Okay, so some people are a**holes

Waiting for the bus tonight, some little kid and his mate started calling me 'fatty' and throwing firecrackers at me and everyone else at the bus stop. AWESOME.

THEN I'm walking down the road and a little camp prick says to his mates "Oh my GOD! I thought that was an earthquake, but it was just that girl walking past".

I mean... really?

Ironically, on the day I lost more weight that I ever have before, I was shouted down by two total tools in the space of 20 minutes. Crazy.

SO. This thread is for all those ****ty comments that people have said to you in public. Say the things you wanted to say to them here in this thread.


  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I won't say it, but I'll refer to a song by Godsmack called "I f-ing hate you!!" Not a nice song, but great to get frustrations like this out!!!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i wish i could reply to this, (un)fortunately, i am what some people may refer to as a bi*ch, so i speak my mind..talk *kitten* to me, and i will sling it right back :wink: :drinker: im sorry you were harassed today, but brush it off and remind yourself you are on the better, healthier track, and those total tools don't mean anything to you
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    What idiots. Im sorry that happened to you. I hate people like that. Used to work in a pub and i had comments like that. Nasty usless wasters most of them!
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    Your better then me girl! I would have smacked the **** outta one of them little kids & then sat on them and show them the REAL fatty! But that's just me.:tongue:
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Wow, that's really terrible. I remember a saying my friend used to say " I may be fat, but I can lose weight and you'll always be ugly" I thought it was so funny at the time.
  • Murphy15
    Ick!! What is wrong with people?! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that awful behavior. I see on your ticker you've lost over 30lbs! That's an amazing victory!! Keep the good work (and your head) up. :)
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I am so sorry that happned to you, you did not deserve that kind of treatment. Try to forget it and put it to ignorance.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just think, while you are capable of losing the extra weight and being more beautiful, they have no chance of getting a brain. I think you win hands down no matter what. :flowerforyou:
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    I would have turned around and tackled them to the ground, I have done it and will do it again.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    People really can be cruel. I have been called Princess Fiona before, and likened to a bouncy castle. I don't have the energy to waste getting upset by idiots like that!
  • New_Hope
    O.M.G. Parents need to teach their kids some manners.

    There was a boy who use to tease me saying that my clothes needed to be made by tent makers. Later on in years I became best friends with this boy's sister. She and I were relaxing in her dad's hot tub in our swimsuits and he comes in to join us (for only God knows what reason). He must have forgotten that he use to tease me and says, "Wow. You have amazing legs". To which I replied, "Thanks. It's nice that I've lost over 100 lbs and not having to have tent makers fashion me clothes anymore". He apologized for being a jerk all those years ago.
  • WordToYourMamma
    That's too bad. I was commenting to my bro yesterday about how I struggled through childhood with negative feelings, brought on by mean people and mental illness, and now I just hate people, I honestly do. I empathize and I do not say mean things to people, but to my core I truely hate people. That's no good and does not make me proud. I imagine it would be much better to have had a normal childhood, a happy one, and to not feel so angry and hateful all the time. Oh well, I keep to myself. And I do love my family.
  • SDMS
    SDMS Posts: 36 Member
    That's horrible...sorry you had to go thru that.

    I had gained 40 pounds, due to medication and poor eating/excercise habits, in one year. I went from being cute and curvy, to being a circle shape.
    My husband's ex-wife met us to get their daughter. During the exchange, she said they were going to the park and was going to do some kind of ride. She then went on to explain that there was a 150 lb weight limit and she was way under that. She just happened to give me a very smug and *kitten* eating smile. I wanted to kick her in the face. But me being the better person I didn't react to that comment.

    After all, you can loose weight, but you can't loose ugly!
  • Wingmistress
    O.M.G. Parents need to teach their kids some manners.

    There was a boy who use to tease me saying that my clothes needed to be made by tent makers. Later on in years I became best friends with this boy's sister. She and I were relaxing in her dad's hot tub in our swimsuits and he comes in to join us (for only God knows what reason). He must have forgotten that he use to tease me and says, "Wow. You have amazing legs". To which I replied, "Thanks. It's nice that I've lost over 100 lbs and not having to have tent makers fashion me clothes anymore". He apologized for being a jerk all those years ago.

    I loved reading this...
  • livnlite
    Waiting for the bus tonight, some little kid and his mate started calling me 'fatty' and throwing firecrackers at me and everyone else at the bus stop. AWESOME.

    THEN I'm walking down the road and a little camp prick says to his mates "Oh my GOD! I thought that was an earthquake, but it was just that girl walking past".

    I mean... really?

    Ironically, on the day I lost more weight that I ever have before, I was shouted down by two total tools in the space of 20 minutes. Crazy.

    SO. This thread is for all those ****ty comments that people have said to you in public. Say the things you wanted to say to them here in this thread.

    Oh My Good Grief, my girl! Yes, kids are cruel .. and this is just one instance that reminds me yet again ,.. why some species EAT their young!

    BTW ... Congrat's on the weight loss ..

    Never lose focus on the things that matter .. the other stuff is just crap! And what do you do with crap? Flush it!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    One time this dude at work pulled me into an office and started to go off on me about something work related...he was mad because 4-5 people called him out on a lie and he thought it was just me. So in the midst of his rant he throws a line in "i know youre as big as 4 people but it was just you...blah blah" and I totally didn't get it at first. then he took his finger and pointed me up and down making a big circle in front of my stomach and says again "I KNOW YOURE AS BIG AS 4 PEOPLE, BUT IT WAS JUST YOU THAT SAID IT"

    I'm like, really??? Just come out and tell me you think I'm fat...don't harrass me at work with your "finger" in my face implying I'm fat. With it being at work, I of course walked out and told him he was unprofessional. If had been outside of work, he'd be black and blue...=) haha!
  • livnlite
    Waiting for the bus tonight, some little kid and his mate started calling me 'fatty' and throwing firecrackers at me and everyone else at the bus stop. AWESOME.

    THEN I'm walking down the road and a little camp prick says to his mates "Oh my GOD! I thought that was an earthquake, but it was just that girl walking past".

    I mean... really?

    Ironically, on the day I lost more weight that I ever have before, I was shouted down by two total tools in the space of 20 minutes. Crazy.

    SO. This thread is for all those ****ty comments that people have said to you in public. Say the things you wanted to say to them here in this thread.

    Oh My Good Grief, my girl! Yes, kids are cruel .. and this is just one instance that reminds me yet again ,.. why some species EAT their young! Don't you dare let them discourage you!

    BTW ... Congrat's on the weight loss ..

    Never lose focus on the things that matter .. the other stuff is just crap! And what do you do with crap? Flush it!
  • sdwelk11
    dont have anything to post bak to them because I just say something back when they are rude to me. Settle it right then and there and you will feel better about yourself! stand up the a**holes!!!!!!!!!!
  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    O.M.G. Parents need to teach their kids some manners.

    My SIL has finally learned that if she doesn't parent her child, I will.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Waiting for the bus tonight, some little kid and his mate started calling me 'fatty' and throwing firecrackers at me and everyone else at the bus stop. AWESOME.

    THEN I'm walking down the road and a little camp prick says to his mates "Oh my GOD! I thought that was an earthquake, but it was just that girl walking past".

    I mean... really?

    Ironically, on the day I lost more weight that I ever have before, I was shouted down by two total tools in the space of 20 minutes. Crazy.

    SO. This thread is for all those ****ty comments that people have said to you in public. Say the things you wanted to say to them here in this thread.

    I always wonder what they are "Hiding or Trying to Hide" because that is a sign of Insecurity or Ignorance. So I just look at them, even catch My self staring...and they usually look away or down because they know I have "Gottem", I know their secret...They have LOW SELF ESTEEM and are trying to DUMP on someone else. The thing about someone with Low Self Esteem is that THEY Do NOT Understand that Everyone Else IS NOT Like Them.

    I also KNOW something else, that they do not get>>>I have a Great Face (I'm Pretty) and well proportioned, with a Great Personality, Smart and Kind...I know that a person can lose weight, but UGLY (facially and personality-wise) is usually forever. (Weight is Superficial, UGLY is to the BONE!) Frankly, It always amazes Me how UGLY people can think just because they are slim/skinny dump on others who may be obese...Clearly they know they have problems (Low Self Esteem). SOOOO, keep a song in YOUR HEAD when you come across these types of people, YOU have discovered their "Secrets" and YOU "Got Them." In the USA we say " I peeped your hold card!"