
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    So, last night, I took the bull by the horns, and strolled up to the nice instructor at gym (who also happens to be a rather sexy eastern european fitbod with a lovely accent, a la Daniel Day Lewis in The Unbearable Lightness of Being....) and asked him to show me how to do free weights. I'm going at 11.30. I'm nervous, and very, very proud of myself. I've been wanting to do this forever.

    I push reasonably heavy weights on the machines - heavier than all the women I've seen at gym, and as heavy / heavier than a lot of the fit but not bulked blokes. I think I'm going to be ok at this free weights thing. But a bit nervous about my dodgy knees, dodgy shoulder, and more generally about invading the testosterone zone.

    Oh well, let's see how it goes.

    Does this count as a compliment to me? :-)
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Jane – I have found that if I use my labtop (where the internet isn’t as good), my spreadsheet does that too. Sometimes if I refresh it works, but mostly I have to get on a different computer to use the spreadsheet. I think you will LOVE the free weights…I know that I do!

    Ziggie – Yay! That is awesome dedication to get up in the morning and go to a class! You must be feeling great and glad you joined the Y. I’m glad I joined, it is making a huge difference for me.

    Steph – thank you! I really needed that today. I have been on an emotional roller coaster and this morning I was not feeling too good. So, your compliment actually made me cry. Thank you for noticing. I feel like I am working so hard just to keep my head above water and keep things in some kind of order. So thank you! I am trying hard to change things and get my life in order, and I am so thankful that I have you and everyone else to support me. (****, I am still crying!) So, to get full credit (I feel like I’m taking a test :wink: )…I am proud that I am continuing to grow each week and figure out my life and how to continue this life change. I am proud that I have continued to lose weight and workout and to change my life into a healthier one (and a skinnier one :bigsmile: )

    Bobbie (my other twin, :laugh: ) - thank you! During the summer I had been able to run, but when school started, my life was thrown for a loop, so I am glad that I am getting my running in again. So, thank you for noticing and I am proud to be able to run that far again! (not sure if this will qualify for compliment points…but I’m trying :smile: ) Also, great job on the longer pants! They will be falling off you before you know it!!

    Cynthia – you really make me laugh! I couldn’t even read your entire post because I couldn’t focus on the lesson :wink:, but I understand and will change my numbers. But, what is crazy to me is that if I did all of those exercises on machines and not free weights, I can do double or triple that amount of weight. Why is that? (my wise friend). So, maybe I should be using the machines to get us up the mountain faster? I just like the free weights better, feels like it burns more than the machines…crazy, but it does.

    so, I had a good and bad day yesterday. It started out good in the morning. I felt good, I was wearing my new fuscha colored size XL jacket and was looking good! And, a friend of mine stopped me going into school and talked to me about how great I looked and asked how much weight I had lost! It felt great!!! And I gladdly accepted the compliment. I have been losing weight for over a year (slowly, but it has been going down), and she is only the 2nd or 3rd person to notice. So, I was happy to tell her how much I lost, that I lost it by eating better and working out, and I bragged about my wonderful group on this website! So, I was flying on cloud 9 for the entire school day!

    The evening was the bad part, but I am picking myself up and today is a new day. Ok, I am running late and I have to go! I am going to log in my compliments and water later, when I can figure it out correctly.

    JJ & Cynthia - you guys got to let me know what to do. I don't care either way, just let me know and I will fix everything :smile:
  • bobbie - glad you're finally seeing the change in your pants, that's the barometer for me more than anything

    i just wanted to say - this challenge is already helping me in that, i probably wouldn't have just done the strength training, but i like seeing the number written down in my column....very interesting....now i get it...

    good luck all!
  • bobbie - glad you're finally seeing the change in your pants, that's the barometer for me more than anything

    i just wanted to say - this challenge is already helping me in that, i probably wouldn't have just done the strength training, but i like seeing the number written down in my column....very interesting....now i get it...

    good luck all!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I agree. Everyone lets not over think this spreadsheet. I really like it, I for one think that it is pretty easy to use. I guess I just assumed that who ever made it was incredibly brilliant and that everything would come out right. So, I didn't double check anything. I just put in my reps and the weight and voila. The walk/run I just put in my miles * 32. Now I will admit I haven't done any swimming or biking (yet) but I am going to on Friday.

    Cynthia- umm sex as aerobics. I told my hubby that I was going to wear my HRM just to see what it said and I thought he was going to die laughing. I haven't done it yet but hmmm. I say break in your new mattress you hot thing you.

    Becky- I know what you mean about brushing off the compliments. I do that too. In fact, because I brush them off I am also not good about giving them. It is something that I am going to really work on for this challenge. Both the giving and owning the compliments.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    Bobbie, start saving for a shopping spree chica! Get it girl!!!!!!

    Lexie- awesome job on your running. You are ready to join a soccer team!!! A word to the wise, take care of your knees. My knees went into shock when I started jogging. A nice knee wrap goes a long way.

    Becky, going from 7x to 1x is truly note worthy. It's more than noteworthy, it inspiring

    JJ, I'm so glad you invited me to this challenge. It really brings to mind what is lacking in the quest to health. Water, strengh training, viraity for Cardio, it's all keeps motivation up. I'm thankful to you for your brilliant idea and going with it

    Cinthia, I'm emailing you all my chemistry homework. You are brilliant. I admire you so much. You are witty, smart, sweet, funny. Love love love ya!!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Steph - I would like to compliment you: I have enjoyed getting to know you these past few months. You show such great strength not only at the gym but in your life in general. You are always here for each of us and you are open in sharing some of life's little quirks that get thrown your way. You are always honest about things when you slip-up because you know that we are here for you, and that we will learn from it also -- I appreciate that. You always give it 110% and have been so consistent in your weight loss. Thanks for the inspiration -- keep up the great work!!
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member

    So I went to get dressed for the 2nd workout tonight and realized, I have NO clean shorts that fit. None, nada, nunca, niet, nein. Zip, zero, zilch. ****. So I just hung up my brand new swim bottoms. they have an inner brief with this flouncy skort attached. I wore them. Yep you heard me. I wore swim bottoms over underwear to work out at the gym. No one even frickin knew! And I felt smexy. LOL Holy **** I'm sick. I weigh 363 lbs, you'd think I weigh 120 the way I feel. But something about doshing 135 lbs I gotta tell ya, god help me when I AM actually smaller. GOD HELP ERIK. That's all I'm sayin... I wonder how big they make *kitten*-less chaps *ponders* ;)

    Can you count sex as aerobics? Partner aerobics? Or do I have to do it in water say the pool, to have it count as water aerobics? :D I need a vote here, consensus needs to be met, no cheating you know, goose, gander, all that ;) But... I have a new mattress to break in, and that time is a comin' ;) Muhahhahahaha ;)


    First, ROCK THAT SKORT!!!!
    Second, here is two quotes from one of my health books, called "YOU: ON A DIET" The Owner's Manual for Waist Management by Michael F. Roizen, MD and Mehmet C, Oz, MD (Yes, Dr. Oz, from the Dr. Oz show, and Health guru to Oprah)

    "Stay-Va-Va-Va-Voom-Satisfied. In any waist management plan, you can stay satisfied. Not in the form of a dripping double cheeseburger but in the form of safe, healthy, monogamous sex. Sex and hunger are regulated through the brain chemical NPY. Some have observed that having healthy sex could help you control you food intake; by satisfying one appetite center, you seem to satisfy the other"

    “Have sex. It’s not so you have somewhere else to put your hands other than a jar of peanut butter. The reason is that having sex does a couple things: one, it activates the satiety part of your brain, so you don’t hunger for food as much. Two, it also stimulates the release of oxytocin, which can help fulfill emotional needs. So if you have sex as part of a healthy, monogamous relationship, in t=can help your dieting goals in the end (not to mention that sex obviously burns some calories too.) Just no whipped cream please.”

    Here’s a link to an estimated amount of calories burned during sex. I was going to put them up on this thread, but I’m not sure if anyone would get offended. The word “sex” does not make me uncomfortable, but I know my mom of only 47 gets all puffy when that subject is brought up.
    So Cynthia, you go ahead and rock your man’s world! Break that new bed in mama!


  • So, last night, I took the bull by the horns, and strolled up to the nice instructor at gym (who also happens to be a rather sexy eastern european fitbod with a lovely accent, a la Daniel Day Lewis in The Unbearable Lightness of Being....) and asked him to show me how to do free weights. I'm going at 11.30. I'm nervous, and very, very proud of myself. I've been wanting to do this forever.

    I push reasonably heavy weights on the machines - heavier than all the women I've seen at gym, and as heavy / heavier than a lot of the fit but not bulked blokes. I think I'm going to be ok at this free weights thing. But a bit nervous about my dodgy knees, dodgy shoulder, and more generally about invading the testosterone zone.

    Oh well, let's see how it goes.

    Does this count as a compliment to me? :-)

    This is a squeaker Jane, but go ahead and log it as a compliment to yourself as you did say you were very, very proud of yourself for this. I would like you to try next time to not qualify it with a sentence like: "I THINK I'm going to be ok at this". And "Oh well, let's see how it goes." Just own it, sista! Say something like: I will be great at free weights because I push reasonably heavy weights on the machines, etc. I would like the trainer to show me how to keep my dodgy knees and shoulder healthy while doing this and while I am nervous about invading the testosterone zone, this is important to my continued health and strength, so I am doing it anyway.

    With the compliments, we want to avoid words like try, hope, think, working on. They are all qualifiers that we use, not only as women but also as overweight people to deflect compliments we get from others or give to ourself. It is a way of not fully committing to it, so when we fail, we can say..."I only said I was working on it". "I HOPE I can accomplish this" "I THINK I can do this" "I am TRYING to do this" are just ways of saying I don't know if I can do it so I am not going to fully commit so when I do fail eventually no one will be surprised. Its a very subtle thing, but when we say "I DO this" "I WILL do this" "I CAN accomplish this" we commit to it. We have put our name on it and I know I will go a little further and try a little harder to get there because I said I would.

    I will get off my semantic feminist soapbox now, but I liked Becky's idea because I have this vision of us helping each other to learn to do this through the month. So that at the end of the month, you are saying to the group. "I am the bomb at lifting weights! I lift more than any of the other women at my club and most of the guys! I totally rock at it and I am wicked strong! WOOOHOOO! Go me!" And really feeling it, so that you are able to transfer that into your everyday life. When you walk into the club to learn free weights, you are striding in like the strong woman you are and have no doubt that you belong in the free weights section with all the other strong people. :bigsmile:
  • Renae I would like to give you a compliment! I am so impressed with how consistent you remain in your exercise and food despite the incredibly busy life you lead with your family. You just fit stuff in wherever you can and were one of my inspirations for this challenge. That you keep your shoes in the car so you can go for a walk while your kids are at sports practice, put your bike in the rack on your car so you can go for a bike ride at lunch and work tons of exercise into your vacations is just inspiring to me. Rock on mama!

    I am loving the hotel workout room! And the pool and hot tub! Also...that I have the free time to do it! As a matter of fact, I am at the pool right now, basking in the California sunshine! Woot!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Steph - I would like to compliment you: I have enjoyed getting to know you these past few months. You show such great strength not only at the gym but in your life in general. You are always here for each of us and you are open in sharing some of life's little quirks that get thrown your way. You are always honest about things when you slip-up because you know that we are here for you, and that we will learn from it also -- I appreciate that. You always give it 110% and have been so consistent in your weight loss. Thanks for the inspiration -- keep up the great work!!

    Thank you Renae! I am honest and open because I figure that being quiet and bottled up is what got me where I was and I am NEVER going back there!! It has taken me a long time to realise it but I am consistent and am happy to be an inspiration here and at my gym :bigsmile:

    Also real life compliment: I got asked tonight it I was the girl from Tuesday spin class(uhm yep, thats me). Wow, you look amazing and practically unrecognisable!

    Love that and I realise that I do not look anything like I used to. I made a photo page that placed my photos from the last 22 months side by side. May need to get a new passport before I travel again!!
  • I was up early at 4:20 am and at the Y at 5am for my zumba class. I'm very proud of myself for getting up this early and exercising, I thought I would be tired but after class I feel good.

    Icewolf.....I asked the lifegaurd this morning (different one from Sat.) and she said the pool is 25 meters and 50 meters is a lap.

    Well, got to get to work... have a great day

    Zena, each length of the pool is equal to 1ft up the mountain. So every time you swim across the pool and touch the wall its 1ft. We are counting lengths in the pool, not laps.

    Oooops! I forgot something here! Thank you to Cynthia for slapping me upside the head. We are keeping track of our exercise on that line with MB units. So you need to take the number of lengths you have swum and double it before entering it in the spreadsheet. That will convert your pool lengths to MB units. Sorry for any confusion!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    JJ & Becky- I understand the reason behind owning the compliments that are given to me. I am not very good at it and hope to say that I am by the end of the month. Thank you for adding that into the challenge for this month.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I'm writing stuff down, but it might be weekend before I manage to put it in the spreadsheet. Sorry to be a pest, it's the first week of undergrad teaching and I'm finding it hard to find breathing space!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    “Have sex. It’s not so you have somewhere else to put your hands other than a jar of peanut butter. The reason is that having sex does a couple things: one, it activates the satiety part of your brain, so you don’t hunger for food as much. Two, it also stimulates the release of oxytocin, which can help fulfill emotional needs. So if you have sex as part of a healthy, monogamous relationship, in t=can help your dieting goals in the end (not to mention that sex obviously burns some calories too.) Just no whipped cream please.”

    It also helps stop a migraine ;-) good for whatever ails ya, I say...lol
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248

    ok..... So, I am proud of myself that I accomplished the zumba class this morning at 5 am.

    and JJ I ack. your compliment and YES I did the zumba class this morning.

    so compliment points for me are 40 for myself and 20 for ack. yours correct? = 60 I will not post it until someone lets me know it is correct or what it should be or what else to say to make it count.

    So compliment points is 20 for accepting and acknowledging your compliment. To get the 40 points you would have had to post that something like: "I am really proud that I am commited enough to my fitness, my health, and this challenge that I rousted myself out of my nice warm bed at 4:30am to go to a 5am Zumba class when I would have rather stayed in bed. I am amazed at the change I have made in my thinking from 3 months ago." Just posting that you went to zumba for a 5am class does not count. You have to post about being proud/loving something about yourself/or being good at something for it to count.

    JJ .....To get my points for complimenting myself, I am going to try one more time. I do not normally do this, so it is very hard for me, here it goes.

    I am really committed to my fitness program today then I was in April 2011. I am proud of myself that I can get out of bed at 4:20am in the morning and go to my Zumba class at 5am. When, I would rather stay in bed next to my husband. I am flabbergasted that I have changed my habits and committed myself to a healthier life.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    --- Yay Ziggie!!!! Way to go on the comp!!! :) And I am happy for you that you got up and went to the Zumba. Trust me, I'd still be sleeping at that time of day, unless I'd been up all night ;) Way to go momma ;) Keep dancin them calories away. Btw. I don't know if JJ told you but your laps = your MB points. each way that is. so your 8 laps you originally counted, that we turned into 16, that was 16 MB points. So future maths should be easy for you 1 lap = 1 point. I just yielded to JJ> :D

    -- Whether I do bicep curls (I use both arms at the same time with individual free weights) or whether I do incline press using the resistance bands which requires me to pull with equal amount of force in each arm. (Pecs) I count the single weight amount. But this is your challenge. I've already said my piece on how the majority of the world that I have encountered has done it. I count it single, because to me, that's how it's done. I am not the one that has to live with the number fu. My soul is content ;) You decide how Lexie & others are to enter the numbers, it's your challenge.

    -- Pretty awesome running for 25 minutes woman, XL jacket to boot? Jeez what's next you going to get a 2nd job as a model for a catalog company? (And I don't mean Lane Bryant!) :D Keep at it you smexy woman you ;)

    -- see my migraines, they don't like the motion so much.. but it does fix about 80% of the other aches and pains you get, I'll give you that ;) *tee hee* ;D

    -- Thanks for the compliment ;) And I love your new pic. Is that you and your fiancee? I forgot to ask the other day when I saw you posted it. Muy guapo chica... ;) TOM ir pronto ;) y tu ki ki ki todo al noche ... AHAHAHAHAHA ;)

    -- If you like the numbers in strength training, wait till you realize you can pick up the laundry basket or the bottle of propane gas and it's not heavy anymore. Or better yet you don't have to call your man to come get something for you because it's no longer too heavy..Yeaaah that's the stuff.

    -- I am so proud of you for venturing into the meathead pit. You have warmed the cockles of my heart that you finally ventured in and came out the other side loving every minute of it. :) *sniffs* So happy. :)

    -- Wear my HRM, why didn't I think of that... Genius!!! :D WE'll have to see who burns more over the next couple times. Tee hee!

    Okay so Lexie you asked about the machines. Why can you lift more on the machines than you can on the free weights. It's simple, and complex all in one. I'll try and make it easy to understand. Lets use the chest press machine as an example. When you use the machine, everything is contained and aligned inside the framework of the machine, you sit, you put all your power under the bar, grip and SHOVE. And you don't have to worry about anything else. So all you power goes up and out and you can push a great deal of force that way.

    However, when you use free weights. You are no longer contained within a single vector of direction. When you PUSH or in this case. Raise your arms from your sides to directly overhead (the traditional motion) Which is exercising the exact same motion, however you'll notice your biceps/triceps are not involved, you're using your arms as levers, and at the fulcrum is your pec muscle pulling all that weight through the air. If you do it with a straight arm, which is proper form, and 3x the difficulty of a bent arm, you'll grow your muscles and burn upwards of 5x the energy if you go straight arm. Why? Again physics. The angle of the weight and the distance it travels and because the lever is longer (your arm, bent vs straight) makes the weight heavier in straight arm, than bent, vs straight upwards on the machine.

    The second difference in the free vs machine is based on the fact that in the machine your vector is controlled inside the machine. You can only go one line, one direction, no change. And if you can't make it. You drop the weights, no harm no foul. Sure it makes a loud crash, everyone glares at you, but no real harm is done. You screw up with the free weights, you rip a tendon, you snap a bone, you go this way, your arm socket goes that way, you're in the ER in a cast or sling for weeks ala months worst case is you take someone out with you along the way. My point here is, you have to use energy to control the free weights. So some of your power is used to control velocity, direction, etc. So you can't use all of your force to move as much weight.

    However, you will build more muscle, faster with free weights than you will with machine, because you are forced to control velocity, vector and worry about injury to yourself and others. It makes you train your tendons and the other smaller conjunctive tissues around it, which makes you more fluid and graceful to be honest than you get from using a machine.

    Keep using the free weights. You'll notice a difference very soon. :)

    On another note. Crazy girl was dared by Joe & Greg to get a Purple mohawk... I got the 'hawk, will dye it purple for halloween. ;)

    It's gonna be an interesting week..

    Oh that and every muscle hurts today, I think I maybe overdid it yesterday on return to burn day. Tee hee. oh well there's always tomorrow. :D
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Yikes!!!! If I am still welcome I would love the join this mountain climbing challenge. I had family show up unexpectedly and they visited for a couple of days and left today. Was a lovely visit so I am not complaining. But my exercise and foods went down the drain last few days.

    My name is Linda, currently 45 years old, soon to add another year to that number. :cry: I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. Have 2 sons - one who is 10 and other who is 24 and on his own. My weight as of last week was 292 but I believe will show a gain this week cause of too much sodium and not the best food choices this week. My hightest weight was around 400lbs I believe because the scale I bought would say "ERROR" each time I stepped on it and the highest weight it could calculate is 380lbs. Took a few months of cutting out chips (my addicted food choice ) for my scale to finally say 376 or something like that a few years ago. Joined MFP about a year ago @ 325lbs and have lost about 35lbs and I feel so-so about that number because I believe I should have lost double that amount in a year, but on the other hand I didn't gain and I am 35lbs lighter than I was a year ago. So thats about it in a nut shell. I hope you let me join you all. :heart:
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    I also forgot to mention. MY hairdresser went crazy when I went in today and was so happy for how much I had lost and said how great I looked and always gives me a huge hug and says congratulations and keep up the great work. So I thanked her very much and went on my way. Going to get some sleep and see how I feel tomorrow. Burn again ;)
  • Yikes!!!! If I am still welcome I would love the join this mountain climbing challenge. I had family show up unexpectedly and they visited for a couple of days and left today. Was a lovely visit so I am not complaining. But my exercise and foods went down the drain last few days.

    My name is Linda, currently 45 years old, soon to add another year to that number. :cry: I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. Have 2 sons - one who is 10 and other who is 24 and on his own. My weight as of last week was 292 but I believe will show a gain this week cause of too much sodium and not the best food choices this week. My hightest weight was around 400lbs I believe because the scale I bought would say "ERROR" each time I stepped on it and the highest weight it could calculate is 380lbs. Took a few months of cutting out chips (my addicted food choice ) for my scale to finally say 376 or something like that a few years ago. Joined MFP about a year ago @ 325lbs and have lost about 35lbs and I feel so-so about that number because I believe I should have lost double that amount in a year, but on the other hand I didn't gain and I am 35lbs lighter than I was a year ago. So thats about it in a nut shell. I hope you let me join you all. :heart:

    Sent you a PM Linda!