Splenda!!! Friend or Foe



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't like the taste of stevia or splenda. I use honey or sugar. It might slow my weight loss, but I would rather enjoy the foods I eat than be miserable eating crappy-tasting food for the rest of my life.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I use Sweet N Low (Saccharin) almost exclusively when I drink iced tea because it dissolves better in cold liquids instead of sitting at the bottom like sugar does. Also sweetens better in smaller quantities than any other sweetener I have tried. Yes, it's a chemical. And it's been around for over 140 years. I'm sure many people condemn it too, but I feel safe using it.

    Just because things are natural, doesn't make them safe. Arsenic, cyanide, rattlesnakes, and molten lava are all natural, but it doesn't mean you want any of them in your kitchen.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    HmonsterX- That post would mean more if it had a link... (just sayin)



    I only post that as im sick of people saying that stevia is the best thing since sliced bread. It, like ANYTHING else, can have nasty side effects and scaremongering attached to it.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Splenda may be bad for the environment. Just incase that matters at all in your decision...

  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    My chemistry professer worked for the FDA as a food chemist. (PhD in Chemistry from UC Berkeley) She said the ONLY reason it is deemed safe for human consumption is so that they can collect long term wide range data.

    I had to study this garbage in chemistry, microbiology, bacteriology, nutrition and human anatomy. I would advise ANYONE using this stuff to do REAL research and not just look at the first page that comes up on google. Sweeteners are absolute garbage and horrible for your body.
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    unfortunately, there is something wrong with just about everything! there are alot of "natural" choices out there, that does not mean they were meant to be consumed. everybody's bodies have the chance of reacting negatively to different sweetners, natural and artificial. you may take ok to splenda or truvia or nutra sweet or cane sugar or beet sugar or corn sugar or whatever the latest craze is...or you may not. just keep in mind when suggesting to others what you use, it may not be appropriate for them. good luck!
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I don't use the brand Splenda, but i have replaced the sugar in my tea with sweeteners, and I've never felt better! Saved me roughly 400 cals a day!

    Some will say it causes cancer. Then again, what doesn't cause cancer these days. Like anything, taken in moderation, it's fine :D

    Remember, if it makes you live longer, it just means you're dying slower. One life, don't overcomplicate it. Enjoy it :)

    Seriously. Everything causes cancer.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    NOBODY USES PURE STEVIA! Most of the stevia products are sugar alcohol! Everything if overdone can be bad for you; ESPECIALLY being so neurotic about every little thing you consume.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Let the comments begin...

    I was taking a deep breath as I hit "post" I knew it would be a rough ride. lol

    You are one brave woman, my friend! Next post you should ask if you should eat your exercise calories...LOL
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Let the comments begin...

    I was taking a deep breath as I hit "post" I knew it would be a rough ride. lol

    You are one brave woman, my friend! Next post you should ask if you should eat your exercise calories...LOL

  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    I'm no expert, but I use Truvia. Sold in most grocery stores and a Stevia/alcohol sugars blend. Liquid stevia tasted more bitter than sweet to me.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My second cousins childhoods best friends mother in law knows a dr who said its fine.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    I use Sweet N Low (Saccharin) almost exclusively when I drink iced tea because it dissolves better in cold liquids instead of sitting at the bottom like sugar does. Also sweetens better in smaller quantities than any other sweetener I have tried. Yes, it's a chemical. And it's been around for over 140 years. I'm sure many people condemn it too, but I feel safe using it.

    Just because things are natural, doesn't make them safe. Arsenic, cyanide, rattlesnakes, and molten lava are all natural, but it doesn't mean you want any of them in your kitchen.
    I don't trust sucralose, but that's mostly because I don't think there's enough evidence either way to have convinced me yet.

    I use saccharine and occasionally truvia, but I'm just as likely to use less real sugar.
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    I've tried them all, ok I lied, I've tried splenda, saccharine, stevia and another one (can't remember which) and I came back to sugar in the end.

    Sugars not great, but I find that by allowing myself to eat real sugar, I make better choices about what I will eat. I might eat a small slice of a really nice cake and really enjoy it, rather than make and eat a whole cake with splenda that didn't taste that great anyway, but was low calorie (but probably high carb and high fat).

    At least I know where the sugar came from too.
  • Malani2010
    My second cousins childhoods best friends mother in law knows a dr who said its fine.

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    NOBODY USES PURE STEVIA! Most of the stevia products are sugar alcohol! Everything if overdone can be bad for you; ESPECIALLY being so neurotic about every little thing you consume.

    Yes, some of us do. Try floating a leaf in a glass of tea.
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    My second cousins childhoods best friends mother in law knows a dr who said its fine.

  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    It's my friend. I'm a "better living through chemistry" kind of person. (another poster)

    Being fat can give you cancer. Honestly, you can be frighetened of every little added chemical or you can just move on and put a little sweetener in you cereal which was most likely made form grain that was hybridized and genetically manipulated to create a "super grain" that repels insects because is produced a hormone that makes them stay away. Much more frightening but I'm not afraid of my Special K either.

    The only way to avoid all that is to eat a 100% organic diet from heirloom seeds and meat from animals that are at least 3 generations organic and untreated. I don't but it works for some.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Let the comments begin...

    I was taking a deep breath as I hit "post" I knew it would be a rough ride. lol

    You are one brave woman, my friend! Next post you should ask if you should eat your exercise calories...LOL

  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    Here's what I think. If you want to go sugar free than go sugar free that includes all sweeteners whether fake or not. If you want natural go with honey, maple syrup, Stevia or Agave syrup. If you want chlorinated go with sugar and splenda. There is one that I like and it seems to be natural and that is Xylitol.

    If I was going to choose between sugar and splenda I would do sugar. You could also purchase white sugar at the health food store. I believe it is better than the white sugar you buy in the store.

    Good luck, Tiffany