The scent of a man...



  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    When a man has a distinct scent, whether it be natural or his body wash or cologne, I melt.

    Lets clarify though....a GOOD distinct scent! I've worked for multi-national companies for years and there are some countries where the distinct scent is BO, or BO mixed with cologne....gag! :sick:

    The distinct scent I am speaking of is the one that can't be described. It almost smells like cologne but it's not... :/

    I know exactly what you mean and I cant describe it either! Its a get all up in their neck kind of yummy. le sigh

    I dont like any of the spray colognes or perfumes. They smell like chemicals to me.
  • PBJunkie
    PBJunkie Posts: 652
    According to my gf I have a vanilla-ish natural smell, wonder if it has something to do with my washing powder or soap?
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    my opinion.... when i met the hubby he used lever 2000.. in the irish spring scent.. i absolutely loved that smell..... omg and anytime i smell it makes me think of him...... since then i have converted him to the way of b & bw (simply so i can still go there, its easier to get forgiveness for the amt if i buy him something too). The OAK body wash for men smells wonderful on him. I dont like colognes on him they are too heavy,, but the body wash is just the right amount and i love walking by the bathroom after he has left for work.. if i could put that scent on his pillow while he was away i would so i could still smell him as I go to sleep at night.

    now for those who feel the need for me to smell you before I see you.. that is wrong. some people get it others dont. you should wear just enough so that when you walk by i get a scent, kinda like when you walk by the door of the coffee shop as it opens and you smell the yummy coffee then the scent is gone as the door closes.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    I've explained this before and I'll explain it again.

    In the shower:
    Body Wash: Canus Goat's Milk Soap
    Shampoo/Conditioner: Garnier products
    Facial Scrubs: St. Ives Apricot (once a week), Noxema

    Shaving (The Art of Shaving Products):
    Pre-Shave Lavender Oil
    Lavender Essential Oil Shaving Cream [applied with Fine Badger Brush]
    Lavender After-Shave Balm

    Deodorant and Moisturizing:
    Weleda Sage Deodorant Spray
    Aveeno Body Lotion with SPF 15

    Dental Hygiene:
    Colgate Toothpaste
    Dental Floss

    John Varvatos or Ralph Lauren Double Black

    A few take-away points from this:
    1. Between the baby soap with goat's milk and the lavender shaving product, it's no secret that I have sensitive skin.
    2. Most people wear too much cologne. The rule of thumb is that it should be worn daily, but only smelled by a lover.
    3. Most people don't floss enough.
    4. Shave with a straight razor. It's cathartic to dedicate half an hour to shaving your face and it always ends up looking better.
    5. There is no such thing as a "masculine" or "feminine" scent. Aromas do not have gender...that's really all about marketing. Santa Maria Novella's Melograno or Jo Malone's Lime Basil & Mandarin may be marketed to women, but mix one of those into your cologne regime guys.
    6. If you wear antiperspirant, you will sweat more.
    7. Care about how you look. If you care about how you look, other people will notice.


    Gee - I must have missed the original memo, so thanks for reiterating it for us Ket. I'll sleep easier tonight knowing.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    Btw I generally smell of Marks & Spencers Woodspice plus Grand Marnier
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    AXE - yuk...sorry

    Me...I'm kind of simple

    Shower soap = Dove Men + Care Deep Clean

    Shampoo and Deoderant = Melaleuca brand wife gets them for me and I love em

    Aftershave - Burberry

    Also...I'm a floss aholic...Plackers :wink: best thing since sliced bread !!!
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Love scents!! Omg!! But I do agree if the person puts just a tad over the top of it..I can't linger nearby..I will start a sneezing fest..:noway: And depends on whose wearing that particular cologne/perfume/spray... because the body chemicals can totally alter the scent of that particular smell...

    If a scent goes by and I catch a whiff...I'm almost like the cartoon character... "Pepe Le Pew"... and :love:
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Believe it or not my body washes, face cleansers, colognes, lotions, et al tend to change as the seasons change. Fall/Winter usually means that I break out the "heavier" scents and oils (e.g. sandalwood, woodsy, musk) and in Spring/Summer I'll break out the lighter scents (citrus and grass). Some of my favorite colognes: Faconnable; Herrera; Drakkar, Grey Flannel, Paco Rabon and a lot of the traditional classic scents.

    Nothing feminine at all about a man who takes good care of their face and skin. I do it all: face scrubs, masks, manicures, pedicures, lotions, shaving (old school hot towel w/straight edge or safety razor) and bubble baths complete with back scrubber and glass of wine. If you look good, you feel good.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Believe it or not my body washes, face cleansers, colognes, lotions, et al tend to change as the seasons change. Fall/Winter usually means that I break out the "heavier" scents and oils (e.g. sandalwood, woodsy, musk) and in Spring/Summer I'll break out the lighter scents (citrus and grass). Some of my favorite colognes: Faconnable; Herrera; Drakkar, Grey Flannel, Paco Rabon and a lot of the traditional classic scents.

    Nothing feminine at all about a man who takes good care of their face and skin. I do it all: face scrubs, masks, manicures, pedicures, lotions, shaving (old school hot towel w/straight edge or safety razor) and bubble baths complete with back scrubber and glass of wine. If you look good, you feel good.

    that's a smart idea!!! And my mother always says if you look good you feel good...and I totally believe it...
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    I'm allergic to most perfumes & colognes. They make me sneeze or gag or both. :sad: I don't even use detergent that has perfume in it! I use All Free & Clear. No dryer sheets, just reusable dryer balls.

    I prefer my Hubby's natural (clean) smell. He uses Old Spice products that don't set off my allergies. (So does my Dad & you know what they say about a woman marrying a man that has a lot of things in common with their father. Lol!) Love a good man smell! Natural or hard work smell like a mechanic or a good earthy smell like digging in the dirt after a good rain.

    As for me, I don't wear any perfume or anything just Dove Ultimate deodorant in Smooth Cashmere.

    I do make my own potpourri for the different seasons out of things that I know won't set off the allergies.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'll take the smell of leather, exhaust and 10 hours on the road anytime...
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Does the smell of diesel fuel work? :smokin:

    Absolutely! Grew up around truckers, lumberjacks, & bikers. :happy:
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    When a man has a distinct scent, whether it be natural or his body wash or cologne, I melt.

    Lets clarify though....a GOOD distinct scent! I've worked for multi-national companies for years and there are some countries where the distinct scent is BO, or BO mixed with cologne....gag! :sick:

    The distinct scent I am speaking of is the one that can't be described. It almost smells like cologne but it's not... :/

    I know exactly what you mean and I cant describe it either! Its a get all up in their neck kind of yummy. le sigh

    I dont like any of the spray colognes or perfumes. They smell like chemicals to me.

  • Legalchica
    no! I really dont like most of that kind of stuff. there is something be said however for the natural smell of a man, not overworked not freshly showered but that natural man smell... or maybe its just me ....
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I love the smell of my husbands deoderant Gillett Cool wave. I really dont care for any of the axe products, they stink to me!
  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    there this nivea gel for aftershave for guys...OMG OMG!!
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    I like my man to smell like leather and wood and hard work. MMMMMM

    oh my yes...
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    My hubster wears axe, but instead of spraying an X on his body he just puts one shot on his chest. It's also the citrus-y one, I think it's hard to go wrong with citrus unless you soak in a vat of it.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    No. I've always preferred men who smelled like engine grease and a run in the rain...


    Lol, I use Irish Spring bodywash, the same deodorant..., and work outdoors in the weather. Sun, wind, and rain, with my natural smell and whatevers left of my soap pretty much covers me.

    Except on weekends...which is usually when I preferred work on whatever Mustang project was close at hand. So then it would be oil, gasoline, old car leather, my natural smell, and whatevers left of my soap.

    I guess I'm just low maintenance when it comes to that stuff lol.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    No. I've always preferred men who smelled like engine grease and a run in the rain...


    Lol, I use Irish Spring bodywash, the same deodorant..., and work outdoors in the weather. Sun, wind, and rain, with my natural smell and whatevers left of my soap pretty much covers me.

    Except on weekends...which is usually when I preferred work on whatever Mustang project was close at hand. So then it would be oil, gasoline, old car leather, my natural smell, and whatevers left of my soap.

    I guess I'm just low maintenance when it comes to that stuff lol.

    Now that is just plain HOT. . . Mustangs and masculinity. . . .that is a prescription.. . . for a heck of passionate union~!