I Think My Husband Wants a Divorce

and i also think he's an idiot. what gives him the right to try to leave me behind? oh, darn, things're hard! tough squigglies! trying to "spare me" the pain and trouble of living through these hard times is NOT what love is supposed to be about! he said "for richer or for poorer", the fool! this is just the "poorer". i NEVER said i wanted to be gone! i NEVER said he wasn't good enough. i NEVER even PRETENDED that i could EVER be without him.

more importantly, he sucks at money and lacks self-discipline. he won't get out of his current troubles if i don't help him. but, if he lets me stay, we'll have about 5 years of pain and heartache and sacrifice, and then a LIFETIME of freedom and security. i know i can make that happen. God has already told me that this is how things will go if we buckle down and work hard right now. the blessings are literally right around the (really really big, scary, dark, ominous-looking) corner. it's an if/then relationship. IF you work hard, THEN you will be rewarded. simple as that. that's how life works in the end. sometimes it just takes awhile.

he loves me. he believes that i have good-will toward our relationship. and he trusts me with our children. we'll be fine, if we work at it.

now all i have to do is convince him to work at it.


  • New_Hope
    AMEN! I hope you two can work it out and that things get better.
    PHYYOU Posts: 11 Member
    will be praying for you.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Sounds like you two need to have a talk. Good luck.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    oh god i know how this feels, even though im not married im in a serious relationship and everytime it gets tough my bf thinks it would be easier on me if we were "Just friends" until i basically told him like it is. I ranted on how im not going anyway and he cant just push me away when times are hard.

    i hope you get through this together

  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    so sorry girl! that is tough. I will say a prayer for you both.
  • skinz2k2
    skinz2k2 Posts: 99 Member
    Dear Lord, please intercede for this family and give them patience and acceptance to work through the issues they face. Amen
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Good luck. I hope everything works out so you are both happy.
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    Sounds like he's scared, but has trust issues that if he tries and fails, you'll still be there. Maybe you two can try some counseling?
  • ANewMaria2014
    ANewMaria2014 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that, I wish you the best of luck!!
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Agreed with most of what you said, but maybe he is scared of the fact you are talking to an invisible man.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    You can do your best, but what I found out is that it takes 2 to make the marriage work. You can only carry an unwilling person for so long.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Lovely you mentioned some things that lead me to believe you have a strong faith base. If so, you know that you are trusting God and just before your blessing the enemy will try to make you stray. You stay true to God and you keep praying and you will prevail.

    I wonder how deep it is that it would take 5 years to recover. I did credit repair for years and not that rip off stuff. I actually want to start a business doing this for low income families. If you feel comfortable sharing with me (not your personal info) but your situation details I can assist you to see if there are any shortcuts to a quicker recovery. There are little things like messing around with interest rates on debt or moving debt around to get lower rates or even the order that you pay the debt off will drastically save you tons in the long run and get you out of debt quicker. It is work, but way worth it.

    God bless you both and good luck.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i think you will make it through this just fine. some people have a flight response when things get tough but stay grounded and stay strong in faith
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    You can do your best, but what I found out is that it takes 2 to make the marriage work. You can only carry an unwilling person for so long.

    Agreed!! You can't "force" love...he needs to be just as committed as you are. If he's not, let him go and don't let him drag you down.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    and i also think he's an idiot

    don't lose respect for him or things will be that much harder
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    Agreed with most of what you said, but maybe he is scared of the fact you are talking to an invisible man.

    you are my hero =]
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Agreed with most of what you said, but maybe he is scared of the fact you are talking to an invisible man.

    seriously? come on man this isnt the time to take jabs at a person's religion
  • tattooedtwiin
    Starting out a sentence with I also think he's an idiot won't help. Would you want him to read that?
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    and i also think he's an idiot. what gives him the right to try to leave me behind? oh, darn, things're hard! tough squigglies! trying to "spare me" the pain and trouble of living through these hard times is NOT what love is supposed to be about! he said "for richer or for poorer", the fool! this is just the "poorer". i NEVER said i wanted to be gone! i NEVER said he wasn't good enough. i NEVER even PRETENDED that i could EVER be without him.

    more importantly, he sucks at money and lacks self-discipline. he won't get out of his current troubles if i don't help him. but, if he lets me stay, we'll have about 5 years of pain and heartache and sacrifice, and then a LIFETIME of freedom and security. i know i can make that happen. God has already told me that this is how things will go if we buckle down and work hard right now. the blessings are literally right around the (really really big, scary, dark, ominous-looking) corner. it's an if/then relationship. IF you work hard, THEN you will be rewarded. simple as that. that's how life works in the end. sometimes it just takes awhile.

    he loves me. he believes that i have good-will toward our relationship. and he trusts me with our children. we'll be fine, if we work at it.

    now all i have to do is convince him to work at it.

    God told you?
  • marshalemar
    Praying that everything works out for you and your family. When things are tough, it is hard to see that things can be better with a little work. Marriage is not always easy, but if you truly love someone you can work through just about anything. Sounds like you are faithful and have a true love for him - hope you can open his eyes to that and everything works out.
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