Married Women



  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    I would just remind myself that I'm doing this for me not for him. It's about my body and my health so I'm going to keep working on it till I get where I want to be

    Agree 100%

    Did you ask him why he is acting the way he is?
  • Raf702
    Raf702 Posts: 196 Member
    Communicate! Ask him straight forward what the problem is. That's the best way of avoiding any assumptions that you would rather not think about. If you honestly think it's about your weight than, it's something that you should decide to do because you want to. And not just to please your husband. You can't make someone truly happy if your not happy yourself.
  • shawnsasylum

    You are a beautiful woman. I bet there are a ton of men who wish they could be in his shoes. He just doesn't realize it.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Well put. Especially the "vavoom" part. I should tell my wife Eileen. No wait--it's ME who's trying to get in shape!

    Thanks. I figure I'm licensed, may as well take advantage of that. Haha
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Tee hee, I'm glad to see a beautiful woman express these thoughts! I am super sensitive to my hubby's moods and try not to let it affect me. I workout for me but sometimes I feel like I eat for him, so when we he is distant I wanna binge! Make sure you fond a workout you enjoy that can be a source of stress relief for you. I find I do more turbofire when we're not getting along!
  • reese1206
    reese1206 Posts: 229
    That's how it makes me feel. I'm trying so hard to motivate myself but I'm sucking at it... LOL.
    Tee hee, I'm glad to see a beautiful woman express these thoughts! I am super sensitive to my hubby's moods and try not to let it affect me. I workout for me but sometimes I feel like I eat for him, so when we he is distant I wanna binge! Make sure you fond a workout you enjoy that can be a source of stress relief for you. I find I do more turbofire when we're not getting along!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Have you asked him what was wrong? Sometimes guys just need their space. The key to a successful relationship is communication! Don't hound him, but let him know that you are there when he's ready to talk! I hope things get better. It sucks, I hate it when my hubs is distant. I think men get "periods" worse than women, almost like I'm taking care of two babies.
  • rachie590
    rachie590 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I'm not married, but my boyfriend and I live together and this distant thing has bothered me more than anything in our relationship. He is a great guy and treats me wonderful and he is most definitely not a cheater. I always feel like such a brat when I get upset b/c of his being distant. It's always work/stress related. I regret that the only way I have found this out is by bottling it up until I end up confronting him and crying my eyes out and asking him if he wants to break up. It's happened about 3 times since we have been dating (4 years). I thought that I was just unlucky in being in love with someone who gets like this from time to time........until now!! It's so refreshing to see all of these posts about husbands who get distant when they are stressed. I'm extremely private about my relationship and don't talk about my "problems" with my I have missed out on this advice.

    I just have to say this has changed how I think completely!!! Although I am madly in love with my boyfriend and he is with me too, I have often wondered if it would be normal to choose to be with someone forever who goes through these periods of grumpiness/distance. Now I have none of those reservations b/c I see that it is a completely normal cycle of relationships!

    I just can't thank you enough for sharing this!!
    Ps- You are gorgeous and I don't know if you run...but running is my favorite outlet for frustration and bonus it makes you look great!!
  • yevasdottir
    yevasdottir Posts: 23 Member
    Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, it doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. He might have nothing more to give at the moment.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    first, you are gorgeous. second, this could be just about him and not a reflection on you. it probably has NOTHING to do with anything you have or have not done. :bigsmile:

    it probably is something at work or what have you; you probably can't solve it (and he probably won't want you too, because he's a guy....), but listening could be good for him and get you out of your funk.