

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Now one for Steph. Miss Stephanie, my other Stitch Witch sister, I am so impressed with you. You have lost 111 pounds which is very inspiring, but that is not why I am impressed. I am impressed with your brutal honesty with yourself and your willingness to share that with all of us. Its easy sometimes to think that someone that has lost over 100 pounds already has it all figured out, in a way that I never will. That its easy for you to lose weight now and you don't have to work very hard at the exercise or struggle with eating the wrong food. But you are always willing to let us in on your moments where you make a bad choice and try to recover from it, or doubt yourself, or just have a rough day. That makes what you are doing and accomplishing seem much more "real" to me and therefore much more attainable. Thank you for sharing ALL of your journey with us. I am so proud of you.

    I promise I will acknowledge this but you've made me cry and I need some time to pull myself together.

    Ok, tears have subsided. I am brutally honest with how my journey goes. My philosophy is that if we think that everyone else has it easy and that we are the only one struggling then we will all fail and that is NOT an option. And after everything yesterday and staying at the gym to wait for the delivery of my leggings to do my workout (when it was a real excuse to leave), I am proud of me too as I have changed my attitude and my life. :heart:
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    JJ- I would like to pay you a compliment and tell you that I am impressed with your dedication and willingness to make sure we all understand how to track our info for this challenge with out making anyone feel bad for not understanding it. I love this challenge and am sure it is going to stretch my comfort zone a little which I think is something I may need as I feel like I have been getting a little too comfortable in my routine. Thank you.

    Thank you Staci! I am a very patient person, and not being a math person myself, I would never want to make someone feel bad for not understanding how to track their info. Been on the other end of that and did not enjoy it. I created this challenge in the hope that everyone would stretch themselves out of their comfort zones, as I knew I needed to do that myself, and I am happy to help everyone get comfortable so that we are all able to feel in control of our progress towards the tops of the mountains. Little point in all the work that Becky, Cynthia and I did if no one gets it or feels like they are able to figure it out. :smile:

    (I feel a little like Eeyore....Thanks for noticing me.)
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Now one for Steph. Miss Stephanie, my other Stitch Witch sister, I am so impressed with you. You have lost 111 pounds which is very inspiring, but that is not why I am impressed. I am impressed with your brutal honesty with yourself and your willingness to share that with all of us. Its easy sometimes to think that someone that has lost over 100 pounds already has it all figured out, in a way that I never will. That its easy for you to lose weight now and you don't have to work very hard at the exercise or struggle with eating the wrong food. But you are always willing to let us in on your moments where you make a bad choice and try to recover from it, or doubt yourself, or just have a rough day. That makes what you are doing and accomplishing seem much more "real" to me and therefore much more attainable. Thank you for sharing ALL of your journey with us. I am so proud of you.

    I promise I will acknowledge this but you've made me cry and I need some time to pull myself together.

    Ok, tears have subsided. I am brutally honest with how my journey goes. My philosophy is that if we think that everyone else has it easy and that we are the only one struggling then we will all fail and that is NOT an option. And after everything yesterday and staying at the gym to wait for the delivery of my leggings to do my workout (when it was a real excuse to leave), I am proud of me too as I have changed my attitude and my life. :heart:

    Love you Steph! :heart:
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Thanks for the reminder Bobbie!

    Today is Thirsty Thursday! Every 8oz glass of water counts for TWO FEET up the mountain today! So if you have been struggling to get in your water, today is the day to drink up!

    Please remember that water needs to be consumed all day long. Do NOT try to drink 16 glasses of water all in a couple of hours as this is not good for you and can actually be very bad.

    I drink a bottle of water when I first get up in the morning. I have a mug of tea with my breakfast. Then another bottle of water on the way to work. Drink another bottle of water before lunch. One with lunch. Another mug of tea after lunch. One with dinner. And then I will sip on one while I knit and watch tv in the evening, usually taking it to bed with me.

    Remember that you can drink plain old tap water, bottled water, bottled water with flavoring but no calories (I love Lemon Propel Zero!), green or herbal tea.

    Bottoms up climbers!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I am back from my little trip. It was good to relax a little, but I am sad it will be another 6 months or so before I get to see him again.

    I got a lot of exercise done as I was stuck in a hotel room most of the day while he was working. We will see what I can accomplish now that I am back to real life. I also picked up a little case of the sniffles. No big deal except its hard to breathe. Also...I am losing my voice and considering how many new knitting classes I have scheduled this week, has me worried quite a bit.

    I am SO IMPRESSED with you all! Real progress on some of those mountains!
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member

    ***I can't seem to be able to enter my feet up the mountain.***
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    I am back from my little trip. It was good to relax a little, but I am sad it will be another 6 months or so before I get to see him again.

    I got a lot of exercise done as I was stuck in a hotel room most of the day while he was working. We will see what I can accomplish now that I am back to real life. I also picked up a little case of the sniffles. No big deal except its hard to breathe. Also...I am losing my voice and considering how many new knitting classes I have scheduled this week, has me worried quite a bit.

    I am SO IMPRESSED with you all! Real progress on some of those mountains!

    :-) So glad you had so time to relax, but hope you get well fast.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Whew! I did it. Two Insanity workouts today to catch back up. I am so glad one of the scheduled workouts was a recovery workout so mostly lots of stretching. Well off to log it in the spreadsheet.
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    JJ - thank you for the complimet. I am very proud of how strong I am I have made it through so many rough situations in my life and I refuse to give up I will get to my end destination .
  • KnottyNCrotchety

    ***I can't seem to be able to enter my feet up the mountain.***

    What is not working for you Brisa?
  • hi all, havent had much time to post, but have been logging my workouts

    yesterday i had an interesting swim - while the sun was in a weird position i had to do the backstroke every time i went back a lap and instead of the 64 laps in 60 minutes, i did 70 laps in 60 minutes! (and again same time to workout, same sun issue, same 70 laps!) so me thinks the backstroke is faster!

    Bobbie - great new photo!!

    hope you're all doing well, going to squeeze in some situps before i have to pick up the girl from school

    have a great weekend everyone! it's my husband's birthday, i will not be eating the black forest cake he requested, because i dont like chocolate cake! (he asked for that purposefully so i wouldn't cheat i think, love him)
  • quick question
    am i putting in exact ounces of water drank? or by 8 oz glass - i had been logging as how many glasses not ounzes

  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    quick question
    am i putting in exact ounces of water drank? or by 8 oz glass - i had been logging as how many glasses not ounzes


    *********************THE SEVEN SUMMITS**************************

    Mt. Koscuiszko 7,310 ft-Australia Nurture Summit Water!
    We will be nurturing ourselves by staying hydrated. Each 8oz glass of water will equal 1 foot up the mountain. On Thirsty Thursdays, each glass will equal 2 feet up the mountain. Water, herbal and green tea and flavored zero calorie waters/gatorade/propel etc all count towards this goal. Soda, juice, coffee, black tea and milk do not.

    Each 8 oz glass of water will equal 1 foot up the mountain
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    quick question
    am i putting in exact ounces of water drank? or by 8 oz glass - i had been logging as how many glasses not ounzes


    Exactly as Zena said! every 8oz = 1 glass of water, except for Thursday when they count double!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    JJ I would like to compliment you. You are a beacon of encouragement and perserverance. You always seem to maintain a positive attitude and are tackling challenge (here and in life) head on and you are succeeding. You are changing your life and speaking for myself at least, changing the lives of those around you. You are a strong, proud woman who is capable of anything you put your mind to. I love ya my stitch witch sister!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning everyone. I have been a cardio freak this morning as we are celebrating my sons birthday tonight and I am making his favorite dessert and I have planned to have a piece by exercising my butt off to earn it. It was pouring this morning so off I went to the local pool/fitness center where I went over 30 miles on the bike, ran 1.5 on the treadmill, then went to my regular curves workout and got home and did my Insanity for the day. I am going to enjoy every single bite of my small slice of that pie. So I am heading over to log all that before I clean house and go shopping. Hope you all have a great day.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    JJ I would like to compliment you. You are a beacon of encouragement and perserverance. You always seem to maintain a positive attitude and are tackling challenge (here and in life) head on and you are succeeding. You are changing your life and speaking for myself at least, changing the lives of those around you. You are a strong, proud woman who is capable of anything you put your mind to. I love ya my stitch witch sister!

    Thank you Steph. Now you made me cry! I am positive and encouraging to others, as I appreciate when I get that back. I do persevere, as I have always believed that success was 1 part intelligence/talent and 9 parts just showing up everyday on time. I love that I am able to change my life and if I can bring others along with me for the company then all the better! I don;t know if I am capable of anything I put my mind to, but the only way to find out it to give it a shot. :laugh:
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Good morning everyone. I have been a cardio freak this morning as we are celebrating my sons birthday tonight and I am making his favorite dessert and I have planned to have a piece by exercising my butt off to earn it. It was pouring this morning so off I went to the local pool/fitness center where I went over 30 miles on the bike, ran 1.5 on the treadmill, then went to my regular curves workout and got home and did my Insanity for the day. I am going to enjoy every single bite of my small slice of that pie. So I am heading over to log all that before I clean house and go shopping. Hope you all have a great day.

    Staci, that pie is going to taste so good!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Soooooo.....I have been perusing the spreadsheet, since I am on the big computer and able to see it again!

    We are doing so great at our walking/running/swimming! I love that we have been able to transfer that over from our other challenges and keep on keeping on with it! Endurance Summit indeed!

    Water is also looking great. Way to down the water climbers! There are some climbers that are drinking lots of water, and others that seem to be struggling a little. If you are only getting 1 or 2 glasses of water a day, that is not enough for your health, let alone to help you lose weight. I know it is not environmentally correct, but I LOVE 16oz bottles of Propel Zero Lemon water. I get them on sale for $.50 a bottle. One bottle is 2 glasses of water. I keep them in the fridge all the time, so they are icy cold and drink them down. Add some lemon, lime or cucumber slices to plain iced tap water if that works better. Or now that it is the colder season, make some apple cinnamon herbal tea! Just drink, drink, drink the water! Nurture yourself!

    Exercises is new to our challenges and I am so impressed with how well you have all taken to it! I love to think that you are all EXPLORING little ways to add a few push ups, sit ups, and more into your day. Well done!

    Our Celebration Summit is in need of a party. Its time to boogie down climbers! Remember this is done in 1 minute increments! Surely you can find a minute today to dance a little. Put Beyonce on and dance to All The Single Ladies while you blow dry your hair. Head on down to Funky Town while you wait for the shower to warm up. Throw on Veggietales Rocks, put your preschooler on the coffee table and dance with them for a few minutes. Or put on some Carrie Underwood and dance while you make dinner for your sweetheart. But this mountain is about having fun while we exercise, so get out there and get you some! Cele-A-Bration Time.....Come on!

    I love seeing us making progress with our Wisdom Summit and our compliments. They are very heart-felt and touching and I love seeing them, even the ones that are not for me. They always make me say "YEP! That is TOTALLY spot on about (fill in the blank)." We need to do more of these, and they make us all feel good, so lets go!

    Our Power Summit is coming along nicely! Aren't we just the strong, muscley climbers!

    There was a reason Biking is our Discipline Summit. We gotta get on this. Its gonna be a long, hard climb but we can do it. I promise.

    So impressed with you all overall. Makes me so proud and happy to see us working together like this. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!

    Climb on!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well I pledge to either get to the gym early or stay a little longer and get some miles in on that dang bike!!