Comprehensive list of things you should not do at work



  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Talk loudly about how sick your kids were over the weekend, how that s**t was everywhere coming out of both ends, and then start grumbling about how you don't feel well whilst helping yourself to the communal biscuits...
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    -Whistle random 80s songs all day, and let's throw in "Do Your Ears Hang Low?" every other time
    -Have a conference call on speaker, full volume, with your door wide open
    -Pick your nose all day, then put your hand in the bowl of trail mix, chips, etc.
    -Make people feel sorry for you that you have diabetes, then eat 3 Dunkin Donuts for lunch and say "If I die, I'm gonna die."