30 Day Shred Challenge **CLOSED**



  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    Finished L2D2 today, Day 9 overall. L2 is quite a challenge--my shoulders are really sore!

    Weight: 156 (it fluctuated during the 9 days, but I ended up right where I started)
    Bust: 39
    Waist: 36.5
    Hips: 44.5

    I was hoping for more of a difference, but I will keep on working through L2 and hope its a bigger loss. I am more concerned with inches than pounds, but would love to at least lose a pound or 2 this time!
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    It's looking good guys! Remember not to get too discouraged about small amounts of losses, it's only been 10 days,
    if we can just keep it up know we will have great results! and from alot of the weigh in numbers I've recieved, WOW ladies!

    I still have a few people I haven't received new numbers from, so please give me that info so I
    can chart it!
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    I cant measure myself as Ive lost my measuring tape! I will measure at the end of the shred. But my current weight now is 116! =) So hopefully Ive lost inches as well.
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    anybody else still in this and gonna give me their new numbers????

    as a side note... l2d2 was hard tonight! those side twist ab things!
  • Peque1130deleted
    anybody else still in this and gonna give me their new numbers????

    as a side note... l2d2 was hard tonight! those side twist ab things!

    I finished L2D1 today...all those planks!! OMG!!! I actually like the ab plank twist, then again, I think my body was so numb it didnt feel anything anymore :laugh:
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Finished L2D1 yesterday, all I can say is ouch!!! I was drenched in sweat about 5 minutes in haha.

    Starting D2 today! Not sure what this week's stats will be like as the last two nights I went out for dinner and it's Canadian thanksgiving on Sunday and I'm trying to cook the whole meal in the UK, it has been hard tracking down certain ingredients :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    Did L2D3 yesterday. All of those planks are a killer, and I am still terrible at walkout pushups since I am not that flexible. It is definitely a great but tough workout, especially on your shoulders! Still staying motivated to get through this though.
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    just did level 2 day 1, oh.MY.GOD. all those planks,,,my shoulders and arms are like jello. i was dripping with sweat when i finished! wow!!
  • Peque1130deleted
    Did L2D3 yesterday. All of those planks are a killer, and I am still terrible at walkout pushups since I am not that flexible. It is definitely a great but tough workout, especially on your shoulders! Still staying motivated to get through this though.

    I was actually scared of the walking push-ups but was pleasantly surprised that I was able to do them, even after just finishing my 40minof Tae bo....now the planks...yikes!!
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member

    Ok, here's the new chart, looks like we lost a few people :( .. but all you who are still in ROCK!
  • Peque1130deleted

    Ok, here's the new chart, looks like we lost a few people :( .. but all you who are still in ROCK!

    How is it possible I am the only one that gained???? :sad:
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    I just stared Level 2 Yesterday and yes it is tough. I have been getting through it but I am sore today.
    Is everybody ready for tomorrows weigh in and measurements? I don't think I lost as much as last week but I am sticking to it no matter. Good luck all and hope you are happy with your results.
  • Peque1130deleted
    I dont know how ready I can be knowing that I am not losing, but what the heckl!!

    I am actually not sore...I feel tired...but not sore...
    I do feel the exercises when doing them and feel my abs very tight afterward, but then morning comes and ehhh, its all the same!

    Feeling so motivational today...can you tell?!?!? :laugh:
  • julesisrunnin
    How are you ladies doing? I have to confess..I haven't worked out since Friday Oct. 7th. I have been so discouraged and annoyed with my lack of progress. I am back at it tonight, last night I didn't feel well. I hope you all are having better will power and drive than I have had!! Keep up the great work ladies! What drives you??
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Hi everyone, I am only on Level 2 Day 3 today. Sorry for slacking! I will send weight and measurements later this week when I've completed atleast Day 5 sorry for the delay!

    Good luck!
  • Peque1130deleted
    Goood morning everyone!!!

    Where is everyone at?? I feel all alone on this thread!!! :sad:

    Ok, here are my numbers...the hope is still alive!! I will be doing L2D7 today....the cardio is what is killing me with Level 2....what are you guys struggling with???

    Weight: 187.8
    Chest: 42
    Waist: 40.75
    Hips: 43.75
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    are we supposed to weigh and measure? i thought we were only doing it every 10 days? i mean..i can but i just doubt there is much of a change. i'd rather wait and see a change after 10 days.

    i'm still struggling with level 2. today i actually made it through without stopping until the last circut. my shoulders just freaking burn during that whole last one!
  • Peque1130deleted
    are we supposed to weigh and measure? i thought we were only doing it every 10 days? i mean..i can but i just doubt there is much of a change. i'd rather wait and see a change after 10 days.

    i'm still struggling with level 2. today i actually made it through without stopping until the last circut. my shoulders just freaking burn during that whole last one!

    I thought it was every Wednesday! OOPS!!! :blushing:
  • julesisrunnin
    Hola Ladies!
    I think it is every 10 days also. I am going to be on L2D4 today. I have been slacking-big time. Just not in the mood and totally unmotivated. But, today I ate like total poo, so I have to do it:) I am really struggling with this level too, which stinks- a year ago this was a cake walk for me - but man I cannot get through all of the plank moves without stopping to rest. But, as long as I can keep up and give 100% I know its worth it! I hope you ladies are doing great!!!! Woo hoo! We can do it
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    I thought we were weighing and measuring every week too, but every 10 days does sound better. I changed quite a bit the first week but it seems that it is slowing down but it is probably just me. I have been doing L2 since Sunday or Monday so I definitely have a few more days to go. Hope everyone else is staying motivated and losing those inches and pounds.