SAHM 10/1-10/31



  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Mel-Thanks! It is! I've played since high school and it's my favorite sport to play.

    JM BFBM done for today! Now cleaning, then grocery shopping. Ah, what fun. I hope everyone else is having a good day.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Nicole - there is always loads of walking at Heathrow, I remember I bought some china back from Russia and it nearly killed me lugging the insanely heavy box that whole way!! Fun that volleyball is restarting, the burn you get on that is amazing!

    Mel - I def know what you mean about it being or at least feeling too rigid sometimes, everyone has to find a way that works for them to fit exercise in so that they keep at it!

    I'm half way through 6w6p now, I am doing it every other day, with my normal workout DVDs as the alternatives and I have one day off per week, when I go for a long walk (around 2 hours). I used my HRM on my walk last week and I burnt over 800 cals! :noway:

    We have had lots of traumas with our bathroom and fixing it is leaving us with a bill of around £1500 (~$2400) :sad: My DS1 has the next week off school for half-term, really looking forward to some time with him :heart: Will be up at the in-laws for a few days but will still try to check in. Terrifyingly, on 1 Nov I have a meeting with my new boss that will take me over when I return to work - I cannot believe how fast that seems to be coming round now :noway: I go back the first working day in the New Year so Tues 3 Jan 2012 :sad:
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Aww, Shoppie. It doesn't seem as though your DD could be coming up for one already!! Hope you had/are having a good time with the ILs!

    I went to vball again Tuesday night and ran quite a bit more than usual because we only had 5 on our team. I did BFBM today. I'm considering doing Ripped in 30 tomorrow for a bit of a mixup. We had snow today :sad: so I actually have time for both if the kids play well together. I won't bank on it though. I'm feeling quite bloated, so I know it's time to kick it into high gear. The plantar's wart/veruca I have is playing up again. I had it frozen in September and it was much better, so I may have to go back for a second treatment. Anyhow, hope everyone else is ok. :drinker:
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everybody! I hope everyone's doing OK in trick-or-treat land. :laugh:

    Our community's Trick or Treat night was last week, so I've been dealing with a big ole stash of candy since then. The good news is that it's almost gone. :wink:

    Just checking in. I've been busy doing business-building stuff, but I'm still on program. I'm 5 lbs below my weight loss goal. I'm still having trouble getting in my water consistently, and exercise is out the window with the weather getting cold now.