If I need help don't post ignorant comments

Ok why do people think that degrading or even trying to degrade here is OK?Do they hear what they type? Does that sounds good to you but what about others?. Have this happen to you? Please share your most offensive or sarcastic or just plain bad examples or bad help in your post.


  • tlc4ever
    tlc4ever Posts: 16 Member
    What you focus on only grows stronger.

    Let it roll off your back and focus on the things you like.
  • muskiemama
    Ok why do people think that degrading or even trying to degrade here is OK?Do they hear what they type? Does that sounds good to you but what about others?. Have this happen to you? Please share your most offensive or sarcastic or just plain bad examples or bad help in your post.

    I agree. I joined MFP for support on my journey, If i wanted snarky comments, I'd just listen to my family.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Yes, it's happened to me, so I just unfriend them.
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    People have nothing better to do with their lives then hurt others!!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    My MFP's support me, there are others on this site that don't, or are negative. Like every other site, there are the good and bad...
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    I had a friend that I had to remove because everytime I posted my workout she would always have a snide remark. It would be something like if you burned that many calories in that workout your heart would explode or LOL it was always something.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Ok why do people think that degrading or even trying to degrade here is OK?Do they hear what they type? Does that sounds good to you but what about others?. Have this happen to you? Please share your most offensive or sarcastic or just plain bad examples or bad help in your post.

    i don't really have any examples, but to answer the first question, it's generally one of 3 things:

    1. They're pitifully unhappy people.
    2. They're actually trying to be helpful, but don't convey themselves well in how they write. Or that's what would help them feel motivated, so that's what they give others, and they think that if that doesn't motivate you it's because you don't want to be helped.
    3. They're not actually being degrading, you're being defensive or oversensitive because you don't like what they're saying.

    Or, some combination of 2 or all of those. LOL
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm sorry if someone was unkind to you.

    While you have every right to express this frustration and to ask others to commiserate, I feel that this will only serve to reinforce negativity here.
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    Yes, it's happened to me, so I just unfriend them.

  • jamielyn1369
    jamielyn1369 Posts: 19 Member
    I have only been on here one week and have said the same thing! For the most part, everyone is very positive and supportive, but there are a few! My problem is the criticism. Obviously, we are all on here to get support and lose weight (some a little, some a lot). But some people think their way is the only way and are indifferent to the metabolism and/or choices others make. If you have a bad day, you don't need someone telling you that you suck... you need them to either shut the hell up or support you. If you don't give in to occasional indulgences, you will overindulge later! Getting an order of fries occasionally is okay. And I am sick of the people that get on a soapbox about certain things, like no sugar at all because "I know what it does to your body". Don't cram your stuff down my throat and treat me like I am the idiot! Sorry for ranting, but I am sick of it. I've deleted several people because they commented on how I'm not giving it my all and in my first week, didn't always make the right choice (but I've always been under my calorie count!). People should just be respectful of others!
  • jessashcher
    that is sad but you got to take what you want and ignore what you don't want, there are always going to be people like that. You just have to let it go, people generally make sarcastic comments when they are feeling pretty low about themselves, For some reason it seems to make them feel better.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    It has not happened to me personally but I do see these kind of remarks from time to time. I often wonder if it is sour grapes, ignorance or just plain rude.
  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    i've seen some folks totally berate someone looking for help. never happened to me but i was reading a thread where someone asked to have their food and exercise diary looked at and where they could improve. well someone (who i've noticed posts comments like it's their full time job!) went off on them. if you're still eating like this you're gonna stay fat sums up what was said. and they post like this often on the board. looks like they finally got where they want to be and decided to turn into the type of person mfp is not about. they need to just move on...
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i tried to help someone today and then the OP threatened me and called me names...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    I don't like threads that are meant to incite.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    i don't really have any examples, but to answer the first question, it's generally one of 3 things:

    1. They're pitifully unhappy people.
    2. They're actually trying to be helpful, but don't convey themselves well in how they write. Or that's what would help them feel motivated, so that's what they give others, and they think that if that doesn't motivate you it's because you don't want to be helped.
    3. They're not actually being degrading, you're being defensive or oversensitive because you don't like what they're saying.

    I think this about covers it.
  • lalinzki
    Ok why do people think that degrading or even trying to degrade here is OK?Do they hear what they type? Does that sounds good to you but what about others?. Have this happen to you? Please share your most offensive or sarcastic or just plain bad examples or bad help in your post.

    i don't really have any examples, but to answer the first question, it's generally one of 3 things:

    1. They're pitifully unhappy people.
    2. They're actually trying to be helpful, but don't convey themselves well in how they write. Or that's what would help them feel motivated, so that's what they give others, and they think that if that doesn't motivate you it's because you don't want to be helped.
    3. They're not actually being degrading, you're being defensive or oversensitive because you don't like what they're saying.

    Or, some combination of 2 or all of those. LOL

    you're eating like a little girl, which is great if that's what you want to look like after your cut is over.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    i tried to help someone today and then the OP threatened me and called me names...

    Threatened you????? LMFAO ... seriously??? Hahhahahahahahhahaaaa Let me guess, your abs instigated the fight? hahahahhaahahahaaa.

    *seriously laughing I have tears coming out of my eyes*
  • lalinzki
    I'm sorry if someone was unkind to you.

    While you have every right to express this frustration and to ask others to commiserate, I feel that this will only serve to reinforce negativity here.
    So we are not suppose to say anything? oh wait so everyone suppose to have happy experience right, but that's not the case. Because I post this topic I'm reinforcing negativity here because I feel that people should be more supportive and not more like haters. I don't get it..
  • lalinzki
    What you focus on only grows stronger.

    Let it roll off your back and focus on the things you like.
    I FEEL YOU HOMEGIRL! Also I feel this needs to be address so how we can deal with people who are just not nice. If you have a bad juju comment keep it to yourself or break it down to a short answer..I m just saying