Unconditional Support!



  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333

    I love this site already! So many active participants, and the support and understanding is fantastic. Good luck to everyone on their respective weightless journeys

    Sal xox
    Welcome Sally!
    I was wondering if a small, easy challenge might be a good idea for us? Any suggestions?
  • Staying positive and reaching out are keys to a successful goal!
    Remember there is NO finish line in a lifestyle change....

    WE can do this!!!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member

    I love this site already! So many active participants, and the support and understanding is fantastic. Good luck to everyone on their respective weightless journeys

    Sal xox
    Welcome Sally!
    I was wondering if a small, easy challenge might be a good idea for us? Any suggestions?

    On my support group, I do biweekly challenges. However the group does daily reports (on their own accord, I don't require it) so that there's a little bit of activity on the boards every day. I try to check all my regular forums regularly throughout the day so I don't miss anything. It might be a good idea to get people to post more often! :)
  • terryrob2
    terryrob2 Posts: 76 Member
    Would love to be in the group don't really have any support other than this site thanks
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Morning all! How about if everyone reports what their biggest success this week has been. It would be great to see what is motivating everyone. My biggest success this week has to be the fact that I totally stayed within my calories and kept to my meal plan. No cheating, no picking, no grabbing "whatever" as I pass it. I passed it by!!
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    I love it.... and I truly believe the more support one has, the more likely they are willing to battle through the struggles. And the best part---> sharing their victories. Count me in!

    (I welcome any and all friend requests.... so if you'd like a little support along the way, just send me a request!)

    Happy Thursday! :flowerforyou:
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I welcome all friend requests also! Let me know if you want a little more interaction than just a few comments now and then, if you want more of a "partnership" and I'll be sure to do that :)

    My biggest success this week.. Hmm.. I'm on TOM and I have not completely blown my diet this week :)
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    We could definitely use more interaction here! I for one, am glad to have a place to vent my frustrations, celebrate my successes, and reveal my wishes and goals. I have a very long day today so I can't do any exercising. I don't know how people do it after working 12 or more hours. I first have to come home and eat, and then I am exhausted. Oh well, I'll deal.
    How's everyone doing today?
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I'm doing awesome, actually :)
    Slept in until after 8am, went to class and then went to the gym! I love my Thursdays :)
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Already posted on this but here goes....I am fed up! Not losing weight but am keeping to the calories, exercising, logging, etc etc and nothing ! Been to the doc and had blood work done. Guess I can do that again. Seems like people are losing even when they cheat a bit. Any ideas?...
  • I will join this group!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Already posted on this but here goes....I am fed up! Not losing weight but am keeping to the calories, exercising, logging, etc etc and nothing ! Been to the doc and had blood work done. Guess I can do that again. Seems like people are losing even when they cheat a bit. Any ideas?...

    Try zig-zagging your calories. Not saying it will DEFINITELY work, but it works for some. Have some days where you go over your calories a little bit, days where you go under, and days where you just meet them. It confuses your body into burning more calories, also if you do it with your exercise routine as well. Don't give up!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Ok I was gone for a couple of days, now back at it. I just got so disgusted with counting, and worrying, and planning meals and all that other stuff involved in this. I felt sorry for myself, and now brushed myself off and got up and started back on this journey again.
    I feel like it is easier for everyone else, but I know that isn't true. I will stay positive and try to not to compare myself with others and their successes. Hard to do when everyone posts everything!! How are you all dong this weekend?
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I've found that depriving yourself only makes it harder. Eat what you love in moderation. I usually have an ice cream a day because I love ice cream. But I have 90 calorie Snickers bar ice creams at home and I eat plain ol' vanilla soft serve at school or out of town. I plan the rest of my calories around it or I go to the gym to give myself some exercise calories. There hasn't been a week yet where I haven't lost, no matter what I ate. Granted, some weeks are better than others, but even having started back up at school with stress and studying, I've lost. Don't consider it a diet by depriving yourself of the "bad things." Just eat them in moderation and consider it an overall life change. :)
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    I'd like to join. I tend to do well with exercising when the weather is nice but stop when it gets cold. Last year I stopped around the middle of October, but I'm hoping that with MFP I can stay motivated.

    I'd say my biggest success this week has been portion control. I made one of my favorite dinners last night, tacos, and only had the single serving (2 tacos). These were even lower calories since I made them vegetarian style. ( I'm not even going to admit how many one serving would normally be.)
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    [. Don't consider it a diet by depriving yourself of the "bad things." Just eat them in moderation and consider it an overall life change. :)

    Sounds like good advice! I need to keep thinking this is not a diet, but a lifestyle.
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    I'd like to join. I tend to do well with exercising when the weather is nice but stop when it gets cold. Last year I stopped around the middle of October, but I'm hoping that with MFP I can stay motivated.

    I'd say my biggest success this week has been portion control. I made one of my favorite dinners last night, tacos, and only had the single serving (2 tacos). These were even lower calories since I made them vegetarian style. ( I'm not even going to admit how many one serving would normally be.)

    Welcome! Love tacos! I have tried to make low fat, low cal quesadillas also. They are quite filling and not many calories if you are careful with the cheeses.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    [. Don't consider it a diet by depriving yourself of the "bad things." Just eat them in moderation and consider it an overall life change. :)

    Sounds like good advice! I need to keep thinking this is not a diet, but a lifestyle.

    I just had a bit of white wine with chocolate peanut butter cookies. And I'm not a bit regretful :)
  • Id would love to join too. :)
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Well another day begins! I am doing better. My foot is better and I can walk/run a bit but I'm going slow till I see the doc and really find out what's going on. I had to wait for an appointment. I am eating more protein now and maybe that will bump things up. I drank so much water this weekend I feel like I might float away. I can't do that when I'm working. Off for part of the day today so I will drink away. (That sounds funny) Who has some good success stories from the weekend?