
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    COMPLIMENTS (Come on people, this is the easitest of the summits!!)

    Bonnie you are working so hard and I love that you are getting your exercise in a variety of ways. You are steadily working and have a great determination! Proud of you.

    Julie you are a great source of inspiration. You are so consistent with your weightloss and are reaping the benefits of all your hardwork. You maintain a positive attitude and that is infectious to the rest of us who watch your progress with awe.

    And one for me.... I like my legs from the knees down. They have a good shape and toned and reflect all the work that I do. I also love the fact that my shoulders and upper chest area looked toned and sexy as well. I love showing off the collarbones that have become unburied from all the fat. I am worth everything I am doing.
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Steph- thank you for the compliment. Over this month I have realized the importance of moving more.I am working hard to make the big changes that are required to meet my fitness goals. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and it feels great.I did some jogging yesturday,I have not done that since grade 8. Also did sit ups on a exercise ball and my abs are so sore.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Bobbie, you challenge me and inspire me. I love how committed you are to this journey and doing it your own way. You are not afraid to try new things, like running or going on the 5 mile long trail. You are just a really cool chick.

    JJ, Thank you...I accept your compliment because I am finding that in this whole change I'm making I so want to push and challenge myself rather than sit back and think of all the things I can't (or shouldn't) do because of my weight, my knees, my head, my whatever. It's time to stop making excuses for everything and focus on the things I can control.

    Compliments to my friends:

    Wolfie: I'm proud that you went out and got the bike, knowing that you had one in the house you will never use. Woman, you know more about yourself than I can even imagine knowing about me, and you don't let it stop you...you just keep on trucking! Even all the crap going on with your body and the stupid *kitten* doctors hasn't stopped you from taking control of the situation, and I'm in awe of you, really!

    Renae: I smile every time I see you pop up on my news feed because I know you are living the dream we've all come here for. Even though you may not be at goal, you are living life as if you are, and you're feeling great doing it. Your motto of "Keep it Skinny" even stands testament to that presence of skinny chick you already have.

    Staci: You are amazing! Running stairs, inspiring people at work, inspiring the hubby, inspiring us...just amazing. I'm so glad that not only are you doing all of these things and making all of these changes for you but that you feel confident enough to share them with others. I know that there are still very few people IRL that I tell what I'm doing even when they ask because I then feel like I have to live up to something for someone else then. So, I am proud of you for your openness.

    Steph: Like I told you on your wall, your consistency is so inspiring to me. Even when you're feeling down, you find a way to keep moving. All of these new exercises you are trying make me feel like I need to get out and try new things too, and you are absolutely right, you definitely deserve what you are doing for yourself!

    Sorry I have been so lame this week and not really helpful with much of anything. I do have water to add to the spreadsheet, and maybe some dancing, once I go back and look at the dates I'm missing, but not much else. Laziness had crept in deeply, took hold, and wouldn't let go until something clicked last night. Anyway, I'm back and ready to put in some work, including the 14 miles I just put in on the bike this morning and the fact I'm about to plug my phone into the stereo and dance/clean this last room I have here to do this weekend.

    Now, I have two compliments for me...one from a few days ago and one today:

    I got in the car the other day with my girls, so maybe Monday, and my work ID is hanging from the mirror. Normally I don't pay it any attention, but my reviewers badge from the haunted house forum was hanging right next to it. Automatically, I turned to my daughter and said "wow, my neck really has gotten thinner." I mean, I measure it, so I know I've lost 2 inches, but this is the first time I've really seen it. So, I saw it, accepted it, and shared the observation with someone else.

    My compliment for me today is that I'm back on track. This is the longest I have stuck with any sort of weighloss thing, ever, but the fact that I just went a week of doing nothing, except logging all the crap I was eating, really had me worried that I was going to give it up. Yesterday was my worst eating day in over 3 months, and with no exercise for a week, I just knew I was done. Then I thought about how good I've been feeling and how I didn't want that to end, so I made the decision that yesterday was the last day of that ****. This morning I got up, did nearly two hours in the gym, and am ready to do some more work and make some good, healthy vittles. No giving up, no giving in!

    Oh yeah, and I almost forgot a RL compliment I got this past week. On Monday, I walked into the office at my school and the whole set of office staff stopped, looked at me and said "Wow, you look great!" It was a pretty surreal experience for me. I did say thank you, but I walked out of there feeling like I had walked into an episode of the twilight zone. Anyway, I think I'm done for right now ;-)
  • I would like to give Steph a compliment:
    Your check ins on the threads are quite inspiring, seeing your smiling face and your report of how much you do exercise-wise gives me a little extra umph to keep on going.

    Cyndi - you are also uber inspiring, your imparted knowledge has been so helpful to me on many fronts, and seeing your strength to continue your own hard work helps me realize i can do it too.

    love watching your over 100 tickers rise, so impressed with both of your hard work!!

    RL compliments that i accepted today - dont even know how to log it
    i was at a party with many moms who havent seen me since the 40lbs mark and now down 60 they all seemed to notice
    here was a weird back handed compliment i had a hard time accepting - but was easier to say thank u thank u:

    "wow, you look so much thinner here (points to my stomach) - before your stomach went past your boobs, now your boobs are over your belly" - i know - it was hard, totally embarrassing- i just smiled and said thank u and was probably red faced

    the rest of the compliments were general - "wow you look great" "you can really see your weight loss now you look so little" and the good ol' "wow, i can really see it in your face" i couldn't turn a corner without getting a compliment it was really weird for me

    as for the food:
    well i need a pat on the back
    it was a halloween party
    i stayed wheat and sugar free - but did eat a lot of cheese - i'm accounting for .75 of a cup (it may have been less?more?i dont know) and i had 4 pieces of the sushi - inari - rice and sweetend tofu pocket SO GOOD - they're at least 75calories each and a little bit of the caprese salad (more cheese and tomato)

    not a single delicious morsel otherwise passed my lips
    not a fresh baked cookie - not an OREO TRUFFLE OMG EVERYONE WAS SAYING HOW DELISH -not a piece of apple crumble (my favourite)- not even the candy corn someone brought from america (i did make sure my kid ate that though!)

    the holidays are gonna be hard girls (and greg)

    here was how i stopped eating--- GUM
    i had a pack of extra in my pocket and just chewed minty gum...it helped it's how i get through most afternoons i wont be going to a party without gum for the rest of the season

    lastly - my "costume" is i put on an american hockey jersey and hat - and a big foam finger - and i say i'm a "Sports Fan" because in real life i'm not (and my husband also wears a baseball cap so we're both sports fans)
    so this jersey is 2X and i wasn't able to wear it for the past 2 halloweens without another shirt over it because it was so tight and i didnt want people to see the back fat/rolls - but today - even though it's still tighter than i wish (it's not hanging off me) i wore it without the over shirt - it was quite freeing
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Thanks so much for the kind words JJ. You are absolutely correct. After the trek up Diamond Head, my husband was commenting about some other people he saw heading up and was wondering if they would make it. I replied, there were probably a lot of people looking at us and wondering if the "fat lady and old guy" were going to make it up to the top. He laughed and said I was right. He then commented that 5 months ago, he would not have believed that I could have done it either. I felt great that he noticed how well I was doing. It has been a life change and one that I hope to stick to this time with the help and encouragement of my friends on My Fitness Pal and especially the "Skinny Chics and Rooster" So I say thank you for the compliment and note that it is only with the support of all of you that I am being successful.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    I also have one for Carla...You were on vacation, an amazing cruise-filled vacation, and kept track of your exercises to add them on our spreadsheet whenever you happened to get back to somewhere with internet connection! Holy Cow...talk about commitment! I'm so glad to have you around because you remind me that this thing we are doing is for life and about life...we don't stop living because we are trying to lose weight and get healthy; instead, we start living to the fullest. Thank you!

    You are absolutley correct about the living part. It has become a part of my life now and being able to go on this great vacation and be active was a fantastic feeling. When we went on some of the trips and the bus driver would say things like, "you active ones may want to ...." I was right up there ready to go. What a great feeling. Thanks for the compliment, but the commitment to this has become a way of life for me (I hope I stick to it) with the support of all of you and my husband.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Well, I am back and will update today. I have to say that the last week was tough with a 6 hour plane ride and 4 days fo car travel. I did not get in any exercise, but I am going to the gym shortly. I can not believe that after 1 month of buffets, a cruise, eating in restaurants and drinking more alcohol in a month than the last year put together, that I actually lost 1 pound while I was away. Woo Hoo.

    I would like to give myself a compliment for my exercise over the last month. If I had not been doing the things I did (hiking, walking, swimming, climbing stairs etc.) I would not have lost that 1 pound. I probably would have gained, so I am thrilled with how well I did.

    I would also like to compliment JJ for her wonderful efforts. Not only did she put together this challenge for us, but she continues to be a leader with her cheerleading to give us the encouragement that we need to keep going. Thanks for that JJ as it has helped me to change my life.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Hi all

    Been feeling pretty grim this week. Putting in 10 hour days at work, and wrestling with antibiotics and a seemingly endless ear infection.

    More or less back in the saddle today, but I've been posting bits and pieces through the week.

    I'll try to get a bit of dancing in tomorrow. My daughter's my dance partner, and she's been off with her dad this week. But this coming week she's home with me.

    Been drinking plenty of water, and hitting all the other challenge points. I think.,.. !

    Icewolf, I just wanted to let you know how much I've appreciated your energy, your enthusiasm, and your general fabulousnessn. You always make me feel I *can*.

    Becky, I love your sensitive, thoughtful input, and so love watching you blossom into a recognition of the lovely person you are.

    Stephanie, I admire your determination, Steely, but with a nice squishy marshmallow outer.

    Bobbie - I dont know how to begin to tell you all the ways that you utterly rock. I love your humour, your kindness, your intelligence and wit,

    Renae, your quiet strength, and obvious beauty (inside and out) is both calming and inspiring. You're just lovely.

  • I would also like to compliment JJ for her wonderful efforts. Not only did she put together this challenge for us, but she continues to be a leader with her cheerleading to give us the encouragement that we need to keep going. Thanks for that JJ as it has helped me to change my life.

    here here! thanks JJ....i've done more this month because of the challenge and it was you who took the time to ask me to join and welcomed this stranger with open arms!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Bobbie - I dont know how to begin to tell you all the ways that you utterly rock. I love your humour, your kindness, your intelligence and wit,

    Thanks...I know I have to bring humor to this thing or else it'll kill me. I'm one of those people that sometimes I take myself too seriously, and I'm trying to fix that. I need to enjoy the process in order to see that it's really a part of my life and not a shortterm activity.
  • I would also like to compliment JJ for her wonderful efforts. Not only did she put together this challenge for us, but she continues to be a leader with her cheerleading to give us the encouragement that we need to keep going. Thanks for that JJ as it has helped me to change my life.

    Thank you! I am thrilled to have helped you to change your life and you all have helped me to change mine. I love to be the cheerleader as drill sergeant is just not my style! :laugh:

  • I would also like to compliment JJ for her wonderful efforts. Not only did she put together this challenge for us, but she continues to be a leader with her cheerleading to give us the encouragement that we need to keep going. Thanks for that JJ as it has helped me to change my life.

    here here! thanks JJ....i've done more this month because of the challenge and it was you who took the time to ask me to join and welcomed this stranger with open arms!

    Thank you! I was welcomed into this group with open arms as well, so I am glad to "pay it forward".
  • And here in begins my epic compliment post:

    Oh Becky, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Becky! You are so thoughtful, kind and loving. You were so very encouraging and SO patient as I talked through the planning of this challenge. I love how you believed so much in us as a group and our ability to reach the top of all of these mountains. Thank you so much sweetie.

    Bobbie, you are so steadily supportive in a very funny way. You leave such funny but thoughtful little posts on my profile, you notice when I am not around, and you let me know that I am accountable. Love you!

    Bonnie, my sweet Stitch Sister. You are so persistent and I just love it. Its like the song...you get knocked down, but you get up again. A'int never gone keep you down! In your life, in your weight loss, you just jump back in whenever you get knocked down. Your strength is very inspiring to me!

    Cyndi, Cyndi, Cyndi. I always read every single one of your posts from beginning to end because I know that there will be something in there I did not know and really ought to, at least one really good belly laugh, and something you did that will make me say "If that girl can go out and BUY A NEW BIKE just to be able to go for a bike ride, I can surely get mine out of the stupid garage and ride it around the block a few times." You, quite simply, rock.

    Greg, you are so even. We talk about stuff you do not need or want to know about, no comment or complaint. We give you unsolicited advice, you thank us. We complain about men in general, no comment. You share your manly perspective without being superior. You are the Best. Rooster. EVAH.

    Jane. You make me smile. You have a sweet little life and I love hearing about it and how you have managed to fit exercise and fitness into it with a fun competitive edge. Well done on changing your life.

    Julie, you are very inspiring and I love seeing where you are in the journey as I am close behind and get excited to be where you are. Thanks!

    Lane, as a single mom also, I love hearing about your life with your little man and how you are changing your life to give him a better example. Hey batter, batter!

    Lexie, I know you are going through such a hard time right now, and I know you have found some solace in exercise and taking good care of yourself. Your kids will thrive and prosper with a mom that is strong, smart and capable.

    ReNae, you are also just a little ahead of me in this journey and I love hearing about how wore new clothes and got cat called by a construction worker as I know that is just another month down the road for me (well, maybe not the cat call!). It is very inspiring to see you just a little further along and to want that also. Thank you!

    Stac, my fellow PNW gal! I love to read about what you are up to and how you keep changing things up. A beginners triathalon, running stairs, kayaking. Love it and how it all shows that you have created an active lifestyle for yourself.

    Steph, my Stitch sister, I am constantly inspired by your quiet strength and ability to get up in the morning and try again. You are so strong and have made such amazing progress. Well done!

    Zena, you have made such amazing progress such you joined us! Look at you go! I am so thrilled for and proud of you!

    Brisa, you are so sunny and funny. I love to read the few posts you have time to add and see what you are up to. You also inspired me to get my super high heels out of the back of the closet! Thanks!

    Carla, you did a great job on your vacation with staying on track and I am so impressed. I am inspired that even when I am just at home and feeling a little off track that I can also stay on track if I try, because you did while on vacation!

    Pam, I love hearing about how people don't recognize you because you have lost so much. You are setting such a good example as a medical professional for all the people you touch and see on a daily basis and I just think it is awesome.

    Eileen, you sunny personality and upbeat perspective on life are so awesome. You have been given many reasons to be cranky and pessimistic and have chosen to be fun and optimistic in your outlook and that reminds me to do the same.

    Tina, you have joined our challenge full force and I think it is just awesome! Thanks for jumping in the deep end and swimming like a champ. :wink:

    Jackie, thanks for joining us also and really giving it your all. You have been super consistent and are doing great!

    Linda, you also have joined us and have explored almost all the mountains. I love that you have been willing to try them, even if they are not your normal, as that was what I had in mind for this challenge in the first place. Thanks for joining us!

    Amy, you sure have helped out on the water summit! You have tried quite a few of the others as well, which is great. I am so glad you joined us and wanted to thank you for your contributions so far!

    Andi, this is your second challenge with us and you are very consistent!

    And a couple for me too!

    I wore a size 14 denim knee length skirt with tights and my danskos today with a slinky sweater. I felt a little sexy, very cute and totally sashayed around all day long. I felt good and I know that made me look good. I need to remember that! Feel good = Look good!

    My Danskos fit again and they don't squeak when I walk. Woot!

    I had two different people comment on how much smaller I was looking this week and how nice the weight loss looks on me. One time I was sitting behind the desk and I teased her that she couldn't even see me and she said the 1/3 she could see looked much smaller.


    Now acknowledge and accept all those compliments people so they we can get the extra feet up the mountain! :bigsmile: We need them!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    Stephanie, I admire your determination, Steely, but with a nice squishy marshmallow outer.

    Thank you! I am determined to not lose the battle this time and that I will be successful. And I love your description :)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Steph, my Stitch sister, I am constantly inspired by your quiet strength and ability to get up in the morning and try again. You are so strong and have made such amazing progress. Well done!

    Thnak you JJ :~) I have firmly adopted the idea that each day is fresh with no mistakes in it. I will survive! I am making progress and will continue to do so!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    Steph: Like I told you on your wall, your consistency is so inspiring to me. Even when you're feeling down, you find a way to keep moving. All of these new exercises you are trying make me feel like I need to get out and try new things too, and you are absolutely right, you definitely deserve what you are doing for yourself!

    Thank you :) As I said above, I firmly believe each day is a fresh start and that exercise is a great way to get feeling better. I love trying new exercise now which sure as hell beats being scare of any kind of movement. My mantra in my head when I am worried what people will think of me in the gym do it is 'well at least i'm doing something about the problem!'.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I would like to give Steph a compliment:
    Your check ins on the threads are quite inspiring, seeing your smiling face and your report of how much you do exercise-wise gives me a little extra umph to keep on going.

    Thank you! I do spend a lot of time on the threads and I am happy that my rather zealous posting is inspiring! :o)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Some real life compliments! Was out to dinner last night with friends and some hasn't seen me in a while so:

    One of my best friends complimented me saying she is so happy I am changing my life and she can't get over how every time she sees me I am slimmer and slimmer. And she is right, I have changed my life and I am getting slimmer.

    My gym buddy was there and proceeded to tell the whole table how dedicated and hardworking I am at the gym and that I am her inspiration. And she is right, I am dedicated and hardworking, I love having that reputation in the gym.

    My best friend proceeded to tell her boyfriend that she wanted to send him on a workout with me so he would know what it was like to get his *kitten* kicked and that she loves that I am now obsessed with the gym. I believe I would kick his *kitten* too :) And I am a bit gym obsessed :)
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    You people are trying to make me cry aren't you?


    -- Thank you for the compliment. I am convinced that if I slow down I'll stop like the tin man solid to the spot. So I keep going. It's my only choice. I am not going to repeat the rest, I will start crying. *HUGS* :)

    -- Mija.. Mil gracias por su cumplidos. I have always had a bike growing up. I realize now that I really started to pack on the weight when I stopped riding. Soy triste. I had to correct that. I know that you know more about yourself than you know. I read your list ;) Now you just have to work toward making it a reality. Remember we love you. :)

    -- Thank you my darling for the compliment. I am more than happy to help and if I can help others with anything that I know in this big ol' melon then it makes me happy knowing that someone else can be happier in their life as well. We can do it together my dear. Someday your ticker will have those triple digits too, you're catching up very quickly ;)

    -- You are welcome. There are days I want you to know that I read your posts to make sure that *I* still can. ;) Just so you know. You're as fearless as they come my darling so thank you for your kind words they mean so very much but know that you are just as magical and awesome in my eyes as well. :)

    -- What can I say, except thank you momma bear. :) I am glad to help, I am glad to entertain, and I am happy to inspire. I just wake up and say hello to the world. It seems rather a lot sometimes making people so happy just being me. Sometimes, I feel really guilty like I deserve to be this fat to offset all my fabulousness. I know. Isn't that ****ed up? Is that narcissistic? Jane could tell me. Jane, what psychosis is that? :) *sighs* Thank you JJ for noticing. and vroom vroom! ;)

    OH yes... ;)

    -- Thank you momma bear for giving me a cuff to the back of the neck when I need it. Us unruly cubs need it now and then when we misbehave. We might think we know best *all* the time, but probably not. ;) You are very patient and giving and yet I know if I really needed something you'd be there in an instant all stations manned. (even when you're dying sick). :) Thank you for persevering no matter what gets thrown at you. Rawr. ;)

    -- You are my favorite spitfire. You pretend to be quiet, and unassuming and all miss manners and quiet and reserved. But I know you. You're the one that's gonna put on the red leather mini skirt and sky high pumps and see through blouse and go find some millionaire when you've lost all your weight. You zing people all the time. I love your spark, your fire, your ability to poke the right ember and get to the heart of the matter. Sometimes with humor, sometimes just the truth. I don't worry about you quitting. I know you, you've got papi chulos to catch ;)

    -- Oh my little Rooster. What we torment you with. Girl parts. Diet pokings. Reordering your world. ;) Giving you stuff to do. Like you don't have two women in your RL that do that to you ;) You gained what 15-20 more ;) Poor baby. And you do it all with grace and style and finesse. You have a wonderful sense of humor and although we make you read so much stuff we are happy knowing that you're here, you keep an eye on us, and you share your life with us, when we know that you are so very busy keeping yours together. Thanks for hanging with us Greg. I appreciate you taking the time to spend with us. :)

    -- You are my little engine that can go go go GO. I swear if I could just bottle YOUR energy level I'd be *another* 100lbs down already. My god. You are amazing. So much going on in your world, so many responsibilities, and you still do all that work for yourself. Very inspiring. You definitely keep me going many days. I log on to see you've crunked out another 1k and I'm like fuuuuuck. Okay I'm going. ;) I love you. I think I definitely have a girl crush. :D Tee hee.

    -- What can I say. My little energizer bunny in leather boots. I am so happy that you are just zooming along right now. I am so happy that you are making your family dreams come true and things are going very well for you right now. You've been very quiet, which means things are going very well ;) Keep going my darling... Zing. Right to the bottom of that ticker ;)

    -- Well Becks I love ya. I know things are all out of whack for you right now. Hopefully, this weekend away helped you get back in the zone. I know that life is hectic for you and I am proud of you for going back to the gym after your week of pork and grits. ;) I know it was hard, keep going little one, you're getting smaller. And take bigger pictures. We want to see YOU too ;)

    -- My favorite manic moose hunter ;) I am still proud of your activity level with you and your family. It is amazing to me. I am envious actually that you have a family that will share in your journey with you and help you along. I hope that you have a fantastic weekend ya smelly woodchuck ;)

    -- I am astounded by anyone who climbs five flights of stairs. Willingly. Now you are running them. I'd think you were crazy, but I know why you're doing them ;) I Just think you're amazing. Go Smexy Girl go... ;) There never going to hold you down again ;)

    -- My weight twin ;) Well loss anyway! I am so happy that you are moving again. One of us has to be! I am also so proud that you have officially recognized yourself as a 'gym rat'. I love that you enjoy it. All of it. the sweaty bits. the cardio. the lecherous trainers. the zumba. ;) You go girl. I am happy you've found a place to be you. To be the you, you know you can be. :)

    -- You know what I love about you. You picked a hard major. And the back up major if you switch? Even harder. I love that you didn't pick something like basket weaving. Because you're smart. You're wicked smart. Don't ever take **** from anyone. I'm serious. ;) You know what's right, make sure it's done. Whether it's something you have to do, or something that someone is supposed to do for you. Do it right the first time, you don't have to do it again. You are smart, and funny, and you have the best sunny disposition of anyone I've ever met who likes science, besides me maybe. ;) LOL :) *HUGS*

    -- You know everyone says I have determination and willpower to go on. But no, it's you. I would have given up and crumbled under a pile of empty chemo bags a long time ago. Look at you. You're like a new woman. About to get a new 'set' ;) I can't believe all the things you've been through, all the things you're going to go through and you just keep going. And you're still so nice. I would have turned into the meanest ***** on the planet a long ****ing time ago ;) You rock darling. :)

    -- It's one thing to have to lose weight. It's another to have to do it in a foreign country where you don't know wtf is going on. Where anything is, food, clothes, ? Wow. Impressive. Seriously. I am very very impressed with your resourcefulness. It's very daunting to have to track all those things down when you know what's going on, when you don't? Sheesh. Amazing my dear. Just amazing. :)


    So I started to clean out my closet and go through the boxes I had packed to go to maui.
    I managed to get through the entire closet today. I am very proud of myself for that. I just did it. I created a checklist too to track what I put in the bags to donate so I can keep a record for the tax donations this year. I always donate all my clothing to the John C Lincoln Hospital, Treasure Trove. It's their outreach store for the community. People that need work clothes, outfits, etc, can come in and get them cheap or even free if they've been recommended by someone at JCL staff. They also don't resell the items I deliver to another reseller, they make sure they have good homes. I also for this reason make sure to donate only top quality stuff. No rips, holes, stains, etc. I try and drop off at least a couple of bags every year. This year is going to be a typhoon.
    So far I have 5, 39 gallon trashbags of clothing. everything you can imagine. pants, skirts, shorts, shirts, sweaters. thermal underwear. (Wonder who in the desert is gonna want those!) ;D I am happy that people get to wear the clothes again as some of them this time I realized, I never even wore. *sighs*

    I also got through 2 of the boxes. Lord knows how many boxes I have packed. It's going to get ugly tomorrow.

    I am also proud of myself I through out every wire coat hanger. Yes. Just like Mommy fricking Dearest. NO WIRE COATHANGERS! I couldnt' take it anymore, they were breeding.

    The last one I will count as well as the first one... ;) That makes 2 JJ :D

    I am proud because in one of the crates I unpacked I found my old college t-shirts, sweatshirt from my Aviation Fraternity, and my concert t-shirts. They all fit. Clothes I haven't worn since 1989. Then I found a dress I made for Jobs Daughters in High school. It fits. Not only did it fit, over my t-shirt and jeans. I had fist fulls of the dress gathered at the waistline. CHING I had to throw the dress out, it was ripped and torn in the satin, unrepairable. An era gone. But that's life. But I did get a whole new wardrobe back with the tees & sweatshirts for free ;) BONUS!

    The second image is for you Lane. I also found the box with my Metro Shirts in it ;) I have another one in like turquoise blue but the black shows up better of course. :) (Oh and the shirts are a ridiculously too large size of course) :D

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    -- My weight twin ;) Well loss anyway! I am so happy that you are moving again. One of us has to be! I am also so proud that you have officially recognized yourself as a 'gym rat'. I love that you enjoy it. All of it. the sweaty bits. the cardio. the lecherous trainers. the zumba. ;) You go girl. I am happy you've found a place to be you. To be the you, you know you can be. :)

    Well now you made me cry! I am becoming the me I can be and its only recently I've realised this. I spent so many years saying to be people I was fine with my weight, I was confident I was happy. I was lying. I no longer want to sit on the sidelines of life. I love being at the gym and knowing there is nothing there that I can't do :) Can't say more, screen is blurry with tears. (((HUGS)))