Unexpected downfalls of being a parent....



  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Had a Lego fall out of my shirt at Target once.
  • kfitz10103
    I'm pretty sure the only time I get to use the bathroom alone is when I am at work. And I relish the moment. Yesterday my 2 yo was brushing her teeth and the 1 yo was on my lap for my longer bathroom break. I wish I could find a creative way to use the bathroom in peace!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Noticing when talking to someone at the grocery store that you have half-digested milk on your shoulder.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I found my daughter's missing purple sock when it started smoldering in the toaster.

    I guess her feet must have been cold??
  • kfitz10103
    I seriously have OCD about germs. I REFUSE to use public bathrooms. I would much rather pop-a-squat (not that I ever have instead of using a public bathroom) than to have to enter the germ infested bathroom somewhere. Now that my 2 year old is potty trained I have to use public restrooms. GROSS!!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Explaining to my son that just because he CAN pee anywhere does not mean that he should pee everywhere...
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Explaining to my son that just because he CAN pee anywhere does not mean that he should pee everywhere...

    pffft... we live in the country. Boys (men too) just pick a tree. :tongue:
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 918 Member
    "and that's how Jesus became one of the living dead."
  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    cut myself this morning.
    Going to work sporting a flouresent green spongebob band aid.

    You know the drill, add your own! :D

    how is this a problem?? i have pokemon band aids. GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL!!!

    I prefer Spiderman and Iron Man :D
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I'm feeling really sick today and I can't be sick. Moms aren't allowed to be sick and since I'm a single Mom I have no one to help me, that make me want to cry, but I can't cry because I don't want to upset my children.

    :( I know this feeling

    Me too. When the kids start sniffling, I do into vitamin and lysol mode. Must. Not. Get. Sick! (I hope this passes you on by and you can stay well!)

    Putting the kids to bed and realizing Im still watching Spongebob.

    Legos. Stepping on those dang things HURTS.

    Little handprints on my pants. My littlest loves to wrap her arms around my thighs. I always have something gross on my pants.
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Im not a parent but Iam in childcare so the children I take care of are pretty much my own kids through the hours 8am-5pm. Yeah I call the toilet "potty" Yo gabba gabba is my favorite show I had 2 busted lips I can recite Green Eggs and Ham in my sleep. *My adult friends love it when I recite the book* I can hold a conversation about Spongebob and Spiderman lol poop joke crack me up. I love kids cant wait till I get married and have my own lmao
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Losing all my eyeliner sharpeners b/c my son is using them to sharpen his school pencils. :)

    I always steal my kids pencil sharpeneers because I can never find my eyeliner sharpener!
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Knowing every word to every Katy Perry, Justin Beiber and Brittney Spears song.
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    1. last week, while getting ready for a bath, i found part of the kids lunch inside my bra, still cant figure out how it got there! Im convinced they are conspiring against me :P

    2. my husband found an acorn in the washer that had sprouted a mini tree- i told him thats nothing a few days ago our middle child put the cat in the dryer! ( thank god she cant reach the buttons)
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    Saying Phineas and Ferb quotes to adulits or quoting and signing songs from "RIO" sometimes I even dance them....lol
  • Steph70508
    Randomly feeling the urge to spout out, "there's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy"

    Feeling secretly anxious to see the new Dragonball Z episode

    Fighting the urge to bust out laughing when my 3 year old walked into his older sisters room and yelled "what the hell is going on in here?"

    oh, and my favorite bandaids are hello kitty :)
  • kcunleashed
    kcunleashed Posts: 10 Member
    Halloween Candy
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Grocery shopping with my 2 yo. Every box or bag is "mine" and must be opened and tasted. I don't hand him the produce which causes instant melt down . . . why do they have to put that at the front of the store?
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    CRAYONS in the washer is one thing... but the BIGGEST downfall is finding them in the dryer...melted to EVERY single peice of clothing :grumble: :sad:
  • chocolattahottie
    my husband and I dance to every song on disney channel and actually think we look going doing it.