17 Day Diet plus Working out daily= not enough calories???



  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    By following the MFP plan (log every bite, log every workout, meet and not fall below my daily goals) I was able to reach my goals. I've always been a healthy eater and I eat every 2-3 hours and I eat a lot of whole foods. I was NEVER hungry following the plan that MFP set for me. If you are too hungry or weak you are not giving your body the fuel it needs. Long term, you may do more harm than good (based on what I have read).

    Having said that, I do not believe in anything that is called a 'diet' or anything that is pushed by the media. The 17 day diet has gotten a lot of coverage this past year, particularly with the Royal Wedding.

    Here's some things to think about (yes, arguments against the 17 day diet):
    (This is from a CBS news interview)

    The scientific proof isn’t totally convincing. Moreno claims that shifting your meal plan every 17 days before your body registers certain eating habits is a way to keep your metabolism in high gear, but not everyone is buying it. "There is no scientific evidence to support the efficacy of calorie cycling or its effect on metabolism,” Mary Hartley, director of nutrition at Calorie Count, tells the editors of Diets In Review. "There is no harm in calorie cycling temporarily or indefinitely and the process happens naturally for most people, who don't eat or burn the same number of calories every day."

    Marisa Sherry, a registered dietician, questions one hard-and-fast rule of the diet—no starchy carbs or fruit after 2 P.M. "There's no proof that after certain times of day your body loses the ability to digest carbohydrates," Sherry tells CBS News.

    The first 17 days of calorie restrictions may backfire: "You are cleansing your body of the unhealthy foods you have been eating," says Sherry. "But if you are not consuming enough calories to meet your resting metabolic needs, then you are in starvation mode which actually slows your metabolism."

    It’s an investment: While there’s plenty of store-bought foods that fall into the meal plans, dieters are encouraged to buy specific 17-Day Diet branded snacks like the breakfast cookie. That can rack up your bills unnecessarily.

    There's no cookie to buy, but there are recipes that you are encouraged to make. If there is a cookie pre-packaged, I haven't seen it and how is that different than any other manufactured product sold in stores?

    I follow the 17 day diet. Yes I know the 2pm rule is B.S. but here is why it works for me. My problem is night time snacking. I always ate crackers/starchy carbs. I have a fridge full of cut up veggies but at night I wanted the carbs. I planned my day for my snack but many times it turned into a binge. This 2 pm rule has helped me tremendously to stop this bad habit. You may not need to have a rule like this but for someone like me, it has changed my bad pattern.

    You can look at my diary.....does it look like I am not eating enough calories? I follow the book. I get the fats, the protein, the fruits and veggies and yogurt, cottage cheese, milk etc in. Yes, some people don't get all those in and have low calories for the day. Just like any other *diet* plan, way of eating or whatever name you want to slap on it, its all about how you decide to follow it.

    By the 3rd day I had more energy than I have had in a very long time. I used to suffer from terrible PMS symptoms. Since following this diet I haven't had hardly any. What I have had were so minuscule I barely noticed.

    Calorie cycling? How many times on MFP do you see this suggested everyday? Just because some call it zig-zagging doesn't change the fact its the same thing. I have always seen it encouraged to not always eat the same amount everyday and not just here on MFP.

    Starvation mode doesn't happen over night. Its only 17 days that are the most restrictive and again, if a person follows the plan the way it is written, they will hit 1200 plus calories.

    I've looked at many of diaries to see how other people were losing weight. I had been on a plateau for over a year and was sick of it. I've seen a lot of pre-packaged unhealthy foods and people who consumed many protein shakes and chicken every single day. No judgement from me. if that is how people lost their weight, are willing to continue eating that way and its working for them, who am I to be so self-righteous to suggest my way is better? Unless of course they were to ask my opinion :happy:

    The 17 day diet is not for everyone. The benefits I get from following this are so great, the weight loss is more of an extra bonus. I am very active through the day and do the same workouts as before this diet and I have no problems.

    To the OP, get more protein in, make sure to get those fats in and fruits, veggies and probiotics. Maybe you will find this diet isn't for you. Protein powder is approved so try adding that to yogurt, kefir or the milk. Since i have started using protein powder even before this diet it has helped me in many ways. Feel free to ask me any questions! I am not a *fad* diet sort of person so I did a lot of research on this. I am in no way shape or form an expert, but I can tell you what has worked for me to be successful. This started as an experiment, I had always said theres nothing I wouldn't give up to lose weight, so now I'm proving it to myself. This has become a way of life for me. Yes, I can still eat whatever I want, I'm just more aware of how much and I better plan for things now.