

  • Sorry - Placebo is out. Explained away earlier in the thread. Placebo will not physiologically allow for one to lose 50 pounds of fat and put on 3 pounds of muscle while maintaining a 500 calorie per day diet. Placebo might explain absence of hunger.. but not this first statement.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Why don't you just let me pee in your mouth instead?
  • tisamg
    tisamg Posts: 62 Member
    A good rule of thumb to remember: Healthy living is a lifestyle. Whatever you do to lose the weight is what you will have to do to maintain the weight.... drops, pills, starvation, portion control, exercise, whatever. I lost 60 lbs. and have kept it off for over 10 years. I didn't gain it all in an instant, so expecting to lose it in an instant was not even a thought. Living the rest of my life healthy is not a quick fix... I want it to last a really long time :)
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Great post!
    Most of the injections come with an appetite suppressant and b12. So you get a magic shot, the b12 gives you energy and you feel amazing, the suppressant makes you not hungry, and viola hcg is the best thing every.

    And if you lost 50 lbs I fat and gained 3 lbs of muscle either your feet were a little bit sweaty when you stepped on the scale, you had a half ounce of water in your bladder, or any number of things. I've made a BF scale say I lost 9% BF and no weight within 30 minutes. Impedance measurements suck, and can't be trusted, so basically I'm explaining that you didn't.
  • Not using a BIA scale... hooked up to monitors at the doctors office.
  • Oops - sorry. Did not do the B-12
  • Schwiggity - that would mean you must be pregnant? :)
  • This has been fun - but I gotts to go. I'll check back tomorrow.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Is this a lifestyle you can keep up for life? I highly doubt it but, if you can props to you. Eventually you will lose all your stored fat and just be a mean hungry person all the time no matter how many drops, shots, pills or whatever it is you take.
  • tisamg
    tisamg Posts: 62 Member
    A good rule of thumb to remember: Healthy living is a lifestyle. Whatever you do to lose the weight is what you will have to do to maintain the weight.... drops, pills, starvation, portion control, exercise, whatever. I lost 60 lbs. and have kept it off for over 10 years. I didn't gain it all in an instant, so expecting to lose it in an instant was not even a thought. Living the rest of my life healthy is not a quick fix... I want it to last a really long time :)

    And if I didn't make it very clear, I did NOT use hCG drops to lose the weight. I ate less and moved more :)
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    just an add-on to my previous comment.... my friend's brother lost a ton of weight on the HCG injections, NOT the drops (like the ones i bought @pharmacy). i believe the INJECTIONS may work for some people, but i believe the DROPS you order online or sold over-the-counter are a GIMMICK. I almost bought it, as someone above stated, in my desperate need for faster progress. I took them back to the store, and i'm gonna do it the old fashioned way. TO EACH HIS OWN, i'm not bashing anyone.... you asked for opinions, and i gave mine as did everyone else on this board.......................................
  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    I did the injections and lost 30 pounds. I regulated my calories based on the way I felt. Typically I ate closer to 600 or 700 mark each day. This diet is not for everyone.
  • I agree. When I asked my doctor about this I was told that the drops 1) aren't regulated pharmaceutical grade, and 2) what ever is contained in the drops will not survive the PH of the stomach. IMHO - Injections prescribed by a doctor are the ONLY way to go.
    i believe the INJECTIONS may work for some people, but i believe the DROPS you order online or sold over-the-counter are a GIMMICK.
  • This is exactly my approach. I've lost 66 pounds since June 15 (Today is Oct 2)
    I did the injections and lost 30 pounds. I regulated my calories based on the way I felt. Typically I ate closer to 600 or 700 mark each day. This diet is not for everyone.