October Calorie Burn Challenge - Week 1



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Today, took my walks during my breaks, Walking, 3.0 mph, 20mins burning 85 calories and 50 crunches for my personal challenge, Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort 15mins burning 155 calories. Total that is 230 calories for the day plus the 1,240 so far this week means I have 1,470 for the week... leaving 530 for the week.

    I went over my calories but not by much and a date to the movies is pretty impressive (for me anyway :wink:)

    I did get all my water in and went to 10 glasses

    Tomorrow I will be walking all over the Ren Fest here in Ohio so that will burn me some good calories! Anyone else have plans for the weekend?
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    Oooh I love the Renn faire-have a great time. I am taking my kids to a place we have here (CT) called The Dinosaur Place. They have walking trails in the woods with life size dinosaur statues throughout the hike.
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    Woo hoo weigh in day. I lost 1.5 pounds and an inch off each thigh. I somehow didn't realize until last night that we didn't log our calories burned and personal challenges on Sundays so I had to do 200 crunches in order to make my personal goal. I hope everyone else had a great week.
  • cath1717
    cath1717 Posts: 120
    Sunday, October 9th,

    Today, I still have the flu and tired of it!!!!! BUT I still did:

    - Walk with my dog
    - Did the rest of my personnal challenge
    - Walk on my treadmill

    - Jumping rope 1000 / 1000 for the week
    - Abs: 1000 / 1000 for the week
    - Push ups: 250 / 250 for the week

    I can believe that even if I was sick this week and didn't train as much as I wanted, I lost 2.5 pounds and inches! Yeah :drinker:

    *** QUESTION ***
    @Amazing, is it better to put in the DOC Day 1, 2, 3 istead of Monday, Tuesday etc. The reason is that today I catch up for all my personnal challenges of the week cause I was sick, so Sunday it wasn't my rest day at all :tongue: So I put my calories burned of sunday on the saturday. It's just a suggestion :smile:

    Also, do we have any points for doing all our personnal challenges for the week? If so, I don't know how to calculate it and how much it's worth. Thankd :flowerforyou:

    Have a nice day!

  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yesterday I walked all over the Ren fest... My exercise was Walking, 2.5 mph, leisurely pace for 180 burning 698. If you add that to the 1470 I have 2168!!!! I just made the goal :D

    Let's get ready for the next week and burn those calories :laugh:
  • amazing_grace♥
    I am in Nashville this week on vacation!! Woot woot!! :heart:

    I added "SUNDAY" to the google docs spreadsheet, for those of you that asked for a SUNDAY because you exercise on Sundays too. If you typically use Sunday as your rest day, just leave it blank.

    Don't forget that each week our Calorie burn challenge goes up by 500 calories. This week we will be burning at LEAST 2500 calories!

    The new thread for Week 2 is here......
  • amazing_grace♥
    Sunday, October 9th,

    *** QUESTION ***
    @Amazing, is it better to put in the DOC Day 1, 2, 3 istead of Monday, Tuesday etc. The reason is that today I catch up for all my personnal challenges of the week cause I was sick, so Sunday it wasn't my rest day at all :tongue: So I put my calories burned of sunday on the saturday. It's just a suggestion :smile:

    Also, do we have any points for doing all our personnal challenges for the week? If so, I don't know how to calculate it and how much it's worth. Thankd :flowerforyou:

    Have a nice day!


    @cath1717 - I added a SUNDAY to the spreadsheet. You can make whatever day you want to a rest day. (Since not everybody takes the same "rest day" I thought this would be easier).

    Also, you get 5 points if you complete your personal challenge for the week. Just add 5 points to row 38 on the google docs spreadsheet. Let me know if you have any other questions.

    The new thread for Week 2 is here......