

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Ok I did day 5. I wanted to punch Jillian when she said those on day 5, 6, 7 should be noticing a difference in endurance. Why did today seem so much harder for me? Maybe its because I did ALL of the push-ups? And I really kicked my butt on butt-kicks? I dont know but today was harder than yesterday.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Ok I did day 5. I wanted to punch Jillian when she said those on day 5, 6, 7 should be noticing a difference in endurance. Why did today seem so much harder for me? Maybe its because I did ALL of the push-ups? And I really kicked my butt on butt-kicks? I dont know but today was harder than yesterday.

    I think there are just some days that are harder than others... whether its beacuse of a long day or just dont have the energy. Dont give up some days you'll feel like "that was it?" :)
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Today I woke up did the Treadmill then my day 4 of the Shred things are going well I am moving the the next phase on Sunday. I will add my measurements I am just starting day 3 of Shred this time I am going to stick with it my challenge, I love classes at my gym home workouts usually bore me but knowing you all are out there I will stay strong!
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Natalie is really annoying me this time. She shows off with the skaters and double jump rope even though she slacks on the high knees and the squat with row. Yeah I know I'm being silly but I'm a visual person and I notice little things like that. LOL Today is day 6 of level 2. I'm ready to see how I will look at the end. Q
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    You guys I messed up big time. I had a long day at work...then after work had to go pretty far to pick up the little home and had to the time I was done and helping her with her little homework packet it was 10:45pm. I was whipped. I had already logged my 30 Day Shred workout plus walking (however the only thing I did was walk) so my exercise if off cause I didnt do my last day of L1. So what I am thinking is, do you guys think I can do the last day of L1 tonight and the first day of L2 right after...Do you guys think I can make it through both in one nite to play catch up, then get my tired self up in the morning and go to spin class?? What do yall think?
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    You guys I messed up big time. I had a long day at work...then after work had to go pretty far to pick up the little home and had to the time I was done and helping her with her little homework packet it was 10:45pm. I was whipped. I had already logged my 30 Day Shred workout plus walking (however the only thing I did was walk) so my exercise if off cause I didnt do my last day of L1. So what I am thinking is, do you guys think I can do the last day of L1 tonight and the first day of L2 right after...Do you guys think I can make it through both in one nite to play catch up, then get my tired self up in the morning and go to spin class?? What do yall think?
    I think you can esp since you are on the last leg of level 1. Or you can do level 1 today and do level 2 tomorrow afternoon. Being off by a day won't hurt. I took 3 days off after level 1 and got right back into level 2. I actually think the break helped me. Q
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    You guys I messed up big time. I had a long day at work...then after work had to go pretty far to pick up the little home and had to the time I was done and helping her with her little homework packet it was 10:45pm. I was whipped. I had already logged my 30 Day Shred workout plus walking (however the only thing I did was walk) so my exercise if off cause I didnt do my last day of L1. So what I am thinking is, do you guys think I can do the last day of L1 tonight and the first day of L2 right after...Do you guys think I can make it through both in one nite to play catch up, then get my tired self up in the morning and go to spin class?? What do yall think?
    I think you can esp since you are on the last leg of level 1. Or you can do level 1 today and do level 2 tomorrow afternoon. Being off by a day won't hurt. I took 3 days off after level 1 and got right back into level 2. I actually think the break helped me. Q
    Thanks I needed to hear that! I'm gonna try to do it tonight, but if it doesnt work out I am not going to beat myself up about it, will just do L2 tomorrow along with spin...will let you guys know!
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    You guys I messed up big time. I had a long day at work...then after work had to go pretty far to pick up the little home and had to the time I was done and helping her with her little homework packet it was 10:45pm. I was whipped. I had already logged my 30 Day Shred workout plus walking (however the only thing I did was walk) so my exercise if off cause I didnt do my last day of L1. So what I am thinking is, do you guys think I can do the last day of L1 tonight and the first day of L2 right after...Do you guys think I can make it through both in one nite to play catch up, then get my tired self up in the morning and go to spin class?? What do yall think?

    You did not mess up big time!! Thats life, it throws curveballs our way. Like me pulling my groin on wednesday :) lol if you end up skipping a day just continue on. I'd listen to your body. Do the level 1 and then if you think u can power through and do 2 right after go for it, if not dont beat yourself up! you're doing GREAT
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    So I had a little set back- pulled my groin on wednesday at kickboxing. Ouchy!! thank god my bf is studying to be an athletic trainer so I was taken care of :) So I had two days off :/ I plan on doing technically day 5 tonight after work w/bobs kettlebell dvd too. Then kickboxing tomorrow morning and the dvd in the afternoon. sunday is usually my no workout day but if i can squeeze the dvd in, in the evening, i most certainly will! :) xoxox
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Level 1 day 6 done.
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Well I did it. I did level 1 and then level 2 last night...I thought I was gonna die. I wore my HRM and I burned 1200 calories between the two. I woke up so sore I couldnt even make it to my spin class this morning... I just finished day 2 of L2, the planks are killing me :-/
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Well I did it. I did level 1 and then level 2 last night...I thought I was gonna die. I wore my HRM and I burned 1200 calories between the two. I woke up so sore I couldnt even make it to my spin class this morning... I just finished day 2 of L2, the planks are killing me :-/
    Wow great job.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Is it just me or do the push-ups never seem to get any easier?
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I know what you mean about the push-ups :-/ ( The amazing part to me is how much this program works, the inches do seem to shred away). I could be eating a lot better, that would probably help even more, but I am pleased with the results so far. Today is Day 3 L2. Next week I am going to add the gym back...I havent been since I started the shred and I kinda miss it...keep shreddin yall.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    had a bad stomach flu this weekend so i had to take a break again (did my kickboxing still though) so doing level 1 day 7 tonight.. how are you all doing??
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Tonight is Level 2, Day 5 for me...(there are so many days I wanna give up) I haven't been to the gym I am super tired with all of the things I am doing...but I made a commitment to finish this and I will do just that. I am seeing a lot of inches off results, not much movement on the scale, but those inches is what makes you fit in those clothes just right :-) I measure again next Monday, we shall would be nice to see more movement on the scale. I believe I've only lost about 1.5pounds since starting, but the inches are shredding. I hate the planks on level 2, but I am getting through it...
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Tonight is Level 2, Day 5 for me...(there are so many days I wanna give up) I haven't been to the gym I am super tired with all of the things I am doing...but I made a commitment to finish this and I will do just that. I am seeing a lot of inches off results, not much movement on the scale, but those inches is what makes you fit in those clothes just right :-) I measure again next Monday, we shall would be nice to see more movement on the scale. I believe I've only lost about 1.5pounds since starting, but the inches are shredding. I hate the planks on level 2, but I am getting through it...

    keep it up gorgeous!! and YES my bf who is a trainer always says measure dont weigh!!! fitting into those nice jeans are so much better than losing a 1lb or 2 ;)
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Today I did level 2 day 8. I'm going to finish this level tomorrow with a workout in the am and one in the pm. I'm down 8.5 pounds since starting but I've lost a ton of inches. I can't wait to share my before and after with you guys. Keep going y'all!! Q
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I am on day 8 level 1 tonight, tomorrow i will start level 2, bring it on@
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Okay yall I skipped a day on Tuesday ( I was wore out) last night I did level 1 again, even though I am on level 2, starting level 3 next week ( I am still wore out yall) and this morning I got up a little earlier ( I already get up at 5:30am, ugh) and did level 2 and tonight I am going to make myself walk through those gym doors and get on that treadmill and do intervals of walking, jogging and running and burn massive calories...all I have to say is bring it on next week, the scale and level 3 better watch out for me! (in my still tired voice)