

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    DIdn't weigh myself today - oooops forgot. I will do it tomorrow. I'm not sure what I weighed exactly last week....I have not been all that fantastic this week. Mostly OK with calories, sticking around 1300-1500/day. Worked out 2 times and took the dog once for a 40 min walk/run session. I do always get at least 7 hours of sleep. I've been trying to reset my body clock to go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 6.

    Doing great this week. Can't wait to see your results!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    I weighed 177.7 today. Yeah!! I have a big challenge ahead of me this weekend. Going on a 3 days girl's golf weekend. Have to behave myself cause these girls like to eat and drink!

    Have fun this weekend and make healthy choices : )
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hello everyone!

    Had another good swim morning, and now I am totally sore, even more than yesterday. I love seeing my progress in swimming - in February this year I didn't know how to swim (other than floating ...). I joined a swim class which was mainly catered to experienced swimmers, but the coach, being the amazing person that he is, opened it to everybody. So, here I was, doing my doggie paddle, along with the college proffesional swimmers. Should I mentioned how embarrased I was? But, my good side of the brain said that I should just stick with it. And I did .... first I would swim 4 pool lenghs with a 30 sec break in between. Than I would need a break of 1 min because I was exhausted. I would swim a total of maybe 500 yards in 1 hour.
    But I was determined to get better. I am far from where I want to be, but now my average is 2300 yards in 60 minutes, and when I push myself, I get up to 2800 - 3000 yards.
    The coach says that a swimmer reaches the peak of his or her pereformance in 4 years .... so I have a ways to go.
    But this whole story is to second what Judy said earlier - you just need to go outside your comfort zone, not care what you think others may say and focus on your goal. The reality is that fit people that live in gyms are the first ones to admire you and acknowledge your progress. They are the last ones to care on how you look because they know how much work it takes.
    So keep at what you are doing and step it up a notch or challenge yourself with something new - this is a great challenge for this week (thank you Julie!!!).

    So, my story for this week:

    Diet: Been really good and proud of myself. Stayed in line pretty much the entire week. Last Friday I was at 168.5 (not 168 as I wrote down ... I think in my mind I was just dreaming 168 :)) and this morning, with my swimsuit on I was at 166.5 - 2 lbs lost!!!

    Fitness: Went 6 days to the gym last week (Monday - Sunday) and 3 days this week so far. I will hit it again tomorrow and Sunday.

    Life: I didn't even enroll into the whole sleeping more challenge ... I think right now I am getting the most sleep that I can get with my lifestyle. I am usually in bed by 10.30 - 11.00 and up at 4.30 - 5.00. So, 6 hours for me during the week and maybe 8 in the week-end. It's not that bad when you have two little ones, two full time jobs, my husband has a side business and I am starting my photography / imaging services business too .... I will say though that if I am really tired one morning I will just stay in and sleep. I know that without sleep I will eat more.

    This week's challenge that appeals to me the most is combating procrastination. I do have several projects I need to finish which I have been putting aside for a while and will need to finish. And, I want to see how much I can lose this week. My weekly goal is 1 lbs but if I can do more without starving, I am game.

    Can't even tell you how much I like this challenge and how well it works for me "talking" to you guys every day ..

    Happy Friday!

    So glad you are excited about the challenges this week. I always heard swimming was a great way to get in shape you are doing great with all your workouts and a 2lb weight loss is so awesome! Congrats!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey everybody, I have to be up super early for work in the morning so I am posting the challenges for WEEK TWO tonight.

    Diet: Time to work on EMOTIONAL EATING. If you are feeling sad or happy, upset, hopeless, or any emotion that makes you want to “Eat your feelings” STOP. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and ask yourself WHY you want to eat what you are about to eat. Are you eating because you feel emotional? Is there something healthier that will satisfy you? I know that most of us struggle with this. We need to work on it now and get rid of the emotional cravings that hold us back from reaching our goals.

    What do you do to distract yourself from emotional eating?

    Fitness: Try something new this week. Have you always wanted to try a boot camp class but were afraid you might not be able to keep up? Try a new class at your gym this week, or a new video at home. Try something you have always wanted to do or maybe even something you never thought you would like. Don’t worry about how you might look or if you might not be able to keep up with the others. “Remember, even champions were once beginners.” (I heard that on my daughter’s Mickey Mouse Mousercise CD haha)

    Life: Most of us said that we were STRESSED. This week’s Life Challenge is to STOP PROCRASTINATING. We are all busy and tired. We work hard, take care of the kids and do our best to be our best, but one of my biggest problems is procrastination. This week we are going to stop putting things off and take care of them when you think of them. Make yourself a “to do list” this week if you have to. Whether it’s a phone call you need to make or a bill you keep meaning to pay, whatever it is that you’ve been putting off, take care of it. Then take a big sigh of relief and smile as you feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders. : )

    Make sure to weigh in today and post your results on this thread. If you are uncomfortable posting your weight then you can always just post how much you have lost. Under your weigh in info please tell us a little bit about your week. How did you do with the challenges and how do you feel? I am SO excited to see all of your results!

    PS. If there is something you are struggling with or you have a suggestion for next weeks challenges please send me a message with the info so that we can all work through it together as a team. : )

    Good morning everyone!

    So I didn't have time to weigh in this morning, I will do it as soon as I get home tonight! I'm very excited For week two challenges- they are great ones!! I just signed up for a new gym, so I am excited to try something new there! (Love the Mickey quote by the way!) Procrastination is a huge habit of mine.. so I will definitely take the challenge to improve on that this week, and get some things accomiplished!

    Looking forward to reading everyone's successes! Yay for week two already!!

    xx, Emily

    I am excited to hear about your results, Emily. New gym is always fun to explore. This is gonna be a great week for all of us, lets do this!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey everyone. I am down 3lbs this week adding up to a grand total of 15lbs whoooo! I couldn't have done it this week without you guys. I didn't get my full 8hrs I am still adjusting to the new schedule but getting up at 5am makes me tired by 8pm so I am ready to get more sleep now that I am reallllly tired haha. I did go over my calories a few times this week, I was actually really surprised to see that weight loss despite my cheating a few days. I did pack my lunch for work every day this week, and cooked dinner at home. Always yummy, healthy meals, the snacks are what got me. I did not work out at all this week. I am disappointed in myself for that. I leave the house at 6am work 8hrs then get home at 6pm and by that time I am so exhausted I don't even want to move. I am hoping to find a gym close to work so that maybe I can get in a quick 20 min work out at lunch time, still trying to figure that out.

    Great job everyone, I love reading about your weight loss and victories. Week 2 is gonna be even better than the first!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hey everybody, I have to be up super early for work in the morning so I am posting the challenges for WEEK TWO tonight.

    Diet: Time to work on EMOTIONAL EATING. If you are feeling sad or happy, upset, hopeless, or any emotion that makes you want to “Eat your feelings” STOP. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and ask yourself WHY you want to eat what you are about to eat. Are you eating because you feel emotional? Is there something healthier that will satisfy you? I know that most of us struggle with this. We need to work on it now and get rid of the emotional cravings that hold us back from reaching our goals.

    What do you do to distract yourself from emotional eating?

    Fitness: Try something new this week. Have you always wanted to try a boot camp class but were afraid you might not be able to keep up? Try a new class at your gym this week, or a new video at home. Try something you have always wanted to do or maybe even something you never thought you would like. Don’t worry about how you might look or if you might not be able to keep up with the others. “Remember, even champions were once beginners.” (I heard that on my daughter’s Mickey Mouse Mousercise CD haha)

    Life: Most of us said that we were STRESSED. This week’s Life Challenge is to STOP PROCRASTINATING. We are all busy and tired. We work hard, take care of the kids and do our best to be our best, but one of my biggest problems is procrastination. This week we are going to stop putting things off and take care of them when you think of them. Make yourself a “to do list” this week if you have to. Whether it’s a phone call you need to make or a bill you keep meaning to pay, whatever it is that you’ve been putting off, take care of it. Then take a big sigh of relief and smile as you feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders. : )

    Make sure to weigh in today and post your results on this thread. If you are uncomfortable posting your weight then you can always just post how much you have lost. Under your weigh in info please tell us a little bit about your week. How did you do with the challenges and how do you feel? I am SO excited to see all of your results!

    PS. If there is something you are struggling with or you have a suggestion for next weeks challenges please send me a message with the info so that we can all work through it together as a team. : )

    Thank you for the new challenges! I'm ready this week!

    Here are my plans to conquer it:
    Diet : Emotional eating is hardest for me in the evening and I want sweets. Will make sure to be ready with a supply of sweet fruits to cut the cravings.
    Fitness: Planning to join a gym near work and get some calories burned during my lunchtime. I'll still walk my dog in the morning and evenings, but I'll also have more time for other activities too then (which will also help my life goal).
    Life: I make lists all the time, but certain chores keep getting pushed from one week to the next. One of my favorite mottos is "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". I think of this often when grocery shopping, menu planning and prepping lunches, but I need to put it to use in other aspects of my life too!

    As for last week's goals:
    Diet - open diary for friends, check
    Fitness - steady workouts until Wed when I had my flu shot and haven't been feeling well since :-( Hoping to get lots of exercise in starting again tomorrow!
    Life - I've been carving out 8 hours to sleep every night. Some nights my mind is wide awake though.

    Everyone here is TERRIFIC and doing GREAT! Remember, you can complete these challenges because you WANT to!!

    TGIF everyone!

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey everybody, I have to be up super early for work in the morning so I am posting the challenges for WEEK TWO tonight.

    Diet: Time to work on EMOTIONAL EATING. If you are feeling sad or happy, upset, hopeless, or any emotion that makes you want to “Eat your feelings” STOP. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and ask yourself WHY you want to eat what you are about to eat. Are you eating because you feel emotional? Is there something healthier that will satisfy you? I know that most of us struggle with this. We need to work on it now and get rid of the emotional cravings that hold us back from reaching our goals.

    What do you do to distract yourself from emotional eating?

    Fitness: Try something new this week. Have you always wanted to try a boot camp class but were afraid you might not be able to keep up? Try a new class at your gym this week, or a new video at home. Try something you have always wanted to do or maybe even something you never thought you would like. Don’t worry about how you might look or if you might not be able to keep up with the others. “Remember, even champions were once beginners.” (I heard that on my daughter’s Mickey Mouse Mousercise CD haha)

    Life: Most of us said that we were STRESSED. This week’s Life Challenge is to STOP PROCRASTINATING. We are all busy and tired. We work hard, take care of the kids and do our best to be our best, but one of my biggest problems is procrastination. This week we are going to stop putting things off and take care of them when you think of them. Make yourself a “to do list” this week if you have to. Whether it’s a phone call you need to make or a bill you keep meaning to pay, whatever it is that you’ve been putting off, take care of it. Then take a big sigh of relief and smile as you feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders. : )

    Make sure to weigh in today and post your results on this thread. If you are uncomfortable posting your weight then you can always just post how much you have lost. Under your weigh in info please tell us a little bit about your week. How did you do with the challenges and how do you feel? I am SO excited to see all of your results!

    PS. If there is something you are struggling with or you have a suggestion for next weeks challenges please send me a message with the info so that we can all work through it together as a team. : )

    Thank you for the new challenges! I'm ready this week!

    Here are my plans to conquer it:
    Diet : Emotional eating is hardest for me in the evening and I want sweets. Will make sure to be ready with a supply of sweet fruits to cut the cravings.
    Fitness: Planning to join a gym near work and get some calories burned during my lunchtime. I'll still walk my dog in the morning and evenings, but I'll also have more time for other activities too then (which will also help my life goal).
    Life: I make lists all the time, but certain chores keep getting pushed from one week to the next. One of my favorite mottos is "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". I think of this often when grocery shopping, menu planning and prepping lunches, but I need to put it to use in other aspects of my life too!

    As for last week's goals:
    Diet - open diary for friends, check
    Fitness - steady workouts until Wed when I had my flu shot and haven't been feeling well since :-( Hoping to get lots of exercise in starting again tomorrow!
    Life - I've been carving out 8 hours to sleep every night. Some nights my mind is wide awake though.

    Everyone here is TERRIFIC and doing GREAT! Remember, you can complete these challenges because you WANT to!!

    TGIF everyone!


    PJ, those are some great ideas for this weeks challenges and great job with lasts weeks. I agree, planning is necessary especially when you are super busy with much to do. nothing will get done if you don't plan. I think this will be a great challenge week for all of us. Good luck!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I wanted to add to the pizza discussion floating around here. Nothing against the real thing or a frozen version, but making a healthy crust is possible so I wanted to share my recipe. Super simple and filling! Just be careful with toppings.

    This recipe will make 1 large pie or cut dough into several small servings for individual pizzas (ok to freeze too).
    Pizza Crust:
    1 Tbsp. active dry yeast
    1 cup warm water (105 to 115 degrees F.)
    1 tsp. sugar
    1 tsp. salt
    2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
    2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

    Dissolve the yeast in the water.
    Add the rest of the ingredients in and mix.
    Dump onto a floured surface.
    Knead into a smooth dough (five minutes or so).
    Roll out and press down onto a greased pan (I highly recommend getting a pizza stone for crispier crust... I <3 mine)
    Add toppings
    Bake at 450 degrees F. for around 12-15 minutes until the crust looks crispy and lightly browned.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Name: Charmaine
    Location: NC
    Starting weight 174.6
    Current 173.8
    GW by Jan. 1st 135
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    I wanted to add to the pizza discussion floating around here. Nothing against the real thing or a frozen version, but making a healthy crust is possible so I wanted to share my recipe. Super simple and filling! Just be careful with toppings.

    This recipe will make 1 large pie or cut dough into several small servings for individual pizzas (ok to freeze too).
    Pizza Crust:
    1 Tbsp. active dry yeast
    1 cup warm water (105 to 115 degrees F.)
    1 tsp. sugar
    1 tsp. salt
    2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
    2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

    Dissolve the yeast in the water.
    Add the rest of the ingredients in and mix.
    Dump onto a floured surface.
    Knead into a smooth dough (five minutes or so).
    Roll out and press down onto a greased pan (I highly recommend getting a pizza stone for crispier crust... I <3 mine)
    Add toppings
    Bake at 450 degrees F. for around 12-15 minutes until the crust looks crispy and lightly browned.

    Yum!!! Trying this!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    You guys ROCK:bigsmile: Yikes I over looked commenting on the Procastination part of the new weeks challenge...was that on purpose???? I have a huge problem with that! I am going to make a list of the challenges to keep them in front of me!

    Loredana - hey I never thought of the triathalon thing...but no way man! :laugh: I love hearing about your swimming! WOW and you are so right we have to go for it and not worry about others. When I joined the gym I tried step. I looked so silly..I was so far off and couldn't get it! I told myself to keep going and it took me about 10-15 classes to get it and I really still don't have it, but I can keep up and have added a step higher :bigsmile:

    Still feeling alittle emotional and not myself:frown: to add to things I just got a call from my parents insurance which gave me info to clear up a bill my Dad keeps getting that covered my Mom's ambulance ride last Halloween after her stroke. It is starting to hit me hard all of a sudden that she is gone and it will be a year. I'm sure it's normal but it sucks!

    Then there's more..... it's good but emotional too!!!!!!!!!! My 17 year old son is a senior in HS. We are so lucky to have an AMAZING program that teaches about drunk driving. They have this event every two years and they focus on the juniors and seniors. They choose 25 kids total from both classes combine. They are kids from evey social group that would have an inpacked on the school if they were killed by a drunk driver. My son was choosen to participate. It is a secret and a don't tell anyone :wink:

    It is sooooooooooooo intest, they stage an accident in the parking lot, with kids in the car made up to be dead or injured, the police fire dept corinor and ambulance arrive and take action. They cuff and take the drunk driver to the police station, take the wounded to the hospital and the dead to the morge. My son will be one of the dead and taken in a BODY BAG!!!! :cry: They also have a trial and we are invited to attend...all the kids choosen are at the trial too.

    The program is called every 15 mins, because every 15 mins someone is killed by a drunk driver. They rest of the kids chosen are in class...every 15 mins the Crim Reeper comes to class and gets one of them, they are made up with white faces and not allowed to talk to anyone because they are one of the dead. The school is able to see all the white faced kids walking the campus and see how many are effected!!!!!

    I think this is soooo amazing and wish every school did this. I could go on, but will know more next week. I am really proud of my son for wanting to do this to help show himself and his classmates how serious this is!!!


    CW 186.4.......................3.9# LOSS!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    OK I have to focus!!! Thanks for listening or reading. I am working from home so I have to try to give this a break and get some work done.


    I knew you woud say "no way!!!" to the triathlon, I even wanted to put a note in my previous post because this is always the reaction I get from other people :smile: ... I have not done a triathlon yet, but I wanted to try so I had to start swimming. I am planning to do my first triathlon (an indoor one - short one) this winter, then the sprint size one in June next year ... Should be fun.
    Never say never!!! (and I am not even a fan of Justin Bieber :)) ... I'll make you a deal - let's talk after your first 5K .... the rate you are going now you will be ready by Thanksgiving. Checkout the 5K's around you .... and think about it .. I'll run it with you from a far :wink:

    You know what is the most amazing thing when you go to a race? The organizers are referring to all contestants as "athletes"!!! The first time I heard that when I did my 10K I had to look around to make sure they were talking about me .... I was an ATHLETE!!! The adrenaline rush was almost too much :)

    Reading about the emotional challenges you are going through right now .... the loss of a dear one, especially a parent is very very hard .... still raw for me but this is one of the reasons I am here. Life just changes ... and it will never be the same. And for me, maybe is sick, but for the first time I am thinking of my own "time" .... and that's scary ... But we just have to embrace life as it is and think about what we can do to make it better or leave a mark behind ...

    But I LOVED reading about the program at your son's school. Are you going to be able to watch him being the "dead" one in the body bag?? I think I would need a stiff drink before seeing that ....even if it's just pretend. That is an AWESOME idea they had and I am sure it will be well received. Hopefully it will hit home with a lot of the kids. This subject is so scary for me ..... I have two boys, little still (7 and 4) and even though I know I still have time, I feel like they were both born yesterday ... so what's few more years??
    Definately come back with details because this is a GREAT idea!

    Gotta go finish my stuff for today - is it 5.00 yet???

    Ta ta

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    I wanted to add to the pizza discussion floating around here. Nothing against the real thing or a frozen version, but making a healthy crust is possible so I wanted to share my recipe. Super simple and filling! Just be careful with toppings.

    This recipe will make 1 large pie or cut dough into several small servings for individual pizzas (ok to freeze too).
    Pizza Crust:
    1 Tbsp. active dry yeast
    1 cup warm water (105 to 115 degrees F.)
    1 tsp. sugar
    1 tsp. salt
    2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
    2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

    Dissolve the yeast in the water.
    Add the rest of the ingredients in and mix.
    Dump onto a floured surface.
    Knead into a smooth dough (five minutes or so).
    Roll out and press down onto a greased pan (I highly recommend getting a pizza stone for crispier crust... I <3 mine)
    Add toppings
    Bake at 450 degrees F. for around 12-15 minutes until the crust looks crispy and lightly browned.

    Thank you for sharing this - we actually had a week-end night home with pizza made from scratch and we used pretty much the same recipe for the dough. My husband even made the sauce ...
    I second your suggestion - don't even think to start unless you have a pizza stone. Make sure is nice and hot when you start baking your pizza.
    The nice part was that we had all the ingredients out, buffet style, and we got to pick the toppings - mine was with goat cheese, prosciutto and arugula ... the most AMAZING pizza! Your life is not the same after it and Papa Johns is nothing but an insult ... (no offence to Papa Johns pizza lovers).
    The drawback - I got to clean all that mess :laugh: All worth it though ... those are calories that I do not mind ..
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey everyone. I am down 3lbs this week adding up to a grand total of 15lbs whoooo! I couldn't have done it this week without you guys. I didn't get my full 8hrs I am still adjusting to the new schedule but getting up at 5am makes me tired by 8pm so I am ready to get more sleep now that I am reallllly tired haha. I did go over my calories a few times this week, I was actually really surprised to see that weight loss despite my cheating a few days. I did pack my lunch for work every day this week, and cooked dinner at home. Always yummy, healthy meals, the snacks are what got me. I did not work out at all this week. I am disappointed in myself for that. I leave the house at 6am work 8hrs then get home at 6pm and by that time I am so exhausted I don't even want to move. I am hoping to find a gym close to work so that maybe I can get in a quick 20 min work out at lunch time, still trying to figure that out.

    Great job everyone, I love reading about your weight loss and victories. Week 2 is gonna be even better than the first!

    Looking at your post - you are only 1 lbs away from your first goal!!! That's big!!! Amazing job and good for you that you can get dinner done and put your daughter to bed in only 2 hours :)
    I need like 4 hours :laugh: and it's like herding cats ... "mommy I want to watch a movie", "but I don't like that book", "he is touching me!!", "he is not sharing his tooooyyyy" .... and so on ....

    Hey, about the workout ... one thing I discovered is that you can find EVERYTHING on youtube. So, for those days when you don't have time to go workout, find a video that shows you some static workout - to get your heart rate up for a little bit and you don't feel like you haven't done anything ... Just a suggestion

    Give it few more weeks to get used to the routine and then put pressure on yourself for a gym ... you don't want to get burned out :)

    ok, NOW I really need to get back to work ...

    Talk to you guys later

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I think Loredana is my sister!!!! I need to be working!!! Running out of time, my son will be home soon then I need to get him to the field and deliver gatorade for their football game tonight. Go to the gym, then shower and off to watch the football game...maybe my son will play tonight...a total maybe. Then I can't forget to go take care of my Dad.

    Opps...I'm procrastinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no I should be fired! Just one more minute! I talked to Taylor today and she is new to MFP. She has been logging in on her phone, but is new to the community. She told me about her loss for the week and I said did you post it on our thread. She is in FB land and said "I haven't been accepted yet" I told her of course she was and that people had sent messages on the thread welcoming her!!!! She is at a work function until tomorrow, but she wanted you to know that she will check in on her home computer when she gets home...probably after her son's soccor game etc... she is busy and crazy like all of us:bigsmile:

    Oh my gotta go -
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    I think Loredana is my sister!!!! I need to be working!!! Running out of time, my son will be home soon then I need to get him to the field and deliver gatorade for their football game tonight. Go to the gym, then shower and off to watch the football game...maybe my son will play tonight...a total maybe. Then I can't forget to go take care of my Dad.

    Opps...I'm procrastinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no I should be fired! Just one more minute! I talked to Taylor today and she is new to MFP. She has been logging in on her phone, but is new to the community. She told me about her loss for the week and I said did you post it on our thread. She is in FB land and said "I haven't been accepted yet" I told her of course she was and that people had sent messages on the thread welcoming her!!!! She is at a work function until tomorrow, but she wanted you to know that she will check in on her home computer when she gets home...probably after her son's soccor game etc... she is busy and crazy like all of us:bigsmile:

    Oh my gotta go -

    Hitting the LIKE button :wink:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Where is everyone today?? Well I woke up and was scared to have the feeling of not wanting to go to my step class! Now that I am awake and have been on MFP for awhile, I feel different! My new plan since I missed step, is to do alittle house work...if I could tear myself away form MFP and then I am going to hit the gym and treadmill run walk for 30 mins then go to yoga.

    Yesterday I wasn't feeling great but was worried to miss my work out. So I ended up going to spin. I wasn't able to give it my all and I wanted to stop in the middle...but didn't want to be embarassed walking I stayed and just lowered the resistance on the bike. I was able to burn 400 calories! I also was alittle stressed when I got home from football and taking care of Dad.... I had thoughts of wine, since it was weigh in day and it wouldn't have put me over too bad..... I PASSED!!!! Maybe tonight :drinker:

    I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend - but the question is what exercise will you get in today????

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi everyone!!

    judy: glad you passed - well done!! i hope your dad is ok. well done on getting the exercise in even though ypu didnt feel like it - that shows some commitment! :tongue:

    exercise wise today - does running around after a one year old and a 3 year old count and then sitiing in a paddling pool while it is so sunny?? :laugh: im still taking it easy to be honest.

    i hope you all had a good weigh in? i am proud of myself this week and my parents just got back from 2 weeks in spain and they commented on how slim i looked!! just what i needed to hear! so all in all a lovely day for me today.

    claire. xxx
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Exercise update - I wrote earlier how I didnt want to go. I then went and did 30 min run/walk on the treadmill, then off to yoga. It was cancelled and they had a 2 HOUR ZUMBA class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stayed and burned over 1000 calories in 2 1/2 hours!!! I am feeling pretty proud of myself:blushing:

    Now I think I will do a few jobs, and then go sit in the sun and relax :glasses:

    I hope you are having a Great Day!!!!!!

    PS glad you are feeling better Clarie - Julie how was your first week of work??? What do you do???
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hey everyone. I am down 3lbs this week adding up to a grand total of 15lbs whoooo! I couldn't have done it this week without you guys. I didn't get my full 8hrs I am still adjusting to the new schedule but getting up at 5am makes me tired by 8pm so I am ready to get more sleep now that I am reallllly tired haha. I did go over my calories a few times this week, I was actually really surprised to see that weight loss despite my cheating a few days. I did pack my lunch for work every day this week, and cooked dinner at home. Always yummy, healthy meals, the snacks are what got me. I did not work out at all this week. I am disappointed in myself for that. I leave the house at 6am work 8hrs then get home at 6pm and by that time I am so exhausted I don't even want to move. I am hoping to find a gym close to work so that maybe I can get in a quick 20 min work out at lunch time, still trying to figure that out.

    Great job everyone, I love reading about your weight loss and victories. Week 2 is gonna be even better than the first!

    Looking at your post - you are only 1 lbs away from your first goal!!! That's big!!! Amazing job and good for you that you can get dinner done and put your daughter to bed in only 2 hours :)
    I need like 4 hours :laugh: and it's like herding cats ... "mommy I want to watch a movie", "but I don't like that book", "he is touching me!!", "he is not sharing his tooooyyyy" .... and so on ....

    Hey, about the workout ... one thing I discovered is that you can find EVERYTHING on youtube. So, for those days when you don't have time to go workout, find a video that shows you some static workout - to get your heart rate up for a little bit and you don't feel like you haven't done anything ... Just a suggestion

    Give it few more weeks to get used to the routine and then put pressure on yourself for a gym ... you don't want to get burned out :)

    ok, NOW I really need to get back to work ...

    Talk to you guys later


    We have bedtime down to a science over here and thank GOD bc it used to be a nightmare at my house. It was literally 1-3hrs of screaming and crying about not wanting to go to bed for months. we finally found a short and sweet routine that works for us and the major thing that helps everything to go smoothly is children's books on CD. we read a book together and do our bedtime routine then I put a book on cd on her little cd player, put it on repeat and turn it down to a quiet volume. When she falls asleep I turn it off. It has been the ONLY thing that has worked for us when it comes to bedtime, I have tried everything else haha. Again, I want to fall on my knees and thank God for every night that she peacefully goes to sleep without starting a war. Of course, it is much easier, in my opinion to only have one munchkin to put to bed. SO kudos to you for getting them to sleep at the same time! haha

    I didn't even THINK to check out youtube for workouts. Geez, where would I be without you guys? I don't think I would be 15lbs less than I was when I started, that's for sure!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    I think Loredana is my sister!!!! I need to be working!!! Running out of time, my son will be home soon then I need to get him to the field and deliver gatorade for their football game tonight. Go to the gym, then shower and off to watch the football game...maybe my son will play tonight...a total maybe. Then I can't forget to go take care of my Dad.

    Opps...I'm procrastinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no I should be fired! Just one more minute! I talked to Taylor today and she is new to MFP. She has been logging in on her phone, but is new to the community. She told me about her loss for the week and I said did you post it on our thread. She is in FB land and said "I haven't been accepted yet" I told her of course she was and that people had sent messages on the thread welcoming her!!!! She is at a work function until tomorrow, but she wanted you to know that she will check in on her home computer when she gets home...probably after her son's soccor game etc... she is busy and crazy like all of us:bigsmile:

    Oh my gotta go -

    Haha Judy, you made me really laugh out loud when you said "Oops...I'm procrastinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    We are all excited to see Taylor's results and it's a good thing she has you to show her the ropes!