

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Judy- You are really doing amazing with your workouts! You don't make excuses you just do what needs to be done and you work hard at it and that totally inspires me to want to work hard too!

    My first week was good! I am working for a company called International Events, we are a large corporate wholesale travel company that specializes in providing hotel accommodations for businesses attending trade shows and conventions. The business owners get great hotels at wholesale prices for events that they are planning to attend anyways. I LOVE saving people money so it's a great job for me. It is a cubicle job though so I am thinking about joining the gym again and getting a 20 min cardio session in on my lunch break. I think it will help me to get some of that built up energy out of my system. I tend to get a little bored and feel crazy when I am sitting around for too long. I like to be busy. Thanks so much for asking about my first week : )

    Claire- take it easy, just work on your nutrition right now until you are feeling better. I read about the compliments you received. That is SO awesome! Goes to show that all your hard work is paying off!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Julie ~ Wow sounds like a fun job, outside of the desk part! You will make time to get to the gym. Sounds like there is a gym close to your work. Do you live close to work too? Do the gym's in your area have daycare? You will find a way I know it!

    I went on a 7 mile hike this morning with my husband and a couple friends. It was good and a nice day to be outside. After we went to breakfast.....I had burned over 800 calories so kind of had cheating on my mind. I ended up with an omelete with veggies, bacon and avocado. I ate half a piece of bacon and ordered fruit instead of potatoes. I think I did pretty good. Not sure what it is like where you live but most of our larger chain restaurants have to have the calorie count on the menu!!!! Yikes it's an eye opener.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey everyone. I am down 3lbs this week adding up to a grand total of 15lbs whoooo! I couldn't have done it this week without you guys. I didn't get my full 8hrs I am still adjusting to the new schedule but getting up at 5am makes me tired by 8pm so I am ready to get more sleep now that I am reallllly tired haha. I did go over my calories a few times this week, I was actually really surprised to see that weight loss despite my cheating a few days. I did pack my lunch for work every day this week, and cooked dinner at home. Always yummy, healthy meals, the snacks are what got me. I did not work out at all this week. I am disappointed in myself for that. I leave the house at 6am work 8hrs then get home at 6pm and by that time I am so exhausted I don't even want to move. I am hoping to find a gym close to work so that maybe I can get in a quick 20 min work out at lunch time, still trying to figure that out.

    Great job everyone, I love reading about your weight loss and victories. Week 2 is gonna be even better than the first!

    Looking at your post - you are only 1 lbs away from your first goal!!! That's big!!! Amazing job and good for you that you can get dinner done and put your daughter to bed in only 2 hours :)
    I need like 4 hours :laugh: and it's like herding cats ... "mommy I want to watch a movie", "but I don't like that book", "he is touching me!!", "he is not sharing his tooooyyyy" .... and so on ....

    Hey, about the workout ... one thing I discovered is that you can find EVERYTHING on youtube. So, for those days when you don't have time to go workout, find a video that shows you some static workout - to get your heart rate up for a little bit and you don't feel like you haven't done anything ... Just a suggestion

    Give it few more weeks to get used to the routine and then put pressure on yourself for a gym ... you don't want to get burned out :)

    ok, NOW I really need to get back to work ...

    Talk to you guys later


    We have bedtime down to a science over here and thank GOD bc it used to be a nightmare at my house. It was literally 1-3hrs of screaming and crying about not wanting to go to bed for months. we finally found a short and sweet routine that works for us and the major thing that helps everything to go smoothly is children's books on CD. we read a book together and do our bedtime routine then I put a book on cd on her little cd player, put it on repeat and turn it down to a quiet volume. When she falls asleep I turn it off. It has been the ONLY thing that has worked for us when it comes to bedtime, I have tried everything else haha. Again, I want to fall on my knees and thank God for every night that she peacefully goes to sleep without starting a war. Of course, it is much easier, in my opinion to only have one munchkin to put to bed. SO kudos to you for getting them to sleep at the same time! haha

    I didn't even THINK to check out youtube for workouts. Geez, where would I be without you guys? I don't think I would be 15lbs less than I was when I started, that's for sure!

    Ha - I am actually kind of "cheating" on the bed time .... after my little one, who is now 4, was big enough to be in a "big boy" bed, I put them in the same bed. My older one had a full size bed, so they fit just fine. I think the bonding between them became so much stronger after sleeping them together and I got an extra bedroom in the house which I turned into a "library" (as my older one likes you call it :)). Whoever hears us talking about our "library" thinks we have a mansion when we actually have a standard tri-level home :) But hey, it's all about perception right?
    This is the only way I can put them to bed at the same time .... after the giggles and wresles go down, we start saying good night to everything in the house and then finally fall asleep ...
    They are so cute, I am treasuring every second of cuteness ... cause I know it's gonna go :cry:
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    hi everyone!!

    judy: glad you passed - well done!! i hope your dad is ok. well done on getting the exercise in even though ypu didnt feel like it - that shows some commitment! :tongue:

    exercise wise today - does running around after a one year old and a 3 year old count and then sitiing in a paddling pool while it is so sunny?? :laugh: im still taking it easy to be honest.

    i hope you all had a good weigh in? i am proud of myself this week and my parents just got back from 2 weeks in spain and they commented on how slim i looked!! just what i needed to hear! so all in all a lovely day for me today.

    claire. xxx

    Claire - great job! Keep it up!!!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Exercise update - I wrote earlier how I didnt want to go. I then went and did 30 min run/walk on the treadmill, then off to yoga. It was cancelled and they had a 2 HOUR ZUMBA class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stayed and burned over 1000 calories in 2 1/2 hours!!! I am feeling pretty proud of myself:blushing:

    Now I think I will do a few jobs, and then go sit in the sun and relax :glasses:

    I hope you are having a Great Day!!!!!!

    PS glad you are feeling better Clarie - Julie how was your first week of work??? What do you do???

    LOVE Zumba, too bad it is out of my schedule so I can't go very often ... I always leave that class smiling :)
    Great job Judy! You are keeping us accountable just by showing us that if you want to can exercise!
    Keep it up!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone and Happy Monday!
    I must start by saying that this morning I woke up at 4.30 AM to be at a 5.00 AM Body Pump class. I was there at 4.50 AM and I barely found a spot! Really?? These people are nuts!! :)) I am happy to see people taking they health seriously, but I hate to see one lady coming at like 4.00 AM and setting up benches for 5 of her other friends who just roll in 2 sec before the class starts while others (like me) I am coming at a reasonable hour in time to get ready ....
    I guess I would do the same (maybe for one other friend) but it just doesn't seem fair.
    Anyway, othen than that, the workout was as exhausting as ever, and I am sore again, which is a good thing.
    So, plans for this week - to work on my procrastination goals and finish some of the projects I have started. I am happy to say that one is done - petty, but I was able to FINALLY clean up my front door landscape, take the weeds out, take some old hostas out and plant some bulbs for next spring .... you guys don't even know how long I have been procrastinating on this ... especially on the bulbs ... we are talking 10 years long ... So, needless to say, big accomplishment for me this past week-end.
    Oh, and we went to the apple orchard, and the whole place was "stinking" with hot, fresh doughnuts ... I did not even touch them. I don't know how I got out alive from there :)
    Hope you guys are having a good morning ... I will check back with you later

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Friends - Happy Monday:tongue:

    OK I am 25 mins over my MFP time limit. But I wanted to check in. I burned those calories yesterday on my hike...but gosh once you start eating they really add back up!!!! So I went over yesterday:ohwell: But I'm fine with it. Today I am going to keep my nose down and stop procrastinating!!!!!!!!! I am going to make a list of things I have been wanting to get done!!!!! AND DO THEM! Thanks for this challenge Julie!!!!! I think we need to focus on this subject often!!!

    WOW - Loredana - how do you get to the gym that early!! That deserves a BIG HIGH 5! I would have an issue with that nutty lady too! Gosh I really think we are alot alike:happy: Glad to hear you got some yardwork done too. We are thinking about going camping this coming weekend since my son is on fall break only two day, but no football on friday, but I think we should stay home and put the young man to work in the yard! We will help too....but the yard and the garage are always an issue!

    OK - I really have to shut this down! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!

    What are you going to get done today....exercise, shopping to stock your shelves with healthy food, drink your water, get lot's of work done????? On your mark - get set - GO

  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Hey everyone. I am down 3lbs this week adding up to a grand total of 15lbs whoooo! I couldn't have done it this week without you guys. I didn't get my full 8hrs I am still adjusting to the new schedule but getting up at 5am makes me tired by 8pm so I am ready to get more sleep now that I am reallllly tired haha. I did go over my calories a few times this week, I was actually really surprised to see that weight loss despite my cheating a few days. I did pack my lunch for work every day this week, and cooked dinner at home. Always yummy, healthy meals, the snacks are what got me. I did not work out at all this week. I am disappointed in myself for that. I leave the house at 6am work 8hrs then get home at 6pm and by that time I am so exhausted I don't even want to move. I am hoping to find a gym close to work so that maybe I can get in a quick 20 min work out at lunch time, still trying to figure that out.

    Great job everyone, I love reading about your weight loss and victories. Week 2 is gonna be even better than the first!

    Congrats!! What a good loss!
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    So I am HORRIBLE about posting on the weekends, but I swear I'm trying to get better!

    I weighed in, and I was down 2 pounds- a total off 22 for me since April! I am more excited though about being stronger. I have started really adding weight lifting in there twice a week, and I'm starting yoga once a week; I'm really trying for an overall fit this time, and not just a weight loss (I lost forty pounds in the past, gained almost 20 back with my new desk job last year).

    Yoga yesterday was really good, and so was the cardio burn... but then TOM decided to drop in this week. That half a bottle of wine and the very unhealthy food I ate last night will just have to be dealt with tonight at the gym.

    I did get 8 hours of sleep though... which was last week's challenge, but hey, it still felt great :)

    I've been reading everyone's postings- you guys are definitely an inspiration to keep pushing! Congrats on all the sucesses- I'm really glad to be part of such energetic, supporting, and inspirational group!

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hope you fabulous fit life friends have a great day! I am alittle behind! I need to get busy with work. I did better yesterday getting some things done. I am leaving to set up a food show and will be working it that means a hotel stay with dinner maybe wine:ohwell: Taylor and another friend are set to exercise at the hotel after set up. So my plan is to wear my workout clothes, then work out once we check in. Share a meal and then maybe wine, hopefully not get caught up in socializing and get to bed at a good time. Long day tomorrow.

    I hope to check in with you all later tonight. I hope you are all making good choices, moving thoses bodies and enjoying the day!

    My focus thought is to work on getting healthy instead of skinny. And remembering ~ HE WHO HAS HEALTH HAS HOPE ~ HE WHO HAS HOPE HAS EVERYTHING! :flowerforyou:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    So I am HORRIBLE about posting on the weekends, but I swear I'm trying to get better!

    I weighed in, and I was down 2 pounds- a total off 22 for me since April! I am more excited though about being stronger. I have started really adding weight lifting in there twice a week, and I'm starting yoga once a week; I'm really trying for an overall fit this time, and not just a weight loss (I lost forty pounds in the past, gained almost 20 back with my new desk job last year).

    Yoga yesterday was really good, and so was the cardio burn... but then TOM decided to drop in this week. That half a bottle of wine and the very unhealthy food I ate last night will just have to be dealt with tonight at the gym.

    I did get 8 hours of sleep though... which was last week's challenge, but hey, it still felt great :)

    I've been reading everyone's postings- you guys are definitely an inspiration to keep pushing! Congrats on all the sucesses- I'm really glad to be part of such energetic, supporting, and inspirational group!


    Oh Emily ~ You are out getting things done....sounds like you had some fun and are living real life! Don't worry about not posting too much like me:laugh: Good job with working out and great job with your loss so far!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Today is one of those days where I would rather be in bed, curled up with a good book and hot tea and take a nap. I am sleepy, and hungry and cranky .... it is that "wonderful" time of the month (sorry for the TMI) when I need anger management classes - ha ha.
    Last night I just could not stop eating - thank God I was craving grapes instead of some junk. I don't actually keep junk in my house - we don't have "treats", cookies, chocolate or anything that may deter me from reaching my goal. That helps, because last night was one of those nights when I would have gone unleashed ....
    So, after 1.5 h of vigouros swim today, added 3000 yards to my tracker, and now I a am just watching the clock for the time when I can go home.
    On a brighter note, my hubby is learning a thing or two from me and he is now on his own journey of weight loss. He has about 90 lbs to lose and in the past week and a half he lost about 4-5 lbs. He is watching his food, going to the gym 4-5 times a week ... it is really exciting to see him excited about this whole weight loss.
    The other day I got the note that I have been loggin in for 15 days .... don't know about you but I feel like I have been here for a lot longer than that. And then I wonder - will I ever get to my goal? I don't even know how a size 8 looks like let alone size 6 (my goal) ... I will probably have to change all my clothes .... Ughhhh, just running myself crazy with these questions ...
    What about you? I mean, I know we are here to encourage each other, to sometimes put the brave face and look like winners, but do you ever grow impatient? Do you ever doubt?

  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Everyone plz forgive me I just started a new job on Monday and I have been having anxiety issues every since and no I haven't been diagnosed but I pray it's nothing worse. Logging has been awful but eating hasn't honestly. I am trying to get organized with this change to complete workouts and everything and I will get through this!!

    Please know I am still cheering for us all!!

    Have a great rest of your week everyone!!
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Everyone plz forgive me I just started a new job on Monday and I have been having anxiety issues every since and no I haven't been diagnosed but I pray it's nothing worse. Logging has been awful but eating hasn't honestly. I am trying to get organized with this change to complete workouts and everything and I will get through this!!

    Please know I am still cheering for us all!!

    Have a great rest of your week everyone!!

    What a big like change!! Congrats on the new position :) Good luck with the anxiety; don't forget to breathe- I have complete faith you with manage it all wonderfully!!

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Man, what a downer I was yesterday .... sorry for the not so positive attitude! Going to bed early and getting 8 hours of sleep does miracles, seriously! No wonder children give us tantrums when they are tired .... I think I had a whole day tantrum yesterday just because i was exhausted. And the food intake was horrible .... granted I was still under my calories because I had so much credit from the morning workout, but still, I felt like I was totally emotinal eating and I just went with it.
    Regardless, it is MUCH better today. I took it easy in the pool - the coach brought some music so it was actually really nice. It gets boring when all you hear are the bubbles around you and your own breathing for a hour and a half. Nevertheless has its calming effects.

    On another note, please forgive my frequent misspellings - I am usually better but I am trying to log in here while working too, so that makes the multitasking a little harder.

    So, better day today, better choices hopefully, much better attitude! Back in the groove baby!!!

    Hope you all are having a better day!


  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Everyone plz forgive me I just started a new job on Monday and I have been having anxiety issues every since and no I haven't been diagnosed but I pray it's nothing worse. Logging has been awful but eating hasn't honestly. I am trying to get organized with this change to complete workouts and everything and I will get through this!!

    Please know I am still cheering for us all!!

    Have a great rest of your week everyone!!

    Congrats on your new job! And more importantly, take care of yourself! Everything else comes second :)

    All the best.,

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Julie ~ Wow sounds like a fun job, outside of the desk part! You will make time to get to the gym. Sounds like there is a gym close to your work. Do you live close to work too? Do the gym's in your area have daycare? You will find a way I know it!

    I went on a 7 mile hike this morning with my husband and a couple friends. It was good and a nice day to be outside. After we went to breakfast.....I had burned over 800 calories so kind of had cheating on my mind. I ended up with an omelete with veggies, bacon and avocado. I ate half a piece of bacon and ordered fruit instead of potatoes. I think I did pretty good. Not sure what it is like where you live but most of our larger chain restaurants have to have the calorie count on the menu!!!! Yikes it's an eye opener.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


    the gym that I want to join is too far from work, they have amazing classes but its like 8 miles away. there is another gym that is more expensive but they dont have classes just a plain old gym. my apartment building has a plain gym for free so I can't see spending money on the plain gym next to work. A coworker of mine said he would go on walks with me during lunch break so I am excited about that, the weather is cooling down here so I wont have to worry about changing clothes and or feeling sweaty or gross. I was afraid to walk alone but am excited that he will walk with me. It may not be a hardcore workout, but it will be something!

    7 mile hike... wow! that sounds amazing! You did a great job at breakfast, very healthy choices! keep it up!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    LOREDANA- aww that is so cute that they call it the library! Kids are so precious, these are great moments. I can’t believe you got up and were at the gym at 5am! Wow, I SO admire you right now. I can barely drag my butt out of bed at 5am to get ready for work. Great job taking care of your landscaping, I bet it felt amazing for it to finally be done. And I bet it felt good to say no to those donuts too! Pretty great that you have inspired your Hubby to get healthy as well, please keep us updated on his success too. I probably have AT LEAST one impatient thought every day about my weight loss. I want to lose 80lbs. that is such a huge, intimidating number. Yes, I often feel impatient and like giving up. A friend of mine recently lost a lot of weight and she told me that her Mom said something to her that just clicked one day. She was telling her Mom that didn’t know why she bothered trying to lose weight, she had too much to lose and it was going to take her forever to do it. Her Mom then told her that the time was going to pass just the same whether she was doing something about her weight or not. So simple and so true. I ask myself all the time “One year from now would you rather be 10lbs heavier or 50+ lbs lighter?” All we can do is make healthier choices each meal, each workout, each day, week, month and year until we get to where we need to be.

    EMILY- thank you for the support, you did awesome with your loss as well : ) I look forward to the days when I will feel stronger like you said you do. I am thinking about trying yoga this week for the “try something new” part of our challenges. Great job getting lots of sleep, I am hoping that we will all take as much as we can from each weeks challenges and make them permanent changes in our lives. I really struggle with the sleep thing, but I am definitely working on it. I agree with you, this is one kick *kitten* group of individuals and I always know I can turn to my fellow teammates for support.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Everyone plz forgive me I just started a new job on Monday and I have been having anxiety issues every since and no I haven't been diagnosed but I pray it's nothing worse. Logging has been awful but eating hasn't honestly. I am trying to get organized with this change to complete workouts and everything and I will get through this!!

    Please know I am still cheering for us all!!

    Have a great rest of your week everyone!!

    Congrats on your new job, I started a new one last week and it definitely takes some getting used to. You'll get through it. Just do your best, we are all here to encourage and support you through your transition. Have a great week : )
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been on much I have been all over the place with work an exhausted when I get home. Hope everyone is having an awesome week. I will be honest, my week has been terrible. Food was no good, haven't tracked in 3 days and haven't worked out yet. Went to the gym today but it was wayyy too far from work to be able to fit in a lunch break workout. A coworker of mine said he would walk with me during lunch though so I am excited about that. I am desperate to be able to fit in ANY kind of workout at this point. I have been so tired the last couple of days I haven't wanted to cook or pack lunch. I come home from work and literally fall into bed. I am just TIRED. I am going to bed early tonight, must catch up on my sleep so that I can have a great day tomorrow.

    The last week has been rough but I am NOT giving up, Hope you are all having a great week. I will check in again tomorrow night.