Lean Cuisine



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    i'm guilty of eating 1 or 2 a week. They're so convenient and cheap when they're on sale and easy to carry to work (I have a long commute and then a long walk when I get off the train). But....I have been making a sincere effort to eat cleaner, cook more and plan ahead to avoid eating too many pre-packaged food.

    And of course you'll loose weight...if you work them into your daily calorie goal. The reason they are so 'lean' is because of their small portion size. I'm usually still hungry so I'll supplement with a side salad or fresh vegies.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i use them occasionally, but not all the time.

    i used them to start with to sort out what was appropriate in the way of portion sizes.

    i use them when my partner works away and i want to have a slack relaxed week and not bother about cooking and preparing food because that gets boring, when you have to prepare food for 2 fussy kids and myself and my fussy partner every day of the week... so it's my equivalent of when other people probably go and get take away, i have a lean cuisine when i don't feel like cooking.

    they have their place in the world, and it's always handy to have some in the freezer for when you get home late, have nothing in the house to eat, and you just chuck it in the microwave and be done with it, instead of going down to maccas.

    to live on, they are probably not that good, but if i was single and without kids, i'd probably eat more of them because who can be bothered prepping food every single day, not my idea of a good time.
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I do eat Lean Pockets on occasion, but not all the time because I will get sick of them.
  • nurseandi
    There is a few that I pick from that are "lower" in sodium. I also add a hanful of frozen veggies to each tray. If I really think about it... a sandwich/boca burger and a salad, or left overs will prob. have 400-500mg of sodium total....
    If i am not mistaken don't the new boxes and the spa cusines say "no preservatives" and "made with whole grains" "no artificial flavors" yahdy yahda yahda.... ? I agree, it's prob not true but one can only hope!!!!
  • Lanae7
    Lanae7 Posts: 50 Member
    I have them once in a while when I have no time to fix my lunch for the day. Nice to have something to rely on rather than eating fast food.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    :blushing: :blushing: Just had a Smart Ones for dinner:blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • SkinnyBitchMode19
    SkinnyBitchMode19 Posts: 34 Member
    When i first started this whole journey all i ate for lunch were lean cuisines/smart ones/etc because:

    A) they were easy to bring to work
    B) i needed to to teach myself better portion control. I did lose weight while i ate them, but they are not very filling.

    That being said, i now make my own lunches like a pita sandwich and salad and/or veggies. But i needed that baby step of frozen meals to help me get to the place of a good portion size.

    I haven't eaten one in over 2 months, but they are pretty convenient in a pinch.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Must have been too much coffee... I read the subject as " lean CRUISE"...I wondered what it was for a few seconds..
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I eat them almost every day for dinner and sometimes for lunch if I'm running late. I buy whatever ones are on sale, Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, or Healthy Choice. Each of these companies also have newish steamer dinners and bags and those are awesome too and a little healthier. I lost 30 pounds since the beginning of the year and ate one of these a day the entire time.
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    At first they are totally gross....I had to resort to these a few months ago when I returned to work. Getting up at 0400 and doing 10 hrs of work and coming home to a toddler, I needed quick and convenient. I was adding 1.5 cups of veggies, onion, garlic and fresh herbs to make them slightly healthier......and yeah, I lost weight. I don't add salt to any of my food otherwise.