Struggling - beginner insulin resistance/primal lifestyle



  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    In case any of you are still needing some support...I started an 'October Whole 30 Challenge for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps'. Come on over and transform your life in 30 simple days. It works!
  • irdietinfo
    You don't have to completely stop eating all carbs, although if you can, that is awesome! It's just very difficult to adapt and stick to, especially if you're new to all of this. I have reversed my insulin resistance within 6 months and I still have carbs every day - it's just learning which are the good ones, the type of food that keeps you feeling fuller for longer and won't cause an insulin spike. It works well for me! Some people can manage well on "no carbs" but if that's too hard, you may be better off taking it in smaller steps and just cutting down. I have a facebook page and a website with lots of information and articles about this. Look me up - Insulin Resistance Diet Info
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    In Nov of 2010 at the age of 54,I found myself at 323 lbs, beginning diabetes (glucose 140), high cholesterol (240), gluten allergy, PCOS (have been dealing with this for 20 years) and not being able to do much without exhastion.I started the South Beach diet and within 2 weeks I lost 13 lbs, my glucose was 95, and thus i began my transformation. I contacted a nutritionist and tweaked the diet to suit my needs. I have lost 120 lbs and have perfect blood work.It was a big deal and I must admit I am now obsessed with eating healthy and counting calories. I didn't start exercising until I lost about 50 lbs and now I do the treadmill 40 minutes and swim(mostly just tread water and move) 60 minutes for 4 or 5 days a week.

    Breakfast----2 egg whites, peppers, onion 15g not fat cheese, small can V8 OR 1/3 c old fashioned oatmeal with 1/4 c walnuts
    Lunch --- salad greens, cuke, peppers, 2T dressing and 2oz of meat or cheese
    Dinner --- 4oz fish, chicken, or steak, with 2 cups of low carb veggies (brussel sprouts, asparagus, spinach, green beans)
    Snacks -- 2 or 3 a day- gluten free protein bar, rice cake with 1 T natural peanut butter, cheese stick, sug- free choc pudding (my fav)
    No butter, condiments, salt, or extras.
    I average between 1200 and 1400 calories a day regardless of my exercise ( i don't "eat back my calories")
    Once a month I blow it all and have a meal out including dessert
    I average a loss of 10 lbs a month. It's not easy and I have a fantastic support system. My husband, son, friends and the Lord above.

    Forgot to mention the blood pressure. had been on meds for 10 years and now I amcompletely off all meds! Whahooo!
  • girlonamission34
    What an inspiration, thank you for sharing your story!!!! And I love the meal ideas!!!!!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Bump to read later
  • Thunderrose1
    My doctor is worthless and hasn't "said" PCOS but I have 4 cysts currently and ended up in the ER 2 months ago and have had issues with ovulation pain and sickness for the last 6 years. I can not physically endure this any longer but I have made so many attempts at losing the weight and have failed at every attempt in the past. I need for this time to be different.

    OK, Both my daughter and daughter-in-law have PCOS. First, find a Dr that will listen to you. Second talk to them about Metformin. This is a proven treatment for PCOS related weight issues. With PCOS all your hormones are out of wack. This also includes your insulin. Find a Dr that specializes in PCOS and talk to them about your insulin resistance. Both my daughter and daughter-in-law are on metformin and are both able to lose weight. I just can't stress how important it is to have a Dr you can have a good dialog with. Good luck!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    I have PCOS, am insulin resistent as a result also suffer from IBS sadly/ I was had my 4th child so my fertitly wasn't affected thank God, but before the pregnancy I had 2 cysts, but somehow one disappeared, the one keep getting bigger. And also a fibroid developed throu the pregnancy. It is painful so I can understand what you are feeling.

    Most everything Mark Sisson talks about makes sense, common sense. I followed the 'rules' last year and ended up losgin 65lbs, getting pregant I listened to my OB6GYN's poor advice and added grains, suagrs and legumes back into my diet. Actually to be honest, I was OFF the plan completely after losing all my self control LOL but somehow I only gained back 20lbs. But now I'm back trying to find my health. For me, due to my location and economics doing the Primal lifestyle completely isn't really realistic since eating meat and veg isn't satisfying enough for me. And making the bread and cake stand-ins aren't easy as I can't find the ingredients around here and too expensive anyway to order online. So I'm doing my adaption ... slowly working at it! But overall, if you cut ALL artifcal faux foods from your diet You can't go wrong!!
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    First, find a Dr that will listen to you.
    have all of the signs of insulin resistance and I HAVE to make changes.
    This sounds like self diagnosis. Once you find a doctor that will listen, you should ask for an AC1 test. The results will determine if you are in fact IR.
  • cathy1218
    what recipe builder are you speaking of ? which site ?