What attracts you?



  • martini83
    martini83 Posts: 113 Member
    nice toned arms and shoulder and few tattoo's dont go astray either, and a bit of a tan
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Physically speaking, I'm first attracted to the eyes and facial structure. I generally like someone taller than me too. Dark hair is an added bonus.

    Personality speaking, if someone can make me laugh and hold a good conversation, I'm attracted. I tend to go for the intellectual type, the ones that have a good grasp on pretty much everything. History and science conversations are a turn on....weird I know.
  • dancefloordevil
    dancefloordevil Posts: 106 Member
    I am Sucker for some yummy arms....
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    tall, dark, handsome, built and some nice eyes! ... you know the works on the physical aspects! :smokin:
    but humble and compassionate on the inside... whole some great guy is a BIG turn on! :love:
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,610 Member
    I love those dimples on a woman's lower back...also soft skin =)

    That curve between a woman's side and her hip......yummm

    Ditto on the Yum!!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I tend to go for the intellectual type, the ones that have a good grasp on pretty much everything. History and science conversations are a turn on....weird I know.

    Not weird - same here. Someone who can debate with me and challenge me is HOT! Physically.... warm eyes and a big smile get me every time. Then Im checking out the arms and hands. Sense of humor is a must have! Must be able to let loose and laugh at yourself too.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    blonde hair and blues (especially BLUE eyes) and a nice non hairy back.
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    I agree....someone needs to make me smile and laugh! I was stuck with someone who was way too negative and always brought me down!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Ohhh I have to add wide shoulders....and always liked darker features aka skin, eyes, hair but nothing beats out someone who can make me bust a gut laughing =p
  • marmay07
    Someone who can make me laugh, and makes you feel like your the only one in the world.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I like men who treat you like a princess and are old fashioned but I love when they will fight with me (for play or practice) when my husand learns new defence moves he always teaches me, he is not afraid he knows that it is good for me to know this and know real strength because if someone does try to get ahold of me, I can fight back better

    I also love a man who knows how to handle his weapon
  • The V lines a guy's muscles make right by their groin. OMG I DIE FOR THAT!!!!!!!! And if were not being perverted I would have to say probably the eyes.
  • argharna
    I like both men and women. I go for the lips not their smile but just the lips, tattoos long hair.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I'd step away from the sink to see if I have that V but dont wanna get booted off here!
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    Attitude. I've met so many killer bodied women who went to average very quickly with a poor attitude...or low self-esteem. But, give me an average woman who has some swagger and confidence, and she jumps up to sexy real quick like. Now give me that super fit chick, with a couple tats, who also has the attitude and I'm ruined.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    THIS GUY ^
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I'd step away from the sink to see if I have that V but dont wanna get booted off here!

    ah come on!
  • MJKing2
    MJKing2 Posts: 177
    I tend to go for the intellectual type, the ones that have a good grasp on pretty much everything. History and science conversations are a turn on....weird I know.

    Not weird - same here. Someone who can debate with me and challenge me is HOT! Physically.... warm eyes and a big smile get me every time. Then Im checking out the arms and hands. Sense of humor is a must have! Must be able to let loose and laugh at yourself too.

    Agree! Agree! Agree!
  • PBJunkie
    PBJunkie Posts: 652
    Attitude. I've met so many killer bodied women who went to average very quickly with a poor attitude...or low self-esteem. But, give me an average woman who has some swagger and confidence, and she jumps up to sexy real quick like. Now give me that super fit chick, with a couple tats, who also has the attitude and I'm ruined.

    Couldn't agree more.
  • Scoobies87
    Initially, tall, broad shoulder and big guns :P. I also have a thing about guys with long hair and stubble, if I ever met a guy that looked like this I would go jelly legs!

    After the initial attraction, sense of humour and confidence.