confrontation, what do you think?

so I go to the gym every morning and get on the elliptical and lately there is a woman that no matter what machine I'm on she is right next to me or right in front of me. The problem is that she wears the worse smelling perfume and lots of it. I have actually stopped in the middle of a workout to switch machines to get away from her. Today was the worst, I only had like 15 minutes left and she comes up right next to me and today the perfume is really heavy to the point that it got my sinuses throbbing. I want to be polite and not say anything to her but I can't take it, its making me very uncomfortable and sick. The girls at the front say there is nothing they can do because she's not bothering anyone but I'm telling you I don't know what kind of skunk oil she is putting on but I was feeling sick this morning after smelling that stuff for 5 minutes. I am going to confront her tomorrow and just ask that she not come so close to me during workouts because her perfume is killing my sinuses, what do you think? I don't want to offend her but I cant take it anymore and I can go super early and run late she is always there so there's no getting around her, I just have to come out and do it, have you ever had to confront someone and how did it go?


  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Since you tried working with the staff and they failed to step up then..Yes. I would say, "Excuse me. I am sure that your perfume is lovely but I seem to have an allergy to it." Explain that you are very uncomfortable from it when she worksout so near wearing the perfume and would she please try to use machines that are not so close to you. That it is nothing personal. If that does not work go to the gym director or the corporate offices.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I think you should move to a different machine or workout at a different time.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    i had a lady that worked for me in a call center that had the worst halitosis (bad breath) you've ever smelled. she only had a few teeth and was scheduled for dentures in a few weeks anyways. But people around her complined constantly and seriously, you couldnt get within 5 feet of her and you would smell the rot and decay. so I had to counsel her on it.. .that really sucked.. .how to you tell a grown lady that her breath stinks and she needs to use mouthwash. Ahhh.. the joys of management....
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I think you should move to a different machine or workout at a different time.
    This...confronting her will likely not go well, no matter how "polite" you are
  • kiawya
    kiawya Posts: 73
    You have to say something.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    saying something may just make things SO much worse, not to mention, completely uncomfortable for all involved.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    WOW- this could be a tough one. I think its all in how you say. Start very nice, like hi, how are you? Then say something like i love your dedication, i see you everyday. Next lead with you have very bad allergies or sinus issues and that perfume and strong orders make them worst and you noticed that when she works out near you have issues. Last end with it really great that's she working out and your not trying to offend her its just you want to get the best workout too.

    She may not even know its that strong since no one has told her. If she's a classy lady she'll take your words in the kind spirit you give them. If she's not hopefully she'll get mad that when you arrive or she see's you at the gym she moves far away from you.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I think you should move to a different machine or workout at a different time.
    This...confronting her will likely not go well, no matter how "polite" you are

    Sometimes you just have to suffer through, sorry.
  • MarySunshine70
    I hate confrontation! (: This is probably passive aggressive.... but set up your elliptical with a fan between you and her & possibly wear a mask... like a doctor's mask.
    An old friend of mine said that women wear make-up & perfume because they are ugly & smell bad - she's probably really insecure.
    Also - I'd keep talking to management about changing their policy regarding strong smells... if the smell was bad body odor or unwashed body BET they'd change their tune. I've been to many gyms that have a policy of "no perfume" on a sign in the locker rooms - so I's sure you're not alone.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I would just politely tell her that her perfume is too strong for you and it makes you sick. I have the same problem. My Mom is worse. People don't realize when they cake their perfume and cologne on that it affects other people. I will be sick for days if it's that really strong musky perfume. You tried to talk to the staff and they couldn't help. I would just politely ask if she could not wear so much when she comes to the gym or not pick a machine right by you.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    So, I think confronting her will not go well. And, I do understand the gym Staff not wanting to say anything . Have you tried putting some Vicks under your nose before you start working out? OR, I got some great smelling oil that is a eucalyptus/peppermint oil. Great for energy, when you need it... but, also would possibly help cover the perfume smell.

    Let us know how it turns out and what you decide to do...
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Many public places are becoming scent free because of sensitivities and allergies. My husband is allergic to synthetic fragrance, so we encounter this a lot. You could ask if the gym would consider becoming scent free, especially since warming fragrance by exercising will definitely make it stronger. Is the woman using this machine beside you because there aren't very many to begin with?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    THe gym staff should really say something, perfume is usually against gym rules due to the potential of allergic reactions. They could be in for some serious expense if that woman happens to step up to somebody with a severe allergy who collapses and gets seriously injured because of it.
  • foodluver27
    You could ask her what kind of perfume she wears and when she tells you what it is..tell her "I thought so I am very allergic to that perfume" and say that unfortunately you can't tolerate it. Like the lady mentioned above commend her on her hard work and dedication. Tell her you enjoy seeing her around but unfortunately you may have to steer clear due to your allergy. You could also ham it up and say you love the smell but unfortunately your allergies don't and you may break out into a rash :wink:
  • hardatwork45
    hardatwork45 Posts: 80 Member
    I think you should move to a different machine or workout at a different time.
    This...confronting her will likely not go well, no matter how "polite" you are

    Sometimes you just have to suffer through, sorry.

    I move all the time and no matter if I go really early or running late- I run into her. There are at least 20 machines there but she always picks the one directly in front of me or right next to me and she is friendly always smiles when she comes in this is why I think I'll be able to ask her about the perfume. I was just wondering if anyone had this problem before.
  • ladyjade68
    This makes me think of when I first started working for "our" company 20 years ago, and Carl Palmer (remember him?) confronted me and told me that he was allergic to my perfume! I said to myself "who the he** is this guy?"
    Anyway, maybe ask her what perfume she is wearing. It's hard though, cause I walk outside, and some people wear so much cologne that it even bothers my nose outside!!
    Good luck girl!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Do you know where she keeps her stuff? In a locker or box at the gym? maybe leave an anonymous note?
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    It's funny how one letter change would make this so much easier (i.e. "he" instead of "she"). I'M JUST SAIYAN!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    There are always people at the gym who offend somebody's olfactory sense. If it isn't perfume, it is cigarette smoke, BO, last night's alcohol or just dirty gym clothes.

    I think the poster who suggested rubbing a bit of peppermint oil or something under your nose has the best idea. I would still try to speak to management about implementing a no fragrance rule, though.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes, because we're all pretty nosy.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I vote NO. Do not confront her. There are other areas of the gym that you can move to when she comes up beside you. So sorry if you felt like doing the elliptical, go play on the treadmill or the weight circuit, or the bikes, or the stair steppers, or the free weight area, or the stability ball.....anywhere else. Or change the time you go. I think it wouldn't solve anything to confront her, if anything it will piss her off and cause her to make it a point to come near you just to make the B who told her she stinks suffer. IMO.