

  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member

    I might have to challenge my 17 year old daughter to a round of Wii dancing tonight! That would be fun! Great idea!

    ooohhh, this sounds great. When my two sisters and I get together for some Wii Just Dance, we go on for HOURS! We have all the Just Dance, 1, 2, just for kids, the Michael Jackson one, Zumba, and I don't know all what else. Can't wait!

    this week my sister and I will attending a concert by Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull, Prince Royce. My dancing will be shot up the roof!!!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member

    I might have to challenge my 17 year old daughter to a round of Wii dancing tonight! That would be fun! Great idea!

    ooohhh, this sounds great. When my two sisters and I get together for some Wii Just Dance, we go on for HOURS! We have all the Just Dance, 1, 2, just for kids, the Michael Jackson one, Zumba, and I don't know all what else. Can't wait!

    this week my sister and I will attending a concert by Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull, Prince Royce. My dancing will be shot up the roof!!!!

    Ok, so now I'm jealous! I would love to see if Pitbull can live up to the reputation he's created for himself :wink:
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Go Brisa on the baile ;) One of us has to do it!! ;) And you're younger I vote for you ;D

    I'll try and talk the hubbster into a little twinkle toes time, but I doubt I'll get a full song out of him. I might have to endure Elvis the Pelvis to get him to go for the floor... God have mercy..
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm not a fan of the stationary bike because the burn is so low but 65minutes later I had gone 24.1km so I then moved to the hand bike for a couple of minutes to make it an even 25km......15.5 miles. I don't like the burn though, all that time and only 515 calories according to the machine. I might do some zumba later but to be honest I don't feel great so we will see how I feel after a nap! :yawn:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Stephanie, what resistance are you using on the bike? I find if I amp it up, my burn is only a little lower than the elliptical.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    I am sure you have been reading along as Becky and I have coached others on what counts and doesn't. If not, its all there for reference if you want to make sure you are doing it right.

    Hope this helps! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!

    Thank you! I think it's more that I'm not very conscious of *when* I'm paying a compliment. If I like something, I tend to just say so, and don't really register I've done it. I know for instance, I've commented on hair, on exercise achievements, on nsvs. But goodness knows where! I'll have to pay closer attention this week I think! :-)
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Stephanie, what resistance are you using on the bike? I find if I amp it up, my burn is only a little lower than the elliptical.

    I agree with this! Go up a few levels and it will burn more.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    Go Brisa on the baile ;) One of us has to do it!! ;) And you're younger I vote for you ;D

    I'll try and talk the hubbster into a little twinkle toes time, but I doubt I'll get a full song out of him. I might have to endure Elvis the Pelvis to get him to go for the floor... God have mercy..

    Cynthia, Why thanks for the nomination. I will gladly accept it. My knee still hurts, but not as much. So I will make you proud this week.
    Bobbie, Wednesday is my concert, wish you were at least in the Houston area, would love you to join us. I’m going with a bunch of young girls. Well, 20 to 21 year olds, but with Pitbull singing, “TODO EL MUNDO CON LA LENGUA AFUERA” I don’t care too much. My sister bought me the ticket and won’t let me pay her, so that was sweet of her.
  • KnottyNCrotchety

    I am sure you have been reading along as Becky and I have coached others on what counts and doesn't. If not, its all there for reference if you want to make sure you are doing it right.

    Hope this helps! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!

    Thank you! I think it's more that I'm not very conscious of *when* I'm paying a compliment. If I like something, I tend to just say so, and don't really register I've done it. I know for instance, I've commented on hair, on exercise achievements, on nsvs. But goodness knows where! I'll have to pay closer attention this week I think! :-)

    For points, you should be very aware of when you are paying someone the compliment. As we have talked about before, it needs to be something that is heartfelt, sincere and meaningful. Just an unconscious compliment about someone's hair or nsv does not count. Which is not to say that you should stop with the other compliments, just that the ones for points need to be more meaningful. :wink:
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    We had a great time dancing at 4pm PST tonight! I hope others were able to join us! We Got the Party Started, then Chicken Danced, YMCA'd, and Shook it Like This before my daughter was too mortified to continue. Luckily my bestie Ruth was there, and she carried on dancing and laughing hysterically with me for another 15 minutes until we had 30 minutes done! Woot!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Grump *kitten* wasn't shakin' the bacon tonight for anything.. ;) Not even for Elvis... So **** happens. I put in some solo time later in the night ;) It was worth it, so very worth it. :)

    Have a fantastic night ladies ;) (and rooster) :D

    Bok Bok!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    OMG, so on the other thread that I was pretty much MIA yesterday but, I have to laugh because seriously at about noon yesterday there was probably about 100 drunk people at the festival all doing the chicken dance. And yes I was one of them, an later my son and I were doing the YMCA dance when that song came on too.
  • sorry i was in the pool at 4pm our time yesterday! wasn't even exercising, tried doing laps while i was with my kid, but had forgotten her water wings, and couldn't stray too far from her...next time!
  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for adding me :) These challenges really help keep me motivated to get off my butt and exercise!

    I never did an introduction, so here you go: My name is Andrea. I live in Illinois, and I'll be 29 years old next month. Married, no kids yet...we want to start trying in the next 6-12 months, which is another major motivation for losing weight. I've always been overweight, but gained almost 100 pounds in my 20s, and I want it gone before I hit 30!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    It sounded like great fun the dancing did. Unfortunately, felt a bit like poo yesterday and therefore didn't get it done. Did some circuit training today so got some good numbers. Can't get over the progress that we are making on some of the summits.

    I've got some complimenting to do but I'm afraid it has to wait until tomorrow.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello all... Not sure what time I will have this week... but will make time. I already put in points for today - but plan to come in and do some of the compliments that I have for others. This hotel does NOT have a workout facility - but are partnered with another place. So I am hoping I will get in some good burn and some strength building tomorrow. May try to figure out the dancing bit... but that may have to wait until I get home... GOOD NEWS though -- my basement should "should" be done on Friday! What better reason to pull out a stereo and DANCE like no one's watching. My best friend is here - so you better believe her lazy butt will be up and dancing with me. IF we get the wii out... LOOK OUT -- Zumba and Country Dancing will be on the plate multiple times!! Plus my gym re-opened, and I can't wait to get back. As much as I am happy to be in North Carolina for the week (I am convinced that I could live here -- though I'd have to figure out how to avoid all the southern goodness... i.e. food... that's around) I also can NOT wait to get home. To be back in my OWN bedroom?!? My OWN bed?!? oh.... it sounds soooooo good!

    Gotta run! Love to all of you!!
  • good morning all! swam my furthest distance this morning here in week 3 of swimming
    74 laps in 60 minutes, that's 14 more laps for that hour than my first week swimming
    yesterday it was 72, so i'm going in the right direction

    hope you all have a great day

    i've put the water in the bottle this morning JJ and lt's chilling now, here's hoping i actually drink it and see if it makes a difference by doing that, thanks for your tip and encouragement (i know you were talkin' to me!)

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    50 min on elliptical - 4.5 m, 10 minutes on the bike

    There were no 'normal' bikes available, so I had to use the weird recumbent thing, and I hate it. I managed 10 minutes, 3 miles and then some, and got fed up with constantly sliding off the seat!

    Might run and / or dance with the small girl later! And I haven't done my floor work yet - I'll do that after lunch, I think.

    Feeling good about my weights session - just nice to see the numbers written down.

    3x10 bench press - 25kg - 44lb - 30 ft
    3 x 8 tricep pull down - 45 kg - 99lb - 24
    4 x 15 leg press 70 kg – 90 ft
    3 x 10 Elevated row - 50 kg - 88 lb - 36 ft
    3 x 10 bicep curls – 7kg -30ft
    3 x 10 pectoral fly - 55kg - 121lb – 45 ft

    3 x 15 inner hip abducter - 95kg - 209lb -- 67.5ft
    3 x 15 outer hip abducert - 95 kg - 209 lb -- 67.5ft
    3 x 10 chest press – 25 kg 30 ft

    Total 420
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA, but I had a bad weekend and I feel like an emotional mess. Yesterday was better and I am starting to feel a little better, so I am trying to get back into my routine. The only good thing to come out of my bad weekend is that I didn't eat bad (like I usually do when I am emotional), and I continued to work out.

    Yesterday I actually started lifting weights on my legs, and HOLY COW!!!! I might have done to much because after lifting, I could barely walk on the treadmill. I didn't even try to run because my legs were jello and I had to hold on to the rails just to stay on the damn thing! I had planned on staying for another hour after the treadmill, but I literally could not do it. But, I am going back today for another couple of hours, so I will get back to my upper body and hopefully my legs will losen up enough so I can run some.

    Oh yah, I had a HUGE accomplishment on Saturday...I ran 3 miles in 35 minutes!!!! I was originally going to shoot for running for 30 minutes, but then I thought, what the heck! I am going to make it to the 3 miles...and I did!

    I will try and catch up with everything and everyone later tonight. Have a great day!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Jane I would like to compliment you! :bigsmile: You are a strong and amazing woman. You tackle this life style change head on, grab it by the horns and beat it up! I am in awe of the burns you achieve and the things you are accomplishing such as running. You are making changes for the rest of your life and are a shining example of how far someone can come! I am so glad to have gotten to know you through the challenge and thread and to call you my friend.