
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    @icewolf: thanks. I'm proud of me too!
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Staci – where the HRM with your hubby! Once I buy one, that is one thing I am going to do too! He looks at me like I’m crazy, but I am super curious. I have always heard it was a lot of calories burned, and I want to see how many!

    Cynthia – Thanks! I figured it had something to do with all that, but I didn’t really know the technical terms. But, I have always liked the free weights better, so I will continue with them. Love the new do!

    Bigmama – welcome to our group and challenge!

    Ziggie – I would LOVE to give you a compliment! I am just amazed and proud of how far you have come since you have joined our little family. You have never given up, even if things were slower than you wanted. You have always kept going on this journey and you have started to increase your intensity for workouts. So great job! You are doing amazing and I can’t wait to see what else you are able to accomplish!!!

    I didn’t do much in the past 2 days, except drink water and get/give compliments. I was so tired yesterday, I laid down to take a 15 minute nap…and I woke up 3 hours later! I am trying not to stress about it, because I obviously needed the sleep. I will get to the gym today though, so I will get some more miles done! Also, next week is my fall break, and I plan on going to the gym everyday. And, I was thinking about challenging myself to try a different class each day. That will be different for me because I usually stay away from the classes! I have to run and get everything ready for today. Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Okay so thanks to Bobbie I am in yay!:drinker: Thanks for vouching for me.:flowerforyou: I am Amy and I am a Spanish teacher in Las Vegas, and need to lose about 90 pounds still. I have had a hard time keeping focused on me this school year and have a tendency to let the students take my me time but need to stop doing that (easy said since I just took on Key Club:laugh: ). I am here because I find that when I am in challenges and people are counting on me and pushing and encouraging me I do much better, don't we all? Thanks for letting me join Knotty!:flowerforyou:
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Ziggie – I would LOVE to give you a compliment! I am just amazed and proud of how far you have come since you have joined our little family. You have never given up, even if things were slower than you wanted. You have always kept going on this journey and you have started to increase your intensity for workouts. So great job! You are doing amazing and I can’t wait to see what else you are able to accomplish!!!

    Lexie, I aka your compliment and I am amazed at myself that I am still doing it. I am not going to give up, I am tired :yawn: this morning but it will soon pass.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Thank you, if it wasn't for all of you I don't know where I would be today. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Ziggie – I would LOVE to give you a compliment! I am just amazed and proud of how far you have come since you have joined our little family. You have never given up, even if things were slower than you wanted. You have always kept going on this journey and you have started to increase your intensity for workouts. So great job! You are doing amazing and I can’t wait to see what else you are able to accomplish!!!

    Lexie, I aka your compliment and I am amazed at myself that I am still doing it. I am not going to give up, I am tired :yawn: this morning but it will soon pass.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Thank you, if it wasn't for all of you I don't know where I would be today. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    ....Thank you...Thank you...Thank you...

    I dont know why this posted twice?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Renae I would like to give you a compliment! I am so impressed with how consistent you remain in your exercise and food despite the incredibly busy life you lead with your family. You just fit stuff in wherever you can and were one of my inspirations for this challenge. That you keep your shoes in the car so you can go for a walk while your kids are at sports practice, put your bike in the rack on your car so you can go for a bike ride at lunch and work tons of exercise into your vacations is just inspiring to me. Rock on mama!

    Thank you JJ - I love that I helped inspire you for one of this months challenges. I had not felt proud of myself in so many years, but during these past 8 months I have gained that feeling back again. I am so proud of my will power and my determination to do this for myself. Everyday I wake up and my first thought is "what should I do for myself today?" Everything else in my life has improved because of this. My sneakers are in my car today and I will be taking a nice power walk at noon. I'm so worth it!

    Thanks for the compliment, that felt good, and thanks for pulling this fun challenge together - you are awesome!!
  • Okay so thanks to Bobbie I am in yay!:drinker: Thanks for vouching for me.:flowerforyou: I am Amy and I am a Spanish teacher in Las Vegas, and need to lose about 90 pounds still. I have had a hard time keeping focused on me this school year and have a tendency to let the students take my me time but need to stop doing that (easy said since I just took on Key Club:laugh: ). I am here because I find that when I am in challenges and people are counting on me and pushing and encouraging me I do much better, don't we all? Thanks for letting me join Knotty!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Amy! Pleased to have you join us and having a chance to get to know you!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Welcome Amy!
  • Yikes!!!! If I am still welcome I would love the join this mountain climbing challenge. I had family show up unexpectedly and they visited for a couple of days and left today. Was a lovely visit so I am not complaining. But my exercise and foods went down the drain last few days.

    My name is Linda, currently 45 years old, soon to add another year to that number. :cry: I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. Have 2 sons - one who is 10 and other who is 24 and on his own. My weight as of last week was 292 but I believe will show a gain this week cause of too much sodium and not the best food choices this week. My hightest weight was around 400lbs I believe because the scale I bought would say "ERROR" each time I stepped on it and the highest weight it could calculate is 380lbs. Took a few months of cutting out chips (my addicted food choice ) for my scale to finally say 376 or something like that a few years ago. Joined MFP about a year ago @ 325lbs and have lost about 35lbs and I feel so-so about that number because I believe I should have lost double that amount in a year, but on the other hand I didn't gain and I am 35lbs lighter than I was a year ago. So thats about it in a nut shell. I hope you let me join you all. :heart:

    Welcome Linda! Thanks to Becky for nominating you! I am excited to get to know you!
  • hey everyone, hope you're having a great day

    i'm heading out to my pottery course - it's the first time in 5 years i'm doing something for ME
    its only the 2nd nite and i'm making a tea pot, we'll see how it turns out i suspect it will look nothing like a tea pot
  • Ziggie
    --- Yay Ziggie!!!! Way to go on the comp!!! :) And I am happy for you that you got up and went to the Zumba. Trust me, I'd still be sleeping at that time of day, unless I'd been up all night ;) Way to go momma ;) Keep dancin them calories away. Btw. I don't know if JJ told you but your laps = your MB points. each way that is. so your 8 laps you originally counted, that we turned into 16, that was 16 MB points. So future maths should be easy for you 1 lap = 1 point. I just yielded to JJ> :D

    -- Whether I do bicep curls (I use both arms at the same time with individual free weights) or whether I do incline press using the resistance bands which requires me to pull with equal amount of force in each arm. (Pecs) I count the single weight amount. But this is your challenge. I've already said my piece on how the majority of the world that I have encountered has done it. I count it single, because to me, that's how it's done. I am not the one that has to live with the number fu. My soul is content ;) You decide how Lexie & others are to enter the numbers, it's your challenge.

    Oh Cynthia, you make me laugh so hard!

    So on the weights, use the weight of whatever you are lifting, as per Cynthia. I still don't see the difference between two free weights for the incline press vs a dumbell for the bench press vs a leg press, but I also do not lift many weights and am gonna go with whatever will not give me bad number fu (because heaven knows I already have enough bad number fu!).

    I love that you got a mowhawk and are going to dye it purple for Halloween. You can actually get colored hairspray if you don't want it to be too permanent. My oldest son wanted a mowhawk when he was 5, so I got him one. It didn't last because it was hard to wear a hat over it, his mom had to do his hair everyday to make it look good and, this might be a deal breaker for you too, you can't do a somersault with a mowhawk.
  • Bonnie I would like to give you a compliment. Bonnie, my Biker Witch sister, I am amazed at your strength. You have been through a lot of pain and trama in your life, and yet you are still so sweet, kind and willing to put yourself out there. I find that to be very brave and inspiring. I thank you for sharing with me what you have and offering your friendship and support.

    Now one for Steph. Miss Stephanie, my other Stitch Witch sister, I am so impressed with you. You have lost 111 pounds which is very inspiring, but that is not why I am impressed. I am impressed with your brutal honesty with yourself and your willingness to share that with all of us. Its easy sometimes to think that someone that has lost over 100 pounds already has it all figured out, in a way that I never will. That its easy for you to lose weight now and you don't have to work very hard at the exercise or struggle with eating the wrong food. But you are always willing to let us in on your moments where you make a bad choice and try to recover from it, or doubt yourself, or just have a rough day. That makes what you are doing and accomplishing seem much more "real" to me and therefore much more attainable. Thank you for sharing ALL of your journey with us. I am so proud of you.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Now one for Steph. Miss Stephanie, my other Stitch Witch sister, I am so impressed with you. You have lost 111 pounds which is very inspiring, but that is not why I am impressed. I am impressed with your brutal honesty with yourself and your willingness to share that with all of us. Its easy sometimes to think that someone that has lost over 100 pounds already has it all figured out, in a way that I never will. That its easy for you to lose weight now and you don't have to work very hard at the exercise or struggle with eating the wrong food. But you are always willing to let us in on your moments where you make a bad choice and try to recover from it, or doubt yourself, or just have a rough day. That makes what you are doing and accomplishing seem much more "real" to me and therefore much more attainable. Thank you for sharing ALL of your journey with us. I am so proud of you.

    I promise I will acknowledge this but you've made me cry and I need some time to pull myself together.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    JJ- I would like to pay you a compliment and tell you that I am impressed with your dedication and willingness to make sure we all understand how to track our info for this challenge with out making anyone feel bad for not understanding it. I love this challenge and am sure it is going to stretch my comfort zone a little which I think is something I may need as I feel like I have been getting a little too comfortable in my routine. Thank you.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Thanks for the welcome. I am new here and already I love you all. :heart: Such wonderful posts you make to one another. I hope in time I/we get to know each other better and become friends also.

    One question do I place my name where it says OPEN on the chart or do I wait until someone puts up my name? Not in a hurry I am keeping my workouts on paper right now so I can post it later.

  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Hiya Linda, Just added your name to the chart so you should be all set. :) Welcome aboard.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding of my pain in the *kitten* mathness :) You rock.
    As for the hair assistance. Gracias. I may look up the hairspray. I was thinking they should have some kind of temp dye, but to be honest I don't care if it lasts a week or so :) Cartwheels not a problem, haven't ever done even one in my life, someday ;) But it does hit the roof of the car. Good thing I own a convertible ;)

    Amy & Andi youve also been added to teh chart

    De nada... con mucho gusto...

    -- I always forget to say. That as much as you look forward to reading my crazy *kitten* posts. I look forward to reading your responses because you always have the nicest things to say. And usually you say something that I don't know. Which for me, is frankly rare. And I know that's you know conceited or whatnot but it's sadly true. So I do love reading your posts. Thanks. :)

    -- As much as Renae's posts are smart, your posts always make me feel warm and fuzzy afterwards. I don't know why. Like I've just been hugged. Really well. :) Which is awesome because I don't have any siblings and it's nice to get a hug now and then. :)

    -- I have to say thank you for your 'thank you' post you made in the thread 'over yonder' today. It saved my bacon 3x today on compliments. So for your wisdom. Thank you for keeping me from disavowing compliments. It was still hard to say thank you. I still had to look at the ground. WTF is that? *sighs* I'll work on it.

    So I'm feeling very sick and depressed and queasy (I posted in the SC&AR thread) so I'm just going to post my 3 rl compliments and then go to bed I think.

    One: I went to see the endocrinologist about my stupid thyroid. (no result, lab tests, ultrasound, see me in 2 months, wtf people). But the nurse who checked me in when she was taking my history I told her about the weight loss and she asked how, I told her move more eat less. She looked like she was going to cry or hug me or both I didn't know wtf was going on. She said I was the first person who ever told her that and that she was so happy for me that I was proving that it actually works. That I wasn't taking the easy route of using gastric bypass (because it never works people just gain it back) and that she was so proud of me she was going to tell everyone what a fantastic job I was doing. So I said, "thank you" (thank you staci)

    Two: I was at the Clinique counter and buying moisturizer (and far too much other stuff I got sucked into, it always happens) and I was jabbering (pre Jobs news) and all whatever and we were talking and she asked about my Underarmor and I was telling her I had to wear it to keep all the jiggly fat in. And she was like uh why, and I told her about the weight loss and that I have batwings everywhere and it was gross so I wear that to keep it all held in while it re-attatches and shrinks to my body. And she said thank you so much for sharing! Her mom was loosing a lot of weight and was having a lot of floppy skin problems and so she would go help her get the shirts and I told her they make pants too. And she was very excited and thanked me and said congratulations on the weight loss also. And I said "Thank you." (Thank you staci)

    Three: I almost forgot I had to pick up some cologne I wanted to get for Erik. (Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue) wooot. And so I went over to the counter and it happened to be next to the Michael Kors, (which I like) and so I got some for me. I know, so bad. Macy's loved me today. And so the clerk had a little free gift thingy they were handing out if I came back in at the end of the month for whatever. So I said yes. (who doesn't love shopping) And I told her I'd send it to my Sister in law who's birthday is coming up next month. She said I was very sweet and considerate to share my goodies. I told her I was going to include some of the free stuff I got from clinique too because as a stewardess (flight attendant whatever) she loves that stuff and I know it's expensive for her. So she said that was very very nice of me and I said, "thank you". (you guessed it, Thank you staci" :)

    So that's my day, I walked out of Macy's after doing my little 2.5 hour walk about. I tried on tall calf boots. NOT even close. 3 inches from zipping. But I did get a pair almost exactly like the ones I wore in highschool in 1984. I am so giggidy over that, especially since they were 49.99 and I saw them in a catalog yesterday for 99.99. :)

    Have a great night all. *waves*
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Cynthia- glad it helped. I often have to remind myself to just say thank you and just leave it.

    Today was a bit chaotic. We had inspectors at work so everyone was going a little nutso freaking out about everything. I kept telling them look they have rules we follow them every single day every single time there is nothing to worry about. They still do. We passed with flying colors. But it is like this every time. Got in the car to come home after work and battery was dead. I mean dead dead. Hubby came with a new battery (mine had never been changed and my car is eight years old. But I love it and am just dreading the day it might die. So, I had to make a choice Curves and Insanity or Curves and dinner. Dinner won so tomorrow I am determined to behave like a beast and do 2 Insanity workouts. I may melt into a puddle of sweat by tomorrow night ha, ha we will see. Off to log my info for today. Have a great night all.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Linda - so glad you are joining us here. It's always fun getting to know new people. You're doing great in your weight loss. What is your next goal? A couple of us here like to write our next goal weight on the inside of our wrists. It's a good reminder as we move through our days. Right now I have 214 written on mine. I've been hovering at 215-216 for a couple of weeks and I'm ready to move on. As soon as I'm feeling better I'm going to kick my workouts up a notch. I am the one everyone calls consistent around here, which is nice, but I'd really like to push myself a little more. That's my next goal.

    Cyndi - love the new haircut. I keep saying that once I reach 170 I am chopping off most of my hair so I can drop my last 20lbs without the hassle of styling my hair. I've always wanted to try short short hair but haven't had the nerve. Afraid my face would stick out too much. I liked your One/Two/Three stories and how you used your manners to say 'thank you' after. I have a bit of a problem with that too. Gotta work on it. I tend to wince and put myself down when I get a compliment.

    Drink up - thirsty thursday
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Happy Thursday Everyone!
    Well I decided to take today off from the gym. My head was feeling a bit funny (its fine now) but I thought, its a sign that today is to be my off day. Instead I'm home and dancing around the house to my new Lady Antebellum CD so I will still be able to log for the challenge.
    Drink your water!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good afternoon, climbers. I didn't accomplish much of anything yesterday except drinking water, which I'll log this evening after my workout.

    REMINDER: Today is Thirsty Thursday, which means double points for water...it's time to float away the fat!!! I've gotten a slow start, but I'm determined to get in at least 16 glasses today!