Negativity on MFP.



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    What prompted this, I wonder?

    Nut butter.

    What do you have against nut butter? I eat that all the time. I just hate getting it out of my goatee.

    Nothing against nut butter, LOVE it! But my questions about nut butter have obviously annoyed people I guess. Lol sorry.

    Oh. I see now. I think that maybe people had a reaction not because the question was asked before, but because you, yourself, had asked the question before a few times.

    I mean it doesn't bother me at all if people have the same questions several times, but maybe other people get annoyed? :flowerforyou:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    What prompted this, I wonder?
    Nut butter.
    What do you have against nut butter? I eat that all the time. I just hate getting it out of my goatee.
    Nothing against nut butter, LOVE it! But my questions about nut butter have obviously annoyed people I guess. Lol sorry.
    Oh. I see now. I think that maybe people had a reaction not because the question was asked before, but because you, yourself, had asked the question before a few times.

    I mean it doesn't bother me at all if people have the same questions several times, but maybe other people get annoyed? :flowerforyou:
    Oh, so you'd asked this already a few times? Dude... is this true?
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    I agree with your post and I like what you have said. I do sometimes see some very mean posts, and some rude ones, and a whole mixture of various responses. I see the internet as a world where people think they can say whatever they want and be whoever they choose all behind a computer screen, but I wonder if they would be so harsh to someone face to face. For example, the most common is typos... If someone spells a word wrong on their post, people will correct them, or correct their grammar all the while ignoring the post. Perhaps it makes them feel better to get that 1 UP on that person. In real life I wonder if they go around correcting their co workers, service personnel, and every stranger they interact with? Probably not, but that is why the slang term "troll" has been created. Trolls creep online. It just depends on whether or not you let it get to yew***!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    ummm.....this should be flagged for its racist content....i am offended
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    What prompted this, I wonder?

    Nut butter.

    What do you have against nut butter? I eat that all the time. I just hate getting it out of my goatee.

    Nothing against nut butter, LOVE it! But my questions about nut butter have obviously annoyed people I guess. Lol sorry.

    Oh. I see now. I think that maybe people had a reaction not because the question was asked before, but because you, yourself, had asked the question before a few times.

    I mean it doesn't bother me at all if people have the same questions several times, but maybe other people get annoyed? :flowerforyou:

    It doesn't bother me to see the same question also. Some people are so uptight! lol. Maybe that person wants NEW opinions, with so many new members joining daily!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    LOL...I was wondering when I shall see a post like this.
    I have been on different forums, in different languages and for different purpose. But one thing in common is that it looks like the "senior" posters are always annoyed by the newbies because newbies tend to ask the questions that these veterans have seen many times as they have been on the forum for really long time. It's really common. There is nothing you can do to change the attitude, just like there is nothing you can do to change the way others ask questions.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Try thinking of MFP forum like this: When you ask a question, it is the equivalent of asking hundreds of random people on the street a question. Of those people, some may answer your question correctly, even more will probably be incorrect, some will be clueless, some will be jerks and others may crack a joke. If you continuously ask same group of people the same question, they will be more apt to be a jerk or crack a joke the second, third, etc. time around.

    If you have a legitimate question and want to be sure you get the correct reply, try speaking to a nutritionist or a doctor. Otherwise, you will continue to not get what you are looking for.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Even newbies can read ...Home Recent Posts My Topics Signature SEARCH.

    Really, is it that hard?
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I really don't see a reason to get nasty with someone for asking a question, regardless if it has been asked before and would show up in the search feature. If you think someone isn't putting in enough effort to find information, just ignore the question and move on. Some people live for drama.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I really don't see a reason to get nasty with someone for asking a question, regardless if it has been asked before and would show up in the search feature. If you think someone isn't putting in enough effort to find information, just ignore the question and move on. Some people live for drama.

    If they used the search function they would have access to a whole plethora of different threads, opinions, "facts", etc.

    So really it's in their own interests to use it. Saying they should use it is actually giving them helpful advice.

    Yet many people on here would call it "rude", or "bullying".

    Seriously? This is the internet. Get a thicker skin.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I really don't see a reason to get nasty with someone for asking a question, regardless if it has been asked before and would show up in the search feature. If you think someone isn't putting in enough effort to find information, just ignore the question and move on. Some people live for drama.
    I have to ditto this one.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    /\ Negative Post.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I've seen some pretty nasty responses to some posts.... I guess it isn't what is said, but maybe how it is said. People are on here for moral support and motivation.... negative words are going to do just the opposite. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if it is negative, or just downright mean, why post it?
    This is presumptive. While it is true that I'm on here for support and motivation, I don't need moral support and often negative words are great support for me. Many of my friends encourage me with teasing and sarcastic comments, and I love them for it. So maybe "negative words" are undesirable to you, but not for me.

    Also, I come here to laugh too. That is support in its own way. Sometimes jokes on other people's threads make me laugh. It keeps me on the site longer and encourages me to continue my journey (as well as see more ads!) Jokes on other people's threads aren't always negative, and sometimes the OP is a good sport about things. Case in point:

    Even though there were complaints of negativity, I enjoyed that thread because it was FUNNY. And even the OP, who shared something personal, seemed to enjoy the humor. She wasn't complaining about negativity.
  • betty51
    What prompted this, I wonder?
    Nut butter.
    Now, you've done it!

    Hahahaha!!! Just nuts!!!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I really don't see a reason to get nasty with someone for asking a question, regardless if it has been asked before and would show up in the search feature. If you think someone isn't putting in enough effort to find information, just ignore the question and move on. Some people live for drama.
    I have to ditto this one.

    I have to ditto it, as well. :tongue: I just try to ignore the negative nancys...there are indeed a whole swarm of them on here, it seems. It's hard sometimes, but my best advice is to just ignore them. They live for the online forum drama! I also agree with whoever mentioned the fact that people who are consistently rude/negative/downright mean...they are in fact hiding behind a computer. I'd be willing to bet anything that it's an online persona, and they don't really act that way in person. Just ignore people who are coming off as gets easier over time, I promise. :flowerforyou:
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    You know, many people harp on using the search feature for common topics but for the record, the search feature on these forums pretty much sucks. The way the results are presented makes it tough especially for newbies to find what they need. Often times it's far easier just to ask again, and I see no problem with that. If you're annoyed by the topic then how about just not reading or responding?
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    You know, many people harp on using the search feature for common topics but for the record, the search feature on these forums pretty much sucks. The way the results are presented makes it tough especially for newbies to find what they need. Often times it's far easier just to ask again, and I see no problem with that. If you're annoyed by the topic then how about just not reading or responding?

    I agree. I've used the search feature to moderate success. Having said that, if I want to ask a damn question I'll ask it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    /\ Negative Post.

    i c what u did thar!

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • girlypop