October Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Perfect night for a run, nice 5K. This challenge has been great for me to keep moving this month. Thanks!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Planned a LONG ride this morning but it was a VERY cold 30* and then there was a breeze with it. I was wearing shortie socks so my ankles were freezing along with my face, I decided to turn around at mile 1.5 and then saw my two little furries were following me. So it was a good thing I decided to cut the ride short. I then put in a 2 mile walk later after it warmed a little! 5 miles total. Tomorrow is the last day everybody! I WILL get 10 miles in to hit my other goal!!!
    Happy Halloween my @ss moving freaks!:laugh:
  • CorrieJane
    CorrieJane Posts: 249 Member
    1 mile swim on 10/30/11-offically past my goal!
  • donitchell
    donitchell Posts: 142 Member
    3.8 miles today.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Well, not as strong of a finish as I would have liked, but a bad cold sidelined me for a week. Finished with 219 though, so I guess that's not bad! Looking forward to November!
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Did a 10 mile brick workout yesterday evening, a combined bike ride with a run that is.
    It's 7 am, I'm off to Mt Parnitha for a hike with another fitness headcase. Here's the planned route:

    Very Cool Dinos!!!
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    almost made it. Pretty close. I took way too many days off, I will try harder next month! Congrats to those who made and went well beyonf their goals!
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    None for me since 10/24 (vacation lol)
    and I will be doing 3 tonight (10/31)
    My ticker is not updated with tonight's miles.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Unless I do 19 miles today, I'm not making my goal! But it's okay, I'm happy with what I've done. :drinker:
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Added another 5.5 miles so that puts me at 87/80 for the month! Plus my C25k run today was a straight 25 minute run and I made it!!! Bring on November!
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Didn't walk last night (30th), just couldn't find the energy. I'll try for a quick one tonight before the little ones start ringing the door bell in their cute costumes. :smile:
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    3.25 miles ran this morning to finish out the month. Ticker updated, and I'll also add my October total to my signature.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Whew, finished! 7 more done over saturday and this morning! Ticker updated!
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Commuted to work on the bicycle. Its 6 pm here and I need another 2.5 mile run to get over 150 for October. I'll take a short break and I'll be at it.

    32 people have reached their targets already, we've broken most of the challenge records again. I'll update to the final numbers tomorrow. Great job guys :drinker: :drinker:
  • mandysmom092711
    Updating ticker! Walked 4 miles and reached my goal! YAY! :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    3 miles on treadmill and 5 miles on the stationary bike... A few miles short of my goal, but I'm ok with that.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    my goal is 500 miles of spinning/biking, also 3x week of weight training, and 1 yoga class a week

    oct 1 60(weights)............ 150calories(HRM)
    oct 2 120(spinning/biking) 880calories(HRM) 40.0miles
    oct 3 120(spinning/weights)708 " " " 27.1
    oct 4 80(spinning) 536 " " 30.4
    oct 5 0
    oct 6 130(spinning/weights)..766(HRM)...26.4miles
    oct 7 90(spinning/biking).....563(HRM).....30.0miles
    oct 8 90(spinning)................665(HRM)......31.1
    oct 9 65(spinning)................405(HRM).......22.5
    oct 10 120(spinning/weights)766(HRM).......26.5
    oct 11 75(spinning) 542(HRM)......25.5
    oct 12 -0-NO WORKOUT
    oct 13 60(weights)........200(HRM).......0miles
    oct 14 - 22 out of town(not going to count my walking miles(daily average was 10 miles walking)SO LOOKING FORWARD TO SPINNING TOMORROW!!!!!!
    oct 23 -0-
    oct 24 120(s/bike, elliptical,weights)550HRM..........14.0
    oct 25 85(spinning)700HRM...............................31.5
    oct 26..-0-
    oct 27..120(spinning/weights)803HRM....................26.3
    oct 28...90(spinning)626HRM..................................32.1
    oct 29...90(spinning)653HRM..................................34.1
    oct 30...120(spinning)787HRM.................................37.4
    oct 31....90(weights/s/bike)300HRM.........................11.15

    miles update: 446

    missed my goal of 500 by 54miles:sad: ...looking forward to next month challenge...good luck all
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    10/1: 15.5 miles (2.5 indoor track jog/walk intervals. 10 exercise bike, 2.5 treadmill walk. 1/2 mile swim)
    10/2: 20.4 miles (2.5 outdoor jog/walk intervals, 2.5 outdoor leisurely walk, 15.4 exercise bike)
    10/3: 14.0 miles (2.5 eliptical, 5 treadmill walk, 6 exercise bike, 1/2 mile swim)
    10/4: 18.0 miles (3.0 indoor cd wak, 10 exercise bike, 5 leisurely outdoor walk)
    10/5: 15.5 miles (5.0 jog/walk intervals, 10 exercise bike, 1/2 mile swim)
    10/6: 11.0 miles (2.5 eliptical, 5 treadmill walk, 2.5 jog/mostly walk intervals, 1 swim)
    *10/7 - rest -

    10/8 14.5 miles (5 outdoor jog/mostly walk intervals, 7.5 exercise bike, 2 golf pulling clubs)
    10/9 12.0 miles (3 eliptical, 1 treadmill walk, 8 exercise bike)
    10/10 5.8 miles (2.5 eliptical, 3.3 treadmill)
    10/11 11 miles (10 exercise bike, 1 swim)
    10/12 8 miles (2.5 eliptical, 2.5 jog/walk intervals, 3 exercise bike)
    10/13 6.5 miles (3 eliptical, 2 slow walk, 1.5 swimming)
    10/14 14.5 miles (5 jog/walk intervals, 4.5 exercise bike+ 5 miles outdoor walk)

    *10/15 5 miles -rest - leisurely walk only
    10/16 8.8 miles - mostly rest - (2.3 eliptical, .5 treadmill walk, 6 easy exercise bike)
    10/17 7.5 miles (4 eliptical, 1 indoor track jog/mostl walk, .5 treadmill walk)
    10/18 17 miles (2.5 eliptical, 3.5 indoor track walk, 10 easy exercise bike, 1 swim)
    10/19 17.3 miles (4 eliptical, 5 indoor track walk, 8.3 exercise bike)
    10/20 10.5 miles (3 eliptical, 2.5 jog/walk intervals indoor track, 5 exercise bike)
    10/21 6 miles (4 eliptical, 1 walk, 1 swim)

    *10/22 5 miles - rest -leisurely walk only
    10/23 6 miles (4 eliptical + 1 walk + 1 swim)
    *10/24 5 miles - rest - leisurely outdoor walk
    10/25 5 miles outdoor walk (also did 2 hrs exercise videos)
    10/26 7 miles (2 eliptical, 4 treadmill walk, 1 swim)
    *10/27 0 miles - medical
    *10/28 0 miles - pity party for one

    10/29 - 14.8 miles- (2.5 jog/walk intervals, 2.5 eliptical, 8.8 exercise bike, 1 swim)
    10/30 6.8 miles - (3.8 eliptical, 3 treadmill walk)
    10/31 7.5 miles (2 eliptical, 1.5 jog/walk intervals,3 treadmill walk, 1 swim)

    total 295.9 of 250 goal. thanks had fun!:smile:
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Ticker is updated!

    Though it's hard to see, my goal is 120 km.

    And I'm going for a run tonight! Yippee! I should be able to make it!
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    I can't update my ticker cuz I am at work...will do that later. But I just got 1.6 miles in at lunch and Passed my goal!!!!!!!