Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Maria, Mimi, and Dave -- congrats to you three for a loss! Rocked Week 6!

    I recorded my weight of 125.5 today. I am happy with a loss from last week overall. But for the last three days, I was at 125.0 so I was a little disappointed this morning. Hope I can get down to 124.5 for next week. Not going to make my goal for the challenge, but I don't be too far off, I think. One more week then it's on to Thanksgiving!

    ***Week 7 Mini-Challenge*** Let's do three sets of 50 "step-ups" each day. You simply step up onto a step until both feet are there and then right back down. That counts as one. I did 25 starting with my right leg and then 25 starting with my left leg just now. It took a little over a minute and a half. At three times per day, we'll all sneak in another five minutes of exercise each day. Sweet!

    As far as going forward, I am thinking to start a "New Year, New Me!" Challenge to run from the Friday after Thanksgiving through Friday, January 6th. That's a total of 6 weeks. What do you think? Would anyone be interested?

    On to Week 7 friends in fitness!

    I would love to join the New Years challenge! I really need the motivation...I just wish my work would slow down so that I can get my exersize on and get to spend more time on MFP. I really enjoy seeing how everyone is doing..

    Thanx for organizing this Mandy!
  • MarineWifey09
    I maintained 124.6 this week. Probably due to bloating and eating out tons last week. I am happy though. I am looking forward to this challenge since I slacked on this past week's. I did however do some good wall sits today and lunges/squats! Happy weekend everyone!
  • MarineWifey09
    PS, Mandy thank you SO much for keeping up with this and keeping us accountable! I am definitely interested in the New Year New Me challenge!!! I really want to start running more and that's a perfect way to start!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Ok, guys.....I'm up 2 lbs. :sad:
    It's been a really rough week---month to be honest! I've been dealing with illness & death in my family, traveling a lot and honestly, just dealing with discouragment.
    BUT today, I woke up with a renewed commitment to get back on track. I just hope I can get these added pounds off before Thanksgiving (and a bit more would be nice too). I may not make it to my goal now by Thanksgiving but I"m sure gonna try! Thanks for cheering me on, guys. I love having a challenge & group like this to keep me going. Sorry I haven't been able to participate as much as I'd like the last few weeks.
    You are all doing great. Keep it up! :smile:
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Oh--and I so want to be part of the "New Year-New Me" challenge! Hopefully, life will slow down and I can communicate a bit more with the group. I definitely will need to motivation & encouragment to get me through the holidays!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Ok, guys.....I'm up 2 lbs. :sad:
    It's been a really rough week---month to be honest! I've been dealing with illness & death in my family, traveling a lot and honestly, just dealing with discouragment.
    BUT today, I woke up with a renewed commitment to get back on track. I just hope I can get these added pounds off before Thanksgiving (and a bit more would be nice too). I may not make it to my goal now by Thanksgiving but I"m sure gonna try! Thanks for cheering me on, guys. I love having a challenge & group like this to keep me going. Sorry I haven't been able to participate as much as I'd like the last few weeks.
    You are all doing great. Keep it up! :smile:

    I'm sorry to hear about your rough patch. Stay strong! We're here for you!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Ok, guys.....I'm up 2 lbs. :sad:
    It's been a really rough week---month to be honest! I've been dealing with illness & death in my family, traveling a lot and honestly, just dealing with discouragment.
    BUT today, I woke up with a renewed commitment to get back on track. I just hope I can get these added pounds off before Thanksgiving (and a bit more would be nice too). I may not make it to my goal now by Thanksgiving but I"m sure gonna try! Thanks for cheering me on, guys. I love having a challenge & group like this to keep me going. Sorry I haven't been able to participate as much as I'd like the last few weeks.
    You are all doing great. Keep it up! :smile:

    I'm sorry to hear about your rough patch. Stay strong! We're here for you!

    Thank you!!! I'm gonna hang in there. Hope you are doing well.
  • Mandalicious
    You guys amaze me. Every last one of you. It's so cool to know that we are in this together.

    I just got the updated spreadsheet posted. Sorry it took me so long - my in-laws from Germany arrived yesterday and I have been busy entertaining!

    Mimi - Congrats on rocking your challenge goal already! Gold star for you, lady! Can you tell me what exercise you do? I am in awe of your calorie burns. We are about the same weight, and I'd like to get my burns a little higher. I am thinking about joining a gym, because the cold, wet rain is really discouraging me from getting out there and running. Took a nap when I could have run today, so I ended up being over on calories. Argh.

    Maria - I am seriously impressed that you continue to lose with a busy work schedule. Good for you!

    Joy - So sorry to hear about your life challenges. Don't sweat the 2 pounds. Every day is a new day to renew that commitment. Glad you're part of the group - we're all in this for the long haul, right?

    Wimberley - Not losing is great when you are with family and eating socially, in my opinion. Keep up that exercise in lovely Hawaii!

    Dave - You rocked it this week. Came back from your trip and shattered your goal for the challenge! Keep peeling those pounds off, buddy!

    Sam - Nice come back, kid! Can't wait to see what you can do this week. You really nailed that exercise last week, didn't you??

    Joe - When you get your official weight on the group board this week, I will update it.

    By the way, I really like this week's challenge (if I do say so myself). I just keep going over to our bottom step every so often and getting those step-ups in. Kind of fun to lift the arms, too. Easy to sneak those in!
  • MarineWifey09
    I agree I really like the challenge and have to say I appreciate you saying a little message to all of us here and there :o). I think I need to focus more on getting a JOB rather than exercising, but I can't help it I just love health and fitness and am bound and determined to get these last few pounds off. The Marine Corps Birthday Ball is the 19th of this month (one week from today) and I am definitely going to be crazier than ever this last week about looking great at the ball!!! The morning of my friends and I are doing a 10k! I do not plan on running more than half of it, but hey that's better than nothing! Hell, walking is always better than nothing and I love to power walk!!!! Hope yall are having a great weekend!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Anyone else sore from the stairsteps? I was surprised at how sore my calves/ankle areas are after my first day of them yesterday! Must be working some muscles that I've been neglecting (and I go up & down our stairs many times a day anyway!)
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Forgot to post on Friday...

    Sept. 30: 269.8
    Oct 07: 269.8
    Oct 14: 267.8
    Oct 28: 268.8
    Nov 04: 267.0
    Nov 11: 265.4

    Down another 1.6 lbs. Don't think i'll hit the 12 gone by Black Friday, but I'll keep aiming and working toward it.
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Ok, guys.....I'm up 2 lbs. :sad:
    It's been a really rough week---month to be honest! I've been dealing with illness & death in my family, traveling a lot and honestly, just dealing with discouragment.
    BUT today, I woke up with a renewed commitment to get back on track. I just hope I can get these added pounds off before Thanksgiving (and a bit more would be nice too). I may not make it to my goal now by Thanksgiving but I"m sure gonna try! Thanks for cheering me on, guys. I love having a challenge & group like this to keep me going. Sorry I haven't been able to participate as much as I'd like the last few weeks.
    You are all doing great. Keep it up! :smile:

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Happy to hear you have renewed your efforts to your health in a trying time. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    You guys amaze me. Every last one of you. It's so cool to know that we are in this together.
    @ Mandy - ditto! And thanks for being such a great challenge leader! :flowerforyou: Its fantastic how you monitor everyone's progress and give each person encouragement. Its very motivating!
    I just got the updated spreadsheet posted. Sorry it took me so long - my in-laws from Germany arrived yesterday and I have been busy entertaining!

    Mimi - Congrats on rocking your challenge goal already! Gold star for you, lady! Can you tell me what exercise you do? I am in awe of your calorie burns. We are about the same weight, and I'd like to get my burns a little higher. I am thinking about joining a gym, because the cold, wet rain is really discouraging me from getting out there and running. Took a nap when I could have run today, so I ended up being over on calories. Argh.
    Thanks so much! :happy: I'm really flattered. :blushing: Joining a gym is a good way to make sure that the weather doesn't interfere with your workout. I've found that working out at home works best for me because it saves a lot of time since I don't have to go anywhere. I usually get up ~4AM and do my workout first thing in the morning, to ensure that I get it out of the way before going to work. My daily workout consists of 45 min (6.61 mi.) on the Stairmaster and 20 - 30 min. of calisthenics (squats, pushups, crunches, etc.) -- that burns ~400 cal. During the day I burn an extra ~200 cal while doing routine daily activities by walking more and moving instead of sitting/standing still whenever I can (e.g., do leg lifts continuously whenever I have to stand (e.g., when cooking, watering plants, etc.), walk continuously instead of sitting while talking on the phone, etc.). But I think the most important thing is that I weigh all of my food so I'm able to control my calorie intake precisely and keep it at ~1600 cal/day.

    With that said -- I have to admit that during the past 3 days (Sat. - Mon.) I've kept up with the exercise but failed miserably on the eating part. On Sat. my boyfriend and I decided to break up. We've been together for 9+ years (we've been living together for the past ~8 years). We've tried for a long time to work out various problems, so it wasn't a surprise, but making this final decision was emotionally devastating and my eating went completely out of control. I've been binging every night and have eaten a total of ~2600 cal over maintenance during the past 3 days. Right now I'm really struggling to cope and to get my eating back under control. In the meantime, I'm clinging to my exercise routine like a lifeline, because that's the only thing that's keeping the binging from being even worse. I'm going to try really hard to stick to my eating plan tomorrow, and try to undo the damage of the past 3 days by the Friday weigh-in. This week I'll be happy if I don't gain any weight and can get back to where I was last Friday.
  • Mandalicious
    Anyone else sore from the stairsteps? I was surprised at how sore my calves/ankle areas are after my first day of them yesterday! Must be working some muscles that I've been neglecting (and I go up & down our stairs many times a day anyway!)

    That's it! I have been telling my husband that my calves are SO sore from running this weekend - thought it was from pushing myself to go faster. Duh! I bet it has been the step-ups! They are doing something - yay!

    Also, guys, I am trying. I swear. But I have been over on my calorie goal the last few days. My in-laws got to town (from Germany) on Thursday and we have been doing family dinners every night (some lunches, too) with dessert and alcohol, which I usually don't have any more. I have been having small portions, but eating non-healthy food racks up the calories so fast! They are going to be here for seven weeks, so I just can't keep going like this or I will never get my last ten pounds off! Twice a week, we are supposed to eat dinner at my sister-in-law's house and she is a fabulous cook but super fatty food. For example, last Thursday she made a baked pasta dish with kale and pumpkin (good) and whole eggs, ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, butter, and milk (bad). Should I simply take my own food? That seems so anti-social. Argh. It feels like every other day is a holiday type meal and I just don't know how to handle it. Advice?
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    This week is going so much better for me. Thanks for everyone's kind words of encouragment! Really hoping to see a loss this week....
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Anyone else sore from the stairsteps? I was surprised at how sore my calves/ankle areas are after my first day of them yesterday! Must be working some muscles that I've been neglecting (and I go up & down our stairs many times a day anyway!)

    That's it! I have been telling my husband that my calves are SO sore from running this weekend - thought it was from pushing myself to go faster. Duh! I bet it has been the step-ups! They are doing something - yay!
    Also, guys, I am trying. I swear. But I have been over on my calorie goal the last few days. My in-laws got to town (from Germany) on Thursday and we have been doing family dinners every night (some lunches, too) with dessert and alcohol, which I usually don't have any more. I have been having small portions, but eating non-healthy food racks up the calories so fast! They are going to be here for seven weeks, so I just can't keep going like this or I will never get my last ten pounds off! Twice a week, we are supposed to eat dinner at my sister-in-law's house and she is a fabulous cook but super fatty food. For example, last Thursday she made a baked pasta dish with kale and pumpkin (good) and whole eggs, ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, butter, and milk (bad). Should I simply take my own food? That seems so anti-social. Argh. It feels like every other day is a holiday type meal and I just don't know how to handle it. Advice?
    Oh, wow...I don't really have a lot of great advice but I do feel your frustration! Family dinners are the biggest hinderance to my wieght loss! My family is full of great Southern-style (fatty but delicious) cooks. And if they aren't cooking, they want you to go out and eat with them! It's so hard for me to resist. (And all next week, I'll be down there visiting + 2 or more Thanksgiving style meals. Aaahh!)
    I personally feel uncomfortable taking my own food to other people's homes because I don't want to offend. Can you try drinking a few glasses of water before going? Maybe that will help fill you up and you will eat smaller portions. And of course, up your exercise for those days too. Does your family know of your efforts to lose weight/be healthy? If they are supportive, maybe just talk to them, let them know that you have a goal you are trying to obtain and then maybe there will be no offense taken if you do eat only the veggies, or take your own food.
    Hoping you can figure this out! If you do, please share with me--I need help in this area too!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    I have to admit that during the past 3 days (Sat. - Mon.) I've kept up with the exercise but failed miserably on the eating part. On Sat. my boyfriend and I decided to break up. We've been together for 9+ years (we've been living together for the past ~8 years). We've tried for a long time to work out various problems, so it wasn't a surprise, but making this final decision was emotionally devastating and my eating went completely out of control. I've been binging every night and have eaten a total of ~2600 cal over maintenance during the past 3 days. Right now I'm really struggling to cope and to get my eating back under control. In the meantime, I'm clinging to my exercise routine like a lifeline, because that's the only thing that's keeping the binging from being even worse. I'm going to try really hard to stick to my eating plan tomorrow, and try to undo the damage of the past 3 days by the Friday weigh-in. This week I'll be happy if I don't gain any weight and can get back to where I was last Friday.
    I managed to stick to my eating plan on Tues., had a huge binge (~2100 cal over maintenance) on Wed. after getting overstressed at work, and maintained today.

    I'm going to skip tomorrow's weigh-in since my weight will probably be a lot higher than actual due to retained water from all of the binging this past week. But I think I did gain back ~1.25 lbs of fat from all of the binging. :( I'm going to just try and maintain for the time being, until I'm more stable emotionally.
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    So sorry I've been gone - no excuses really, just totally swamped with business travel and being sick this week (ugh). I say no excuses because I have a choice, well, not on the being sick part, but on making sure I make my health, well-being, and fitness a priority. As I write this I realize how empowering it is to fully realize you have that choice and in the end if you make it your first priorty everything will fall into place. Granted sometimes it's a struggle or a sarcrifice, but it can be done. I see it being done everyday by people on MFP and on this thread.

    A very sincere thank you this group for being open, honest, and continually encouraging even when someone goes off the wagon. :) One thing I've learned is that when I fall off it can be really hard for me to get back on. Looking at my own profile I realize it's the getting back on that makes you successful and you have to continue no matter what, otherwise, the darkness and all your bad habits want to swallow you back in - like a very slow domino effect.

    So, here I am, back, facing the darkness and getting back into the groove and even though I feel somewhat embarrassed by only doing 4 weeks of our 7 week challenge I would very much like to do a New Years challenge.

    Thanks to Mandy for organizing this and being our challenge leader. All of you have really done an amazing job!
  • Mandalicious
    I am embarrassed to say that I managed to gain one pound this week. 126.5 is my weigh-in today. I am not surprised - went over my calories too many times. I have basically been maintaining my weight for the last six weeks - usually fluctuating between 125.5 and 126.5. Not sure how I feel about it, actually. My motivation to continue improving my fitness is definitely there. (Yesterday I ran 4.4 miles and lifted weights at the gym, for instance.) But I'm just not so motivated to keep losing pounds. I am a size 4 and in a healthy weight range now. I feel pretty good about the way I look. But maybe I am just justifying being a slacker... What to do? What to do?

    With regards to the group, I feel like I am letting every one down. I really need to do some soul-searching and decide if I am going to get real about losing more or switch to maintenance. Mostly, I just want to make it through Thanksgiving in MODERATION!

    I will get a mini-challenge posted for the week soon...
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    204.5 Another lb down...woo hoo! Not going to meet my goal but I'm still losing so that's good