Another commented on how great I’m doing, making my clothes fit bigger and bigger each month. I get embarrassed when people say things like this to me. I want to be invisible most of the time. But all this hotness just won’t stay hidden :-)
    Forgot one more thing, this is why I NEED to log more often. My fiancé came home for the weekend, he was so proud of my progress that he insisted on buying me the reward for my 175 lb. mark goal. It’s on my profile, but here it is
    2nd Goal: 175 lbs.
    Date achieved: not yet
    Reward: New Louis Vuitton bag
    I had to refuse it, over and over. It would defeat the point of looking forward to the reward payoff for the hard work. If I get it now, then what would I be looking forward to then? Besides getting hot and healthy, obviously. I just thought it was funny. He left, but said we would “talk” about again next time he is back.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Cynthia & Bobbie: thank you very much for your kind words. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE being included in this group of amazing women. I feel very blessed. I'm sorry that I don't post more often, or go into as much depth as you all do. I try to read as many of your posts as possible, but being a typical "rooster" sometimes my pee-sized male brain just gives out before I can take it all in!

    Not a lot new with me. Unfortunately, my knee has suddenly started hurting and I'm afraid that I need to take some time off from walking. It scares me to think about stopping b/c I worry that I won't "re-start." By the same token I don't want to end up with some sort of chronic pain problem. I've never had trouble with my knees in the past, but lately I've been really pushing my limits.

    On a positive note, I had a Doctor's app't yesterday and apparently all my blood work is "A-Ok" and my BP was prefecto! In fairness, I should say that I've never had any sort of problems in either of those departments, so it wasn't anything new, but it always feels good to be told you are in good health. I think my Doctor hates me b/c he is just dying for there to be something wrong so he can say, "See! I told you so fat-*kitten*!" Oh, well, jokes on him. Even fat people can be otherwise healthy!
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    Greg I'm sorry your knee is hurting. But if you have access to a pool try water jogging. I had to jump In the pool last week when my dog made me take a nasty fall. Also try bike riding. It's still knee stress but not as much. With a good knee wrap it wont be as bad. Take care sir!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning everyone! I am still home today (contagious) but feeling much better. I get to go to work tomorrow. So,today I will work out little here at home and see what I can do about adding some feet to some of these mountains.

    ReNae- I would like to give you a compliment. Six months ago or so you joined this site and I feel like I have found a long lost sister. You are so thoughtful in your compliments and inspirations. I have often logged in and found a message from you just when I am starting to question what i am doing or why I am doing this. You have kept me going when I didn't want to. Thank you.

    Cynthia- I have one for you too. I love how you enjoy life no matter what. You remind me of how I was and I didn't realize that I lost that. I look for your posts often for words of wisdom. And because of you my hubby ans I are heading out to get some fall color at "Flower World" on Saturday. Thank you.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    my goal for today is to burn atleast 3500 calories. I am going to get some major bike miles in. I feel like i have cheated all of us this month so i am going to try to make up for the rest of the month.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Today I would like to compliment Brisa. You are a little ray of light. You are supportive of others and your posts always make me smile. You are determined to meet your goals and will not let anything get in your way. You are showing yourself and others that life can continue to be fun and enjoyed without sacraficing your health goals. Proud of you. You'll have that handbag before you know it!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Staci - thank you for the kind compliment. I have to say that I was in a bit of a shell before starting this journey and now I feel like I can take more chances in life. Reaching out to others on this site is just one way that I have improved myself. I don't hesitate to offer compliments and every time I do it makes me feel as good as the person on the receiving end. Sorta like giving a gift (better to give than to receive). Posting short personal messages is fun - I'd encourage everyone to do at least 3 each week. You'll be amazed at what you get back from them.

    Luv all of ya!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    my goal for today is to burn atleast 3500 calories. I am going to get some major bike miles in. I feel like i have cheated all of us this month so i am going to try to make up for the rest of the month.

    That's an amazing intention. How did you get on? I think my legs would fall off if I even thought about doing that!
  • Greg - i agree about the swimming
    you walk a LOT! i'm sure you aggravated it...and the swimming is like you're weightless, but you're using all your muscles, so it could work better for you than walking....i'm on my 3rd week of swimming 1 hour a day, and it's really working, and so much less exhaustive on my joints....after a big walk (which for me is 3 miles, you do so much more than that) i'm wiped and sometimes achy - after swimming i'm not achy and i feel invigorated

    i hope it feels better!