Motel Room



  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Ok, now I am looking closer at this persons profile pic, and I think that the above posters are right. I think SHE is the seventeen year old. Anyone else notice that the origional poster has not replied to this either?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    OP looks high....
  • troy_n
    troy_n Posts: 66
    Hi, does anyone know the rules when it comes to minors staying in motel rooms? My daughter and her boyfriend want to go visit her father in Florida, and he does not have room for them to stay. They are both seventeen years old. If I pay for the motel room with my credit card, would they be able to check-in and stay on their own?

    Wow, you are really considering this "grandma"
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the one asking was the child. Why would a mother put a picture of those two like that for her profile pic? Geez.
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    Noticed the poster's profile pic........ ewwww.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Hi, does anyone know the rules when it comes to minors staying in motel rooms? My daughter and her boyfriend want to go visit her father in Florida, and he does not have room for them to stay. They are both seventeen years old. If I pay for the motel room with my credit card, would they be able to check-in and stay on their own?

    I doubt very much if anyone even asks about age when it comes to renting a room at a motel. It's all about money. If there is damage to the room, it gets charged to the credit card. To be sure, about motel policy, you will have to confirm with the motel.

    Advocating that 2 17yr olds stay in a motel room alone .. and paying for it ... Is another topic entirely.

    Having an avatar photo like that of your daughter and her boyfriend .. yet another! WTF are you thinking?
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Hi, does anyone know the rules when it comes to minors staying in motel rooms? My daughter and her boyfriend want to go visit her father in Florida, and he does not have room for them to stay. They are both seventeen years old. If I pay for the motel room with my credit card, would they be able to check-in and stay on their own?

    My grandparents just rolled over in their graves because I read this.

    And no, even if you pay for her, you would have to show up there and sign for the room, in my experience you can't pay for a room over the phone just reserve it until you get there. While I wouldn't do this for my child personally, her dad can rent the room and they can pay in cash (but if he's the one who wants her to visit why isn't he paying?).

    Not so. You can reserve a room, for someone else. I do it for business all the time. The employees who stay in motels when they travel for work, sign the form, but it's MY credit card. Authorizations for credit card purchases can be done over the internet .. no signatures are even required. I do it all the time in our business.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    17 is over the legal age of consent is it not?
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
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