personal vent.. I may be a B*$#@



  • elfie9863
    People are stupid. Which is why I have no friends.

    Yup...and most people annoy the crap outta me. I feel for the OP .. putting up with this at work is more work than the work.

    Glad I got to retire early.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Sadly I know one like that. . . has no money. . . but instead of diet and exercise "because it doesn't work" she just has to go and have the fat melting laser surgery done. . . and have it FINANCED. . . oh my gosh. . . for a few thousand dollars. . . .
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I'm pretty tolerant usually, but people like that I could NOT stand to be around more than necessary.
    I'm also wondering how she can work and be on welfare at the same time, but maybe it's different in the US.
    I can be pretty bad at saying NO, but in this case I'd probably find it pretty easy. NO, I am NOT going to the bar with you.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    No one is FORCING you to go anywhere with her. Youre doing that. Just stop already. You cant do anything about the choices she makes in her own life but you dont have to put yourself into it.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I know these types of people actually. I never hang out with them.

    Very sad. Also angering.


    She sounds like a low life... Don't associate yourself with people like her :/
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Some of these comments are a bit cold. I get the point that if she is dragging you down, you don't need it but here is my totally unqualified psychological opinion:
    She is struggling to cope with life so she tries to forget about it with the going out etc. It also sounds like she has quite an addictive personality. I have a friend like this who used to drink too much. When we went out he'd buy loads of drinks for me and our other friends and it became obvious that he had subconscious guilt about how much he was drinking which was eased by having others around him who were drinking a similar amount.
    She is probably doing a similar thing, trying to use you to justify to herself that going out all the time is 'normal'. In my opinion you need to just tell her that you can't afford it and it's not good for your weight loss either. If she sees that you don't think it's sensible it might break down her justification.

    Also, why not suggest you guys work out together instead? It will have the same benefits of helping her forget about the negatives in her life but also be good for you both.