Favorite Books Destroyed by the Movie



  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Any movie based on a Stephen King novel...

    I agree with 2 exceptions. The Kubrick version of The Shining (with Jack Nicholson) and the miniseries version of The Stand. The rest were pretty terrible. To be fair, though, his books are really not good to be made into movies, too many controversial things that can't really be filmed. :laugh:

    you forgot Shawshank and Green Mile.
    Green Mile was probably the best book-to-movie ever. It's practically a word for word read-along.
  • pehermann
    Not quite a movie, but a TV series:

    Sword of Truth was always my favourite, by Terry Goodkind. They made it into a TV show called 'Legend of the Seeker". It's like one massive blob of turd that they're presenting to us.

    Such an incredible story, ruined /sigh.

    OMG! You are so totally right! I couldn't even make it thought the first episode! I guess it's okay if you haven't read the books but if you have nothing is the same so it pretty much sucks.

    Jurrasic Park was a total let down made for kids! Book was much better!

    Edward Cullen is not HOT! The people they cast for those movies just don't match the discriptions except for Bella - she looks fine but I personally think she's not the best actress - all huffy, didn't get the "tude" right.

    I'm sure there's more...
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    sookie stackhouse tv series is terrible dont know what they are thinking first series was ok then the just lost the plot
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    Dear John...book was amazing, Movie- not really