hey guys! so every team now has their own discussion boards to motivate and chat with their teammates! :smile: so here's ours

its the first week of october and im really excited for this month!! we made the challenges so i think its extra important for us to really get out there and get everything done! it would be so amazing if we all lost a ton of weight this month--- i mean, whos with me?! (who wouldnt be?!) :drinker:


  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    What's NYBNY
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Sweet! Our own thread! So glad to be a new member of this group and I'm ready to kick so butt. Already put in my Monster Mash ups :)
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    its a challenge to lose weight by the new year, but its closed right now :/
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    I'm so glad you made a discussion board for us! I think I'll find it very helpful.

    On another note, we have a great team and I'm super pumped on the challenges this month!
  • I'm glad we have a discussion board, too!! The other one was being underutilized as far as chat is concerned. Not that I should be chatting at work... but you get my point.

    13 weeks, ladies! I'm nervous but pumped. I feel like I'm about to go on stage for a performance or something, Hopefully that's a good thing.:laugh:
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm glad we have a discussion board, too!! The other one was being underutilized as far as chat is concerned. Not that I should be chatting at work... but you get my point.

    13 weeks, ladies! I'm nervous but pumped. I feel like I'm about to go on stage for a performance or something, Hopefully that's a good thing.:laugh:

    13 weeks!!! ahhhh im so excited to get stuff done! i just keep thinking about how great im gonna feel at christmas when im 20 lbs less.... we can do this! slowly but surely :) its crunch time!
  • My first BIG goal is to be 213 by 2/13 (my birthday). After that I'll be able to turn my attention to nonscale things such as easy leg-crossing and trampy Halloween costumes for 2012. :blushing:
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    lol martiiiii what would the CHILDREN say!??!?
    just kidding

    anyway i guess my first big goal will be to fit into a size 12! hopefully thatll happen sometime in between halloween and thanksgiving. the last time i weighed this much (actually 3 lbs less), my 14's were veryy loose. so fingers crossed~!!

    ideally id want to be a size 10 by christmas but again, anything past what i am now is uncharted territory, so we'll see! for now im kind of enjoying the ride. i hit this point where everythings starting to change and im enjoyng the changes in my body. which is why i didnt freak when i plateaued last week. :)
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    GUYS jessica just completed FIFTY of the mashups to earn 2 points !!! she already has a perfect score for the week! :flowerforyou:

    thanks for setting the bar so high~!! cmon guys, we gotta get to it :tongue:
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    hey guys! i made a team button to put on our signatures or profiles! :) the code is

    make sure to switch the IMG's to lowercase. hope you like it! wear it with pride lol
  • lol martiiiii what would the CHILDREN say!??!?
    just kidding
    LOL. That's what my husband said when I told him! He was like, "Are you wearing that to trick or treat with the children or is it for me?" I was all, "I will wear it to an adult Halloween Party! Those exist, you know!" :happy:
  • I love it. My starting weight was over 235-240 (didnt really weigh in the beginning). I am at 205 now ! Praisin the Lord for the strength to continue on. Weights kinda stopped so I need to push forward to reach my goal of 158lb by May 1 2012 (46th bday). Been a rollercoaster dieter all my life but this is the first time I've been successful and healthy. No stimulants or pills. It's slower but I feel good about it. :happy:

    SW 235-240
    CW 205
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member

    I just finished my 30 day shred workout for today. I'm on level 2 and I had no problem doing 50 jumping jacks or 50 crunches. Didn't even get 25 lunges or squats (I don't think), but I did them after the workout. So all-in-all, I got us 2 points for the mash-up challenge! :D

  • MsBrwnSugga
    MsBrwnSugga Posts: 164 Member
    Whoo! I am tired! I got us 2pts! It's a wrap. Good nite! :yawn:
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    HAPPY TUESDAY GUYS!!! im determined to make yesterday better than today! who's with me?:drinker:

    so i had this thought that i should ask a "question" each day to provoke discussion and thought and just help us stay focused on our weight loss and goals. so this one's easy enough:


    marti and i kind of already shared ours yesterday but before that im really excited to be under 191 again. that was my lowest weight as an adult, and the last time i was there was the end of senior year in college. how about you?
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    When I get under 250 (9 pounds to go) our family is going to do a zip line adventure called beanstalk journey. I can't wait! :):):)

    I posted before I saw that this was a team forum and not a challenge forum. I'm a princess.... sorry.
    Have a great day team thin it to win it!
    :heart: Marie
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    When I get under 250 (9 pounds to go) our family is going to do a zip line adventure called beanstalk journey. I can't wait! :):):)

    :) thats awesome! sounds really fun.

    by the wayyy, and im sorry, but this is a closed group challenge. its totally my fault for not writing that in the subjectline... i suck
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    I really want to get down to 170, I haven't seen that number in a couple years. I'd like to reach it by NYE so I can wear a dress I ordered for last NYE which turned out to be too small.

    Other things I want to work on are feeling comfortable in public, with friends, etc so that I have a good time. I pretty much killed my social life because of this problem. It'd be nice to balance healthy lifestyle with occassional drinking on weekends.
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    Hey guys! So for Wednesdays fresh meal challenge and/or new fruit/veggie challenge, check out for some recipes.
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    Hey guys! So for Wednesdays fresh meal challenge and/or new fruit/veggie challenge, check out for some recipes.

    youre awesomeee :) thanks for this i really think itll help everyone! :)