Have you ever had someone tell say "you don't need to lose w



  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    A lot of it is about perception... Particularly in parts of the country with a high obesity rate (like here in the South), people will tell a legitimately overweight person that he/she is "too skinny," just because other people they know are biggER...

    I've seen it happen, and it's happened to me. It's a cultural and social phenomenon, for sure... And maybe a bit of denial to make themselves feel better.
  • amberpryor
    I get that all the time. And yes, I am "thin/slender" and within my healthy weight range, but I weigh more than I used to, and I see which parts of my body I still need to work on. Besides, I think it's good for EVERYONE to eat well and exercise, so it's more than just a weight-loss lifestyle... it's a healthy lifestyle.

    However, yes, I am much thinner than most people I know. Especially after having 3 kids, I know I'm lucky to have bounced back so well. (Fatter) people seem to think that we should just be happy with how we look, because "it could be worse." But I just refuse to think that way. I only see how much more I have to improve! I do, of course, try to be thankful for the assets I have, but if you go around saying "I look good!" then people think you are gloating!

    I think people say those things just to insult themselves. I'm not sure why women do that, but we do. If I say "You're so pretty/skinny/tall/whatever..." It's really a way of saying "I'm so ugly/fat/short..." It just seems part of our nature to put ourselves down. Yes, I'm sure your SIL is also trying to make it seem like she doesn't need to change her lifestyle either. As long as someone skinnier than her is "fine with her weight" then she can remain that way too.

    I used to post my progress on Facebook, but got way too much of that negativity. So I was very happy to find MyFitnessPal where I can post my health progress/questions/setback all day long, and ONLY get support! I still find it hard not to talk about my healthy goals and lifestyle around EVERYONE, and I'm working on that. It's really best if I can figure out first if the person is open to it and/or supportive of it before going on and on about how much weight I've lost or how many calories are in that, etc.
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    My aunt says that all the time! "You have large frame. That is why you weigh so much" But she think I look beautiful no matter how much I weigh, so I take it as her loving me! She doesn't see the fat on me, only my beauty!! :heart: