A little rant!



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    My boss treating me like an intern. i am not his coffee girl / paperwork filer/ meeting room booker and note taker!
    i am paid to be a science researcher.
    I don't mind helping but stop!
    thanks for the place to vent!

    Good luck to you. I really am my bosses coffee girl/paperwork filer/meeting room booker and note taker. It sucks.

    But I make great coffee.
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    What's bugging you this afternoon? Nothing major, just something that's irritating you a bit.

    Mine is this. No matter how nice this weather, no matter how chilled out I feel, it still really annoys me when I see bikers and moped riders riding around without their protective clothing on. The sun doesn't make your skin any tougher or your bones any stronger. You will not have any skin left if you come off your wheels and you aren't wearing textile or leather. Having spent three months working at a bike accessories store, I feel very passionately about the bikers who think they have kevlar skin.


    I fell off my bike going 40mph onto pavement and was fine. While I understand your frustration, for some of us the risk of getting messed up is worth the reward of feeling the rushing wind on our skin / through our hair.

    To each their own.
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    My colleague not remembering that I have BLACK coffee with ONE sweetener - and we have worked together for nearly three years. Is it a man thing or is a three quarters filled mug normal? I guess I should be grateful that he makes me a coffee (often wrong) at all!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I myself love bikers who don't protect themselves...It is called job security for me.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    What's bugging you this afternoon? Nothing major, just something that's irritating you a bit.

    Mine is this. No matter how nice this weather, no matter how chilled out I feel, it still really annoys me when I see bikers and moped riders riding around without their protective clothing on. The sun doesn't make your skin any tougher or your bones any stronger. You will not have any skin left if you come off your wheels and you aren't wearing textile or leather. Having spent three months working at a bike accessories store, I feel very passionately about the bikers who think they have kevlar skin.


    I fell off my bike going 40mph onto pavement and was fine. While I understand your frustration, for some of us the risk of getting messed up is worth the reward of feeling the rushing wind on our skin / through our hair.

    To each their own.

    I'm sorry - that's like saying, I do crack. I haven't overdosed yet. O-well, to each their own.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    My boss treating me like an intern. i am not his coffee girl / paperwork filer/ meeting room booker and note taker!
    i am paid to be a science researcher.
    I don't mind helping but stop!
    thanks for the place to vent!

    ya know, i could send your boss my resume. i'm just sayin... i happen to be a professional office b!tch. LOL.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    The weather is bugging me today...it is a miserable rainy day!!!

    I would love that rain. We are in a severe drought here.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Wel since you asked. Okay, now the salesman gets an attitude with me if, when I'm answering the phones, I don't asked a customer what they want when they ask for sales. Even though I'm not in sales and it confuses some people when I ask for a part number because they think I am or they get an attitude because I have the nerve to ask for a part number instead of just putting them through to sales. Why is it that when my co-worker answers the phone and DOESN'T get the part number the salesman doesn't get an attitude with her? As a matter of fact, why is it that certain co-workers seem to never get an attitude with her about anything but they do with me? :angry:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My colleague not remembering that I have BLACK coffee with ONE sweetener - and we have worked together for nearly three years. Is it a man thing or is a three quarters filled mug normal? I guess I should be grateful that he makes me a coffee (often wrong) at all!

    Oh my land, I had to laugh at the three quarters filled mug! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Now, I'm wondering if it's a man thing too because when I ask my son to pour me a glass of something, he'll fill the glass about three quarters of the way full. I always make some sarcastic comment about it when he does that. :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    A CEO who refuses to make his own tea. Ya, I know he worked hard to get there. I have a degree too. I am not a tea maker. I hope he hates it. (One tea bag, luke warm water, dip in 5 times, and two scoops of sugar, stir properly) ugh shut up mr! Oh, and make sure to write the stock report numbers on mr's calendar although he NEVER looks at them, but swears one day he may get a phone call asking for them. (He has copies on his desk, too) blah blah blah

    AANNNND- Road construction on the same patch of road, twice within 6 months. Thanks California. You're awesome.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Wel since you asked. Okay, now the salesman gets an attitude with me if, when I'm answering the phones, I don't asked a customer what they want when they ask for sales. Even though I'm not in sales and it confuses some people when I ask for a part number because they think I am or they get an attitude because I have the nerve to ask for a part number instead of just putting them through to sales. Why is it that when my co-worker answers the phone and DOESN'T get the part number the salesman doesn't get an attitude with her? As a matter of fact, why is it that certain co-workers seem to never get an attitude with her about anything but they do with me? :angry:

    You need to wear a shorter skirt to work - haha. Seriously, if you're not sales, why would you ask for the part number. As a customer, I hate it when I call a company and have to give the same information to more than one person. If they're not the person that needs the info, then don't make them ask me.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    drivers bug me...why is it ok not to use your signal lights, or drive 50 when it's a freeway and there's signs EVERWHERE that say 70? or how about the douche that gets into the lane that ends, just so he can try to beat you off the lights...hello moron, I drive a 5.7L Hemi..it's a charger engine, you aren't going to beat me in your hurtin' half ton.

    Because, the sign says MAX of 70. The minimum is 45.

    Deal with it.

    where the hell are you from? it's not 45 of a freeway, that's going to get you killed! and i'm typing in kilometers, not miles
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    My boss just told me I need to decide if i want to continue working here in a private meeting and then asked me in front of everyone if i would bake a cake to welcome the new people.
    just reached for some millionaires shortcake cheesecake - failed in my good does not equal emotional support!
    now feel like POOP as I am on a sugar crash and feeling **** about my Job. ans all because i was away from the office on a training day and couldn't find some info for him by close of play!

    (p.s. -thanks i was loooking for somewhere to rant! )
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Whiney, snot nose little co workers who think that I want to hear all their complaints. I mean, I don't mind hearing someone's woes or troubles every now and then, but not everyday all day long. Come on, you got your years in and can retire with full pay, come on and retire already....

    Umm thanks for letting me vent!
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    Why is the conveyor belt at the grocery store always wet? :huh:

    Raw chicken juice.

    Yeah, I know what caused it. But I want to know why the cashier doesn't keep a disinfectant spray bottle & roll of paper towels handy to clean it up. Some actually do this, but most of the time, they don't. It really grosses me out. :sick:

    If your stores are anything like where I work at, paper towels are hard to find. I've literally walked the whole length of the store and not been able to find them. And trust me, we think it's gross too. I have hand sanitizer on my lanyard. I don't know if it would help any, but maybe if you mentioned this to the managers enough times they'll do something about it. They don't listen to us. I've complained and they just say "yeah I know".
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    If your stores are anything like where I work at, paper towels are hard to find. I've literally walked the whole length of the store and not been able to find them. And trust me, we think it's gross too. I have hand sanitizer on my lanyard. I don't know if it would help any, but maybe if you mentioned this to the managers enough times they'll do something about it. They don't listen to us. I've complained and they just say "yeah I know".

    That, and i'm not going to pay out of my own pocket to provide my workplace with maintenance supplies.
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    It annoys me that I have to spend 20 minutes proofreading all of my emails and then have to print them out and give them to my boss so he can "approve" them. God forbid I accidentally use the wrong word, because then I get a 5-minute lecture on the proper use of English grammar and a follow up email with a link to an online writing course he thinks might be beneficial to me. I think the even more annoying part is that he prefaces each of his lectures with, "I realize that most people don't pay as much attention to words as I do, but..." Really? Do I look like I don't have a firm grasp on my OWN LANGUAGE???? Lawyers....
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    What's bugging you this afternoon? Nothing major, just something that's irritating you a bit.

    Mine is this. No matter how nice this weather, no matter how chilled out I feel, it still really annoys me when I see bikers and moped riders riding around without their protective clothing on. The sun doesn't make your skin any tougher or your bones any stronger. You will not have any skin left if you come off your wheels and you aren't wearing textile or leather. Having spent three months working at a bike accessories store, I feel very passionately about the bikers who think they have kevlar skin.


    I fell off my bike going 40mph onto pavement and was fine. While I understand your frustration, for some of us the risk of getting messed up is worth the reward of feeling the rushing wind on our skin / through our hair.

    To each their own.

    That comment only applies BEFORE a rider experiences the grief of having medical practitioners forcefully holding them down, while removing imbedded gravel from their hide with a scrub brush and medicated soap .. and yet again BEFORE skin grafting ... AFTERWARDS .. It's a totally different story... Even hearing the screams of someone having this done can change your opinion about the risk ....

    and further ... That's if only the casualty pays 100% of his/her own medical bills. Places where there is health care paid by tax payers .. It then costs the tax payer for someone's just 'reward'.