Open Diary vs Closed Diary



  • shesblossoming
    I'm open and invite anyone and everyone to look on in. I do respect those that don't want to open their diary. Many reasons for this I'm sure. I think overall it is a matter of respect for others choices. When they want to share, they will. Those of us that prefer to be open, great!

    I was so worried about my diary not being up to standards when I first started, but I realized that the only way I could learn was to let other people see and recommend to me what they felt I was lacking. Also, it keeps me from eating crap, as I like to see a good looking diary!

    I agree with what this poster said the most. I think it's important that if you're asking for advice to open your diary. You know it's not good when someone is refusing to open it (just from my experience). But for those who don't want to, that's definitely their choice. However, I feel like you miss out on a very important experience when not keeping it open. It's not only accountability, but I get to see recipes I never heard of and find new foods that could make my daily eating more well rounded and delicious.

    But it's all up to the person.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Mine is only open to my friends since they're the only ones I care to comment on it.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Not everyone comes on here for advice! I don't have mine public because what I put in my mouth is my own damn business and I don't need anyone chiming in with their unwarranted opinions.

    Agree times a million
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I have never judged anyone's diary that I have peeked at (anyone who eats Taco Bell daily needs to NEVER, EVER judge ANYONE), but I have definitely gotten good ideas for things to eat from other people's diaries.
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    mine is always open, and i like looking at other peoples diary's they give me ideas !

    Ditto....when I begin MFP in August of this year, it took me a while to work out the kinks but my diary is now OPEN FOR my friends only!!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Mines open and I could care less what others think of how or what I eat! It works for me so I'm good with it. Others opinions don't matter it's not their body it's mine...... and it's a well chisled machine that trial,error and time have accomplished.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I think that if they're not asking you for advice, help, or your opinion on their food, then it really doesn't matter =)
  • girlypop
    what an interesting post. I like having my diary open for the sake of transparency. I know sometimes in the past i have hidden food, ate late at night when no one else was awake, and slipped into the kitchen without being noticed to grab some junk food. I think this was really bad. I shouldn't feel guilty about eating. If i'm hungry I need to eat and if I want a treat well I deserve it from time to time. So i keep my diary open because even if I eat too much; it's not a secret. I'm not happy that I ate too much, but I'm human so it happens. This reminds me of a quote I heard one time 'you can hide the food but not the weight'. I think it's soo true because even if no one ever saw you eating your weight tells it's own story. Anyway I have my diary open for me.

    Although sometimes I feel weird if I know someone looked at all the food I ate during the day. You can always tell if they make some specific comment. I dunno tho, cuz if I ever look at someone else's diary it's usually a quick glance and checking out the calorie totals, so I assume that's exactly what others do. Although my diary often has random foods listed. Like 1tbsp peanut butter as my only snack for the day or something, but I swear it's 100% true, except maybe for the actual time I ate.... (sometimes i log lunch items under dinner cuz or whatever)
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Looks like the neat thing about this site is that there is no ONE way to do it. So many different people are using it in a variety of ways to meet their own needs. Whatever works for you, great!:happy:
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I have mine closed to all.....It's my choice......

    If I wanted advice about something then I would ask......
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Looks like the neat thing about this site is that there is no ONE way to do it. So many different people are using it in a variety of ways to meet their own needs. Whatever works for you, great!:happy:

    Amen to this! I keep my diary open so that interested folks (mainly friends) can use it for ideas...and I've gotten some great ideas for meals from friends' open diaries. It's a wonderful give and take! At the same time, there are so many valid reasons to keep diaries closed that it's no skin off my back if people (including friends) keep them closed. I feel more accountable if its public...but in all seriousness, to each his own! :smile:
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    my diary is closed and i plan to keep it that way. some people here think they are the food police. i don't want nor do i need people giving me their personal comments on what I've eaten. I see people talk about being held accountable but if your not asked then don't volunteer.
  • StarGeezer
    It's the accountability aspect of this community that keeps me honest. I truly log everything...the good, the bad and even the downright ugly. I've tried too many years to police my own behavior, and clearly it hasn't worked for me. I need to be held accountable by my peers, and accept their advice and even criticism in the spirit with which it was given.

    At the same time, I don't need to be accountable to every putz with a PC and an opinion. That's why I keep mine only open to friends, and I carefully select my friends. Life is too short, and I've dealt with more than my fair share of azzhats over the years, I need to keep things positive and healthy for my own sake.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I keep my diary open, but everything listed is actually encoded to mean something else. I have a giant spreadsheet for what all my food entries really mean.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm open and invite anyone and everyone to look on in. I do respect those that don't want to open their diary. Many reasons for this I'm sure. I think overall it is a matter of respect for others choices. When they want to share, they will. Those of us that prefer to be open, great!

    Yup, personal choice. Just because you (OP) have your diary open doesn't mean that is right or necessary for everyone.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I leave mine open to everyone on my friends' list. Accountability is a huge factor in why I've lost as much weight as I have, and will probably still be necessary for me to continue my loss. I don't eat perfect 100% of the time, but I love to see my food choices laid out, especially when I've eaten well.

    I don't know about you guys, but I don't let random commenters get to me. It's just the internet, y'know? Tell random person that their comments are unwarranted, and if they persist, then report them.

    I know a lot of clean eaters sometimes like to get on a high horse and preach about the error of other peoples' diet, but just let it go in one ear and out the other. (I certainly do, especially when it comes to paleo diets - hello, vegetarian!)
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    I leave mine open to everyone on my friends' list. Accountability is a huge factor in why I've lost as much weight as I have, and will probably still be necessary for me to continue my loss. I don't eat perfect 100% of the time, but I love to see my food choices laid out, especially when I've eaten well.

    I don't know about you guys, but I don't let random commenters get to me. It's just the internet, y'know? Tell random person that their comments are unwarranted, and if they persist, then report them.

    I know a lot of clean eaters sometimes like to get on a high horse and preach about the error of other peoples' diet, but just let it go in one ear and out the other. (I certainly do, especially when it comes to paleo diets - hello, vegetarian!)
    Yeah I agree with you! I feel I'm on MFP for support and not just the kind that I want to hear.......
  • fosterr8
    Mine is open to everyone. I honestly think that if you're eating something you are embarrassed of, you shouldn't be eating it. I also haven't gotten any rude comments or messages about my diary. Not sure who would be that concerned...
  • horror_hamster
    mine is closed right now for one reason and one reason only: I started my diary on a particularly uncommon weekend where I ate out twice in one weekend (when i usually try to keep it to once a month, but sometimes it's once a week) and when i did open it after asking for advice, i got BOMBARDED with unhelpful criticism from so many users that they nearly brought me to tears. Even with explanation and backing up my bad choices during that time (which i fully admitted to), many users continued to send unhelpful and critical messages.

    Sometimes, in instances like that, it's better to keep it private and when people want background on your eating habits, if you feel comfortable, you can let them in. There are several people i encountered that, just by their initial attitude/approach, i would NEVER want to see my diary, while others were kind and considerate from the start i wouldn't MIND letting them in.

    Diaries can be sensitive, especially at the beginning of a diet when you're still working out what will be best for you, identifying the areas that need improving, etc.

    just my opinion.
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    mine is closed right now for one reason and one reason only: I started my diary on a particularly uncommon weekend where I ate out twice in one weekend (when i usually try to keep it to once a month, but sometimes it's once a week) and when i did open it after asking for advice, i got BOMBARDED with unhelpful criticism from so many users that they nearly brought me to tears. Even with explanation and backing up my bad choices during that time (which i fully admitted to), many users continued to send unhelpful and critical messages.

    Sometimes, in instances like that, it's better to keep it private and when people want background on your eating habits, if you feel comfortable, you can let them in. There are several people i encountered that, just by their initial attitude/approach, i would NEVER want to see my diary, while others were kind and considerate from the start i wouldn't MIND letting them in.

    Diaries can be sensitive, especially at the beginning of a diet when you're still working out what will be best for you, identifying the areas that need improving, etc.

    just my opinion.
    I can understand diary sucks on some days - but that's me and my choices and by NO way am I a "clean eater" ....I can only imagine what people say about my diary.....but who cares!!!!