relationship question



  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    handwrite him a letter and burn it.

    there's no reason to reopen any wounds he may have. and if he doesn't, then you'll be opening yourself up to criticism and mockery.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I think it was the wrong thing to do. If he's still into you, then you've just given him hope that you might want to get back together. If he's not still into you, it might come across like rubbing salt into a wound. I think you probably did it more for yourself than for him, anyways. You were feeling guilty and want him to "forgive" you.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Wow, surprised to see so many people with the basic mantra of 'forget all your exes'. My exes were my BEST friend for however long, how could you want to just throw that away? Sure, you both need time to deal with the initial hurt of the break up (and there is always going to be some for at least one of you) but then I see no reason why you wouldn't want to go back to being friends - if you truly had such a strong connection in the first place to find yourself in a relationship, why would you want to throw away the friendship?

    Some exes you cannot be friends with.
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    Yeah, I sorta wonder about this. I think it was the wrong thing to do. A year is a long time. I mean no disrespect, but are you just trying to find away to reinsert yourself into his brain without actually seeing him or being in a relationship? I mean, why even bring up all of that stuff? You said, "when I'm done, I'm done" but I think you've just proven that this is not the case. I think it was actually pretty manipulative. Sorry, but you asked.

  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Wait, you sent him an email a YEAR after y'all broke up? Do you really think he's still holding a candle for you?

    That's a long *kitten* wick

  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Shows you have a passionate and compassionate heart. I dont see any issue with what you did.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Wait, you sent him an email a YEAR after y'all broke up? Do you really think he's still holding a candle for you?
    Yes I do.., his friend emailed me the other day & said he did. I just wanted to explain why I did what I did & to say I was sorry. He is really a good guy, but really immature where relationships are concern.

    I’m getting ready to donate a kidney to someone & I’m trying to set everything right in my past, that’s all. Still wrong, ya think? IDK…
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Wow, surprised to see so many people with the basic mantra of 'forget all your exes'. My exes were my BEST friend for however long, how could you want to just throw that away? Sure, you both need time to deal with the initial hurt of the break up (and there is always going to be some for at least one of you) but then I see no reason why you wouldn't want to go back to being friends - if you truly had such a strong connection in the first place to find yourself in a relationship, why would you want to throw away the friendship?

    Some exes you cannot be friends with.

    i kinda feel like ALL exes you can't be friends with..
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member

    First off, are you my twin?? :) I did this very thing last year, because it was #2 on my bucket list 'to apologize to someone I dont want to apologize to.' My ex and I ended very badly and I felt guilty for a lot of things.

    Exes are exes for a reason- BUT.. I completely understand where you are coming from. If you wanted to apologize, which you did, and you are expecting nothing from it- then don't stress. You did what you needed to do to feel better.

    Don't worry about it!
    Some of these people were starting to make me cry over what I did. I’m just trying to find closure in things I didn’t handle so good in my past. He made me feel horrible so I thought at the time I would make him feel horrible by ignoring him. I wasn’t nasty, I just ignored him. I was just trying to make things right & help him understand too. GULP!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Wow, surprised to see so many people with the basic mantra of 'forget all your exes'. My exes were my BEST friend for however long, how could you want to just throw that away? Sure, you both need time to deal with the initial hurt of the break up (and there is always going to be some for at least one of you) but then I see no reason why you wouldn't want to go back to being friends - if you truly had such a strong connection in the first place to find yourself in a relationship, why would you want to throw away the friendship?

    Some exes you cannot be friends with.

    i kinda feel like ALL exes you can't be friends with..

    Even for a long term relationship? Maybe I pick my relationships too carefully.... but I wouldn't be willing to give up any of my exes as friends. Edited to add although I have needed time to process the break ups, otherwise would probably have a lot more trouble moving on. But yeah, after a year or so, I would have been disappointed if we didn't go back to being friends.
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    Unless it was a truly abusive relationship, I do not see anything wrong with what you did. You are not trying to rebuild the bridge - just put some closure on it. If he is still pining for you, the letter may be what he needs to find closure himself, and let him move on. It could do the opposite too, depending on how he interprets it, but that is really up to him.

    As far as being friends with an ex, a lot of that depends on the two people. For many people, it is possible to go back to being friends - but they have to both be willing. If one side is not willing, for whatever reason (jealousy, hurt, confusion, not willing to give up on the relationship, etc.), then it really is better for both to put it behind you and move on.

    As was said though, what is done is done, and only time will tell if it was the right thing to do or not. Don't beat yourself up about it though - you did what you thought was the right thing, and if it turns out otherwise, it is another life lesson to learn.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Wait, you sent him an email a YEAR after y'all broke up? Do you really think he's still holding a candle for you?
    Yes I do.., his friend emailed me the other day & said he did. I just wanted to explain why I did what I did & to say I was sorry. He is really a good guy, but really immature where relationships are concern.

    I’m getting ready to donate a kidney to someone & I’m trying to set everything right in my past, that’s all. Still wrong, ya think? IDK…
    Then in all seriousness, if he IS still pining for you, an apology might have hurt him. But what's done is done.
  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    So I wrote an email to my ex telling him I was sorry for the way it ended with us. When I’m done, I’m done. I wouldn’t take his calls or texts. When we were together he would do things unintentionally hurtful & try to fix it with flowers or trail mix. That’ happened to many times. I left him because he clearly wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. We broke up a year ago & I think about how badly I hurt him when I left him. I just wanted to tell him I’m sorry, that’s all.

    Was that the right or wrong thing to do?

    I think you are asking the wrong question....The question is not up to us to decide if you did the right or wrong thing....The question is do YOU think you did the right or wrong thing? Ultimately you are the one who has to decide whether or not you did the right thing.

    For myself, if I let others tell me if I did the right or wrong thing then I am allowing them to control what I think is right or wrong. I may ask for opinions of what they think but I have to live with the decision, they don't.

    So I ask you, do you think you did the right thing?
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Wait, you sent him an email a YEAR after y'all broke up? Do you really think he's still holding a candle for you?

    How long were you with him?
    Time to move on!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member

    First off, are you my twin?? :) I did this very thing last year, because it was #2 on my bucket list 'to apologize to someone I dont want to apologize to.' My ex and I ended very badly and I felt guilty for a lot of things.

    Exes are exes for a reason- BUT.. I completely understand where you are coming from. If you wanted to apologize, which you did, and you are expecting nothing from it- then don't stress. You did what you needed to do to feel better.

    Don't worry about it!
    Some of these people were starting to make me cry over what I did. I’m just trying to find closure in things I didn’t handle so good in my past. He made me feel horrible so I thought at the time I would make him feel horrible by ignoring him. I wasn’t nasty, I just ignored him. I was just trying to make things right & help him understand too. GULP!

    In this case, I think what you did was reopen a painful wound for him if you have no intention of reconciling.

    You may feel better, but you may have set him back to day one in grieving for your failed relationship.

    But what's done is done.
  • Raine7
    Raine7 Posts: 19
    Wow, people are soooo oppinionated. What is right for you may not be right for someone else. You didnt do anything wrong.
    There is no right or wrong in this situation. Sometimes we do need to apoligize for our actions. Dont let this get you down!
    Its not about a wick burning, its about an appology people.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Wow, people are soooo oppinionated. What is right for you may not be right for someone else. You didnt do anything wrong.
    There is no right or wrong in this situation. Sometimes we do need to apoligize for our actions. Dont let this get you down!
    Its not about a wick burning, its about an appology people.

    She solicited opinions .... that was the point of the original post.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Wow, surprised to see so many people with the basic mantra of 'forget all your exes'. My exes were my BEST friend for however long, how could you want to just throw that away? Sure, you both need time to deal with the initial hurt of the break up (and there is always going to be some for at least one of you) but then I see no reason why you wouldn't want to go back to being friends - if you truly had such a strong connection in the first place to find yourself in a relationship, why would you want to throw away the friendship?

    Some exes you cannot be friends with.

    i kinda feel like ALL exes you can't be friends with..

    Even for a long term relationship? Maybe I pick my relationships too carefully.... but I wouldn't be willing to give up any of my exes as friends. Edited to add although I have needed time to process the break ups, otherwise would probably have a lot more trouble moving on. But yeah, after a year or so, I would have been disappointed if we didn't go back to being friends.

    there's too much at stake with that arrangement. sure, you can control your actions and emotions, but there is no way of telling if your ex is truly on the same page. i have exes i broke up with over a year ago that still want to get back with me/break up what i have going now. no matter how 'mutual' a friendship with an ex may seem, there was initially love, feelings and commitment brought into that situation, which in turn, changes the dynamics of the nature of the relationship.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    It doesn't really matter what anyone thinks because you have already done it and cannot take it back.

    Time will tell if it was a good idea or not.
    Bingo. And not of the I9 variety.

    I don't know if you are making amends, holding a candle for this person, have ulterior motives or what.

    You aren't looking for advice, because you already took action. Are you seeking confirmation? Condemnation? Do you feel guilty?

    What do you mean was it the right or wrong thing to do? If 100 people tell you it was the right thing to do, what then? Are you at peace? If 100 people tell you it was the wrong thing to do, what then?

    I'm going to go out on limb and say that categorizing your actions as right or wrong on an Internet forum devoted to fitness might not get you the results you want. Wait till people start arguing over the advice others are giving to you. (wait, that's already happening)

    But who am I to judge? Maybe this is exactly what you wanted.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Wow, people are soooo oppinionated. What is right for you may not be right for someone else. You didnt do anything wrong.
    There is no right or wrong in this situation. Sometimes we do need to apoligize for our actions. Dont let this get you down!
    Its not about a wick burning, its about an appology people.


