Dr Who?



  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a massive Dr Who fan - have been since I was a kid.
  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    I know we have a lot of Brits on MFP. Any Dr Who fans?

    Season finale on BBCAmerica is in two days! I'm stoked. You guys have already seen it, though right? <no spoilers>

    we get it tomorrow
  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    I do but I don't like the dude out now. I like the first dude. He was good I thought.

    I've only seen a handful of episodes from the first doctor, thought he was ok but I guess the generation differnce made it hard for me to like him. With the first Doctor and the show being in the 60s, I found it hard to relate.

    My Doctors growing up were Tom Baker and Peter Davidson, so I was really lucky. I think Tom Baker was the ultimate Doctor.

    Wanted to hate Matt Smith (cause I thought he was too young and he wasn't a Doctor Who fan himelf), but I think he's actually nailed the character pretty well.
    oh god, and the fact that I can actually talk about this in a proper, serious discussion is more proof of what a sad, geek I am.
  • peekabeaux

    My Doctors growing up were Tom Baker and Peter Davidson, so I was really lucky. I think Tom Baker was the ultimate Doctor.

    I have to agree with you on that. When I think Doctor Who, I think Tom Baker. He was my inspiratoin for my first knitting project - a 15 foot scarf. :wink:
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member

    My Doctors growing up were Tom Baker and Peter Davidson, so I was really lucky. I think Tom Baker was the ultimate Doctor.

    I have to agree with you on that. When I think Doctor Who, I think Tom Baker. He was my inspiratoin for my first knitting project - a 15 foot scarf. :wink:

    Tom Baker was the first Doctor to really hit over here in the 80's on PBS.

    I still like David Tennant best, though.
  • stoofers
    I've been mentally preparing for days for tomorrow's episode. Just got my boyfriend into the series too!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ok, Whovians! My hubby is way into the show, but I'm not.... I know he's looked at getting a David Tennant screwdriver before, so I want to get it for him for Christmas. I don't watch Dr Who at ALL, so I could use some help...

    As I understand it, David Tennant was the 10th doctor....so I've found these (please let me know if any of them AREN'T the right screwdriver). Which would you guys suggest?



    https://www.drnobstoyworld.com/10 doctor screwdriver.htm

    Or if you find any others out there, please let me know, thanks!!!
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Pertwee. The interplay between him and Delgado is priceless. <3

    Oh, and the reboot is good too, but they lost me a little with the "everything must be tied up with a nice pretty bow" mentality. Letting us wonder is my preference. Makes for better fanfic. :)

    http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/doctorwho/8cff/#tabs is Ten's sonic. I have it in my collection.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    The ThinkGeeks screwdrivers are good, but I suggest this one:

    The 11th doctor sonic screwdriver...screwdriver. The claws don't move but it has bits and you can use it as a real screwdriver.
    I got it for my BIL last year and he loves it.

    I purchased the one you linked to as well, for my son. It's nice but the battery died quickly.

    Another idea-if he's a gamer and you have a Wii, you can purchase a sonic screwdriver wii remote. You have to have someone in the UK receive it and mail it to the US but it works fine with US Wii. My kids love theirs (it's big, but just so cool).

    Another unique idea is this t-shirt from Woot: http://shirt.woot.com/friends.aspx?k=8901
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I looooove Doctor Who. I'm not a big fan of Matt Smith; David Tennant and Tom Baker are my favourite doctors. Already saw the season finale, feeling a bit let down the last two seasons.
  • Courtney_0_0
    I can't wait!!! I've been a fan of the Doctor for most of my life. :) And I need something to pick me up after a very disappointing end to the Torchwood run on Starz. They should have just left it dead, or relaunched on BBC as a full series. So sad... but I still have my Doctor! :D
    That WAS rather disappointing, wasn't it?

    I like Matt Smith pretty well, but he's no David Tennant. I LOVE Karen Gillan, though. :D

    Yank here, but ADORE Doctor Who--and still incensed about Torchwood move to Starz. Although, seriously, not sure i am ready to watch a season without Ianto :sad: (haven't seen it; not sure I want to know; will break down and purchase the season soon...)

    Must say I mourned loss of David Tennant :love:, the only man i would leave the hubs for should he come aknockin'... Love Karen Gillan as well and Matt Smith is growing on me, but actually the ensemble vibe of this last season has been a lovely change of pace, I think.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Loved it until David Tennant *drool* left. Haven't watched it since.
  • Korrinn
    Korrinn Posts: 24
    Pertwee. The interplay between him and Delgado is priceless. <3

    Oh, and the reboot is good too, but they lost me a little with the "everything must be tied up with a nice pretty bow" mentality. Letting us wonder is my preference. Makes for better fanfic. :)

    This got much better IMO since Moffat took over as head writer from Davies. All of Davies' season finales were "OMG the universe is going to end, the Doctor must save everythign!". Moffat is playing the long game (starting back at Silence in the Library and the introduction of River). And he leaves things much more open and doesn't keep killing off the cybermen/daleks just to bring then back in the next season finale.

    If anyone is curious, Davies was the head writer for new Who season's 1-4 and then Moffat is currently the head writer for 5-6. Also Moffat wrote my 3 favorite episodes from Davies' time, the Empty Child and the Doctor Danes and Blink. I think the writing regime change has made the show infinitely better. In Ten's time, Tennant carried the show, in eleven's time, the writing and the acting (from everyone!) just works GREAT together.

    And Rory is my homeboy... Him in glasses in the Silence two parter? Swoon.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member


    Hubby and I started getting all the oldest ones from Netflix from the 1st doctor up til now, im waiting for them to toss season 6 on instant so I can watch them and finally catch up, I watched the order of Doctor who season 1 though season 4 with the Torchwood tossed in there where they are supposed to be watched ppl think im nuts but there is really a order to watch them so it all makes sense :)

    We are about to finish the Tom Baker years we are up to the E-Space Trilogy right now which we will be watching this weekend its 3 discs long and we have 2 so we will have to send one back to get the 3rd final disc, im stoked! I am hooked!

    My fav docs have to be David Tennant hes just yummy =)

    In the old doctors so far I have to say um William was just funny, Jon was a character that made me giggle and Tom is just ROFL...

    There is a Time Lord society for the KC area on facebook I just joined its a lot of fun they have get together and doctor who nights and everything I just joined so i hope to make one of there fun nights soon :)

    Matt Smith is "OK" still trying to get used to him hubby can't stand him doesn't watch him he thinks that hes trying to be to much like David and I do miss Russell T Davis' writing on most of these episodes hes a dang good writer/director hes been writing since almost the 1st doctor who days....

  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/doctorwho/8cff/#tabs this one is the tenth doctor's screwdriver :0)

    I'm a massive who fan, have been since I was a kid. Infact, I'm currently sitting in the office wearing a University of gallifre t shirt :0)
    I'm still not 100% sure of Matt Smith - but I can't say I dislike him, just that maybe I prefer other doctors more.

    Have to agree, I love Moffat's style. Blink is one of the best episodes ever.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Huge fan here! I've only watched New Who as the Classic ones are pretty hard to find with French subtitles. Maybe one day... :)

    Favorite Tardis team is Ten/Donna but I grew used to the new guys. I love Rory and River! :) Favorite episodes are the Moffat ones from the RTD era: Blink, Empty Child/Doctor Dances and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.

    Oh and I'm going to visit the Doctor Who experience tomorrow!!!! I am so excited about it, even if I'm going on my own like a big geek!
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Continue from my old post sorry thought I post this before I goto sleep and yes im a total geek :blushing:

    Well my theme for my computer is complete I have David Tennant on my background and when I get mail david says, "what a minute don't I know you" and when I do something & the computer don't understand or comes to a halt K9 goes "Question not understood kindly rephrase" When I connect a device "Well doctor where's it gone?" Says the Brigadier "Gone ? It hasn't gone anywhere Brigadier its just arriving" says the 3rd doctor, When I disconnect a device the first doctor goes "Thank you, you saved our lives", when something goes really wrong you hear "Exterminate, Annihilate, Destroy!" it shuts down david goes " yeah listen listen gotta dash things happening, well 4 things well 4 things and a lizard", and when I empty my recycle bin, Exterminate...... Delete........ Exterminate....... Delete Delete......... Exterminate :)

    I also play a online game called City of Heroes they just came out with a new power set regarding Time... so my friend and I made 2 characters.....

    Lady Riversong & Physicist

  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Thanks everyone, for the input on screwdrivers. :):flowerforyou:
  • PZlady
    PZlady Posts: 137 Member
    Whovians of the world unite!
  • peckle123
    peckle123 Posts: 28 Member
    i love it, we all sit down as a family and watch and although we had a nightmares a few years ago about the werewolf eposide it doesnt seem to have put them off , roll on the Christmas special